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Добавлен: 16.03.2024

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Проверяемые задания

Проверяемоезадание 1



Task 1.Read the post from the website for teenagers:

I’ve just finished school and now I haveto choose myway in life. I’m really interested in design and I want to be a designer.

But my parents want meto choose a different profession. They are doctors and want me to continue the tradition. I can't imagine my life without design and hate everything connected with medicine. Can you give me some advice?
Helen, Northampton

Write your advice to Helen (80-120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use “You should”, “You shouldn’t”, “Why don’t you?”

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесьслексикойпотеме“A sound mind in a sound body”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме «Модальный глагол Should»

  3. Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

  4. Напишите ответ на письмо (80–120 слов), используя выражения Youshould”, “Youshouldnt”, “Whydontyou?”

3)Я только что закончила школу и теперь мне нужно выбрать свой путь в жизни. Меня действительно интересуюсь дизайном, и я хочу быть дизайнером.

Но мои родители хотят, чтобы я выбрал другую профессию. Они врачи и хотят, чтобы я продолжил традицию. Я не могу представить свою жизнь без дизайна и ненавижу все, что связано с медициной. Можете ли вы дать мне какой-нибудь совет?
Хелен, Нортгемптон

4)Dear Helen, You should understand that the profession of a doctor is more important these days than a designer, especially since parents want you to continue the family business. You shouldn’t let them down. Parents will not advise anything bad. I don't understand why you don't want to look at the situation from the other side? You could sleep people's lives! The choice is yours!


Kris Kaimashnikova

Проверяемоезадание 2

Тема“A sound mind in a sound body”


Task 2. Describe an appearance and a character of your friend or relative(80–100 words).
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесь с лексикой по теме «A sound mind in a sound body».

  2. Используя изученную лексику, опишите характер и внешность своего друга или знакомого (80–100 слов).

2) My friend's name is Konstantin. He is 46 years old. The age difference is almost 15 years, but this only makes our friendship stronger and more interesting. Konstantin is of medium height, well-built man. He has blond hair and blue eyes. By nature, Konstantin is a real Scorpio -serious, reasonable, intelligent.

He works in an oil refinery By profession he is an engineer. I appreciate our friendship.

Проверяемоезадание 3



Task 1.Read the letter from a friend:

Dear, Paola!

How are things with you? Do you feel this New Year’s atmosphere? I’ve got so many plans for the year coming, so many New Year’s resolutions! So, I want to share them with you!

First of all, I’m going to start eating healthy food and stop eating so much chocolate. I’m also going to go to the gym at least twice a week. It will help me to stay slim and beautiful. And of course, I’m going to study harder to pass the math exam. I have already told you about it in the previous letter.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? What are you going to do?

Take care and write back soon.

Best regards.


Imagine you are Paola. Write an answer to Marry and tell about your plans (80–120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use the organisation of an informal letter in the given example

  • Use the clichés:

a) Thanks so much for ...(or Thank you for your letter!);

b) How are things ...(or How is everything?);

c) Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. (or Anyway, that’s all the news for you.);

d) Look after yourself and keep in touch.(or Take care and write back soon.);

e) All the best (or Best wishes).

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесьслексикойпотеме“Futureplans”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме «Способы выражения будущего времени. Конструкция going to».

  3. Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

  4. Напишите ответ на письмо (80–120 слов), используя выражения, приведенные выше.

Дорогая, Паола!

Как у тебя обстоят дела? Чувствуете ли вы эту новогоднюю атмосферу? У меня так много планов на предстоящий год, так много новогодних решений! Итак, я хочу поделиться ими с вами!

Прежде всего, я собираюсь начать есть здоровую пищу и перестать есть так много шоколада. Я также собираюсь ходить в спортзал по крайней мере два раза в неделю. Это поможет мне оставаться стройной и красивой. И, конечно, я собираюсь усерднее учиться, чтобы сдать экзамен по математике. Я уже рассказывала вам об этом в предыдущем письме.

Каковы ваши новогодние планы? Что вы собираетесь делать?

Берегите себя и напишите ответ в ближайшее время.

С уважением.

Hi Mary! Thank you so much for your letter! I'm doing well, I'm getting ready for the new year and the New Year's atmosphere is already felt! I also plan to start going to the gym and eating right, but it will be after the holidays. That's all the news for you at the moment. Take care of yourself and write an answer soon!

All the best!




Task 2. Imagine you are studying in a different country now. Write an e-mail to your parents and tell them about your studying (80–120 wods).

Use such phrases as:

  • to take an exam;

  • to pass an exam;

  • to study for an exam etc.

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесьслексикойпотеме“Futureplans”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Verbpatterns”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал, напишите письмо родителям (80–120 слов).

Hello, dear parents! How are you doing? I'm fine, I just miss you and my hometown, although I've found new friends here. They are very friendly and pleasant. We sometimes go to the cinema and to the park for a walk. However, I don't have much time to communicate with them because I have to prepare for exams. The curriculum is very complex, so I study hard. I hope to see you soon after passing the exams! Hello to everyone from me!

Проверяемоезадание 5


Task 1. Describe the most beautiful place you’ve been to (80–120 words). Write where the place is, when you were there, why you think it’s the most beautiful place in the world.
Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесьслексикойпотеме“Lifeexperiences”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Presentperfect”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал,опишите самое замечательное место, где вы были(80–120 слов).

Lake Baikal is a lake located in eastern Siberia. This is the deepest lake on our planet and the largest natural reservoir of fresh water.

Lake Baikal is also widely known for its endemic fauna. Water in the lake is very clean and clear. There are 27 islands and the biggest one is called Olkhon. Numerous rivers and streams flow into Lake Baikal. The Angara is the only river that flows out from the lake. I visited Baikal in August 2019. the lake and the nature around is very picturesque and beautiful.



Task 2. Make up a dialogue between an airport personnel and a person who is flying to different country and wants to check in (the dialogue should contain 15 phrases).

Рекомендации по выполнению задания

  1. Ознакомьтесьслексикойпотеме“Lifeexperiences”.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с грамматикой по теме “Presentperfect”.

  3. Используя пройденный материал,составьте диалог между работником аэропорта и пассажиром(15 фраз).

Check-in Assistant: Good evening, sir. Where are you flying?

Passenger: To Chicago.

Check-in Assistant: Can I see your ticket, please?

Passenger: Here it is.

Check-in Assistant: I will also need to see your ID and hand luggage.

Passenger: Here, I have everything with me.

Check-in Assistant: Have you checked the size and weight of your handbag? We have strict rules about it.

Passenger: Yes, I have. On the scale over there.

Check-in Assistant: Do you have any heavy luggage which you’d like to check-in?

Passenger: Yes, this suitcase.

Check-in Assistant: Let’s see. It weighs less than twenty kilos, so you don’t have to pay an extra fee.

Passenger: Speaking about the place in the airplane, can I have an aisle seat?

Check-in Assistant: No, sir, you can’t. I’m sorry but we have only window seats left.

Passenger: That’s all right. I will sit by the window then. Another issue I’m concerned of is the meal on board. I have requested for a vegetarian set. Can you check if it’s been confirmed?

Check-in Assistant: Yes, sure. Your ticket includes one vegetarian meal. Everything is all right.

Passenger: Thank you. Is the flight on time?

Check-in Assistant: Yes, it is. Your flight number is 78B. The boarding takes place at the gate number five.

Passenger: Thank you. I’ll try to find it.

Check-in Assistant: Before entering the customs zone you will also need to pass the passport control. It’s on the second floor. You’ll see the line.

(At the Passport control)

Agent: Good evening, sir.

Passenger: Good evening.

Agent: May I see your passport or identification card?

Passenger: Here you are.

Agent: Where are you flying to?

Passenger: To Chicago.

Agent: Is it a business trip or a touristic visit?

Passenger: I’m visiting a friend who lives there.

Agent: May I have his or her name?

Passenger: His name is Patrick Fitz.

Agent: Enjoy your stay in Chicago, sir. You may now proceed to your gate. Here is your ticket and ID.

Passenger: Thanks. Have a good day.