Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 01 Дошкольное образование Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12.doc

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Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

Программа среднего профессионального образования

44.02.01 Дошкольное образование

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Практическое занятие 12


Обучающийся Меренкова Светлана Викторовна


Гоголева Елена Александровна

Задание 1.

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для  Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate). Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Студенты - это будущее каждой страны. Это молодые граждане нашего общества, полные бесконечной энергии и прогрессивных идей, фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь - это самый яркий период нашей жизни. Это смесь учебы и большого удовольствия. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем добрым дням своей студенческой жизни. У студента есть определенные обязанности, которые он должен выполнять. Само собой разумеется, что главная обязанность студента - усердно учиться и приобретать надлежащие знания для будущей карьеры. Он должен посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять всю работу в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это может помочь ученику достичь своих целей и стать прилежным и настойчивым. Если он не будет пренебрегать учебой, то получит богатые дивиденды в своей будущей работе. Экзаменационная сессия в конце каждого семестра довольно тяжелое для студентов время. Они тратят бесконечные дни и ночи на учебу и зубрежку. Хотя некоторые из них используют обман, копируя чьи-то эссе или курсовые работы. И вам повезет, если вас не поймает учитель, потому что он может наказать вас плохой оценкой или даже исключением из колледжа. Большая часть времени студента посвящена чтению и обучению. Это невероятно, но некоторым студентам
удается работать неполный рабочий день, потому что им нужно много денег, чтобы учиться в колледже или университете. Плата за обучение и книги в наши дни очень дороги, а если вы снимаете квартиру, то это еще дороже. Таким образом, у студентов плотный график, включающий учебу, работу и прогулки для общения. Хороший ученик никогда не тратит свое свободное время впустую. Он также должен заниматься спортом, чтобы оставаться в добром здравии и настроении. Они говорят: “Здоровый ум живет в здоровом теле”. Студенты любят участвовать как в академических, так и во внеклассных мероприятиях колледжа: различных фестивалях, интеллектуальных викторинах и летних лагерях. Такая общественная жизнь расширяет кругозор, развивает ваши таланты и коммуникативные навыки. И это прекрасное время, когда вы находите настоящих друзей среди своих одноклассников в колледже. Наконец, я хотел бы сказать, что быть студентом - это просто здорово!

Задание 2.

Students are the future of every country. They are full of energy and endless ideas. Student life is the brightest period of our life. The student has certain responsibilities that he must fulfill. The main duty of a student is to study hard and acquire the proper knowledge for a future career. The examination session at the end of each semester is quite a difficult time for students. They study day and night. Most of the student's time is devoted to reading and learning. Some students combine work and study. These young people also play sports. Students like to participate in both academic and extracurricular activities of the college: various festivals, intellectual quizzes and summer camps. It's great to be a student!

Задание 3

Вам дали поручение организовать праздник в детской организации. Придумайте название для праздника. Составьте план мероприятия на английском языке (не менее 10 пунктов). Какие игры для детей будут использоваться для этого мероприятия? Помимо плана мероприятия опишите, как Вы будете соблюдать меры безопасности жизнедеятельности и охраны детского здоровья на празднике (не менее 5 предложений).  

«Visiting the magic glade»

1. Organizational moment. The kindergarten teacher story about native nature.

2. Children's journey to the magic glade

3. Breathing exercise «Where will the leaf fly»

4. Staging «Residents of the magic glade"

5. Reading poetry

6. Workout «We are birds»

7. Competition «Assemble the puzzle»

8. Music game «Grasshopper, butterfly, beetle»

9. Competition «What I know about nature»

10. Game «Find your home»

11. Game "Can-can't"

12. Song «The happiest»

13. Treats for children
1.It is unacceptable to use methods and techniques that do not correspond to the age characteristics of children

2.Organization of the educational process, taking into account the norms and requirements of San pin

3. Placing the equipment in a place unacceptable for children

4. There must be a first aid kit

5. Fire extinguishing agents

6. Children's clothing should match the event

Задание 4

Вы запланировали первое родительское собрание, на котором, в том числе, будет присутствовать руководство образовательной организации. Составьте рассказ о себе, причинах выбора профессии, Вашего видения профессиональной деятельности. В ходе родительского собрания также должны быть освещены основные правовые нормы в рамках Вашей педагогической деятельности (например, как будут соблюдаться нормы СанПиН в учебном процессе). Рассказ должен быть на английском языке (не менее 10 предложений)
Good evening. I am glad to see you at our first meeting. Today we have the first parent-teacher meeting where we get to know each other better. You have brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here the most important thing is safe, comfortable, interesting, exciting. We need to join forces to make it interesting and comfortable for children in kindergarten. Kindergarten is the kindest house in the world. The main focus of my work is strengthening the health of children, ensuring the development of the child, familiarizing them with the cultural heritage of their native land. A kindergarten teacher is the first teacher, after mom, who meets children on their life path. For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the sincere, understanding and accepting world of childhood. Working in kindergarten, I never cease to be surprised how different all children are, interesting, funny, surprisingly smart. Every child is unique. As a kindergarten teacher, I try to improve my skills using the achievements of pedagogical science and practice. My task is not only to organize the work of the children's collective as a whole, but also to form the relationship of children among themselves.

In our group there are a number of rules that need to be followed. Let's start with the fact that we should try to bring children to kindergarten no later than 08.30 in the morning.vThis helps to maintain the daily routine. The next important point is to bring the child to kindergarten healthy! Now about the clothes. You need to bring the child in clothes that are comfortable for him. Observe the main regime moments (sleep, walk, food) and do not violate them at home. I would like to add something else that is necessary: - follow the recommendations of doctors and specialists aimed at improving the health of children; - timely pay for kindergarten until the 20th of each month; - to take part in the work of the parent committee, which we will now choose. Here, perhaps, are all the main recommendations that we hope you will try to adhere to. Thanks for your attention.
Задание 5

«Anna Herman autobiography»

1. Childhood

2.Life student

3. A story about yourself

4. Family

5. Hobbies, travel

Задание 6

Anton Makarenko, a talented educator and writer, was born in Belopolie (Kharkov Province) into the family of a house painter. In 1904 Makarenko graduated from 4-year college in Kremenchug, at which time he chose the profession of teacher. He continued his education with a one-year teachers’ course. Makarenko was just 17 years old when he began teaching at a railway college. He enjoyed teaching and his students liked his lessons. In 1916-1917 Makarenko served in the army, but because of his poor vision he was demobilized. In 1917 Anton Makarenko graduated from the Poltava Training College. His graduation paper, “Crisis of Modern Pedagogies,” was highly appraised for its unusual approach. For his educational achievements Makarenko was honored with a golden medal, the highest award in Soviet schools and colleges. After graduating from college Makarenko was advised to continue his scientific research in the field of pedagogy, but Anton chose to become a practicing teacher. He worked in the colleges of Krukov and Poltava until 1920 when he was invited to head the Poltava Colony for Young Offenders. Based on pedagogic literature and his own research and experience, Makarenko believed that upbringing and proper education were the most important factors influencing the formation and development of an individual. His point of view contrasted with the practical standards of the times. At the beginning of the 20th century, the majority of teachers believed each individual had a number of congenital characteristics that determined his or her personality. Makarenko did not agree that a person is “initially good” or
“initially bad.” He was sure that everyone, especially children and teenagers, needed respect and understanding. Makarenko also rejected physical punishment, a common measure of his times. After proving the effectiveness of his system in the Poltava Colony, in 1927 Makarenko was appointed as the head of an orphanage for street children near Kharkov. Thousands of children in the Soviet Union became orphans following the Civil War and World War I. Left without parental love and care many of them became juvenile criminals. The orphanage near Kharkov was known as the place where the most incorrigible thieves and swindlers were put into rehabilitation. An innovative educator, Makarenko succeeded in gaining their respect. In his upbringing of the troubled orphans he combined insistence and respect, school education and productive labor. The methods developed by Anton Makarenko were highly appreciated by Soviet writer Maxim Gorky who believed that Makarenko’s “pedagogical experiment is meaningful for the whole world.” Inspired by Gorky, the writer whom he admired, Makarenko wrote the “The Pedagogical Poem,” based on the true stories of his pupils from the orphanage for street children. In his book Makarenko showed how proper education could turn uncontrollable and aggressive teenagers into worthy and responsible citizens. “The Pedagogical Poem,” Makarenko’s principal publication, was a great success not only in the USSR, but also abroad. Anton Makarenko earned a reputation as a progressive, innovative and talented educator. Makarenko wrote a number of articles, novels, plays and short stories about education and upbringing. In 1934 he became a member of the Soviet Writers’ Union and in 1935 began working for the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs in Kiev as the Chief Assistant of the Labor Colony Department. Soon he became the victim of a political denunciation. Makarenko was accused of criticism of Stalin and support of the Ukrainian opposition. But he had a chance to justify himself and successfully avoided arrest. However, Makarenko was forced to leave Kiev and move to Moscow where he would be “under special supervision.” Makarenko continued writing his novels and plays and in 1937 he created his well known “The Book for Parents” followed by “Flags on Towers” in 1938, in which he further elaborated his pedagogical ideas.

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