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Добавлен: 17.03.2024
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Выполнила: Меркурьева И.В гр. zm1114
Abstract of the article: the importance of computer technologies in primary education.
The article discusses the importance of ICT. It is said that many believe that ICT needs to be better integrated into the curriculum so that all schools produce computer-literate and independent students. A good knowledge of ICT makes it much easier for children to find and organize information. The article also highlights the opinion that the inclusion of computers in the curriculum will lead to better teaching and learning outcomes. And it is also noted that children did better in schools with good computer resources, but had a lower level of academic performance when there were fewer resources.
Merkuryeva Irina Vladimirovna
Age: 38 years old
Children: two daughters
Contact phone number: 89504626827
Strengths of character:
Stress tolerance, benevolence, communication skills, flexibility.
Professional skills:
- diagnosis of the problem;
- individual and group counseling skills;
- skills in conducting psychological testing and processing the results obtained;
- skills of drawing up psychological maps, conclusions, characteristics, ideas;
- knowledge of psychodiagnostic techniques:
- skills of conducting psychological training;
- experience in conducting child-parent training.
from 2020 to 2022, Perm State University of Humanities and Education, Perm - Management of the educational environment, Master's degree
from 2015 to 2019, PGGPU psychological and pedagogical education, bachelor's degree
from 2005-2009, Teacher Training College. The teacher.
Employment opportunities: Secondary school
Personal interests: gardening, drawing.
Term | Translation |
primary school | Начальная школа |
secondary school | Средняя в школе |
vocational school | Профессиональное училище |
technical school | Техникум |
full-time department | Полный рабочий день отдела |
part-time department | Отдел неполного рабочего времени |
correspondence department | Заочное отделение |
undergraduate | Студент |
academic year | Учебный год |
theses | Тезисы |
doctoral degree | Докторская степень |
PhD | доктор философии |
to get a scholarship | чтобы получить стипендию |
credit | кредит |
a graduation project | дипломный проект |
Master degree student | Магистрант |
Bachelor degree student | Студент бакалавриата |
applicant | заявитель |
term | срок |
postgraduate study\course | Аспирант, аспирантура |
objective \ aim | Цель |
to take notes | делать заметки |
course paper | курсовая работа |
lecturer | лектор |
knowledge | знания |
research | исследование |
science | наука |
field of study | область исследования |
fundamental research | фундаментальные исследования |
investigation | расследование |
assumption | предположение, |
to make a conclusion | чтобы сделать вывод |
time-table | расписание |
curriculum | учебный план |
key concept | ключевая концепция |
метод | method |
технология | technology |
компетентностный подход | competence approach |
компетенция | competence |
компетентность | competence |
оценивание | assessment |
средства оценивания | tools |
итоговое оценивание | final assessment |
текущее оценивание | current assessment self |
самооценивание | assessment mutual |
взаимооценивание | assessment |
групповая работа | group work |
индивидуальная работа | individual work |
работа в парах | work in pairs |
обучение | training |
учение | teaching |
мультимедийные ресурсы | multimedia resources |
образовательный процесс | educational process |
методический прием | methodological approach |
адаптация | adaptation |
личностно-ориентированный подход | personality-oriented approach |
образовательный стандарт | educational standard |
методическое пособие | methodological guide |
рефлексия | reflection |
дидактические игры | didactic games |
мотивация | motivation |
инклюзивное образование | inclusive education |
воспитание | education |
критическое мышление | critical thinking |
дошкольное образование | preschool education |
информационная технология | information technology |
коммуникативный подход | communicative approach |
образовательная программа | educational program |
методология | methodology |
методика | methodology |
педагогика | pedagogy |
психология | psychology |