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5. Was his or Bill’s wife very disappointed?


1. Mary answered she liked people but she didn’t like too many people altogether.

2. Ann asked him what he was going to study.

3. She asked us if we were going to the theatre that night.

4. The teacher told the pupils to learn the poem by heart if they liked it.

5. She asked me, “What has happened?”


1. Those shirts need ironing but you don’t need to do it now.

2. Tom helped his mother to get the dinner ready.

3. The glasses were very full, so Ann carried them carefully.

4. He told me that everybody had made fun of him.

5. If you want to pass your exams you have to study harder.


1. If I buy a car, I’ll go away from here.

2. He has rung you up, hasn’t he?

3. Why was he told about it so early?

4. If you work hard, you’ll be able to enter the university.

5. The sun had already set, when they stopped working in the field.

7. - - -


liked, some, at, in, don’t lose, the, with, is, little, didn’t want.



1.c, 2.a,3.c,4.a,5.b


1.a,2.c,3.b,4.c,5.b,6.b,7.b,8.a, 9.c,10.b.



4. а)

1. Shall I have to return this book tomorrow?

2. Why were they ill?

3. When does he work late?

4. She never takes advice, does she?

5. Did I leave my bicycle or motor-cycle here?


1. She told me that he had found the door unlocked.

2. Ann asked how long I had been there.

3. I asked Mary if she knew the way to the airport.

4. She told me to try not to remember those days.

5. He asked them, “Does it take you much time to find a job?”


1. We were all horrified when we heard about the disaster.

2. Everyone was surprised when he passed the examination.

3. Many people think he is one of the greatest pianists in the world.

4. If you don’t want to eat that sandwich throw it to the birds.

5. You remind me very much of someone I used to know a long time ago.


1. When they rang up Helen, she was having a bath.

2. If you work as hard as I do, you’ll make progress too.

3. If I am you (in your place) I shall not be angry with him.

4. We mustn’t tell anybody about it, must we?

5. The text will be translated this week.

7. - - -


the strangest, have seen, enough, so, complains, has to, clocks, in, than, knows.



1.a, 2.c,3.b,4.c,5.b


1.a,2.b,3.b,4.a,5.a,6.c,7.d,8.b, 9.a,10.c.



4. а)

1. Were we the first to see the accident?

2. When shall I have to come to the cinema?

3. What is he very interested in?

4. There isn’t any point in waiting, is there?

5. Did we have a very good time in the restaurant or at home?


1. My sister told me she had a strange telegram two days before.

2. Bill asked me what country I came from.

3. Roy asked Bob if anyone had wanted tickets for the boxing-match the day before.

4. She told Peter not to forget to put his name at the top of the page.

5. Arnold said to John, “There is something I want to show you”.


1. Some words are difficult to translate from one language to another.

2. Do you prefer your present job to the one you had before?

3. I expected him to come and see me after work.

4. I have been invited to the wedding party but unfortunately I can't go.

5. You know that you can always rely on me if you need help.


1. I wanted to know if that would make him change his mind.

2. You will be able to take part in the discussion, won’t you?

3. If I bring my camera I’ll take some pictures.

4. When you come in the morning you’ll see him in the office.

5. He didn’t allow me to drive his car yesterday.

7. - - -


was fond, used to, the happiest, was travelling, no, only, a, would find, the, the most unhappy.



1.a, 2.c,3.a,4.b,5.c


1.b,2.b,3.b,4.d,5.a,6.b,7.a,8.a, 9.a,10.d.



4. а)

1. Did he ring me up on coming home?

2. How often does he work late?

3. Who has cut down all the apple-trees?

4. Tom should try again, shouldn’t he?

5. Did he have to stay at this hotel or at that hostel?


1. Mary asked Bob if John ever came to see him.

2. Father said Tom had won a bicycle some weeks before.

3. Mr. Johns said Ann had broken her watch.

4. I asked them what their new house was like.

5. Tom asked them, “Are you leaving next week?”


1. She was looking through the open window with horror in her eyes.

2. They didn’t know which way to turn as the fog came down.

3. He was walking along the river when he heard cries for help.

4. As the weather got worse the climbing party decided to return.

5. The cosmonauts didn’t walk very far on the moon because of the thick dust.


1. He said that he would have his car repaired very soon.

2. He invited us to have coffee when we had already finished half of the work.

3. I want you to prepare for your exams properly.

4. She said that her visit to London was expected in May.(She said she was expected to visit London in May.)

5. When my parents came she decided to leave me alone with them.

7. - - -


a, the, colleges, has been, it, other, the oldest, its, a few, is … growing.



1.a, 2.c,3.a,4.b,5.b


1.c,2.c,3.c,4.b,5.b,6.b,7.b,8.c, 9.b,10.b.



4. а)

1. Did he have to look after his mother all night?

2. How did he prepare his speech?

3. What was the telegram followed by?

4. They couldn’t pay the rent, could they?

5. Must you know the subject well or badly?


1. My teacher said I had a number of mistakes in my translation.

2. They told us not to stay there any longer as it was getting dark.

3. She asked Ann what she was going to be when she left the Institute.

4. Tom asked if all the letters had been posted the day before.

5. Tom said, “My sister is good at sports and she has won several competitions.


1. He looked around for a place to hide but couldn’t find any.

2. I must prepare something special for him as he is a vegetarian.

3. I wonder what made that gentleman hurry out so quickly.

4. His house wasn’t broken into because it was guarded by two dogs.

5. She was growing worse day by day so the doctor prescribed her some medicine.


1. Nick said that they were to meet (they had arranged to meet) at five o’clock in the evening.

2. While the students were busy writing the final test I looked through their previous work.

3. Everybody was told that the discussion of the book would take place two weeks later.

4. If I suddenly lose my bag in the shop I won’t be able to do my shopping.

5. Before my friends return I shall have already telephoned the manager and arranged the meeting.

7. - - -


was invited, during, all, rather, so, for, towards, with, will like, have heard.



1.c, 2.c,3.b,4.a,5.b


1.c,2.c,3.a,4.d,5.d,6.b,7.c,8.c, 9.c,10.b.



4. а)

1. Does he usually have long walks in the forest?

2. How long did he have to wait for her?

3. At what age do children in England start school?

4. The twins used to play together, didn’t they?

5. Had they done their homework before or after left school?


1. The teacher told his pupils to learn the poem by heart if they liked it.

2. She asked the secretary if they had got a letter the day before.

3. Mother asked me if I was sorry for what I had done.

4. The manager told us we were not allowed to take pictures.

5. The boy said, “I must read for my exams”.


1. Must this job be done now, or can I leave it until later?

2. I didn’t tell Tom that I thought he had behaved foolishly.

3. We walked very carefully along the path because it was icy.

4. I didn’t stay in the sun because I was afraid of getting burnt.

5. This plant hasn’t been watered for some time, has it?


1. Her children will get married soon and she will have to live alone.

2. He was told at the police station that their car hadn’t been found.

3. She said that she wanted to buy a present for Ann and asked me to help her.

4. If I have time tomorrow I’ll ring you up and we’ll have dinner together.

5. Everything must be done in time.

7. - - -


watched (was watching), the strongest, beautifully, didn’t say, anything, nothing, saw, running, beautiful, do you think.

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