Файл: Unit people and things around me useful words to unit.docx

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  1. How to talk about plans



What to ask

What are your plans for today (tomorrow)?

Какие у тебя планы на сегодня (завтра)?

Are you looking forward for the weekend?

С нетерпением ждешь выходных?

Where are you going (tonight)?

Куда ты собираешься (сегодня вечером)? Куда ты идешь?

Are you busy today?

Ты занят(а) сегодня?

Can we have talk today (tomorrow)?

Мы можем поговорить сегодня (завтра)?

Can we meet tonight (on Saturday)?

Мы можем встретиться сегодня вечером (в субботу)?

How to respond

I have a busy day (I’m very busy).

У меня тяжелый (занятой) день (Я очень занят).

I hope to have a good rest.

Я надеюсь хорошо отдохнуть.

I’m going to the cinema (with my friends).

Я собираюсь (иду) в кино (с моими друзьями).

We have dinner with the family on Sunday.

У нас обед с семьей в воскресенье.

Phone me.

Позвони мне.

I’m sorry, I can’t talk with you right now. Can we do it later?

Извини(те), я не могу разговаривать прямо сейчас. Можем сделать это позже?

  1. How to talk about news



What to ask

What’s new?

Что нового?

Do you know Jane and David are married?

Ты знаешь, что Джейн и Давид поженились?

Do you hear the news today?

Ты слышал(а) новость?

I read in the newspaper (on the Internet)…

Я прочитал(а) в газете (интернете)…

How to respond



What a surprise!

Какой сюрприз!

No way!

Не может быть!

How nice (wonderful, great)!

Как мило (чудесно, здорово)!

That’s great!

Это великолепно (здорово)!

I’m happy to hear it.

Я счастлив(а) это слышать.


Exercise 1. Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps.

  1. Ian is a musician and he’s got lots of ______.

  1. DVDs B) CDs C) CD players D) friends

  1. Sally’s got an old _________.

  1. bike B) dress C) CD player D) friend

  1. Sally’s got a beautiful _________ dress.

  1. old B) short C) long D) silk

  1. Sally’s got a beautiful _________ dress.

  1. red B) green C) white D) yellow

  1. Sally _______ red colour.

  1. loves B) hates C) dislikes D) draws

  1. Bill’s Toyota is _________.

  1. expensive B) fast C) new D) old

  1. Fred is Bill’s _________ .

A) friend B) wife C) pet D) son

8. Bill hasn’t got __________.

  1. a DVD player B) DVDs C) a good TV D) digital camera

9. Bill’s camera is __________.

  1. small B) cheap C) great D) old

10. Bill takes __________ pictures.

  1. small B) expensive C) great D) old

Exercise 2. Match the definitions with the words.

  1. your father and your mother are your …

  1. grandparents B) grandchildren C) parents D) twins

  1. your father’s sister or your mother’s sister are your …

A) grandparents B) aunt C) parents D) uncle

  1. your father’s brother or your mother’s brother are your …

  1. uncle B) grandchildren C) parents D) granddaughter

  1. your aunt’s or uncle’s children are your …

  1. father-in-law B) grandchildren C) parents D) cousins

  1. your mother’s father or your father’s father are your …

  1. grandfather B) grandmother C) parents D) mother-in-law

  1. your mother’s mother or your father’s mother are your …

  1. grandparents B) grandmother C) child D) twins

  1. the daughter of your brother or a sister is your …

  1. nephew B) grandchildren C) niece D) brother

  1. the son of your brother or a sister is your …

  1. granddaughter B) aunt C) parents D) nephew

  1. the mother of your husband or your wife…

  1. granddaughter B) grandchildren C) mother-in-law D) nephew

  1. the daughter of your mother is your …

  1. nephew B) grandchildren C) niece D) sister

Exercise 3. Choose the correct variant.

1. ___________ are green.

A. the eyes of Helen

B. Helen’s eyes

C. Helens’ eyes

2. ___________ is old.

A. My father’s car

B. My fathers’ car

C. The car of my father

3. ___________ are dirty.

A. The shoes of the girls

B. The girls’ shoes

C. The girls shoes

4. ___________ cat.

A. Peter

B. Peters’

C. Peter’s

5. Is this ___________ ?

A. Melanies’ house

B. Melanie’s house

C. house of Melanie

6. ___________ are red.

A. The trees leaves

B. The tree’s leaves

C. The leaves of the tree

  1. These are our ______ suitcases. 

  1. guests’ B. guest’s C. guests

  1. This is my ______ bedroom. 

  1. sons B. son’s C. daughter

  1. These are the ______ dictionaries.

  1. students B. student’s C. students’

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the form of have got/has got or haven’t/hasn’t got .

  1. You _______ lots of books on your desk.

A) has got B) has’nt got C) have got

2. They _______ a dog and two cats.

A) has got B) have’nt got C) have got

3. He _______ a nice house.

A) hasn’t got B) has’nt got C) haven’t got

4. I _______ a large family.

A) has got B) havent got C) have got

5. We ________ two children.

A) has got B) hasn’t got C) have got

6. It _______ two big windows.

A) has got B) has’nt got C) haven’t got

7. She ________ a brother.

A) haven’t got B) hasn’t got C) have got

8. I _________ time to do this work.

A) has got B) hasn’t got C) have got

9. You _______ a family.

A) has got B) has’nt got C) have got

10 . They ________ any pets.

A) has got B) have got C) haven’t got
Exercise 5. Read about Sally and her grandfather, Bill. Are the sentences are true or false.
Sally: What’s important in my life? Well, I’ve got a great CD player. I haven’t got lots of CDs, but my friend Ian is a musician and he’s got hundreds! And I’ve got an old bike – that’s very important to me. What else? Well, I’ve got a beautiful long dress. It’s red, my favourite colour, and I love it. Oh, and my new mobile phone is very important to me – it’s got all my friends’ phone numbers in it!

Bill: What things are important to me? Well, I’ve got a very old Toyota. It’s not very fast but it’s important to us – my wife, Pat, hasn’t got a car. And we’ve got a dog. His name’s Fred and he’s twelve years old. He’s very important to us. Oh, and I’ve got an expensive digital camera. It’s very small but the pictures are great. And I’ve got a very good DVD player and hundreds of DVDs – we love old films. The problem is, we haven’t got a very good TV!

  1. Sally’s favourite colour is red.

  2. Sally’s got a beautiful short dress.

  3. Her mobile phone is very old.

  4. Bill’s camera is very cheap.

  5. Bill’s got a pet.

  6. His dog is called Fred.

  7. His DVD player isn’t very good.

  8. Bill takes good pictures.

  9. Bill hasn’t got an expensive digital camera.

  10. Bill’s got a very good TV.


  1. Write about members of your family.

  2. Think about what you can write about each person.

  3. Give ideas what unites your family.

Write about 60-90 words.