Файл: Материалом для подготовки устного высказывания могут служить готовые темы, которые можно найти в учебных пособиях.docx

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Тема 1.1. «Великобритания». Лондон, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, 4 часа.

Цель: изучение страноведческого материла, совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи на английском языке. Закрепление грамматического материала.

Задание: подготовить письменное сообщение «Достопримечательности Лондона».

Порядок выполнения задания:

1) Продумайте свое сообщение, составьте примерный план своего высказывания (10-12 предложений). Отработайте отдельные слова и устойчивые фразы в материале по теме. Материалом для подготовки устного высказывания могут служить готовые темы, которые можно найти в учебных пособиях.

2) Проверьте, нет ли в работе грамматических ошибок или ошибок в написании слов
You can travel through London on the river. The name of the river is the Thames. You can sit on a riverboat and see many famous buildings.

Big Ben

You can see this clock tower. Inside the tower there is a heavy metal bell. Its name is Big Ben. Every hour this big bell sounds. It weighs 13,500 kilos.

The London Eye

River boats go past the London Eye. People ride on this enormous wheel. It turns very slowly. At the top you can see across the city. The London Eye opened in 2000.

Tower Bridge

Boats go under Tower Bridge. Sometimes tall ships go up the river. A red light stops the traffic. The bridge opens. The ship passes through. The bridge closes again.

The Monument

You can see this tower. It tells people about the Great Fire of London in 1666. It is 61 metres high. It is 61 metres from the start of the fire.
Тема 1.1. «Великобритания». Тема Королевская семья, модальные глаголы, 6 часов.

Цель: совершенствование и развитие навыков устной и письменной речи на английском языке и использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий. Закрепление грамматического материала.

Задание: подготовить письменное сообщение об одном из членов королевской семьи.

Prince William is the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and the eldest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. He and his wife, Kate, live in a large apartment in Kensington Palace in London with their two young children, George and Charlotte. They also have a home in Norfolk in the east of England.

William works hard but he hasn’t got a normal job. Instead, he has a lot of royal duties: he meets foreign kings, queens and presidents and he helps a lot of different charities. He is famous all around the world, but he doesn’t want his home life to be special or different.

Kate also has a lot of royal duties. But like her hushand, she wants a normal life too. She goes shopping in the local supermarket, and she sometimes meets friends and has coffee with them. She always buys her own clothes. Sometimes she buys expensive designer clothes, but she often goes to normal clothes shops.

William and Kate are happy together and they love their apartment in London and their quiet home in the country. Kate's hobbies are cooking, walking their dog Lupo and playing with her

children. William and Kate are proud of their young children. They think they have got a wonderful family!
Тема 1.1. «Великобритания». Времена английского глагола (Continuous).
8. Вставьте глаголы в the Present Continuous Tense:

1. What is he reading now?

2. Where is she going now?

3. Look! They are waiting for you.

4. Where are you going? – I am going to the bank.

5. I don’t want to go there now. (want не употребляется в Present Continuous)

6. I am not watching TV now.

7. Look! The boys are running about in the garden.

8. John and his friends are going to the library at this moment.

9. The dog is sitting on the floor.

10. What language are you studying now?

9. Вставьте глаголы в the Past Continuous Tense: drive, go, have, listen, make, snow, work

1. Gabriel and Rachel were having dinner when I came.

2. I was going home from work at 6 p.m. yesterday.

3. In 2009 we were working for the Blackstone Group.

4. It was snowing hard so we didn’t go for a walk.

5. Megan was driving to work at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.

6. My neighbours were making noise the whole evening yesterday.

7. What did she say? I don’t know I wasn’t listening.

10. Выберите верный ответ (Continuous):

1. Ron and Michael ___ sitting at the table and doing their homework at this moment yesterday.

a. was b. were c. are d. is

2. The police caught Dan when he ___robbing a shop.

a. was b. were c. are d. is

3. My parents ___ watching TV right now.

a. was b. were c. are d. is

4. What ___you doing between one and two yesterday? I phoned you several times.

a. was b. were c. are d. is

5. ___ she running in the park right now?

a. was b. were c. are d. is

6. At this time tomorrow she ____ there.

a. will sit b. will be sitting c. will sitting d. will sitted

7. My brother ___ designing his own website now. It looks great!

a. was b. were c. are d. is

8. I ___sitting by the window when I heard the noise.

a. was b. were c. are d. is

9. At 5 o’clock tomorrow I ___ there.

a. will work b. will working c. will be working d. will worked

10. ____ you going to Paris?

a. is b. are c. do d. was


Выберите верный ответ:

1. He … (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.

2. Interpreters … (may/must) translate without dictionaries.

3. … (Can/May) I use me your bike for today?

4. … (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this cake?

5. I hardly ever see Jane, she … (may/might) have moved to Africa.

6. Take an umbrella. It … (may/can) rain.

7. You … (could/should) stop smoking. You know you … (cannot/must not) buy health.

8. You … (may/must) finish the article as soon as possible.

9. Liz doesn’t … (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.

10. Lara … (can/might) get a playstation for her birthday.

11. You … (must not/needn’t) read in the dark.

12. My grandfather is retired, so he … (shouldn’t/doesn’t have to
) go to work.

13. The fridge is full, so we … (must not/needn’t) go shopping. 42

14. Our employees … (can/must) sign this agreement.

15. We … (may/ought to) reserve a table in advance if we want to have dinner there.

16. I … (can’t/needn’t) believe it! You … (have to/must) be joking.

17. Ann … (must/is to) finish school next year.

18. Sorry, I’m late. I … (needed to/had to) wait for the plumber.

19. What time do we … (should/have to) be at the railway station?

20. Don’t wait for me tonight. I … (might/must) be late.

21. I … (maynot/can’t) watch this film. It’s too boring.

22. We’ve got a dishwasher, so you … (couldn’t/needn’t) wash-up.

23. You look very pale, I think you … (need/should) stay at home.

24. … (Could/Might) you, please, pass me the mustard?