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USMLE Step 2 CK λ Surgery

Ureteral stones

in acute abdomen, 48 passage of, 94, 229

urinary tract infection and, 224 Ureter, low implantation of, 91, 231

Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, 92, 232 Urethra

congenital anomalies, 83, 230–231 injury to, 10, 122

Urinary bladder cancer of, 94

exstrophy of, in pediatric patient, 66, 196 injury to, 10, 114–116

Urinary output

burn injury management and, 123 postoperative, 36, 152

retention and incontinence, 93–94, 234 Urinary tract infection

as urologic emergency, 85, 221–222 in children, 85, 225

postoperative, 36, 136

Urologic disease, 230, 235–236. See also Urinary bladder acute bacterial prostatitis, 92, 225

acute epididymitis, 92, 225 as emergencies, 221–222

congenital anomalies, 83, 230–231 fistulas, 230

obstruction and infection, 92 pyelonephritis, 91

retention and incontinence, 234 stones, 235

testicular torsion, 93, 229 tumors, 223–224 workup for, 86

Urologic injury, assessment of, 13, 119–121


VACTER anomalies differential diagnosis in, 196

imperforate anus and, 65, 195 Valgus stress test, 137

Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) test, in pheochromocytoma diagnosis, 193

Varus stress test, 137 Vascular injury

in extremities, 117 in neck, 102–103

Vascular occlusive disease neurologic involvement, 87, 213 neurosurgery and, 223–224

vascular surgery for, 66, 192, 197–199 Vascular rings, 64, 193

Vascular surgery indications for, 73

in stroke management, 213 Vasomotor shock, 104 Venous stasis ulcers, 31, 31


Ventricular septal defects, 71

in pediatric patients, 193–194 Vesicoureteral reflux, 92

Volvulus of the sigmoid, 53–54, 176 Vomiting

green vomiting/double bubble sign and, 50, 196–197 of blood, 50


Water intoxication, 40, 155

Wedge resection, in lung cancer, 205

Weight loss, in preoperative risk assessment, 144 Whipple operation, for cholangiocarcinoma, 179 White pupil, as ophthalmologic emergency, 211 Wild animal bites, 16, 128–129

Wound infection, postoperative, 37, 153 fever and, 36, 142–143

Wrist. See Hand and wrist



in chest trauma assessment, 104–109 in lung cancer assessment, 197

in orthopedic injuries, 19, 129–130


Zero urinary output, postoperative, 41, 152 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 64, 192