Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (изобразительная деятельность и декоративноприкладное искусство) Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 8.doc

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Программа среднего профессионального образования

44.02.03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (изобразительная деятельность и декоративно-прикладное искусство)

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Практическое занятие 8


Обучающийся Греб Анастасия Олеговна


Гоголева Елена Александровна

Задание 1:
Этот детский сад называется «Солнце». Почти 160 детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет составляют восемь детских классов. Каждый класс сгруппирован по возрасту.

В детском саду есть пространства, созданные специально для детей: арт-зал, тренажерный зал, музыкальный зал, игровая комната, «музей» профессиональных и детских рисунков. Помимо обычных классных комнат, для каждой группы предусмотрены спальни, гардеробные и санузлы.

Детский сад открывается в 7:00 утра; однако большинство маленьких детей приводят в школу их родители где-то с 8:00 до 9:00 утра. Когда бы ни появился ребенок, его или его всегда встречают с улыбкой. С 8:00 до 9:00 дети делают утреннюю зарядку, затем умываются и чистят зубы. Далее они завтракают.

Около 9:00 утра начинаются игровые мероприятия. Эти занятия различаются: у маленьких детей одно занятие в день, а у детей постарше — два-три занятия. Уроки предназначены для развития математических и коммуникативных навыков, а также для знакомства детей с природой и миром. Кроме того, дети могут заниматься экологией, музыкой, театром, рисованием, лепкой, аппликацией, дизайном, спортом и уроками английского языка. Зимой дети в возрасте 5 лет катаются на коньках и лыжах. Летом они ездят на велосипедах.

Как только уроки, которые меняются в течение недели, заканчиваются, дети идут гулять. Они наблюдают за природой
, играют, ходят на экскурсии в театры, музеи, на выставки. У маленьких детей обеденный перерыв в полдень; через час старшие дети обедают. Дети спят после обеда, который обычно длится от 2,5 до 3 часов для маленьких детей и 1,5 часа для детей постарше.

После дневного сна дети занимаются дыхательной и оздоровительной гимнастикой, гимнастикой. После этих оздоровительных упражнений дети обедают. Они пьют молоко или сок, едят компоты. Затем дети играют. Они могут выбирать из множества организованных мероприятий, таких как художественный класс, ремесленный клуб и так далее.

Дети также обедают в детском саду. Хотя родители могут забрать детей домой в любое время, большинство детей уходят домой между 17:00 и 17:00. и 18:00 Детский сад работает до 18:30.

В детском саду работают следующие специалисты: воспитатели детского сада по два на каждую группу; помощники воспитателей детского сада, которые отвечают за приготовление всех блюд, поддержание чистоты и помощь воспитателям в классе; психолог; преподаватель, который организует все спортивные мероприятия; педагоги, развивающие эстетические и музыкальные способности; и учитель англ. Раз в неделю психолог консультирует родителей по вопросам воспитания детей.

Каждый российский детский сад имеет свои уникальные особенности и отличия, и каждый день отличается от предыдущего. Но одно остается неизменным: все люди, которые работают в детском саду, делают все возможное, чтобы способствовать развитию здоровых, творческих, умных и счастливых детей, а также убеждать родителей в том, что их дети находятся в надежных руках.

Задание 2:

This kindergarten is known as the “Sun".

In the kindergarten there are rooms created specifically for children, divided by types of classes.

The kindergarten opens at 7:00 am. From 8:00 am to 9:00 am, children do morning exercises, then wash and brush their teeth. Then they eat their breakfast.

Game events start around 9:00 am. The number of classes depends on the age of the children. The lessons are aimed at developing mathematical and communication skills, as well as introducing children to nature and the world around them. In winter, children skate and ski. In the summer they ride bicycles.
As soon as classes are over, the children go for a walk. They watch nature, play, go on excursions to theaters, museums. Then it's time for lunch. Children doze off after lunch.

After a nap, children do breathing and wellness exercises, as well as gymnastics. After these wellness exercises, the children have lunch at noon. Then the children play.

Most children go home from 17:00 pm to 18:00 pm. The kindergarten is open until 6.30 pm.

The kindergarten employs the following specialists in all areas of work, classes and maintenance.

Each Russian kindergarten has its own unique features and differences. But one thing does not change - all the people who work in kindergarten do everything to help develop smart and happy children and convince parents that their children are in safe hands.

Задание__4:_«Adaptation_Of_The_Child_To_School»'>Задание 3:

I teach with children 4-10 years old at the Children’s Creative Center and this is not a random choice. At this age, the child likes everything he does, begin to manifest the ability to certain types of activities, begin to form interests. Supplementary education has its own special feature: unlike general and pre-school education, supplementary education has no standards.

This gives the opportunity to choose a type of activity, independently draw up the program, determine the content, forms and methods of education. From the very morning, children come to the center, each child has his own mood. Guys greet, smile, we share our impressions. I inform you the plan of the lesson, what we will do today. To consolidate the topic, we do practical work. I do my rounds, everyone needs to approach, look, help, check the sequence of the task.

His difficulty levels are different. Therefore, everyone needs to say something: praise one, encourage the other, hurry the third. The lesson is coming to an end, I thank everyone, and in return I also receive gratitude. I am satisfied. A few students remain to sign up for the DPI exhibition, and senior students come to help them.

While I print out the names of the works and the names of the performers, the guys have already taken out the tables and their crafts in the lobby. The creative process begins. We discuss how best to place, we argue, we change places again and finally we come to a common agreement. Everyone is satisfied. I’m going to the office for the next group.

The work day is over. Coming home, I am happy to think: "How many events have happened on this day! Many impressions, positive emotions and warmth of communication with children!".
Задание 4:

«Adaptation Of The Child To School»

  1. What exactly are the difficulties a child faces when adapting to school?

  2. What methods help to determine the degree of adaptation of the child?

  3. What method shows the psychological state of the child?

  4. What kind of game supports the child's perseverance?

  5. Hiking is a good option for meeting classmates?

  6. The child sleeps badly, comes tired from school, complains about the lack of friends. What should I do in this case?

  7. In what form is it better for the guys to present the new conditions?

  8. What is the essence of the «Method of paints»?

  9. What do the dark colors in the child's drawings signal?

  10. What are the signs of proper adaptation of children to school?

Задание 5:

10 rules of the basics of a healthy lifestyle:
Rule 1 - Get enough sleep.

To feel good, you need at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Rule 2 - Eat right.

Drink plenty of water - only not sweet and carbonated, but clean and drinkable - it removes all harmful substances from the body.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. And try not to overeat at night - it delays the night metabolism, which is already slowing down at night.

Rule 3 - Get treatment on time.

Once a year, you need to undergo a medical examination, check all organs.

Rule 4 - Abandonment of bad habits.

Bad habits destroy health and immunity.

Rules 5 - More outdoor walking.

Where to go is not so important as to do it. The main thing is to enjoy the walk, relax.

Rule 6 - Movement.

Active sports will increase your endurance and flexibility and improve sleep. " Morning exercises" will help you stay up during the day.

Rule 7 - Stay calm.

Folk wisdom has a tendency to blame all illnesses on the nerves. In any case, in the struggle for your health, try not to be nervous and not angry.

Rules 8 - Hug.

A simple hug is much more useful than it may seem at first sight - it increases resistance to stress and conveys a good mood.

Rule 9 - Laughter.

According to research, optimists are far less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, so our body needs a better mood than healthy food or exercise.

Rule 10 - Overcome your fears.

Finally, do something that has always been unusual and frightening to you, and feel released from it. Do not be afraid of failure.

«Correct posture since childhood»
Posture is a habitual body position that a person assumes while sitting, standing and walking. Normal posture is the ability to maintain the correct body position. The main task of posture is to protect the spine from overloads and injuries.

When walking:

1) The head is not tilted, the back is straight, the knees rise high enough.

2) The movement begins with the foot, only after the body moves; first the heel is placed on the ground, then the toe.

3) The length of the correct step is equal to the length of the foot.

When lifting weights:

1) To lift an object, you need to squat down or bend over, bending your knees.

2) When lifting a heavy object, do not bend your back.

3) Weights should be kept as close to the body as possible.

When moving on the floor:

Standing on all fours, if possible, you should lean on both palms and on both knees, without bending in the lower back.

In the sitting position:

1) The back is straight, tightly pressed against the back of the chair, slightly bent in the lower back.

2) The shoulders are straightened, the torso is not bent, the head is not tilted, the stomach is tightened.

3) The feet of the feet are completely placed on the floor, the legs are bent on the knees.
When carrying heavy loads:

1) It is better not to carry heavy objects in one hand, but to distribute the load on both hands.

2) It is unacceptable, while holding or carrying weights, to bend and unbend sharply, bend backwards.

In the sitting position:

1) The shoulder blades are arranged symmetrically, the shoulders are at the same level and slightly unfolded, the stomach is pulled up, the legs are straight, the arms are along the trunk, the head is not tilted.

2) The inner surfaces of the feet touch or are located at a short distance from each other.

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