Файл: Практическая работа по дисциплине Иностранный язык студент группы бвт221зу Фамилия И. О. Проверил.docx

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Практическая работа

по дисциплине: «Иностранный язык»

Выполнил: студент группы БВТ-221зу

Фамилия И.О.

Проверил: ________________

Тамбов 2023

Раздел 1. Карьера

ПР01. Наименование профессий. Профессиональные качества.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with jobs. Use a / an before them where necessary.

1. a lawyer

2. a builder

3. a mechanic

4. an accountant

5. an artist

6. teachers

7. shop-assistants

8. a receptionist
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with adjectives.

1. helpful

2. punctual

3. optimistic

4. easy-going

5. reliable
Exercise 3. Complete the information about Facebook with forms of the verb TO BE.

1. are

2. is

3. is

4. are

5. are

6. is

7. is

8. are

9. am

10. are

11. is

12. is

13. are
ПР02. Должностные обязанности. Поиск работы.

Exercise 4. Сomplete the sentences with the words and phrases in the correct form.

1. earns

2. quit

3. owns

4. a head

5. working hours

6. is

7. responsible

8. cover

9. bonus

10. runs

11. retire

12. blood tests

13. promote

14. hard, the deadline

15. part time job
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions (where necessary) in the phrases describing jobs and responsibilities.

1. at

2. with

3. in, of

4. by

5. on

6. for

7. -

8. at

9. for
Exercise 6. Make the sentences in Present Simple (positive, negative or question).

1. We don't work late.

2. Does he know how to develop this project?

3. Why do I have to do this job?

4. She doesn't work at the weekends.

5. Do you love studying languages?

6. We don't get a high salary.

7. Do you understand the question?

8. She doesn't want to go to the company party.

Exercise 7. Read the profile of Jeffrey Immelt and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form in Present Simple.

1. is

2. operates

3. employs

4. is

5. have

6. are

7. tries

8. gets up

9. works up


11. reads

12. prefers
ПР03. Правила написания резюме.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using the following words.

1. position

2. requirements

3. applicants

4. references

5. curriculum vitae
Exercise 9. Put the following headings in the correct place in the CV.

1. profile

2. education

3. work experience

4. key skills

5. interests

6. references
ПР04. Стратегии поведения на собеседовании.

Exercise 10. Read the following job interview. Notice Vadim Kufenko’s main strengths and skills.

1. E

2. A

3. C

4. F

5. B

6. G

7. D

Раздел 2. Структура компании

ПР05. Структура компании. Карьерная лестница. Современный офис и офисное оборудование.

Exercise 1. Find in the dialogue words and expressions close in meaning to the following:

1. organization - company

2. offer - proposal

3. to hire - employ

4. to search - looking for

5. to sell goods to another country - export

6. to set up - establish

7. aim - purpose

8. links - contacts
Exercise 2. Complete the dialogues.


1.Starkov: Good morning, Mr. Williams. How are you?

2.Williams: I am well, how are you?

3.S.: Very well, thank ?

4.W.: You are welcome.

5.S.: What department will we work with?

6.W.: We will be working with the business department today

7.S.: Do you have any subsidiaries?

8.W.: Certainly I do.

1.Williams: Have you got price-lists with you now?

2.Starkov: Yes, it is right here

3.W.: All right. Let’s get down to business. What are you going to talk about today?

4.S.: Today I will be talking about production and safety.

5.W.: Right. And tomorrow we’ll be talking about packing and transportation. By the way, Mr. Starkov, do you want to visit our exhibition which will be held the day after tomorrow?

6.S.: Definitely, but do we have enough time?

7.W.: I hope so.
Exercise 3. Read the keynotes and fill in the gaps with the words:

1 - activities

2 - provide

3 - produce

4 - employ

5 - responsibility
Exercise 4. Read the dialogues and fill in the missing phrases.


1 - work for

2 - multinational company

3 - areas of business

4 - side of business

5 - manufacture

6 - headquarters

7 - operations

1 - employ

2 - technical people

3 - workforce

4 - turnover
Exercise 5. Complete the text with the correct form of verbs:

1 - began

2 - have

3 - manufactured

4 - provided

5 - exports

6 - manufactured
Exercise 6. Complete the sentence by an appropriate form of the highlighted word

1 - decision

2 - financial

3 - impossible

4 - occupation

5 - appropriate

6 - successful
Exercise 7. Make sentences about what Marco has and hasn't got.

1 - Marco's got a company car.

2 - Marco hasn't got a fax machine.

3 - Marco's got a high salary.

4 - Marco hasn't got a great boss.

5 - Marco's got a personal assistant.

6 - Marco hasn't got a lot of free time.

7 - Marco's got two telephones.

8 - Marco hasn't got free Internet access.
ПР06. План рабочего дня. Обязанности сотрудника.

Exercise 8. Read the text and answer the questions using sentences from the text, but from the 3rd person singular.

1 - She works as a secretary in an office in a big building corporation.

2 - Her job is to spend most of her time at the computer.

3 - She found this job 4 years ago through an employment agency.

4 - Her job responsibilities include a set of documents, preparing them for their managing director, answering phone calls and organizing business meetings.
ПР07. Рабочая среда. Мотивация. Создание благоприятного климата в коллективе. Теории мотивации.

Exercise 9. Match the phrase with its translation

1 - 7

2 - 4

3 - 2

4 - 10

5 - 1

6 - 9

7 - 3

8 - 5

9 - 8

10 - 6
Exercise 10.
Read the text about behaviour at work and the questions below. For each question 1-5, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) for the answer you choose.

1 - C

2 - D

3 - A

4 - D

5 - D

6 - D
Exercise 11. Complete these sentences using going to.

1. are, going to

2. am, going to
Exercise 12. Complete these sentences using the present continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. are, doing

2. are, working
Exercise 13. Complete these sentences using the present continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. am meeting

2. is arriving

3. am taking

4. am not seeing

5. am driving
ПР08. Модели управления коллективом. Менеджмент. Качества, необходимые эффективному менеджеру. Постановка целей.

Exercise 14. Read the text and answer the question: which paragraph contains an answer to the following questions? (put the right number 1 or 2)

1. What is the origin of the verb ― manage? - 2

2. What is management? - 1
Exercise 15. There are some skills and personal characteristics that are important for managers. Match the name of the skill with its definition.

1 - F

2 - B

3 - H

4 - A

5 - C

6 - I

7 - D

8 - E

9 - G