Файл: To be в Present Simple (в Настоящем простом времени).docx

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Различают следующие части речи:

Имя существительное. TheNoun Общие сведения

Производные имена существительные

Имена     существительные      собственные      и           нарицательные.

Образование множественного числа имен существительных.

О природе некоторых падежей

Личные местоимения,




Сказуемое. ThePredicate

Question (вопрос)



Упражнения на повторение:



( Степени сравнения прилагательных)

Adjectives       ending      in             er,       ow,      etc       (2      syllables) (двуслоговые прилагательные)

Adjectives ending on ous, ing, ful, ed( 2 syllables) and long adjectives (3/4 syllables)

As … as, not as/so … as

The … the …

Older than    more expensive than

It’s twice/three times/four times as long/light/heavy/high as

have got have

Negative                   Negative

Questions            Questions

Short answers   Short answers

to mean to meet to put to read to ring to run to say to see to sell to send to set
to show to shut to sing to sit
to sleep to speak to spend to stand to swim to take to teach to tell
to think to throw to
understand to win
to write
meant met put read rang ran said saw sold sent set
showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood swam took taught told thought threw
understoo d
won wrote
meant met put read rung run said seen sold sent set shown shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood swum taken taught told
thought thrown understoo d
won written
позволять зажигать терять делать значить встречать класть читать звонить бежать
сказать, говорить видеть
продавать посылать помещать, класть показывать закрывать
петь сидеть спать говорить тратить, проводить стоять плавать брать учить сказать думать бросать понимать
выигрывать писать


Have got = Have (в значении “иметь”, “обладать”).

Форма “havegot” чаще употребляется в разговорной речи.

Форма “havegot “ впрошедшем времени не употребляется.

I’ve got a bad cold. но

I had a bad cold last week.

have got have


Positive                                                     Positive


I have got some money             I have some money You have got some money                                                     You have some money

We have got some money                     We have some money      

They have got some money                    They have some money


He has got some money                  He has some money

She has got some money                She has some money

It has got some money                    It has some money


Negative                   Negative


I haven’t got any money                  I don’t have any money You haven’t got any money                  

You don’t have any money              We haven’t got any money                   

We don’t have any money               They haven’t got any money                  

They don’t have any money              He hasn’t got any money                    

He doesn’t have any money           Shehasn’t got any money                   

She doesn’t have any money It hasn’t got any money      It doesn’t have any money


Questions            Questions

Have I got any money?                Do I have any money?

Have you got any money?           Do you have any money?

Have we got any money?             Do we have any money?

Have they got any money?           Do they have any money?

Has he got any money?                Does he have any money?

Has she got any money?               Does she have any money?

Has it got any money?                   Does it have any money?


How much money have you got?  

How much money do you have?

How many credit cards have I got?        

How many credit cards do I have?



Short answers   Short answers


Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.             Yes, I do./ No I don’t.

Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.        Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.