Файл: Анпоо Национальный социальнопедагогический колледж Иностранный язык Практическое задание 8 Выполнила студентка.docx

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Добавлен: 24.04.2024

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degree of adaptation need the help of a psychologist.

Название текста: «Adaptation at school»

1. With the help of whom does the baby adapt to new conditions for himself?

2. With what consideration have the methods of adaptation to school been developed?

3. For a clearer picture, when should testing be done?

4. What makes it possible to determine the "Paint" method?

5. What makes it possible to define the "What do I like at school" method?

6. What makes it possible to define the "Sun, cloud, rain" method?

7. In what form is information provided to children?

8. What is recommended to conduct to familiarize the child with classmates?

9. By what signs can it be determined that the adaptation in the stake is going well?

10. Who should be connected in case of poor adaptation?

Задание 5. (максимальное количество баллов – 5 баллов)

Вам предстоит первый рабочий день и знакомство с детским коллективом. В зависимости от специфики выбранной Вами специальности, составьте 10 правил основ здорового образа жизни и безопасности жизнедеятельности детей на английском языке. Продумайте тексты плакатов по темам «Травмоопасные ситуации на уроках и переменах», «Физическое воспитание в процессе выполнения двигательного режима», «Правильная осанка с детства» или придумайте свой плакат (тема на выбор). Данные плакаты будут использованы в кабинете для создания предметно-развивающей среды.

Basic rules of safe behavior in short breaks between lessons and after the end of classes for schoolchildren:

Do not run through corridors, stairs, offices and any other school premises not designed for this;

Don't push, don't fight, don't shout. Do not play active games in rooms not directly designed for this purpose;

Any conflicts that arise between students should be resolved peacefully or through the teacher;

Be careful when moving through potentially dangerous places: stairs, slopes, icy surface, etc.;

In winter, do not come close to the walls of the school to eliminate the risk of injury from falling snow or icicles;

Do not rush and do not use hard objects in games that can cause injury: stones, sticks, ice, etc.;

Do not bring unauthorized dangerous objects or substances to school that can harm others: pyrotechnic or explosive devices, sharp, cutting objects, any type of small arms (including pneumatic);

Do not climb trees, roofs, fences, greenhouses and any other high-rise structures;

Do not attempt to enter the territory of economic and technical premises without authorization. Do not climb into attics, basements and other places that are not intended for direct education or recreation of schoolchildren;

Do not approach places of increased danger: pits, trenches, pits, nearby highways, etc.;

Do not tease, drive away or feed animals (usually dogs) that are on the territory of the educational institution. Report cases of such animals to the teacher;

Do not leave the school grounds without the appropriate permission of the teacher;

Do not behave aggressively, do not provoke conflicts and do not take part in them. Inform the teacher about the occurrence of conflicts;

Avoid all other hazards, always be careful, and the rules of life safety.