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N. Q. Do et al.: Deep Learning for Phishing Detection: Taxonomy, Current Challenges and Future Directions

TABLE 6. List of publicly available datasets for website phishing detection.

evolved phishing attacks. However, DL algorithms can detect zero-day attacks more ef ciently [73].


There are many different DL algorithms and each of them has particular characteristics suitable for some speci c applications. For example, CNN architecture provides better results when processing two-dimensional data with grid topologies, such as images and videos, due to the high correlation between pixels and neural networks [21]. Meanwhile, RNN is more suitable for sequential data, natural language and text processing [58]. In addition, more attention has been paid to supervised DL, yet the main disadvantage of discriminative learning is that it requires a massive amount of labelled data; collecting them is very costly and time-consuming [9], [59]. Therefore, it is challenging to choose the right algorithm best suited for a target application in the context of cybersecurity. Selecting an inappropriate algorithm might produce unpredictable outputs, leading to a waste of efforts and affect the model's effectiveness and accuracy [70].


Each stage in the phishing detection model, like data preprocessing, feature selection and classi cation, adds an extra level of computational complexity to the overall model. The computation complexity increases as neurons and layers in deep neural network architecture increase [58]. The use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to accomplish maximum operations in minimum amount of time makes DL models more expensive to build [105]. This problem magni es when new data arrives and model retraining is required [9]. Thus, computational complexity is one of the major issues in DL, and it is a challenging task for future researchers to build an effective phishing detection model with less computational resources [106].

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Recent research by MIT suggested that the DL model's computational requirements have been growing signi cantly, which exceeds the ability that specialized hardware can handle. Additional enhancement will soon be needed since the development in hardware is slower than the improvement in DL computing power, which limits DL models' performance. Furthermore, complex DL models using GPUs and TPUs in their implementation have certain effects on the environment and energy consumption. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted from such models is approximately ve times an average car's lifetime emission. This suggests that future researchers should start looking for alternative techniques more computationally ef cient than DL [21].


Dataset issues can be divided into four categories: availability, diversity, recency, and quality [10]. Firstly, there are limited resources for phishing email datasets since some organizations hesitate to share their information due to privacy issues [70]. Other publicly available phishing website datasets contain dead, duplicate, or incomplete links, which cannot be accessed by users. Furthermore, there are individual or organizations encountered or conducted research on phishing attacks, but did not submit to the crowd-sourcing sites; hence, new phishing emails or websites are not made publicly accessible [10]. As a result, researchers and developers have dif culty in nding available datasets to work with. This can become a major obstacle because DL requires a signi cant amount of data to train deep neural networks [21].

Secondly, the diversity of datasets is also an essential factor that can hinder the performance of DL models. If features in the datasets are not extensive and representative enough, the DL model will not have a great generalization ability [7]. DL models trained on datasets that only contain patterns of known attacks generally will not perform well when facing


N. Q. Do et al.: Deep Learning for Phishing Detection: Taxonomy, Current Challenges and Future Directions

new phishing patterns. DL models will not be able to detect or classify them correctly, especially when attackers contaminate the datasets with adversarial samples (adversarial attacks [9]) to deceive the model into learning phishing attacks as legitimates (active attackers [7], [10]). This will affect the robustness of the underlying DL model [60].

Thirdly, there are different datasets made publicly available to train DL models, but not all of them are up-to-date (lack of recency). Moreover, issues caused by limited resources also lead to model training and validation on old and obsolete data. DL models trained on such datasets might fail to detect modern phishing patterns and produce low detection accuracy [7].

Finally, the ef ciency and effectiveness of DL models depend on the nature and characteristics of the input data (data quality). If the input data contain ambiguous, missing or meaningless values and outliers, DL models might produce incorrect output results. Non-representative, poor quality, irrelevant features, and imbalanced datasets can lead to low detection accuracy [7], [10]. Therefore, it is crucial to have relevant and high-quality input data to produce better outcomes in DL models. In other words, one potential solution is to improve the existing pre-processing techniques or propose new data preparation methods to enhance the effectiveness of DL models in the phishing detection domain [70]. Significant improvement in model performance can sometimes be achieved from higher quality data rather than more sophisticated algorithms. Even though the cybersecurity community has recognized DL as a promising algorithm for detecting phishing attacks, there is still a lack of high-quality datasets exist in this eld [107].

To sum up, DL generally requires signi cant datasets to achieve high detection accuracy. Thus, data resources containing a small number of instances, non-diverse data, outdated or highly imbalanced samples might cause over tting problems [59]. Similarly, datasets comprising of old phishing attacks, do not represent real attack scenarios and behaviors, or do not possess real-time properties might not provide reliable performance results [23]. Models built on such datasets will suffer from the lack of ef ciency, effectiveness, and accuracy in phishing detection.


The parameters in DL models include, but are not limited to, the number of hidden layers in the neural networks, number of neurons in each layer, number of epochs, type of activation function, type of optimizer, learning rate, and dropout rate, etc. [59]. There is no standard guideline for an optimal set of parameters that can produce the best performance accuracy. Researchers usually need to conduct a series of experiments to ne-tune these parameters [34], [39], [41], [42], [44], [75], [97], [108]. This process is time-consuming and requires much effort.


A set of performance metrics need to be measured after training the DL model to evaluate the effectiveness and ef ciency


of the underlying algorithm. The most common computational metrics are False Positive Rate (FPR), False Negative Rate (FNR), accuracy, precision, recall, etc. [1], [59], [73]. Suf cient evaluation metrics are crucial in assessing the performance of a phishing detection system. A single metric is not representative of the high performance of a DL algorithm, but computing all the performance measures are not always the case in some of the studies [59]. In addition, appropriate evaluation metrics also play a vital role that need to be considered [7]. Especially in the case of imbalanced datasets, accuracy and error rate are not entirely suitable for performance evaluation. Instead, other metrics, such as Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, and Area Under the Curve (AUC), are more desirable [10].


One of the main advantages of DL over ML is its ability to explore the hidden correlation between features, learn and make intelligent decisions on its own by building complex algorithms in multi-layer neural networks [21]. However, the major drawback of DL models is its inability to justify the inference it makes [42]. Since numerical weights represent the underlying knowledge inside DL models, it is not possible to explain the logic behind the assumptions, decisions, and conclusions that a neural network makes [10]. What DL models learn from the data is not interpreted, and DL models' internal operation is almost unknown, like a black box. Consequently, it would be dif cult to understand the correlation between the input features and the output results [59]. The problem caused by inference justi cation becomes more challenging when it comes to solving errors. When there is an error in a DL model, it is extremely hard to diagnose and identify the main cause of the underlying error, since the output results are almost uninterpretable [58], [63]. Therefore, it is suggested that the causes of the attacks should be analyzed thoroughly to design an effective DL model for cybersecurity applications [71].

Neural networks are considered as black boxes since their internal operations are unknown to humans [9]. DL algorithm consists of multiple processing layers to learn data representation through multi-level abstraction. Yet, human experts have not determined the layer of abstractions but are learned from input data through some generic learning algorithm [109]. Since it is not possible to give a reasonable justi cation about the relationship between inputs and outputs in neural networks, more attention should be paid to the underlying mechanism inside DL models, even though DL algorithms practically perform well and have caught much interest among recent researchers [60].


Batch learning refers to the learning algorithms in which an entire training dataset was obtained prior to model training. Batch learning is used in both traditional ML and DL techniques since it offers ease of use and implementation. Nevertheless, batch learning still has several drawbacks, such

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as expensive retraining, high memory and computational constrains, inability to detect newly evolving threats, and poor adaptation to concept drift [9]. Online learning, however, can solve the problems caused by batch learning and suggests a promising direction for future research in the phishing detection domain.


DL requires a signi cant amount of data and a substantial amount of time to train the model [103]. Datasets used for training neural networks usually contain millions of samples [45], [46], [84], [94], [111]. As a result, they need longer time to train the model to obtain high-performance accuracy.

Another factor that might delay the model's training time is limited processing and storage facilities [73].

Time complexity is an issue in threats detection and detecting phishing attacks is not an exception [73]. The existing detection techniques have been mainly developed for batch processing and not for real-time detection. As a result, traditional ML approaches lack ef ciency in classifying phishing attacks in real-time scenarios. DL, on the other hand, can solve the problem caused by time complexity by using GPUs in its design and implementation [112]. In addition, big data technologies, such as Apache Spark or Hadoop, can help reduce the time complexity since they offer real-time processing capabilities [113].

Phishing webpages are short-lived; thus, there exists a need for real-time detection of phishing websites [10]. Phishing attacks are normally deployed in a short duration of time, usually in a few days or weeks, making it dif cult for security experts to detect. The detection mechanism needs to be fast to capture zero-day attacks because the time-scale of phishing attacks are short. Therefore, real-time detection is a crucial part of a practical phishing detection system [7], [9].


The big data era imposes new challenges for phishing detection [9], especially when classical machine leaning techniques cannot handle a signi cant amount of data. DL, in contrast, can overcome this issue since it can deal with big data and perform better when the dataset size is getting more signi cant. DL when combined with big data, has the ability to manage and analyze a large amount of information in a short amount of time. However, the training process of DL models on such a tremendous amount of data with a single processor is not an easy task. Although GPUs and TPUs have been used to improve the training speed and reduce the training time of DL algorithms, the overall process still consumes a signi cant amount of time and needs high data processing capabilities [109].

All of the problems mentioned above are mapped to the existing DL techniques and classi ed into three groups: solved, partly solved, and not yet solved as shown in TABLE 7. For example, dimensional complexity is the major limitation of CNN models. However, this issue can be partly resolved by implementing dimensionality reduction

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techniques, such as RBM, DBN, AE or DAE [20], [23], [67], [70], [74]. In addition, vanishing or exploding gradient is a well-known drawback of RNN algorithm, which was overcome by its variants, namely LSTM and GRU. Even though the vanishing gradient cannot be completely resolved since it still occurs in long sequences, LSTM solves the problems of long-term dependencies and performs better than traditional RNN models [70], [107], [114]. In general, the problem of manual feature engineering is eliminated in DL, since DL algorithms extract features automatically from raw data without the need of prior knowledge. Although DL proved to be a promising solution for detecting zeroday phishing attacks, this issue has not been completely resolved as phishing tactics have evolved rapidly with the recent development of technologies. Other common issues among DL algorithms are high computational cost and manual parameter optimization. The optimal set of parameters generate the highest detection accuracy is still debatable. Last but not least, all current DL architectures lack of inference justi cation where the internal operation of DL models is unexplainable until recently. The following section proposes possible directions for future research based on the identi ed research gaps to help solve some of these problems.


This section provides an answer to RQ3 in which future research directions are suggested from the perspective of DL and act as a guideline for researchers and developers to mitigate phishing attacks in cyberspace.


Since manual feature engineering can cause biases, DL algorithms becomes an alternative that can improve the ef ciency of phishing detection. It was proven that DL models without manual feature extraction could perform better than traditional ML with feature extraction [76]. Moreover, classical ML methods are unable to explore the hidden correlation between these features. Whereas DL algorithms can extract information from the tremendous amount of data, nd the correlation in the extracted data and handle multiple feature selection autonomously [73]. DL algorithms appear to be a promising solution since they avoid handcrafted feature selection, third-party service dependency, overcome false positive rate and improve detection accuracy [66]. DL has not been extensively studied in the phishing detection domain despite all of these advantages. Therefore, more attention should be paid to DL as it is a potential research direction in the near future [10].


There is a variety of DL techniques used to detect phishing attacks in the cyber environment. It is extremely important to choose the right algorithm for a speci c application as it will affect the nal outcomes. Therefore, it is essential for researchers to understand the reasons behind selecting a certain DL architecture, as failing to do so might result in


N. Q. Do et al.: Deep Learning for Phishing Detection: Taxonomy, Current Challenges and Future Directions

TABLE 7. Issues of Existing DL Techniques.

an ineffective phishing detection model. For instance, it is expected that unsupervised DL will become more and more popular in the near future [9]. Semi-supervised learning is another potential research direction besides unsupervised to handle the massive amount of unlabeled data in cyberspace. Most of the current DNN models are now using unsupervised layer-wise pre-training and supervised ne-tuning, which is computationally expensive. However, suppose supervised and unsupervised learning can be combined in a powerful semi-supervised DNN model. In that case, there will be no need to have a separate layer-wise pre-training phase. As a result, it can increase detection accuracy while minimizing the computational cost [59].

In addition, wrong choices of DL design or implementation, based on low level of maturity on applying DL techniques, would lead to biased classi cation results. DL approaches offer a wide range of possibilities that have not yet been fully exploited. Researchers and developers would fail to explore the full potential of DL architectures by overlooking these. For instance, DL models are capable of capitalize multimodal (heterogeneous) input data and handle multiple classi cation tasks in addition to single-modal and binary classi cation [115]. On the one hand, multimodal DL-based classi er can learn the hierarchical representation of all the available modalities in the input data automatically, instead of performing the manual feature engineering process on a speci c modal. On the other hand, multitask DL approach can reduce computational overhead, thereby limiting redundancy by sharing part of the feature engineering procedure. This improves generalization and provides better

classi cation results, which would help with solving the task of phishing detection.


The training process in DL models is performed on a significant dataset and consumes many computational resources. Transfer learning can be used to overcome this problem by detecting phishing attacks with the same patterns. This can be done because transfer learning utilizes pre-trained models to solve similar problems and then train only the fully connected layer for a new classi cation task without building classi ers from scratch for different types of phishing attacks. Transfer learning can be applied without biases from features; only adequate data of the new attack is suf cient for the task [7], [106].

Besides transfer learning, lifelong learning and online learning can also be applied to solve the problem of computational constrains [9]. Online learning is a scalable learning algorithm that learns from data, make updates and predictions sequentially. In online learning, data is treated as stream of instances, making it more ef cient than traditional batch learning.

Additionally, computational costs can be reduced by implementing distributed computing and distributed algorithms. Different jobs are distributed among several machines in the hybrid network to speed up the process and improve performance ef ciency. Big data technologies, such as Apache Spark, can be applied to handle this task by utilizing


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the parallel computing capabilities to process the data with feasible computational resources [73].

One of the major limitations of phishing detection models is resource constraint, and DL algorithms are just computationally expensive. It is suggested that edge or fog nodes can be used to of oad the computational constraints for effective phishing detection without increasing its computational cost [21]. Edge computing offers a more scalable platform of computational processes and power storage. Leveraging edge computing will facilitate handling this problem by allocating the computation process to several resources over the cloud [23].

Another approach to minimize computational cost is to integrate neuromorphic computing with DL. Neuromorphic computing is different from deep neural networks in both structure and principle. All neurons are activated by the activation function in the current deep neural networks, for example, Recti ed Linear Unit (ReLU), Sigmoid, Tank, etc. However, unlike neural networks, all neurons are not activated every time in neuromorphic computing. This allows the model to achieve higher ef ciency and lower power consumption. Neuromorphic computing help reduce the need for software and hardware development, leading to an increase in computational speed and a decrease in computational complexity [107].


The ef ciency and effectiveness of phishing detection solutions depend on the selection, labelling, and training of a dataset. First, some datasets are not available, non-diverse, out of date, or highly imbalanced. Thus, it is essential to select a recent and balanced dataset that contains various phishing patterns to detect newly evolving attacks in the live environment [21]. Second, supervised ML techniques required labelled data for training, yet the amount of labelled data is limited as compared to all the available data on the web. Therefore, researchers can apply active learning or crowdsourcing techniques, in which individuals and organizations can label and share malicious URLs, to handle the dif culty in acquiring labelled data or learning with limited amount of labelled data [9]. Third, pre-trained detection models might fail to handle new types of attacks once the phishers modify the nature of malicious websites or URLs [10]. Hence, retraining on a more recent dataset is required to ght against active attackers when testing data contains different characteristics from training data [7]. Furthermore, adversarial trainings can be used to handle adversarial attacks by minimizing the negative in uence caused by monotonous samples or polluted data on DL algorithms. Combining DL with reinforcement learning is another possible solution, although it is unlikely to completely avoid adversarial attacks [60].

In addition, researchers can either increase the sample data or reduce the data dimension to solve the unbalanced dataset problem. On the one hand, small datasets can cause biases and suffer from a lack of generalization of new phishing patterns. It is possible to make the sample datasets balanced

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by increasing the sample data. On the other hand, training on signi cant datasets is also a challenging and time-consuming process. In this case, the dimensionality reduction technique can improve the performance accuracy and reduce computational complexity [117].


It is essential to ne-tune several parameters in the DL architecture to build a robust and competent model for phishing detection. Fine-tuning is a process to optimize the performance of a training model by changing the number of hidden layers, neurons, epochs, learning rate, etc., in the neural network. This process aims to obtain the optimal combination of parameters that yield the best performance accuracy. Researchers can follow a set of pre-de ned rules or formulas to calculate these values or narrow down the range of possibilities for these parameters. Nevertheless, there will exist some rules that are not always applicable or feasible in speci c scenarios. Researchers need to examine all different combinations of parameters as much as possible in such circumstances, and choose the optimal parameter setting for a neural network with the best output results. Besides, a selforganizing neural network is another option for ne-tuning parameters in DL models. This technique allows the network to learn incrementally by adding or removing neurons according to different criteria [59].


Another concern that needs to be considered in future research is choosing the appropriate metrics to evaluate the performance of phishing detection models. Researchers and developers must be careful in selecting performance metrics for model evaluation in highly imbalanced datasets. It might not suitable to use Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score for class-imbalance issue to assess the effectiveness of the phishing detection systems [10]. Conventional metrics like accuracy cannot capture the true performance of a detection classi er in the case of imbalanced data. Instead, confusion matrix and Areas Under the Curve are more desirable. Other metrics made for imbalanced dataset are Geometric Mean (G-Mean), Matthew's Correlation Coef cient (MCC), or balanced detection rate, etc. [7], [10]


It is advisable to design and implement a DL expert system to generate knowledge automatically from training data and to overcome the problem of lack of inner explanation in deep neural networks [99]. The re ned rules are extracted from a trained neural network and then is replaced with the knowledge base of an expert system by combining these two methods in a hybrid model. The neural network will become more convincing and reliable as its internal operations are explainable.

Several efforts have been made to help reveal the internal interpretation of DL algorithms [118], [119]. However, these techniques were applied in different research domains


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(discriminative image localization, depression recognition from facial images) and have not been employed for cybersecurity purposes. When applied, explainable neural work can potentially assist security experts in determining the input conditions under which output is produced. Especially in the cybersecurity domain, understanding the output results of a cyber threat detection model would give security experts a valuable insight into preventing and mitigating such cyber threats.


Another future direction is to combine different DL techniques in a hybrid approach to gain optimized performance accuracy in phishing detection. The theory behind this method is that each individual DL algorithm has its pros and cons. We can merge their advantages and resolve their disadvantages by integrating different DL techniques in a single approach to provide a more robust model for detecting phishing attacks [70].


Phishing attacks are continuously evolving with the advancement in information technologies, as phishers try to come up with a countermeasure for every new solution that security experts suggest. As a result, it is essential to have a robust detection system with a set of features that go beyond the common attacks, and a diverse, recent and high-quality dataset for model training [7]. Researchers should train the DL model on one dataset and test on different data to ensure the robustness of phishing detection systems. This is also known as generalization experiment, or cross-domain system testing, to verify the performance of a phishing detection model in classifying various types of attacks [10]. Since phishers always change their attacking tactics to bypass the defense mechanism, model retraining alone might not be suf cient to cope with newly emerging attacks. Therefore, a robust phishing detection system is a system with high adaptability, which can adjust to re ect the changes in the real-world environment, given the variety of phishing attacks, the newly evolving attacks types, and the numerous scenarios in which such attacks can happen [9].

Besides adaptability, scalability is another requirement for future phishing detection models. A phishing detection system should be able to handle millions of instances in the training data in the big data era. Researchers can employ more ef cient and scalable learning algorithms, such as online learning, or ef cient stochastic optimization algorithm, to meet the scalability requirement [9]. Moreover, big data technologies like Apache Spark and Apache Flink can process data in-memory. In-memory processing allows data to be analyzed in real-time, and real-time processing is extremely important, especially in detecting security threats. Incorporating DL and big data technologies will help to improve the performance and ef ciency of security analytics [73].


It is crucial for a phishing detection system to be exible enough for easy design, implementation, improvement, and extension, considering the complexity of phishing webpage classi cation based on DL [9]. The exibility requirements include quick model update upon the arrival of new training data, being easy to change the classi cation model when needed, being exible to be extended for model training to cope with new attack types, and nally being able to interact with users when required.

An example of a robust, scalable and exible phishing detection system is an anti-phishing framework or web browser plug-in that can perform multiple tasks, such as detecting, preventing, and reporting, once a suspicious website is found. An ability to quickly report phishing attacks to the organization from the user's end is an essential feature that can be added to the existing phishing detection solutions. The time organizations lost on remediation after being attacked by cyber criminals can negatively impacts the productivity and pro tability of their businesses. Therefore, it is vital to provide a feasible model that can detect and report phishing attacks as automatically and quickly as possible so that they cannot cause any further damage to the organizations. It is expected that in the future, an all-inclusive phishing detection system can be implemented in such a way that it can detect, report, and prevent malicious websites without requiring the user's involvement. When users are asked for their credentials or personal information, the developed framework or web browser plug-in should be able to check if the website is legitimate and notify the users beforehand. Therefore, a scalable and robust phishing detection solution is needed to perform website health checking during user browsing in the near future [8].

To sum up, many solutions have been proposed to detect phishing attacks, but there is no single solution to detect all attack types in the vast space of the cyber environment. Whenever researchers develop a new solution to ght against phishing attacks, phishers will take advantage of the vulnerabilities in the current solution and come up with a new attacking strategy to deceive the users. A list of current issues and challenges, together with their recommendation and future research directions are provided in TABLE 8, with the hope that it will contribute to the mitigation of phishing attacks evolving rapidly in recent years.


This section provides an empirical analysis of several DL algorithms to manifest some of the current issues discussed above. First, the dataset and a list of features used in the experiment are mentioned. Then, the experiment setup is brie y described. Finally, the existing problems that DL is facing in phishing detection is highlighted from the experiment results.


The dataset used for the experiment in this study was obtained from University California Irvine Machine Learning Repository (UCI) which has been widely used by various authors

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TABLE 8. Issues, Recommendation and Future Direction.

in their research [83], [97], [99], [101]. The dataset consists of 11055 URLs, in which 6157 are legitimate and 4898 are phishing. The dataset was divided into two parts, 80% for training, 20% for testing, and contained a total of 30 features.

FIGURE 12 is a heatmap displaying the correlation matrix of the features. The correlation range is from -0.6 to 1, where 1 is the highest positive correlation and -1 is the lowest negative correlation. The closer to 1 the correlation is, the more positively correlated the features are. In other words, as one increases, so does the other. Speci cally in this dataset, feature Favicon and Using Popup Window are highly correlated. No other feature in the dataset has a high correlation except for Favicon and Using Popup Window. Moreover, some features have a negative correlation, and others are positively correlated. Negative correlations mean one feature marks the URL as phishing, while the other does not [97].

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Various DL models were built in the experiment using Python programming language with Tensor ow on Google Collaboratory. Tensor ow is an end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning. It provides tools, libraries and resources, allowing researchers and developers to build, train, and deploy machine learning models. Google Colaboratory enables users to compile and execute python in their own browser. Google Colaboratory provides an interactive environment in which executable code, text, images, HTML, etc., can be combined in a single document. Codes are executed on Google's cloud servers, allowing users to leverage the power of Google's hardware. Plus, several DL models were built in this empirical study, including DNN, MLP, CNN, RNN, LSTM, GRU, and AE. Parameter settings for these DL architectures are listed in TABLE 9.


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TABLE 9. Parameter Settings for Various DL Models.

FIGURE 12. Correlation matrix of features.

TABLE 10. Performance Metrics of Various DL Models.


It is essential to select a set of parameters with the best performance accuracy when building each DL model. These


parameter settings can vary among different DL models, including the number of hidden layers in the neural networks, the number of neurons in each hidden layer, the

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