Файл: 1. Напишите о себе на английском языке (1015 предложений).docx

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Студентка группы 4Б Леонтьев М.В. Нижневартовский филиал

1. Напишите о себе на английском языке (10-15 предложений).

My name is Mikhail and I am a fourth—year student majoring in Economics and Accounting. I chose this profession because I really like to save and count. Despite the fact that I am only 23 years old, I already have a driver's license, but I will be able to drive a car only in a year, when I save up for my first car. My dream is to open my own accounting office. I understand that it will be difficult to do this right after graduating from college, but over time, I hope I will be able to fulfill my dream.

I was born in Arkhangelsk, but when I was 5 years old, my parents moved to Nizhnevartovsk. My dad is a long—distance truck driver, and my mom works as a pastry chef. I also have an older brother, Alexey, who is 6 years older than me. He is married and already lives separately in his apartment. We often visit each other.

I studied all 9 years at the same school, and after the ninth grade I entered college. I'm not a very good student, but I'm not very bad either. I like to ride a bike, I try to use it in any weather and I am very glad that bike paths have begun to appear in the city.

2. Напишите формы множественного числа следующих существительных:

Bill of exchange- не изменяются

Bank- banks

Letter- letters
Telex- не изменяются

Cable- cables

Document- documents

Affair- affairs

Advice- advices

Customer- customers

Draft- drafts

Instruction- instructions

Course- courses

Paper- papers

Language- languages

3. Переведитетекстнарусскийязык

The biggest banks of the United Kingdom are the Bank of England, Lloyds’ Bank, Midland Bank, Barclays Bank and the National Westminster Bank.

The Bank of England is the state or national bank, which controls the British banking system. Like any other national bank, it issues banknotes and mints coins.

The other four banks are commercial banks. Very often they are called “the Big Four”. The National Westminster Bank is often referred to as “NatWest”.

Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd. Is incorporated as a British registered company. It specializes in the finance of East-West trade. Their close working relationship with banks in East-European countries and in the West enables them to provide a unique service in this field.


Крупнейшими банками Соединенного Королевства являются Банк Англии, Ллойдс’ Банк, Мидленд Банк, Барклайс Банк и Национальный Вестминстерский банк.

Банк Англии - это государственный или национальный банк, который контролирует британскую банковскую систему. Как и любой другой национальный банк, он выпускает банкноты и чеканит монеты.

Остальные четыре банка являются коммерческими банками. Очень часто их называют “Большой четверкой”. Национальный Вестминстерский банк часто называют “NatWest”.

ООО "Московский Народный Банк". Зарегистрирована как британская зарегистрированная компания. Он специализируется на финансировании торговли между Востоком и Западом. Их тесные рабочие отношения с банками в странах Восточной Европы и на Западе позволяют им предоставлять уникальные услуги в этой области.

4. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык:

to pay - платить

to confirm- подтверждать

to instruct- чтобы проинструктировать

to refer- ссылаться

to remit- для перевода

to address- для решения

to note- чтобы отметить

5. Выберите правильный вариант (a), (b), (c)  или (d):

1) I ….. this letter yesterday.

a)  write

b)  wrote

c)  am writing

d)  was written

2) Did you ….. the e-mail I sent you on Monday?

a)   get

b)   got

c)   have

d)   had

3) The payment was made…..

a)    next week

b)    last week

c)    in two weeks

d)   two weeks ago

4) How many letters ……. Last week?

a)   you received

b)   were you received

c)   did you receive

d)   do you receive

5) ... was this company established? – in 2001.

a)   When

b)   Where

c)   Why

d)   How

6) With reference …. Your payment order of 23rd February we sent you our confirmation yesterday.

a)   at

b)   for

c)   on

d)   to

7) Please be advised that our outstanding bill No 142  was sent to you in accordance … your request.

a)   for

b)   of

c)   to

d)   with

8) Yesterday we ….. our bank to pay you $ 100 000.

a)   confirmed

b)   informed

c)   instructed

d)   remitted

9) On the 26th September the Export-Import Bank of Korea ….. a representative office in Sofia.

a)   was opened

b)   opened

c)    opening

d)   opens

10. The established office is the first South Korea ….. of this kind in Bulgaria.

a)     organization

b)     concern

c)     credit institution

d)     establishment