Файл: Дисциплина Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции Практическое задание.docx

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Добавлен: 28.03.2024

Просмотров: 22

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developsproves to be extensive.

  1. Law fixes the forms of constitutional/educationalsystem.

  2. Law operates as a regulator/obstacleof distribution of labour and its products.

  3. The law of a country may be analyzed as a selection/setof rules.

  4. The study of legal process is the study how decisions/customsare made, who makes/fixesthem.

  5. Law seems/regardsto exist apart from/insideman and is not even

noticed/decidedby him until somebody/criminalviolates its orders.

  1. Law is called/invitedupon to defend interests/habitsthat have been the

object/crimeof encroachments.

  1. Law embraces/separatesall the spheres of production, distribution and exchange