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Boris N.Malinovsky. There is nothing More Precious…

Boris n.Malinovsky. There is nothing More Precious…

Kyiv, "Gorobets", 2005, 336 p., 272 photos, ISBN 966-8508-04-1. In Russian language.

Http://www.Icfcst.Kiev.Ua/museum/chBooks.Html Contents

Some information about the author  9

The way of a half-century length 13

Landmarks of my biography 14

The truth opens to you 18

Post-graduate education 20

Meetings with S.A, Lebedev. Transference of the Laboratory of Computing Technique to the Institute of Mathematics 22

Family affairs 23

"Bring me my book!" 24

The initial studies in the Laboratory of Computing Technique 25

The hard time 27

Viktor Michailovich Glushkov. The letter in the Central Committee of Communist Party of Ukraine 30

High assignment 31

From an idea to an affair 32

The swampy front 33

A wide destination of a machine needs to be substantiated 34

A surprising proposition 37

I pay "debts" 38

The first in Soviet Union 39

"Who is our director?" 40

The hard year 41

A million rubles from the Council of Ministers of Ukraine 43

The last trial 44

An unhealed wound 45

An appendix to "Diary". The story how the writer Yuriy Mushketik "transported" developers of MESM computer into Moscow although they continued to work in Kiev 47

The Doctor’s thesis 52

They forerun their time 53

Georgiy Evgen’yevich Pukhov 55

The Department of Cybernetic Technique 57

The journal "Control systems and machines" 60

The first unique digit automatic systems for trials of cosmic technique 62

Seventeen years in the Council on Automation of Scientific Studies at the Presidium of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian Socialist Republic 64

"Ordeals", or about history of design of the first computer for automation of laboratory experiments 66

Do not capitulate. Transfer to the computers of IV generation 70

Old friend is better then two new ones. Establishing of applied laboratory of microprocessor technique 73

Memorable fifteen years anniversary 78

At fatigue 81

Intellectual cybernetics technique 87

The delayed revelation 89

The "wheel" of life 94

When glancing back to the past 101

Appendix 1. Fragments of the abstract of the Doctor’s thesis by Malinosky B.N. "Development, studies and extension in practice of the cipher processing machine of wide destination "Dnepr" computer 103

Appendix 2. The main results of activity on activity of the Laboratory of Computing Technique (the former laboratory of S.A. Lebedev) in 1952-1957, technical departments of the Computer Center of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic in 1957‑1961 and the Department of Cybernetic Technique of the Institute of Cybernetics in memory of V.M. Glushkov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1962-1992 110

Appendix 3. The resolution – order №000015 132

Appendix 4. Condensed list of the main publications and articles published in 1962-1992 by veterans of the Department of Cybernetic Technique on the Institute in memory of V.M. Glushkov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 133

The way of a half-century length /photographic illustrations pictures/ 143

Companions-in arms – the pioneers of computing technique 145

The heyday of cybernetic technique 146

The oldest veteran Zinoviy L’vovich Rabinovich. The outline of Zinoviy L’vovich Rabinovich “About myself” 150

The Academician. The outline about Vladimir Il’ich Skurikhin 163

The feat of youth. The outline about Gennadiy Alexandrovich Mikhailov 167

The first postgraduate of V.M. Glushkov. The outline about Vitaliy Pavlovich Derkach 170

The initiator of the conversion technique in Ukraine. The outline about Andrey Ivanovich Kondalev and his crew 172

One of few survived. The outline about Andrey Michailovich Luchuk 175

He remains with us… The outline about Anatoliy Ivanovich Slobodyanik 178

Our companion-in-arms in the heroic time. The outline about Gleb Alexandrovich Spynu 181

The Soviet challenge. The outline about Alexander Vasil’yevich Palagin compiled with his accounts 183

     "Svetlana" 184

     "Podlipki" 187

     "My cybernetics" 190

     "On the way in the future" 196

The pioneer of high technologies. The story of Igor Danilovich Voytovich with my comments 199

     The first award 199

     High technologies which forerun their time 202

The ways which we choose. The outline about Vitaliy Petrovich Boyun with adding of his accounts 204

     The clue of success 208

The stages of the big way: from "USO" "Dnepr" computer to the automatic systems of an industrial and scientific experiment. The outline about Vladimir Michailovich Egipko 213

The Siberian character. The outline about Yury Sergeevich Yakovlev 218

The multiciphered codes, multiciphered structures and many others. The outline about Yuriy Lukich Ivas’kiv with adding of his 221

The view in the future. The outline about Eugeniy Ivanovich Bryukhovich with adding of his account 225

The future informative technologies of engineer labor are designed today. The account of Stanislav Sergeevich Zabara 232

The break away. The outline about Valeriy Nikolaevich Koval 239

On the way to artificial intellect. A little sketch of the author about Viktor Polikarpovich Gladun and his account about himself 244

Forty years which were dedicated to cipher informative technologies. The outline about Valeriy Konstantinovich Zadiraka 247

The aim for many years. The outline about Sergey Dem’yanovich Pogorelyi 249

News in the theory of computing structures. Brief information about Vladimir Petrovich Gamayun 252

Some extracts from history of instruments for memory keeping and about ideas of integral performing of memory devices . The account of Alexandr Dmitrievich Bekha 253

The veteran of the analogous computing technique. The outline about Arkadiy Evgen’yevich Stepanov 257

The way from a postgraduate to the Academician of Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan. The outline about Tulkun Faizievich Bekmuratov 260

The general constructor of the automatic systems for trials of cosmic technique. The outline about Alexandr Alexandrovich Timashev 264

The rare gift. The outline about Miroslav Vasil’yevich Semotyuk 268

Only few people are possible to do it… The outline about Tamara Fedorovna Slobodyanik 270

The hot hart of the Department of Cybernetic Technique. Some episodes of the life of Nadir Ismail-Ogly which were told by him 272

The heroic time. The outline about Felix Nikanorovich Zykov 277

The Laboratory of Videoterminal Technique - The second applied one. The outline about Lev Borisovich Malinovsky 281

"The language will guide people to Kiev" (The Russian proverb). The account of Vyacheslav Pavlovich Solov’ev 287

"Prodigies are not exist". The account of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Korytnaya 295

The thirst of scientific work. The account of Vladimir Vladimirovich Kramskoy 297

Companions-in-arms – pioneers of computing technique /Photographic illustrations/ 303

By eyes of a witness 305

Do not survive, but to work! 312

"The second breath" 316

Development of international scientific relations 317

Scientific providing of problems in formation of the state 319

The incredible is obvious already!? 321

The alphabetic index 330

Boris N.Malinovsky.

There is nothing More Precious…

Kyiv, "Gorobets", 2005, 336 p., 272 photos, ISBN 5-87534-218-8. In Russian language.


The groundwork of the book is memories of the author about his way in science. He has dedicated more than a half of century to development and extension in practice of a cybernetic engineering, namely: cipher control machines and devices, which are necessary for contemporary scientific and technical progress.

The memories are supplemented by sketches about the persons who with the author have developed and extended in practice the cybernetic engineering. The main events described in the memories and sketches take place in the Institute of Electronics and the Computing Center of Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic (Computing Center AS UkSSR), in the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which was found in 1962 on the base of the Computing Center AS UkSSR.

It has been shown the state of science in the National Academy of Sciences in the years of formation of independent Ukraine, and the prominent role of President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Boris Paton in maintaining and development of scientific potential of the Academy. It is of undoubted interest the author’s impressions about meetings and professional intercommunications with prominent persons – the initiators of domestic mathematical engineering Sergey Lebedev; the initiator of informative technologies in Ukraine and in the former USSR, the founder of the Institute of Cybernetics of Academy of Sciences of UkSSR (now the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), and the first director of this Institute Victor Glushkov; the heaven-sent surgeon, scientist, public figure, and writer Nikolay Amosov; the President of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the unique person, prominent scientist and organizer of science Boris Paton; at last with a number of eminent scientists – companions-in-arm in the field of construction and extension in practice of the cybernetic engineering.

The large number of photographic illustrations provide the described events by clearness and make better perception of the text.

The book is untended to the scientific and engineer community, students of technical specialties, the readers, which are interested by the past and present state of science and engineering in Ukraine.

Some information from the author

The cybernetic engineering and its constructors (creators) are the main characters of this book. This is not a chance. Formation and development of computing engineering in Ukraine have proceeded at my participation over the period more a half of century beginning with 1950. This work has been conducted in the first place in the Academy of Sciences of UkSSR – a beginning in the Institute of Electrical Engineering, than in the Institute of Mathematics, further in Computing Center AS UkSSR, and since 1962 – in the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The founder of this institute Viktor Glushkov directed by this institute over twenty years (1962‑1982)1.

In further years, the Academician Vladimir Mikhalevich (1982‑1994) directed by this institute. In the present time, the Academician Ivan Sergienko has directed by this institute and guided by the Cybernetic Center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Center has incorporated the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics.

Over these years, I had a happy to intercommunicate with many colleagues in the institute, including with collaborators of the Department of Cybernetic Engineering, which was guided by me more 20 years.

The Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics has been before and still is now a unique scientific organization. It should note the evaluation of activity of the Institute of Cybernetics, which was done by the delegation of prominent American scientists visited the Academy of Sciences of UkSSR. After the tale of Viktor Glushkov about the studies conducting in the institute, one of participants of the meeting the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of the Berkley University Professor L. Zade has said: Viktor ! Your institute is known widely in Soviet Union and in us, in America. The institute, indeed, is unique by its multilateral activity and profound character of the studies; and he has fooled – “you know that all the problems are studied in the institute. It might be the only acupuncture is not worked out!”

"It should search for it in secluded corners, it might be this is in them" – momentary responded Viktor Glushkov. And to the point, he was true !

A number of authors wrote about the scientific school of Victor Glushkov2. Its prominent achievements became a groundwork for formation of scientific schools of his disciples and followers, who realized many ideas that were spoke out by Victor Glushkov about further development of diverse directions of cybernetics.

The proposed for a reader book gives an account in brief the results of studies in such a direction, which has obtained the name cybernetic engineering. In the book, it has been shown the whole layer of many year scientific activity of the large personnel of workers of technical departments of Computing Center AS UkSSR, and the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Why this book was not written before ?

At beginning, ten years ago, I prepared the books about the scientists – pioneers of computing engineering and informative technologies, which were timed to the anniversary data: ninety years from the birthday of the initiator of domestic computing engineering Sergey Lebedev who created (constructed) in the Institute of Electrical Engineering of AS UkSSR the first in the continental Europe computer "MESM" (Malaya Elektronaya Schetnaya Mashina or Small Electronic Calculating Machine); and seventy years from the birthday of Victor Glushkov - the initiator of informative technologies in Ukraine and former USSR, founder and the first director of the Institute of Cybernetics of AS UkSSR (now the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Further, I wrote the books about contribution of Ukraine in development of computing engineering in applied (formerly secret) scientific-designing organizations. I very wanted to tell about all these things because otherwise many important events and facts would sink into oblivion. I have done this in time, and supposedly with benefit. It should say that history of computing science and engineering including cybernetic engineering in Ukraine was over long time in the situation of pariah. Too little was known about it, and nearly nothing was published until 1990‑ies due to a secret character of many works. Therefore, it had to begin nearly on "an empty place" and "to bridge the gaps" in the history of this important direction of science and engineering.

At present, it should remember about myself, chiefly about the big and harmonious personnel of talented and laborious people, which worked in technical departments of Computing Center AS UkSSR and in the Department of Cybernetic Engineering of the Victor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Nearly nothing was said about these people in my books and books of other authors.

It is very difficult to speak about myself and my numerous collaborators who have worked over many years with me. It needs maximal objectivity, exact knowledge of what has been done. Despite a passionate desire to do it correctly, the subjectivity in presentation of achievements and events, which took place in the Department, would hardly be avoided. Nevertheless, I will try to minimize such defects in the presentations.

"The man’s reminiscences are the main treasure for him. And the more they were connected with some turning-point periods, which required great tension of main body and nerves, or they were connected with the tragically events, the dearest these reminiscences for him." These words were said by the Great Russian writer Fedor M. Dostoyevsky. He arrived at this notion to the end his life3.

The fortune as if wanted to convince me in truth of the words of the great writer. In 1939, having education only during two months in the Leningrad Mining Institute, I was called to military service. After two years, when I waited demobilization, and returning to the institute seemed to be in near future, the Great Patriotic War began, which left in my body traces of wounds and permanent pain in my soul about victims of the war. The young men – soldiers, sergeants, and lieutenants fought in the first lines. Just they were on forward positions and sustained heavy losses. My elder brother, a tank-man occurred among those who left to be laying in thousands of common graves on fields of battles… The orders of Patriotic War of I and II grades, which have been handed over to my parents together the letter reporting about his perish, several photographs, and his letters from the battle-front are kept in my family as dear relics…

The war years will be in my memory forever.

After the war, a new life began with significant difficulties. Being demobilized in 1945, I supposed that I unable to educate in an institute, and of course I did not dream about scientific activity.

However, youth occurred to be potent. I succeeded to complete the Institute with a honorees diploma. After that, I have been working over more a half a century in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

I suppose that the words by Fedor Dostoyevsky are true for all people, including those who are presented in this book. It is not a chance that they shared me with good will by their memories, archives materials, and photographs. I thank them for this help.

The book consists of three parts. In the first one, which is called "The way of a half century long", it is said about activity of the author and studies conducted in the technical departments of Computing Center AS UkSSR and in the Department of Computing Engineering of the Victor Glushkov Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This part was prepared on the base my memories and documents from my private archives. In this part, the names of Sergey Lebedev and Victor Glushkov are mentioned often because the described events were connected closely with their activity. In the second part, which supplements the first one, and is called "Companions-in-arms – veterans of cybernetic engineering", it exposed sketches about initiators of cybernetic engineering and cybernetic systems. The most of them are young contemporaries of Sergey Lebedev and Victor Glushkov and other pioneers of cipher computing engineering; they have participated actively in realization of ideas of the pioneers. Eventually, the young specialists and postgraduates have become venerable scientists, which succeeded suitably confirm and multiply success of their teachers.

The new generation of scientists has became initiators of further means of cybernetic engineering and the first cybernetic systems. The current sketches have been prepared with participation of them.

Unfortunately, I cannot collect materials about all of those who should be described in the book. The sketches under the present publication of course have same flaws. It should have hope that the readers will be lenient to me.

The third part of the book is called "From an eye-witness" is dedicated by events in National Academy of Ukraine and in Ukraine as a whole in the first decade of its independence, and about the role of Boris Paton in maintaining of the Academy.

Translation from Russian into English Gleb Vasechko

1 Before this appointment, V.M. Glushkov directed over a year by the Laboratory of Computing Engineering of the Institute of Mathematics, and over four years he directed by CC AS UkSSR. On the base of the latter, it was found the Institute of Cybernetics.

2 Boris N. Malinovsky, Yuliya V. Kapitonova, Aleksandr A. Letichevsky, Vitaliy P  Depkach, and Ivan V. Sergienko.

3 Unfortunately, I do not remember, in which the work of F.M. Dostoyevsky this phrase is located. I cite it from memory.