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Кафедра иностранных языков


Утверждено на заседании кафедры

протокол № 10 от 24.04.2020

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык ( английский язык) Категория обучающихся: бакалавры ( 1 курс, второй семестр)

Письменное тестирование


Заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков _______________ Путиловская Т.С.

Вариант № 08-1-2020 \ 01.06.2020

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Письменное тестирование по английскому языку является частью итоговой аттестации.

Письменное тестирование состоит из двух разделов:

раздел 1- (reading)чтение, раздел 2 – (grammar and vocabulary) грамматика и лексика, включающих в себя 30 заданий.

На выполнение письменного тестирования отводится 60 минут.

Ответы к заданиям 1- 30 записываются в виде одной буквы, которая соответствует букве выбранного ответа. Эту букву запишите в лист ответов. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

ВНИМАНИЕ: задания экзаменационного тестирования выполняются

впечатной форме в листе ответов, предложенном в файле WORD,

иотправляется в «личный кабинет» преподавателя-экзаменатора


Read the article divided into paragraphs (1-6) and choose the best title (A-G) for each paragraph. Use each letter only once.

Handling customer complaints


A Complaints that are hard to handle

E How to answer angry complaints






B Customer service channels

F Necessity of quality customer service






C Inevitability of customer complaints

G Developing individual approach to









D Searching for your favorite customer











1.The greatest business professional in the world, employed at a fantastic company and completely focused on performing his or her work-related tasks, will undoubtedly be faced with dissatisfied and potentially angry customers at some point; these customers will speak of complaints that they believe to be entirely valid and pressing. As seasoned financial experts can attest to, even if one does everything correctly in business, unforeseen dilemmas will appear; that’s simply the nature of the industry.

2.It must be emphasized that how a business specialist reacts to these issues will define his or her reputation, as well as that of his or her company. Furthermore, responding to customer complaints, or specific issues voiced by clients with regard to a transaction, can be demanding, exhausting, and aggravating, but it’s once again imperative that the process be completed to the highest possible degree of quality.

3.Typically, customer complaints are addressed over the phone, as this communication form is a favorite of business experts, given its personal and direct general nature. Nevertheless, customer service involves much more than answering questions over the phone. Responding to tickets through email, live chat, and social media are equally important communication channels for customers. While there's plenty of overlap in the customer service skills required to do a great job, each customer service channel benefits from a unique approach to these skills

4.Customers are likely to be angry, annoyed, and frustrated when reporting a complaint; clients often believe that unexpected order dilemmas solely affect them. Thus, it’s not difficult to see why they become agitated; from their perspective, order issues are personal slights. If a support professional is calm and focused, however, he or she should resolve the issue quickly, and in a way that enhances the chances of a long and healthy business relationship being enjoyed.

5.Generally, serious customer complaints pertain to issues that cannot quickly be fixed—or even gauged. For example, if a customer’s order is damaged in the mail, his or her complaint is likely to be straightforward; a replacement item, discount, refund, or some combination of these things can be provided. But, if a customer complains about a product being “not good,” and about customer support being “really bad,” a resolution becomes much harder to achieve.

6.Getting your strategy for handling complaints right involves thinking about how you interact with customers at every contact point. You need to understand your customers, respond to their needs and any effectively handle complaint they may have. The secret is to tailor your approach to the individual. One useful theory you can use is that your customer will have one of four temperament styles - aggressive, passive, analytical and expressive. Each of these personality types will approach the complaints process in their own way. Look out for them and respond accordingly.

Part II (7 – 10)

Read the article below.

For each question (13-20 ), mark one letter (А, В or C) to choose the correct answer.

Advertising space

The average person does not only see over 500 advertisements every day. He is also a walking billboard for his or her favorite brands simply by wearing their clothes. But these people are not getting paid for this free advertising.

The idea of selling body space to advertise products is a growing trend which benefits both the wearer and the company. Potential body advertisers just choose which body part they want to lease and which company they want to advertise. They then get a temporary tattoo which they agree to wear for certain amount of time. Foreheads and bald heads are very effective because you can always see them, even in bad weather.

The body advertising idea became popular when Andrew Fisher auctioned his forehead on eBay and received a bid of $37,378 for wearing a company logo. There are now many websites on the Internet where you can buy and sell body space.

Athletes and sports people have always earned a lot of money by wearing branded sports clothes. Now they can earn even more with body advertising. Boxers in particular offer a good wide space for advertising in their backs.

(13)A walking billboard is

A.a billboard that can walk.

B.a person wearing branded goods.

C.an advertisement in a newspaper.

(14)Who can earn money from body advertising?

A.only the wearer.

B.only the company.

C.both the wearer and the company.

(15)Where did Andrew Fisher have a tattoo?

A.on his forehead.

B.on eBay.

C.on the Internet.

(16)Athletes and sports people

A.don’t like the idea of body advertising.

B.never offer their bodies for advertising.

C.will earn more money with body advertising.


Part I (1 – 10)

Complete each sentence with the correct option (А, В or С).

1.As Swiftel's fame is growing, currently some global companies .......... to enter into some form of partnership with them.


а) try

b) are trying

c) will try


Some employees spend а lot of time away from their home country and it is not


easy for the governments to decide where workers…………. pay tax.


а) have

b) should

c) need


Many people decide to start up their own business because they have .......... they


think is a good business idea.



а) that

b) what

c) why


If you want to start up а new business you need to know if there is а


demand…………your products.



а) of

b) in

c) for


It is good for the business……………. contacts in different countries around the






а) has

b) have had

c) to have


А wide range of mobile communication services .......... to its customers in the


UK by a phone operator Virgin Mobile.


а) provided

b) are provided

c) providing

7. .......... in research and development led to the growth of business.


а) invested

b) investing

c)having invested


The company .......... already . . . . . . . . . . а new advertising campaign to promote


their new product.




а) will……launch

b) had……launched c) has……launched


If you can finance the operation, find customers and beat the competition you


have a good chance of ………….a profit.


а) to make

b) make

c) making

10. If you don't have much cash, using your credit card will be а good way to buy а

computer but not the………….way.


а) cheap

b) cheapen

c) cheapest

Part II (questions 11-20)

Fill in the gaps in the text below by choosing one variant (А, В or С).

The language of business

It is hard to measure the value of good localization services, especially in a business world where everyone seems to (11)…….. in English. Language industry leaders are now focusing on (12)……… business people the importance of the right translation and localization strategy. Hiring a professional translator is a step in the right direction. But it’s only the beginning of a long path to truly embracing the opportunities that language gives us. Brands going global have a different set of (13)…….. when it comes to language services than a local company visiting international fairs or dealing with one-time foreign investment. A whole scope of language services is being constantly overlooked by business owners, just because they don’t know what language professionals have to offer. It can be localization of websites, apps and software, or (14)…….. data analysis. “Simple” translation (if that even exists) enables a company to communicate (15)…….. a global environment on a pretty basic level, but you really need to speak your partner’s language to become a successful company with global (16)……. . Also you need be fully (17)……. of cultural differences. Call it language consulting or cultural coaching — going global means you need to see the (18)…….. picture when it comes to managing multilingual content in your company. Just take a look at numbers. 42.5% of Europeans won’t buy a product or service that’s not described in their native language and 75% of all non-English speakers prefer to buy products with multilingual descriptions. Let me introduce another example. When it comes to social media, locally engaging, multilingual profiles are growing 41% faster and register 50% higher (19)…….. rate than their global counterparts.

You should organize translating and localizing all of your company’s content — financial and legal documents, website, blogs, marketing collateral — in a proper way. It will give you an invaluable (20) …….. in international markets.


(11) A. communicate

B. speak

C. talk


A. studying

B. teaching

C. knowing


A. tasks

B. needs

C. opportunities


A. multilingual

B. bilingual

C. language


A. in

B. on

C. within


A. power

B. reach

C. state


A. cautious

B. know

C. aware


A. big

B. bigger

C. biggest


A. entertainment

B. empowerment

C. engagement


A. edge

B. plus

C. opportunity

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