Файл: West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University.docx

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West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University
The Aktyubinsk State Medical Institute was founded in 1957, then on February 25, 1997 in accordance with the resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan it was reorganized into the Aktobe State Medical Academy. On the 16th of February 2009 it was reorganized into West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University. In 2019 it was reorganized into West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical UniversityƆ

West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University is a great educational, medical, research and diagnostic centre of the West region. It has its own clinical units such as Medical Centre, Dental Clinic and Family Medicine Clinic.

Now there are five faculties at the University: "General medicine", "Stomatology", "Public Health", "Pharmacy" and "Nursing".

The course of study at the Medical University is for four, five, six and seven years. There is a 7-year course of study at the Faculty of General Medicine. There is a 6-year course of study at the Stomatology Faculty. At the and Pharmacy, the course of study lasts for 5 years. There is a 4-year course of study at the Nursing and Public Health Faculties. During this period students master the basis of theoretical and practical medicine.

The course of study is divided into junior and senior levels. For two years the students learn the so-called preclinical subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Human Anatomy, Histology, Microbiology, a foreign language and Philosophy. The students have clinical subjects from the third to the fifth year. They are introduced all branches of therapy, surgery, gynaecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, infectious diseases and others. During this three years period medical students learn to diagnose and treat different diseases and carry out laboratory analyses.

The undergraduates have practical training at the clinics and teaching hospitals of the University. They perform the duties of assistant nurses, nurses and doctor’s assistants. In five years the students gain all the knowledge necessary for a general practitioner and receive Bachelor’s degree diploma.

Internship begins in the sixth year. It lasts for 1 year in Stomatology and 2 years General medicine faculties. During this period the students specialize in Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatrics. They work at clinics, polyclinics, attend lectures, seminars and clinical conferences. Interns work under the direct supervision of experienced specialists in clinics and in major hospitals. At the end of the internship they receive the qualification “Physician”.

Medical graduates can continue according to their studies the programme of residency and Master’s degree.


to found /faund/


in accordance with the resolution of the government

по решению правительства

to reorganize /’ri:co:gnaiz/

реорганизовывать, преобразовывать

to master the basis of theoretical and practical medicine

овладеть основой теоретической и практической медицины

preclinical subject

доклинический предмет

clinical subject

клинический предмет

therapy /’θerəpi/


surgery /’sə:dӡəri/


gynaecology /,dӡaini’kƆlədӡi ‘/


Obstetrics / Ɔ b’stetriks/


ophthalmology / Ɔ f’θæl’mƆ lədӡi/


infectious diseases / in’fek∫əs di’zi:ziz /

инфекционные болезни

to diagnose /’daiəɡnouz/

расспознать болезнь, ставить диагноз

to treat /tri:t/


to carry out laboratory analyses

выполнять лабораторные анализы

general practitioner / dӡenərəl præk’ti∫nə /

общепрактикующий врач



internship /, s^bin‘tə;n∫ip /


intern / in’tə:n /


to apply for residensy

подать заявление на обучение в резидентуре

Bachelor’s degree diploma

диплом Бакалавра



    1. Read and learn the words by heart.

    2. Practise the pronunciation:

surgery /’sə:dӡəri/

therapy /’θerəpi/

gynaecology /,dӡaini’k Ɔ lədӡi ‘/

obstetrics / Ɔ b’stetriks/

infectious diseases / in’fek∫əs di’zi:ziz /

intern / in’tə:n /

internship /in‘tə:n∫ip /

III Learn the following word -combinations paying attention to prepositions and

translate them:

to be founded in 1957, to be founded on the 25th of September, 1995, to be

reorganized, for six years, to carry out, to divide into, in five years,

to specialize in surgery, to work under the direct supervision, to apply for residency.
IV. Translate the sentences into Russian using the essential vocabulary to the text:

  1. The Aktyubinsk State Medical Institute was founded in 1957, then on the 25th of February, 1997 in accordance with the resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan it was reorganized into the Aktobe State Medical Academy.

  2. Now there are five faculties at the University: "General medicine", "Stomatology", "Public Health", "Pharmacy" and "Nursing".

  3. They are introduced all branches of therapy, surgery, gynaecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, infectious diseases and others.

  4. Medical graduates can apply for residency.

  5. West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University has its own clinical units such as Medical Centre, Dental Clinic and Family Medicine Clinic.

  6. Interns work under the direct supervision of experienced specialists in clinics and in major hospitals.

V. Read the text:

    1. Find the sentences in the text which speak: of the history of our university, faculties, course of study, subjects the students study during the first two years, practical training, specialization.

    2. Analyze the sentences in which verbs are used in Passive Voice.


I. a) Give the names of the preclinical subjects,

b) Give the names of the branches of medicine.

  1. Compose sentences using the words:

Follow the word order of the affirmative sentence.

1) Institute, founded, the, 1957, was, in accordance with the resolution of, the, in,

government, medical;

2) General Medicine, there, are, at the university, the, faculties, Nursing Faculty, five,

Stomatology, Faculty, of , and, Public Health Faculty, others;

3) course, study, is, or, six, four, five years, the , of, seven;

4) during, this period, master, they, of, the , theoretical, medicine, practical, basis, and

5) students, the, have, to the fifth year, clinical subjects, third, year, from;

6) to diagnose, to treat, period, laboratory analyses, carry out, different diseases, students,

during, this, three, year, learn, and.

III. Compose general and special questions:

a) the University, largest, institutions, is, one, of , the, higher, schools, medical, among?

b) there, five, are, faculties, at, the, University?

c) What, study, the, of, course, is, Medical at, University, the?

d) what, students, do, during, period, this, do?
IV. Find in the text the missing parts of the following sentences, translate them into Russian.

1. There are five faculties at the… : …. , Stomatology , …. , General

Medicine, the Faculty …. …. ….

2. For two …. the …. learn the so-called …. subjects such …. Physics,

Anatomy, Histology , Chemistry, a …. language …. Philosophy.

V. Give the English equivalents of the following word -combinations:

согласно решению правительства, соседние регионы, курс обучения, основы теоретической и практической медицины, так называемые пре-клинические предметы, студенты изучают клинические предметы с 3 курса до 5–го, учиться ставить диагноз, лечить разные болезни, выполнять лабораторные анализы, выполнять обязанности врача и медсестры, специализироваться в области хирургии, терапии, посещать лекции, сдать выпускные государственные экзамены, работать под непосредственным руководством опытных специалистов, подать заявление на обучение в резидентуру.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. 1.Курс обучения в медицинском университете 4, 5, 6 или 7 лет.

  2. Студенты овладевают основами теоретической и клинической медицины за время обучения в медицинском университете.

  3. В течение 5 лет студенты овладевают всеми знаниями, необходимыми для врача общей практики.

  4. Интернатура начинается на шестом курсе.

  5. Студенты специализируются либо по терапии, хирургии, либо по акушерству и гинекологии.

  6. В конце интернатуры студенты получают диплом с присвоением квалификации врача.

  7. Интерны работают под руководством опытных специалистов в клиникax и крупных больницах.

VII. Answer the questions.

  1. When was the Aktobe State Medical University founded?

  2. When was it reorganized into the Aktobe State Medical Academy ?

  3. How many faculties are there at the University?

  4. What is the course of study at the University?

What subjects do students learn for the first two years?

( from the third to the fifth year )Ɔ

  1. Do students learn to diagnose and treat different diseases and carry out laboratory analyses during three years?

  2. Where do students have a practical training?

  3. What duties do students perform during practical trainings?

  4. When does specialization begin?

  5. What specialty do students specialize in?

  6. When do students pass the final state examinations?

VIII. Compose a dialogue using the material of the theme.

IX. Summary.

  1. What new did you learn from the text?

  2. Was it interesting for you to read the text?

  3. What facts should be paid special attention to?

  4. What conclusion have we come to while reading the text?

X. Prepare a report “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

Exercise 1. Write the correct verb form into the gap. Use the Past Continuous (Past Progressive)

  1. While I ___________ (to copy) the exercise, my friends __________ (to describe) a picture.

  2. When we came in, the children __________ (to clean) their desks.

  3. We met her at the bus stop. She ___________ (to wait) for the bus.

  4. Some of the children ________ (to ski) while other children ___________ (to skate). Everybody __________ (to have) a lot of fun.

  5. When we came the family ________ (to get) everything ready for Christmas. Bob and Helen _________ (to decorate) the Christmas tree.

  6. The girls _________ (to feed) the birds in the garden while the boys _______ (to make) a bird-house.

Exercise 2. Put the verbs into the correct form

  1. Alison … (to have) lunch at two o’clock yesterday.

  2.  Edward and Henry … (to play) the guitar all the evening.

  3.  Ben … (to run) in the park in the morning yesterday.

  4.  I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.

  5. My grandparents … (to drive) to Poltava at this time yesterday.

  6.  Lucy … (to iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock last Saturday.

  7. You … (to sleep) for three hours in the afternoon.

  8.  Julia … (to listen) to news at this time yesterday.

  9. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday.

  10. We … (to play) on the playground all day last Sunday.

  11. Alison … (to have) lunch at two o’clock yesterday.

  12.  Edward and Henry … (to play) the guitar all the evening.

  13.  Ben … (to run) in the park in the morning yesterday.

  14.  I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.

  15. My grandparents … (to drive) to Poltava at this time yesterday.

  16.  Lucy … (to iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock last Saturday.

  17. You … (to sleep) for three hours in the afternoon.

  18.  Julia … (to listen) to news at this time yesterday.

  19. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday.

  20. We … (to play) on the playground all day last Sunday.

Exercise 3. Put the verbs into the Past Continuous Tense.

  1.  I/to go home/at 4 o’clock yesterday.

  2.  We/to play basketball/at 6 o’clock last Sunday.

  3.  She/to talk with her friend/for forty minutes yesterday.

  4. You/to wash the window/in the afternoon yesterday.

  5.  Nick/to ride his bike/all the evening.

  6. Sheila and Dora/to wait for a bus/for half an hour.

  7.  They/to prepare for the party/all day yesterday.

  8.  I/to learn the poem/for an hour.

  9. Dick/to paint the walls in his room/from 2 to 6 o’clock last Wednesday.

  10.  Eve and Tony/to skate/all day last Saturday.

Exercise 4. Change the sentences below to form the negative.

  1. The teacher was explaining the exercise to the pupils.

  2.  Amanda was travelling around Africa at that time.

  3.  We were having a Music lesson at ten o’clock yesterday.

  4.  I was doing the shopping yesterday.

  5.  Martin was visiting his aunt at this time yesterday.

  6.  The girls were preparing for the concert.

  7. They were flying to Wales at 6 o’clock yesterday.

  8. It was raining hard all day last Tuesday.

  9.  Mike and Jess were walking in the park last evening.

  10.  He was choosing the books in the library then.

Exercise 5. Put general questions .

  1. We were having lunch in the canteen.

  2.  She was singing a lovely song.

  3.  You were speaking to your boss.

  4. George was sitting in the armchair by the fireplace.

  5.  Jane and Margaret were going to the airport.

  6.  The baby was crying.

  7.  It was getting dark.

  8.  We were waiting for my cousin.

  9.  The woman was watching the children on the playground.

  10.  The tourists were taking photos in front of the palace.

Exercise 6. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. The girls were playing tennis in the tennis court.

  1. The cat was sleeping on the sofa.

  2.  We were crossing the street at the traffic light.

  3.  He was explaining the task to his brother.

  4. The woman was walking slowly along the road.