Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 40. 02. 01 Право и организация социального обеспечения соо дисциплина Иностранный язык ( 2 семестр ) Практическое задание к Разделу 2.docx

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они повлияли на современную западную культуру больше, чем любая другая древняя цивилизация. Философия, демократия, архитектура, театр, искусство (в частности, скульптура), литература и заимствованные слова-вот лишь некоторые вклады, которые они внесли в западную культуру.
последняя крупная цивилизация до того, как Европа и Северная Африка погрузились в Темные века. Они покорили множество народов и жили вместе с побежденными. Они изобрели различные устройства, чтобы сделать зерновые мельницы более производительными. Цивилизация ввела и распространила латинский язык, обеспечила правовую систему, которой до сих пор пользуются многие современные западные правительства."


1. What is the present-day name of the country that used to be Persia?

Как теперь называется страна, которая когда-то была Персией?- Iran ( Иран )

2. What event (s) was the city of Babylon sadly famous for?

Каким событием (событиями) печально прославился город Вавилон?

-Babylon, excavated by Coldewey, was the capital of an empire created almost exclusively by the will of one of its last kings, Nebuchadnezzar P. The period of the so-called New Babylonian kingdom lasted from 605 to 538 BC, and at the end of it Babylon turned from the center of the civilized world into a dying provincial city, with few inhabitants, dilapidated and forgotten.

3. What were the names of the two women pharaohs who entered history?

Как звали двух женщин-фараонов, вошедших в историю? - Cleopatra, Hatshepsut

4. Which civilization gave the world the “Epic of Gilgamesh”? What does it tell about?

Какая цивилизация дала миру “Эпос о Гильгамеше”? О чем это говорит?
It is difficult to imagine that more time has passed since the reign of the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh, before the new era (the end of the XXVIII century BC) than from its beginning to the present day.
Sometimes there is a feeling that almost 5 thousand years ago, the Sumero-Akkadian civilization was more advanced than the civilizations at the beginning of the new era. As if humanity had to start anew, and again go through the path already passed once.
About everything that has seen to the end of the world,

About the one who has known the seas, who has crossed all the mountains,

About the enemies who conquered together with a friend,

About the one who has comprehended wisdom, about the one who has penetrated everything:

He saw the hidden, he knew the secret,

Brought us news of the days before the flood … The whole poem is here.
"The Epic of Gilgamesh", or the poem "Of all who have seen" (Akkad. ša nagba imuru) is one of the oldest extant literary works and one of the first books. It is believed that these poetic legends were formed in the XVIII-XVII (18-17) centuries BC.
And this is the rare case when a significant part of the poem has been preserved. The Sumerians and Akkadians, unlike later cultures, used clay and stone tablets for records, which were able to overcome the path through the millennia.
Stone book from the library of Ashurbanipal

Stone book from the library of Ashurbanipal, VII century BC.
The tablets were found during the excavations of the Assyrian city of Nineveh, discovered by the English archaeologist Austin Henry Layard in 1849. King Ashurbanipal in the VII century BC created a huge library, wanting to collect in it all the knowledge of mankind that was available at that time. Archaeologists have discovered more than 250 thousand cuneiform tablets, many texts were in Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian languages.

The main sensation of deciphering the tablets was the myth of the Flood, which is close in content to the biblical story of Noah's Ark. Later it turned out that the myth is part of a large poem — "The Legend of Gilgamesh" or "All-seeing". The "Epic" is written in Akkadian on the basis of Sumerian oral traditions.
Gilgamesh, King of Uruk

Gilgamesh, King of Uruk

Hymn to Friendship

The main characters of the poem were the demigod Gilgamesh ("Two-thirds he is a god, one-third he is a man")-a mighty warrior, the king of the city — state of Uruk, as well as Enkidu-a wild, steppe man who lived among animals, who was created from clay by the goddess Aruru. Before meeting with Enkidu, Gilgamesh was "violent", so the inhabitants of Uruk complained to the gods with a request to create a rival for him.
A violent husband, whose head, like Tur's, is raised,

Whose weapons in battle have no equal,

— All his comrades stand on the drum!

In the bedrooms, the men of Uruk are afraid:

"Gilgamesh will not leave a son for the father!

Day and night he rages with the flesh.

Often their complaint was heard by the gods,

They called out to the great Aruru :

"Aruru, you created Gilgamesh,

Now create his likeness!
Gilgamesh and Enkidu fight at first, but then they become friends and return from Uruk to perform feats to the glory of themselves and their kingdom.
But after defeating both the giant Humbab, who guarded the sacred cedars, and the huge heavenly bull, which the goddess Ishtun sent to destroy her friends in revenge for Gilgamesh's refusal to become her husband, Enkidu dies by the will of the gods.
The death of a friend shocked Gilgamesh, he realizes that he is also mortal, and goes to unknown lands in search of answers to questions, hoping to get immortality from the gods.
"The Epic of Gilgamesh" is a hymn to friendship, which not only helps to cope with difficulties, defeat enemies, but also transforms and ennobles. The poem reflects the philosophy of ancient peoples, questions of ethics, life and death, the place of man in the world.
It is believed that Gilgamesh was a real historical figure-lugal (literally a big man, a military leader elected by the people's assembly of the city to wage war) of the Sumerian city of Uruk in the late XXVII-early XXVI centuries BC. His name is mentioned in the list of Sumerian rulers, the so-called Royal list. And since the XVIII century BC, this name (in Sumerian — "Bilhemes" or "Bilgames") is located in the host of Sumerian gods.
Ancient City of Uruk (reconstruction)
The first civilization?
The Sumerians create the first urban civilization and culture. It is possible that it was the first civilization of mankind. Its traces date back to about 4 thousand BC, and it appears in the historical arena already fully formed, as if it had no prehistory.
The question of the origin of the Sumerians is still open. No traces of their appearance could be found. There are versions that they came to Mesopotamia by sea, since the first settlements appeared in the mouths of rivers. The Sumerians immediately engaged in irrigation, which allowed for a sharp increase in crop yields, as well as navigation and river navigation.
The Sumerians themselves in their myths call the ancestral home of mankind the island of Dilmun, in them the golden age and the lost paradise (see Homer on the Baltic).
Map of the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization
The Sumerians and Akkadians

Since ancient times, Eastern Semites have lived in the neighborhood of the Sumerians. Their appearance in Lower Mesopotamia is also unknown. Semites were a minority in Sumer. In the XXIV century BC, they create the Akkadian kingdom, as a result of the coming to power of Sargon the Ancient, who was himself an Eastern Semite.
The Akkadians (as the Eastern Semites are called from this time on) begin an active policy of conquest. Akkad reached its greatest power under Sargon's grandson, Naram-Suen, but already at the end of the XXIII century BC the state fell into decline.
Sumerian Tablet
In ancient times, Akkad was considered a reference state, a model of monarchy. Its principles of government were adopted by such powers as the Sumerian-Akkadian kingdom, Babylon and Assyria.
The Sumerians invented cuneiform writing, and they had a highly developed literature. The wheel, the potter's wheel, the brick kiln, the irrigation systems, the agricultural implements-they knew all this. They also authored the first medical books. The first calendar, divided into winter and summer, and consisting of 12 months of 29 or 30 days, was also created by the Sumerians, as were the first stringed musical instruments — the lyre and harp.

Art, dream, society. A. Meneghetti
From the book "Art, Dream, Society" by Antonio Meneghetti»

Touching the Akkadian culture, you can understand how people thought 5-6 thousand years ago.

For example, the epic of Gilgamesh tells us that Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, lost his great friend, he grieved greatly for him and shed tears. To comfort him, Shamash went to him.
Gilgamesh addresses the god Shamash with the words: "And from now on I wander Like a robber in the desert. I do not know peace... ( ... ) Where is the road to good? (…) Do the same will fall into the depths of the earth, as Enkidu? My friend, whom I loved so much, with whom we shared all our labors, Enkidu, my friend, the fate of a man has befallen him!"
The fate of man is death, because the gods, or forces of nature, have reserved eternal immortality for themselves: "I am saddened. I was afraid of death ( ... ) I run a long way in the desert." Shamash gives him the following lesson: "Gilgamesh, where are you going? You won't find the life you're looking for! When the gods created man, they reasoned: "Let him sleep in the grave. Only the gods are immortal, but man is born to turn into dust."
Know your share, you can eat and drink freely, Have fun day and night, Sing, dance, enjoy and do not need anything, And feast every day, Wash in the morning, and then dress in expensive clothes, At dawn, at sunset, smile at the child Who holds your hand, And you delight your spouse with the heat of fervent embraces, There is no sweeter occupation!".
This is the Sumerian-Akkadian epic, but we are also talking about Vedanta, the great Vedas, the Upanishads of ancient India. "Vedas" comes from the Akkadian "wadûm", which means "to know, to know". Hence, it was from the Akkadian culture that India derived this term, from which the Latin “videō” (to see, to know) is further derived.
The Akkadian root id means "this is equal". The words "identita" (identity), "evidenza “(evidence),” video" (see) are equal, by virtue of the id, the present reality of the one who sees and is seen. The real confirms the real. And this is the living connection of our onto In-se.
According to the Bible, humanity was born between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Then, due to the vicissitudes of climate, epidemics, natural resources, interventions and civil wars, the Akkadian language left the "Tower of Babel" and dispersed, becoming a one-time matrix of many languages.
It is in this first language that the first philosophy of man is set forth – elementary gnosticism, when the word, the logos, are equal to the action of life by virtue of psychobiological contact.
What I like about these peoples is that we find there a human being who can co-exist as a cosmoteandric man. He lives in nature, where God and man are the main actors. And here is our great responsibility as craftsmen of this world and this universe.
5. Which people called foreigners the “barbaroi”, i.e. not speaking the tongue of the civilized world?

Какой народ называл иноземцев “варварами”, то есть не говорящими на языке цивилизованного мира?
-The ancient Romans called barbarians all the peoples who lived outside the Empire, including the Germans and Slavs.

6. What were the names of the two legendary founders of Rome?

Как звали двух легендарных основателей Рима?
-Romulus and Remus

7. What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

Каковы Семь чудес Древнего Мира?
-Pyramids of Giza Giza plateau, near the center of Cairo-the capital of Egypt. They were built in 2500-2600 BC and include three pyramids, including the Pyramid of Cheops. Hanging Gardens of Semiramis In the area of the ancient city of Babylon (today El Hill). Created by King Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century BC for his wife. The temple of Artemis in Ephesus, a Greek city of Ephesus. Today, Selcuk (Turkey). The temple, built in honor of the goddess Artemis-the patroness of childbearing. Erected in the VI century BC Statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Greek city of Olympia. It was erected in 432 BC. Made in the temple of Zeus of ivory and gold (about 200 kg), with a height of about 15 m. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus The Greek city of Halicarnassus is the modern city of Bodrum (Turkey). It was built in honor of the ruler of Kyria – Mausolus in 351 BC by order of his wife Artemisia III. Colossus of Rhodes The Greek city of Rhodes. The great statue of the sun god Helios, was erected in 283 BC. Its height was about 36 m. The lighthouse of Alexandria was located on the island of Pharos off the coast of Alexandria (today Egypt). Created in the middle of the third century BC. One of the tallest buildings of that time, about 140 m high.

8. Who was Croesus? What does the expression “as rich as Croesus” mean?"

Кто такой Крез? Что означает выражение “богат, как Крез”?
-About a person who has accumulated a lot of wealth, they say: "Rich as Croesus." Indeed, the king of Lydia — a slave trading state — Croesus owned fabulous treasures.
"Belshazzar's feast" on the night of the fall of Babylon. As a common noun, it means a sumptuous feast; in general, an orgy.