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308 Index

Metabotropic receptor, 16, 42, 43 Metarhodopsin II, 41, 43, 60Q, 63E Metarterioles, 91

Metenkephalin, 199

Methemoglobin, 126 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid, 15 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MOPEG), 15 Mg2+ (magnesium), renal regulation of, 167 Micelles

bile salts and, 213, 213 in lipids absorption, 217

and vitamin D, 222Q, 225E Microcirculation, 91–94, 92

Midbrain, in autonomic nervous system, 36t Migraine headaches, 95

Migrating myoelectric complex, in gastrointestinal motility, 202

Mineralocorticoids, 243, 245

Miniature end plate potential (MEPP), 13 Minimum urine pH, 176

Minute ventilation, 116

MIT (monoiodotyrosine), 238–239, 239 Mitochondria, myocardial, 76

Mitral cells, in the olfactory bulb, 47 Mitral valve

closure of, 85, 86 opening of, 86, 87

Molecular layer, of cerebellar cortex, 53 Monoamine oxidase (MAO), 15 Monoglycerides, absorption of, 217 Monoiodotyrosine (MIT), 238–239, 239 Monosaccharides, absorption of, 214, 216 MOPEG (3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol), 15 Mossy fibers, 53

Motilin, 202 Motoneuron(s)

α-, 48

convergence on, 51 divergence to, 51

in stretch reflex, 50, 50 γ-, 37t

in stretch reflex, 48, 49 large, 48

small, 48 Motoneuron pool, 48 Motor aphasia, 55 Motor centers, 51–52

Motor cortex, 54, 58Q, 63E Motor homunculus, 54, 59Q, 63E Motor pathways, 51–52

Motor systems, 48–54 basal ganglia in, 53–54

brain stem control of posture in, 51–52 cerebellum in, 52–53

motor cortex in, 54 motor unit in, 48

muscle reflexes in, 50, 50–51, 50t muscle sensors in, 48–49, 49 spinal organization of, 51

Motor unit in, 48

MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone), 228t, 234 Mucous cells, in gastric secretion, 207t, 208 Mucous gastric secretion, 207t

Müllerian ducts, 255

Multi-unit smooth muscle, 20–21 Muscarinic receptor(s), 35, 61Q, 65E

drugs that act on, 35t

Muscarinic receptor blocker, and gastric secretion, 208

Muscle contraction cardiac, 77–78, 78 isometric, 19 isotonic, 19

skeletal muscle, 18, 19

Muscle end plate, ACh at, 13, 25Q, 30E Muscle fibers, 48

Muscle reflexes, 50, 50–51, 50t Muscle relaxation

cardiac, 77 skeletal, 19

Muscle sensors, 48–49, 49 Muscle spindles, 48, 49, 49 Muscle tension, 19–20, 20

Muscle weakness, K+ concentration and, 11, 26Q–27Q, 31E

Muscularis mucosa, of GI tract, 194, 195 Myasthenia gravis, AChE receptors in, 14,

24Q, 29E

Myelinated axon, 12, 12, 25Q, 29E Myenteric plexus, 194, 195, 195 Myocardial cell structure, 76–77 Myocardial contractility, 77–78, 78

Ca2+ and, 77, 106Q, 112E

and cardiac output, 105Q, 111 factors that decrease, 78, 107Q, 114E factors that increase, 77

in Frank–Starling relationship, 79, 102Q, 109E and ventricular pressure–volume loop, 80, 80

Myocardial O2 consumption, 84, 106Q, 113E Myofibrils, 16, 17

Myogenic hypothesis, of local control of blood flow, 95

renal, 152 Myopia, 40 Myosin, 17

in excitation–contraction coupling, 18, 19 Myosin cross-bridges, 18, 19 Myosin-light-chain kinase, 21, 22

Myotatic reflex, 50t inverse, 50–51 stretch, 50, 50


Na+ channels

activation and inactivation gate of, 7, 24Q, 29E complete blockade of, 25Q, 30E

Na+–Ca2+ countertransport, 4, 5 Na+–Ca2+ exchange, 4, 5

Na+ current, inward, 74, 105Q, 112E Na+-dependent cotransport, 2t, 4

of amino acids, 216, 216, 221Q, 224E of carbohydrates, 216

Na+ diffusion potential, 7–8, 8 Na+ equilibrium potential, 8

in nerve action potential, 10, 11 Na+–glucose cotransport, 4, 5, 25Q, 30E, 156 Na+–glucose cotransporter 1 (SGLT 1), 214 Na+ gradient, 4

Na+ reabsorption, 159162, 159–163 NaCl, absorption of, 217–218 Na+–Cl cotransporter, 162

NaCl intake, water shifts between compartments due to, 149–150, 150t

NaCl regulation, 158–163, 159162 Na+–H+ exchange, 160

Na+–K+ pump, 3, 214 Na+–K+–2Cl cotransport, 4, 162 Na+–K+–ATPase, 3, 25Q, 30E

Na+–phosphate cotransport, 167 Near point, 40 Nearsightedness, 40

Negative chronotropic effect, 75 Negative dromotropic effect, 76

Negative feedback, for hormone secretion, 227 Negative inotropic agents, 77, 78

and cardiac output curve, 83 Negative inotropic effect, 78, 107Q, 114E

Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, 120, 139Q, 143E

Neostigmine, and neuromuscular transmission, 13t Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, 170


in calcium regulation, 167

concentration and dilution of urine in, 167–172,


disorders related to, 172t effects of diuretics on, 181t in K+ regulation, 163–164, 164 in magnesium regulation, 167

in Na+ reabsorption, 159162, 159–163 in NaCl regulation, 158–163, 159162 in phosphate regulation, 167

in urea regulation, 166 Nernst equation, 8–9 Nerve fiber types, 37t Neurocrines, 196, 198–199

Neuromuscular junction, 12–14, 13, 13t, 23Q, 28E Neuromuscular transmission, 12–16, 13, 13t, 15 Neurophysiology, 32–65

of autonomic nervous system, 32–36, 33, 33t–36t of blood–brain barrier and cerebrospinal fluid,

55–56, 56t

of higher functions of cerebral cortex, 54–55 of motor systems

basal ganglia in, 53–54

brain stem control of posture, 51–52 cerebellum in, 52–53

motor cortex in, 54 motor unit in, 48

muscle reflexes in, 50–51, 50t muscle sensors in, 48–49, 49 spinal organization of, 51

of sensory system(s) audition as, 44, 44–45 olfaction as, 47

sensory receptors in, 36–38, 37t, 38 somatosensory, 39–40, 39t

taste as, 47–48 vestibular, 45–47, 46

vision as, 40, 40–43, 41t, 42, 43 of temperature regulation, 56–57

Neurotransmitters, 32, 33t, 55 excitatory, 12

inhibitory, 12, 26Q, 30E release of, 12

NH3 (ammonia) synthesis, 177

NH4+ (ammonium), H+ excretion as, 176, 176–177 Nicotinic receptors, 35

drugs that act on, 35t

and epinephrine secretion, 59Q, 63E on ligand-gated channels, 7

at neuromuscular junction, 12 Night blindness, 41

Nitric oxide (NO), 16, 93–94, 231, 229, 229t, 231 Nitric oxide (NO) synthase, 17

Nitrous oxide (N2O), perfusion-limited exchange of, 125

Index 309

NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor, 16 N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, 16 NMN (normetanephrine), 15

NO (nitric oxide), 93–94, 229 Nociception, 39 Nociceptors, 39

Nodes of Ranvier, 12, 12

Nonadrenergic, noncholinergic neurons, 32 Nonionic diffusion, 158

Nonvolatile acids, 172–173 Norepinephrine, 32, 33t

and adenylate cyclase, 59Q, 63E

in autonomic nervous system, 26Q, 30E, 32 in hemorrhage, 100

synthetic pathway for, 15, 15 Normetanephrine (NMN), 15 Noxious stimuli, 48

Nuclear bag fibers, 49, 49, 61Q, 64E Nuclear chain fibers, 49

Nucleus cuneatus, 39 Nucleus gracilis, 39 Nystagmus, 46–47, 59Q, 63E

postrotatory, 47


O2in control of breathing, 136 diffusion-limited gas exchange, 125 dissolved, 124

partial pressure of, 124, 125t alveolar, 135

arterial, 138

perfusion-limited exchange, 125, 125t

in ventilation/perfusion defect, 142Q, 146E O2 consumption

cardiac, 84, 106Q, 113E during exercise, 141Q, 145E

O2 content of blood, 126 O2 delivery, 131

O2 transport, 126–131

alveolar gas and pulmonary capillary blood, 142Q, 146E

hemoglobin in, 126

hemoglobin–O2 dissociation curve, 127, 127–128 changes in, 128, 128–129, 129

and hypoxemia, 129–130, 130t and hypoxia, 130–131, 130t, 131

O2 binding capacity, of hemoglobin, 126 Octreotide, 235

Odorant molecules, 47

Off-center, on-surround pattern, 43 Ohm’s law, 68

Oil/water partition coefficient, 3, 25Q, 30E Olfaction, 47, 60Q, 64E

Olfactory bulb, 47 Olfactory nerve, 47 Olfactory pathways, 47

Olfactory receptor neurons, transduction in, 47 Olfactory receptor proteins, 47

Olfactory system, 47, 60Q, 64E Omeprazole, and gastric secretion, 211 On-center, off-surround pattern, 43 Oncotic pressure, 6

Bowman space, 154 capillary, 92, 92

glomerular, 154 interstitial fluid, 92 One-to-one synapses, 14

Opsin, 41

310 Index

Optic chiasm, 41

lesion of, 41, 42, 60Q, 64E Optic nerve, 41

lesion of, 41, 42 Optic pathways, 41, 42 Optic tract, 41

lesion of, 41, 42 Optics, 40

Orad region, of stomach, 201 Orexigenic neurons, 199 Organ of Corti, 44, 45, 58Q, 62E

auditory transduction by, 44, 45

Organic phosphates, as intracellular buffers, 143 Orthostatic hypotension

after sympathectomy, 110E baroreceptor reflex and, 97 due to hypoaldosteronism, 181

Osmolarity, 4–5, 26Q, 30E of body fluids, 149

calculation of, 5, 25Q, 29E–30E plasma

estimation of, 149 regulation of, 167, 168, 169

of urine, 184Q, 189E Osmole, ineffective, 6 Osmosis, 4–6, 6

Osmotic diarrhea, due to lactose intolerance, 214 Osmotic exchangers, 168

Osmotic gradient, corticopapillary, 167–168 Osmotic pressure, 5–6

effective, 6 Ossicles, 44

Osteomalacia, 219, 254 Outer ear, 44

Outer hair cells, 45

Outward current, 10, 27Q, 31E Oval window, 44

Ovary, regulation of, 258–259, 259t Overshoot, of action potential, 10 Ovulation, 260, 261

lactation and, 262 Oxygen (see O2) Oxyhemoglobin, 127

as intracellular buffer, 173 Oxytocin, 228t, 237

actions of, 228t, 238

regulation of secretion of, 238, 264Q, 265Q, 267E, 269E


P wave, 71, 86 absent, 102Q, 109E

additional, 104Q, 111E

P50, hemoglobin–O2 dissociation curve, 127, 127, 128, 140Q, 144E

Pacemaker, cardiac, 73 in AV node, 102Q, 109E latent, 73

Pacemaker potential, in SA node, 105Q, 112E Pacinian corpuscles, 39t, 48

PAH (see Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH)) Pain

fast, 39

flexor withdrawal reflex to, 50t, 51 referred, 40

slow, 37t, 39

Pancreas, endocrine, 248–251, 248t–250t Pancreatic cholera, 199

Pancreatic enzymes, 212 Pancreatic juice, 211 Pancreatic lipases, 217 Pancreatic proteases, 215–216

Pancreatic secretion, 204t, 211–212, 212, 222Q, 225E composition of, 211, 211

flow rates for, 211 formation of, 211–212, 212 inhibition of, 204t

modification of, 211–212, 212 stimulation of, 204t, 212

Papillae, 47 Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH)

clearance of, 152, 186Q, 191E–192E excretion of, 157

filtered load of, 157

renal blood flow, 186Q, 192E secretion of, 157

titration curve, 157, 157

transport maximum (Tm) curve for, 157, 157, 185Q, 190Q

in tubular fluid, 188Q, 193E Paracrines, 196, 198

Parallel fibers, of cerebellar cortex, 53 Parallel resistance, 68

Paraplegia, 52

Parasympathetic effects, on heart rate and conduction velocity, 75–76

Parasympathetic ganglia, 32 Parasympathetic nervous system

of GI tract, 194 organization of, 32

Parasympathetic stimulation and airway resistance, 121

and myocardial contractility, 78 of saliva, 206, 206

Parathyroid adenoma, 253 Parathyroid hormone (PTH) actions of, 228t, 252–253

in Ca2+ reabsorption, 167, 191E, 253, 266Q, 270E in calcium regulation, 251t, 252, 252

and phosphate reabsorption, 167 renal effects of, 173t, 187Q, 192E secretion of, 252

Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-rp), 254 Parietal cells, 202, 202t, 203, 207, 207, 207t

H+ secretion by, 207, 207, 207t

agents that stimulate and inhibit, 209 mechanism of, 208, 208–209

Parkinson disease, 16, 26Q, 31E Parotid glands, 204

Partial pressure(s)

of carbon dioxide, 124, 124t Dalton’s law of, 124

of oxygen, 124, 125t

Partial pressure differences, 124 Parturition, 262

Passive tension, 20

Patent ductus arteriosus, 133

PBS (Bowman space hydrostatic pressure), 154


alveolar, 135

arterial, 138, 141Q, 145E and HCO3reabsorption, 175

on hemoglobin–O2 dissociation curve, 128 venous, 138

Pelvic nerve, 194 Pepsin, 215

Index 311

Pepsinogen, 207, 207, 207t

Peptic ulcer disease, 210, 223Q, 226E Peptide hormone, synthesis of, 227 Perchlorate anions, 238 Perfusion-limited exchange, 125, 125t Perilymph, 44

Peripheral proteins, 1

Peripheral chemoreceptors, in control of ­breathing, 136, 136t

Peristalsis, 200 esophageal, 201 gastric, 201–202 large intestinal, 203

small intestinal, 202, 222Q, 225E Peristaltic contractions

esophageal primary, 201 secondary, 201

in small intestine, 202

Peritubular capillaries, Starling forces in, 157, 157 Permeability

of cell membrane, 3, 25Q, 30E of ion channels, 7

Pernicious anemia, 219 Peroxidase, 238, 239

PGC (glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure), 154 pH

and buffers, 174 calculation of, 174

and gastric secretion, 209–210

on hemoglobin–O2 dissociation curve, 128 urine

acidic, 158 alkaline, 158 minimum, 176

of venous blood, 142Q, 146E

Phasic contractions, in gastrointestinal motility, 199 Phasic receptors, 38

Phenotypic sex, 255, 256 Phenoxybenzamine, 35E–36E, 35t, 61Q Phenylalanine, and gastrin secretion, 197 Pheochromocytoma, 32

phenoxybenzamine for, 61Q, 64E–65E vanillylmandelic acid excretion with, 15, 32


as extracellular buffer, 173 as intracellular buffer, 173 renal regulation of, 167

PTH and, 253

as urinary buffer, 167 Phosphaturia, 167 Phospholamban, 77 Phospholipids, in cell membrane, 1 Phosphoric acid, 173, 176, 176 Photoisomerization, 41 Photoreception, 41–42, 43, 60Q, 63E Photoreceptors, 37, 58Q, 62E

Physiologic dead space, 115–116, 135 Physiologic shunt, 124

PIF (prolactin-inhibiting factor), 16, 228t (see also Dopamine)

Pink puffers, 123 Pinocytosis, 91 Pituitary gland, 233–238

anterior, 233

hormones of, 233–237, 234236, 236t posterior, 233

hormones of, 237–238

and relationship with hypothalamus, 233 pK, of buffers, 176

Plasma, 147, 148t, 149 Plasma osmolarity

estimation of, 149 regulation of, 167, 168, 169 sweating and, 186Q, 192E

Plasma volume, 147

Plateau phase, of action potential, 73 Pneumotaxic center, 136 Pneumothorax, 119

PO2, 124, 125t alveolar, 138 arterial, 138

Poiseuille’s equation, 68, 121 Poiseuille’s law, 68, 121 Polydipsia, 172t

POMC (pro-opiomelanocortin), 234, 243 Pontine reticulospinal tract, 52 Pontocerebellum, 52

Positive chronotropic effects, 75, 76 Positive cooperativity, 125

Positive dromotropic effects, 73

Positive feedback, for hormone secretion, 227 Positive inotropic agents, 77, 78

and cardiac output curve, 82, 83 Positive inotropism, 77–78, 78 Positive staircase, 77

Posterior pituitary gland, 233 hormones of, 237–238

Postextrasystolic potentiation, 77 Postganglionic neurons, 15, 32 Postrotatory nystagmus, 47, 59Q, 63E Postsynaptic cell membrane, 12, 25Q, 30E

end plate potential in, 13 Postsynaptic potentials

excitatory, 14 inhibitory, 14, 25Q, 30E

Post-tetanic potentiation, 15 Posture, brain stem control of, 51–52 Potassium (see K+)


of gastric H+ secretion, 209 long-term, 15 postextrasystolic, 77 post-tetanic, 15

Power stroke, 18

PR interval, 71, 71–72, 102Q, 109E PR segment, 110E

Prazosin, 35t, 58Q, 62E Precapillary sphincter, 91 Preganglionic neurons, 32 Pregnancy, 261–262

hormone levels during, 261

human chorionic gonadotropin in, 261 lactation suppression during, 264Q, 268E

Pregnenolone, 243, 257 Preload, 19

ventricular, 78

and ventricular pressure–volume loop, 80, 80 Premotor cortex, 54

Preprohormone, 227 Prerenal azotemia, 153 Presbyopia, 40

Pressure profile, in blood vessels, 69–70 Presynaptic terminal, 12

Primary active transport, 2t, 3–4, 26Q, 31E Primary motor cortex, 54

312 Index

Primordial follicle, 260 Principal cells

in K+ regulation, 164–165, 165 in Na+ reabsorption, 162–163 in water regulation, 169–171


actions of, 228t, 260

during menstrual cycle, 260, 260, 263Q, 267E during pregnancy, 262

synthesis of, 241, 243, 258, 259 Prohormone, 227

Proinsulin, 249

Prolactin, 228t, 236, 236–237, 236t, 262 Prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF), 16, 228t Prolactinoma, 237, 264Q, 267E Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), 234, 243 Propagation, of action potential, 11–12, 12 Propranolol, 35t

contraindication, 59Q, 62E mechanism of action of, 107Q, 114E

Propylthiouracil, 238, 265Q, 269E Prostacyclin, in blood flow regulation, 95 Prostaglandins

in blood flow regulation, 95–96 in fever, 57

and gastrin secretion, 209, 210 Protein hormones, synthesis of, 227 Protein kinase C, 230, 231 Protein(s)

absorption of, 215t, 216, 216 in cell membrane, 1 digestion of, 215–216, 215t integral, 1, 7

as intracellular buffer, 173 metabolism, 219 peripheral, 1

Protein hormones, synthesis of, 227 Protein kinase C, 230

Proton (see H+) Proton pump, 4

Proximal tubular reabsorption, ECF volume and, 160–161

Proximal tubule(s)

glomerulotubular balance in, 160, 161 isosmotic reabsorption in, 160

K+ reabsorption in, 163

Na+ reabsorption in, 160, 160 Na+–glucose cotransport in, 156 PAH secretion in, 157

reabsorption of filtered HCO3, 174, 175 TF/P ratios, 161, 161

in urine production, 168, 171 Pseudohypoparathyroidism, 253t, 254, 263Q, 267E PTH-rp (parathyroid hormone-related peptide), 254 Puberty, 258

Pulmonary artery pressure, 79 Pulmonary blood flow (Q)

in different regions of lung, 132–133 distribution of, 132–133

during exercise, 138

gravitational forces and, 132, 139–140 regulation of, 133

Pulmonary circulation, 132–133

Pulmonary embolism, V/Q ratio in, 135, 140Q, 144E Pulmonary fibrosis

diffusion-limited exchange during, 125 FEV1 in, 117

lung compliance in, 119 PaCO2 in, 141Q, 145E

Pulmonary vascular resistance, 133 fetal, 133

Pulmonary vasoconstriction, in high altitudes, 138

Pulmonary wedge pressure, 71 Pulmonic valve, closure of, 87

Pulse pressure, 70, 70, 102Q, 105Q, 109E, 112E extrasystolic beat and, 102Q, 109E

Purkinje cell layer, of cerebellar cortex, 53 Purkinje cells, 53

Purkinje system, action potentials of, 72–73 Pursed lips

intrapleural pressure, 123 Pyramidal tracts, 51 Pyrogens, 57


QRS complex, 71, 72

QT interval, 71, 72


Radiation, heat loss by, 56

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 55 Rapidly adapting receptors, 38

RBCs (red blood cells), lysis of, 24Q, 29E RBF (renal blood flow), 152–153, 186Q, 191E

Reabsorbed substance, transport maximum (Tm) curve for, 156, 156–157

Reabsorption, 155–158, 156, 157 of filtered HCO3, 174–175, 175 of glucose, 156

of Na+, 159

Reabsorption rate, calculation of, 155–156 Reactive hyperemia, 95

Rebound phenomenon, 53 Receptive field, 42–43

Receptive relaxation, of stomach, 201, 221Q, 224E Receptive visual fields, 42–43

Receptor potential, 38, 38, 60Q, 64E Receptor tyrosine kinase, 231, 232, 248t, 249

dimer, 231 monomer, 231

Recruitment of motor units, 48 Rectosphincteric reflex, 203 Rectum, 203

Recurrent inhibition, 51

Red blood cells (RBCs), lysis of, 24Q, 29E 5α-Reductase

in testosterone synthesis, 256, 257, 266Q, 270E 5α-Reductase inhibitors, 256

Referred pain, 40

Reflection coefficient, 6, 25Q, 29E–30E Reflexes, muscle, 50, 50–51, 50t Refractive errors, 40

Refractive power, 40 Refractory period(s), 11, 11

absolute, 11, 11, 25Q, 30E cardiac, 74, 74–75

cardiac, 74, 74–75 relative, 11, 11

Renal plasma flow, 152 Relative clearance, 157–158

Relative refractory period (RRP), 11, 11 cardiac, 75, 75

Relaxation, 34

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, 55 Renal arterioles

vasoconstriction of, 152 vasodilation of, 152