Файл: Контрольная работа 1 Выполнил студент гр. (подпись) Проверил доцент кафедры ис.docx

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Добавлен: 27.03.2024

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1 That is why, the sort of programming

2These methods are

  1. In recent years great attention has been

  1. In recent years great attention has been

  1. Automata in such a system

6 So the process of software

  1. could be considered as a type of synchronous programming.

  2. based on the giving specifica­tion for the developing project with the help of set of connected transition graphs.

3 paid to the development of the technology of programming for the embedded systems and real¬time systems.

  1. which is based on this term was called "automata-based programming" in paper.

  1. can interact by nesting, by calling ability and with the help of state numbers inter change.

6 based on the giving specifica­tion for the developing project with the help of set of connected transition graphs.

4. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие ниже­следующие слова и выражения:

красным отметил слова которые нашел в тексте.

1-a technology of programming

2-synchronous programming

3-a software development

4-computing devices

5-a searing mode

6-input actions

7-an automata system

8-standard facilities

9-a computing system
1-технология программирования

2-Синхронное Программирование

3-разработка программного обеспечения

4-вычислительная техника

5-жгучая современные

6-входное воздействие

7-автоматизированная система

8-стандартные удобства

9-вычислительная система
5. Закончите предложения:

  • These system have ... available in several variants, for different types of tasks to be solved and for different types of computing devices.

  • In our time… the technology has been extended to event-based (reactive) systems.

  • With this approach there… is a formal and isomorphic method for transitioning from the transition graph to the source code these methods are based

  • This method ... is based on the created program.

  • This article describes ...introduction of automated programming technology which contains meaningful identifiers and comments.

  • Any Protocol can be drawn up ...which can be viewed as an action scenario.

This project has already been done ...implemented in modern technologies/
6. Определите истинность или ложность следующих предложений:

  • This methods could be considered as a type of synchronous programming. True.

  • That is why the sort of programming, which is based on this term was called "state-based programming" in paper. True.

  • That is why the technology of "state-based programming" in paper was called as "switch-technology". True.

  • So this king of programming was called as "state-based programming". True.

  • After addition of the term "output action", the term "input action" could be brought in. False.

  • Using offered approach, programming is to be performed using the concept of "state" and of "flag variables". False.

  • Henceforward described approach was evolved by N. I. Tukkel developing systems for microcontrollers. True.

  • In automata-based programming protocols will be build automatically at the real-time. True.


♦Эти методы можно рассматривать как разновидность синхронного программирования. Истинно

♦Именно поэтому тот вид программирования, который основан на этом термине, был назван в статье "программирование на основе состояний". Истинно

♦Именно поэтому технология "программирования на основе состояний " в статье была названа"switch-технологией". Истинно

♦Таким образом, этот вид программирования был назван "программированием на основе состояний". Истинно

♦После добавления термина " выходное действие "можно было бы ввести термин" входное действие". Ложно

♦Используя предложенный подход, программирование должно осуществляться с использованием понятия "состояние" и "флаговые переменные". Ложно

♦Отныне описанный подход был развит Н.И. Туккелем при разработке систем для микроконтроллеров. Истинно

♦В автоматном программировании протоколы будут строиться автоматически в режиме реального времени. Истинно
7. Составьте предложения:

  • Event, the, the, has, term, in, used, been, programming,

  • and, wider, in, programming. So this king of programming was called as "state-based programming".

  • The, after, of, term, "automaton", brought, be, addition,

"output action", the, term, could,in. After introduction of the term "input action" the term "automaton without outputs" could be brought in.

  • This, been, for, project, system, had, with, ix86 architecture, implemented, computing. This project had been implemented for computing system with architecture ix86.

  • Of, is, advantage, that, may, all, technology, be, personal, on, automata, design, done, using, computer. Advantage of automata technology is that all design may be done on personal computer using technology.

8. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопроси­тельную и отрицательную форму:

  • In recent years a great attention has been paid to the development of the technology of programming for the embedded systems and real-time system.

  • Is it true that in recent years a lot of attention has been paid to the development of programming technology for embedded systems and real-time systems?

  • The process of software creation could be named "automata software design".

  • The process of creating software could not be called "automatic software design".

  • This allows to introduce in programming the term "program observability".

  • The term "program observability"cannot be introduced into Programming.

  • It allows to understand and specify the task and its parts better.

  • What allows you to better understand and specify the task and its parts?

  • The technology of "automata-based programming" in paper was called as "Switch-technology".

  • Is it true that the technology of "automatic programming"in the article was called "Switch-technology"?

  • In 1996 Russian Fund for Fundamental Investigations in the context of publishing project № 96-01-14066.

  • Is it true that in 1996 the Russian Foundation for basic research in the framework of publishing project No. 96-01-14066?

  • Henceforth automata approach was spread to the event-based (reactive) systems.

  • Is it true that the automated approach was extended to event-based (reactive) systems?

  • Last type of interaction is described in work.

  • What type of interaction is described in the work?

  • Last property allows to verify the propriety of automata system functioning.

  • What is the last property that allows you to check the correct functioning of the automatic system?

  • Logging is performed automatically.

  • Logging is not performed automatically.

  • This mechanism could be also used for large scale tasks.

  • This mechanism cannot be used for large-scale tasks.

  • Mentioned system was specified with help of more than thirteen interacting automata.

  • Is it true that the specified system was set using more than thirteen interacting automata?

  • These documents replace self documenting programs.

  • How do these documents replace self-documenting programs?

  • This project had been implemented for computing system with architecture ix86.

  • What project was implemented for a computer system with the ix86 architecture?

9. Составьте план пересказа текста на английском языке.
The article introduction of automated programming technology says that in recent years a lot of time has been devoted to the development of technologies and programming. The new technology of "automatic programming" in the article was called "Switch-technology". Currently, this technology is being developed in several variants, for different types of tasks to be solved and for different types of computing devices. A procedural approach to software development was used to program event systems using automata. This is why this type of programming has been called "state-based programming". Using this method output actions are assigned to the arcs, loops or nodes of the transition graphs. It is proposed to use an automated approach not only for the development of control systems, but also for modeling control objects. The advantage of automata technology is that all design can be performed on a personal computer.
10. Сделайтесообщениепотеме: "Technology of automata-based programming".
This article talks about new technologies and programming that have been introduced. The author wanted to convey to the reader information about new programming systems and new ways of using them in our time.
11. Составьтеаннотациюктексту.

The article about the introduction of a new technology of automated programming says that in recent years a lot of time has been devoted to the development of technologies and programming.