Файл: V. N. Karlovskaya А. P. Karpova O. E. Filimonova.docx

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a college

bubble over with (excitement)

B. Insert prepositions and adverbs:

  1. The weather was lovely, so we decided to take a day … and go on an excursion to Repin memorial museum in Repino. The museum assistant warned us we would have to conform … the rules of behavior in a museum. He showed us … the museum which appeared to be really fascinating. No one would say we were disappointed … the trip, we actually bubbled … … excitement.

  2. He developed a plan which he followed to a letter – first to get … school, then to enroll … a college, then to get his MBA and find an interesting and rewarding job.

  3. When I was offered a plum job I naturally snatched … it and never regretted it.

  4. “It wasn’t wise to turn your back … the chance life may offer only once”, my dad told me.

  5. It’s not a bad idea first to take a year …, get some experience and see if you can start your own small business.

5. Translate these words and collocations and recall the context they are used in:

1) To mess about in the garden; 2) to snatch at happiness; 3) to tear up one’s roots; 4) the last thing I wanted; 5) a significant relationship; 6 to cross the watershed; 7) a place of one’s own; 8) in the most casual and light-hearted way; 9) trivial; 10) to bubble over with questions; 11) to conform to the tradition; 12) weekly wage; 13) private means; 14) to lose patience; 15) to keep the head above water; 16) an extraordinary thing; 17) to bum from coast to coast; 18) to see a bit of the world; 19) to honor medical confidence; 20) to stand at one’s shoulder; 21) to talk in a casual and light-hearted way. 22) accurate diagnosis.

6. Say it in English:

1) Ожидать, что обратят внимание; 2) немигающий взгляд; 3) быть готовым расплакаться; 4) переломный момент; 5) я виноват; 6) воздушные замки; 7) принять близко к сердцу; 8) держаться на плаву;9) крепко держать в руках; 10) отвернуться от любви; 9) все объяснить; 10) следовать семейной традиции; 12) находиться на открытом воздухе; 13) стоять над душой; 14) сказать все, что накопилось на сердце; 15) кабинет врача; 16) на две недели позже; 17) расставить приоритеты; 18) жить на ограниченные средства; 19) вопреки здравому смыслу; 20) суждено; 22) пойти по стопам отца.

  1. Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs to tear up, to end up, to run down, to find out, to go off, to be up, to grow up, to go back, to come back, to show around, to take off:

1Leaving my native town was like … … the roots. 2. I am doing a course in guiding to be able to … tourists … the city 3. I have to … a week … to have some rest and come back to normal. 4. He had most ambitious plans about his future but … … as a book-keeper. 5. It is not very easy for a drug addict to … … drugs. 6. Growing … in the atmosphere of indulgence made him weak-willed and indecisive. 7. Finally he got … school successfully and was faced with the problem what to do next. 8. What do you run your poor condition … to? 9. “Your time is …,” said the teacher. 9. He was not prepared to go … to his native town. 10. It’s high time you found … the truth and accepted it. 11. What time are you planning to come … at? 12. We quarreled and separated, I ended … finding a place of my own. 13. It’s pointless to … … … him if he doesn’t pay attention to you. 14. I’m not very happy about my work, there’s too much … …, and the results are negligent.

  1. Translate into English using the vocabulary notes of the unit:

accurate: 1. Мой босс требует, чтобы мы точно выполняли правила фирмы. 2. Я не уверен, что это точная информация.

commit: 1. Она полностью посвятила себя семье. 2. У него большая семья и масса обязательств. 3. Ты хочешь, чтобы я запомнил эту гору информации? 4. Руководство требует абсолютной преданности фирме.

fuss, make a fuss, be fussy, fussy eater, fusspot: 1. Она очень привередлива в еде. 2. Весь этот шум был из-за того, что я опоздал на две минуты.

manage, management, mismanagement: 1. Причиной провала проекта было плохое управление.

own, on one’s own, be one’s own man, hold one’s own: 1. Несмотря на очень убедительные аргументы, он стоял на своем. 2. Мы мечтали о собственном доме, об огороде, где мы будем выращивать овощи на продажу. 3. Я мечтаю жить самостоятельно 4. Он уже взрослый, он должен сам справляться с трудностями.

  1. A. Below there are a number of words with their synonyms; say which meaning is realized in the text:

brilliant – bright; glorious; clever.

His eyes, watching her, seemed strangely brilliant, intensely blue, unblinking.

practical – pragmatic; experienced; workable.

But she was amazing. Extremely practical.

private – solitary; personal; confidential; secret.

I have no money, no house, no private means.

destined – to be appointed; to be intended; to be doomed.

Ian was destined to follow in my father’s footsteps.

honour – to raise in distinction; to respect; to adore.

I made the doctor promise that he would honor his medical confidence.

enroll – to register; to record.

So I enrolled for three years at a Horticultural College.

test – experiment; standard; proof; practical examination.

I was sitting in a consulting room, there were more tests and a brain scan.

vulnerable – capable of being wounded; weak.

She’d always seemed to me very young and so very vulnerable.

deal – to distribute; to do business with;, to take action about.

If I couldn’t deal with it on my own, then I wasn’t going to deal with it at all.

ordinary – customary; common; mean; plain.

I was just another ordinary guy.

ill – sick; bad.

And then, without warning I felt appallingly ill.

11. Paraphrase the underlined words and phrases using the Vocabulary notes:

1. It was not possible to give a correct diagnosis without taking tests. 2. Would it be right to say he is a lazy bone? 3. The information was precise enough. 4. As he was ill, Danus couldn’t allow Antonia to devote her life to him. 5. Criminals should be put into prison. 6. If I can manage to memorize ten English words a day I will enlarge my vocabulary by 3560 words by the end of the year. 7. After the death of his sister he felt it his duty to raise her children. 8. He promised to pay off the debt in three months. 9. There was no better way to show his devotion to the family. 10. It’s an absolute must to know how to comply with the customs of the place you have moved to. 11. I don’t know what all that agitation is about. 12. Stop fidgeting, there’s no need to be nervous. 13. She is so particular about what she eats. 14. That woman was giving to much attention to such trivial things as not very comfortable seats and lack of blankets. 15. We can hardly cope with four children. 16. Nowadays we cannot live without a car. 17. She somehow succeeded in seeing him. 18. Any company can dream about such an efficient executive. 19. In spite of severe privations the besieged city continued to survive. 20. At twenty one he began to live independently. .

12. Paraphrase the passages:

A. “I think we both suddenly grew up. Up to yesterday, everything we’d done together had been unimportant, quite trivial, harmless. Messing about in the garden, swimming off the rocks. I think this was probably my fault. I wasn’t looking for a significant relationship. It was the last thing I wanted. And then yesterday we went to Monacan. I’d talked before to Antonia about my dreams of one day having a place of my own, and she’d discussed it all with me, but in the most casual and light-hearted of ways, and I’d never realized how deeply she’d taken those discussions to heart. Then Edward Ashley began to show us around, and as we went, an extraordinary thing happened. We became a couple. And Antonia was as enthusiastic and interested as I was, bubbling over with questions and ideas and plans, and all at once I knew that she was part of my future. Part of me now. I can’t imagine life without her. Whatever I do, I want to do with her, and whatever happens to me, I want it to happen to both of us.

B. Such defeatism was unexpected and so irritating. Disappointed in him, she found herself losing patience. “I’m sorry, but I cannot see what all the fuss is about. You and Antonia have found each other, you love each other, and you want to spend the rest of your lives together. You must snatch at happiness, hold it tight and never let it go. To do anything else is morally wrong. Such chances never come again. What does it matter if you have to manage on a shoe-string? Antonia can get a job, most young wives do. Other young couples keep their heads above water, simply because they’ve got their priorities right.”

C. “I suppose it all starts with my mother and father. And with Ian. I told you, I think, that my father’s a lawyer. His family have been lawyers for three generations. Ian was destined to follow in my father’s footsteps, join the family firm, and generally conform to the tradition. But at fourteen Ian died. And inevitably, it fell to me to take his place. Well, I got through school and managed to pass the necessary exams and won a place at Edinburgh University. But I was still very young, so I took a couple of years off to travel and see a bit of the world. I went to America, I bummed from coast to coast and ended up working on a cattle ranch.

15. Translate into Russian (in writing):

A. “So Antonia knows. Oh, thank heavens for that. She must have wanted to strangle you for being so secretive.” “In an extraordinary way, I think she was relieved. She’d suspected something was up, and had imagined the very worst but had kept her fears to herself. That’s the trouble with my family, we’ve always kept things to ourselves. It’s something to do with being Scottish and independent, and not wanting to be thought a nuisance. That’s the way we were brought up. My mother was never demonstrative, never what you might call particularly cozy; but that day, after she’d got my pills from the chemist, she sat on my bed and we talked for hours. She even talked about Ian, which she’d never done before. And we remembered good times and we laughed. And then I told her that I’d always realized that I was second-best, and that I could never take Ian’s place, and, with that, she became her old brisk and business-like self and told me not to be a blithering idiot; I was my own self and she didn’t want me any other way; all she wanted was to see me well again.

(from The Shell seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher)

B. Leon was my friend. That was all he ever could be. And yet that’s what it was: blazing, purblind, triple-infatuated, sleepless, self-sacrificing love. Everything in my life was filtered through its hopeful lens; he was my first thought in the morning; my last at night. I was not quite besotted enough to believe that my feelings were in any way reciprocated to him. I was just a first-year; amusing, enough, but by far his inferior. Nevertheless, I was happy. I did not need Leon’s presence for my happiness to flourish, for the time it was enough simply to know he was close by. I hid my feelings behind a barrier of facetiousness, whilst evolving ever more ingenious ways to worship him in secret. I exchanged school sweaters with him and for a week I wore his around my neck. In the evenings I opened his locker with my father’s master key and went through Leon’s things, reading his class notes, his books, looking at the cartoon doodles he drew when he was bored. I watched him from afar, sometimes passing by his house in the hope of catching a glimpse of him. I fed his dog in secret. I combed my lank brown hair so that I fancied it looked like his, cultivated his expressions and his tastes. I had known him for just over six weeks.

(from Gentlemen & Players by Joanne Harris)

16. Translate into English using the vocabulary of the unit:

A. Дэнус услышал приближающиеся шаги и напрягся, его ярко-голубые глаза заблестели. Узнав, что он должен уехать, Пенелопа подумала, что это ее вина, что она не должна была рассказывать Антонии об их разговоре.

Дэнус не винил Пенелопу и рассказал ей, что день, который они провели вместе у друзей, помог ему понять, чем для него была Антония. Она была больше, чем любовь, она стала частью его самого.

На вопрос Пенелопы, что случилось, он объяснил, что они оба вдруг повзрослели. До того момента он и не думал о серьезных отношениях, хотя и делился с Антонией своими планами на будущее. Но оказалось, что для нее эти разговоры не были пустой болтовней, для нее они были очень важными. И когда их друг показал им свой дом и сад, случилось чудо – они стали как одно целое. Их обоих переполнял энтузиазм и желание иметь такой же дом и сад, и Дэнус понял, что Антония – это его будущее, и он хочет разделить его только с ней.

На вопрос Пенелопы, почему это будущее не может осуществиться, Дэнус ответил, что на то есть две причины. Первая практическая – у него не было денег и было неоткуда их взять, ведь он был всего лишь садовником. Он хотел купить дом и начать бизнес, но это были лишь несбыточные мечтания.

Пенелопа напомнила ему, что можно взять заем в банке или взять взаймы у родителей. Дэнус признался, что он еще не обсуждал с ними этот вопрос.

Пенелопа не могла понять таких пораженческих настроений, она свято верила в то, что если люди нашли друг друга, они не имеют права выпускать счастье из рук. А что касается денег, так этот вопрос можно решить, хотя, может быть, и придется жить очень скромно; да и Антония может найти работу, как это делают другие. Главное – это четко понять, что действительно важно, а что – нет. Пенелопа была уверена, что Дэнус поступает так из-за своей дурацкой гордости, а это сделает Антонию несчастной.

B. Дэнус признался, что второй причиной его отъезда было то, что он страдает эпилепсией и пришел к Пенелопе по совету Антонии, чтобы все ей рассказать.

Он начал издалека, и Пенелопа узнала, что у него был брат, который должен был пойти по стопам отца и стать юристом, как все мужчины в их семье. Но Иэн умер, и Дэнус должен был продолжить семейную традицию. Он поступил в университет, но решил отложить учебу на год и посмотреть мир. Дэнус отправился в Штаты, исколесил весь континент и, в конце концов, стал работать на ранчо.

Внезапно он заболел, и в возрасте двадцати одного года ему был поставлен диагноз – эпилепсия. Он решил, что должен справиться с болезнью сам, вернулся на родину и поступил учиться на садовника. Он консультировался у известного нейрохирурга и должен был прийти на следующую консультацию после того, как проживет три месяца без лекарств. Три месяца уже прошли, и когда они Антонией встретились в баре, он ей все рассказал. И вдруг Дэнус понял, что его страхи огорчить Антонию были напрасными, что Антония, хотя и казалась очень неопытной и уязвимой, оказалась такой трезвомыслящей. Все же Дэнус решил, что он не