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Veins, 67 Venoconstriction

in baroreceptor reflex, 88 Venous blood, pH of, 142Q, 146E Venous compliance

and mean systemic pressure, 81, 81–82 and venous return curve, 83

Venous constriction, 95 Venous pooling, 97, 102Q, 109E Venous pressure, 71

and edema, 104Q, 111E Venous return

and cardiac output, 79 diarrhea and, 107Q, 113E exercise and, 99

Venous return curve, 81, 81–82, 82 Ventilation

alveolar, 116, 123, 133 minute, 116

positive pressure, pulmonary blood flow, 133 Ventilation rate, 116

Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) defects, 133–135, 134, 134t, 135

as cause of hypoxemia, 130t Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) ratio

with airway obstruction, 134–135, 135 changes in, 134–135

defined, 133–134

in different parts of lung, 134, 134f, 134t during exercise, 134–135

in pulmonary embolism, 135, 140Q, 144E Ventral respiratory group, 136

Ventricles, length–tension relationship in, 78, 78–79

Ventricular action potential, 72, 72–73, 105Q, 112E Ventricular ejection, 80

rapid, 85 reduced, 85–87

Ventricular filling, 74, 80 rapid, 87

reduced, 87

Ventricular pressure–volume loop, 79, 79–80, 80 Ventricular volume, 86, 103Q, 109E

Venules, 67

Vestibular organ, 45–46, 46 Vestibular system, 45–47, 46 Vestibular transduction, 46, 46 Vestibular–ocular reflexes, 46–47 Vestibule, of inner ear, 44 Vestibulocerebellum, 52 Vestibulospinal tract, lateral, 52

Vibrio cholerae, 218

VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide), 198–199 in esophageal motility, 201

and GI smooth muscle relaxation, 221Q, 224E Vision, 40–43

layers of retina in, 40–41, 40, 41t optic pathways and lesions in, 41, 42 optics in, 40

photoreception in rods in, 41–42, 43 receptive visual fields in, 43

Visual cortex, receptive fields of, 43 Vital capacity (VC), 116–117

measurement of, 139Q, 143E Vitamin(s), absorption of, 215t, 219 Vitamin A, in photoreception, 41 Vitamin B12, absorption of, 215t, 219 Vitamin D, 254–255

actions of, 251t, 255

in calcium metabolism, 252 metabolism of, 251t, 254, 255

VMA (3-methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid), 15, 32 VMA (vanillylmandelic acid), 15, 32

Volatile acid, 172 Voltage-gated channels, 7 Volume contraction

alkalosis, 149

due to diarrhea, 149, 183 hyperosmotic, 150t, 151 in hypoaldosteronism, 181 hyposmotic, 150t, 151 isosmotic, 149, 150t

due to vomiting, 182, 182 Volume expansion

hyperosmotic, 149–150, 150t hyposmotic, 150t, 151 isosmotic, 149, 150t

Volume of distribution, 148 Vomiting, 203

and gastric secretion, 208

metabolic alkalosis due to, 182, 182, 187Q, 193E


Water (H2O) absorption of, 218

distribution of, 147, 148, 148t secretion of, 218

shifts between compartments of, 149–151,

150, 150t total body

measuring volume of, 147, 148t tritiated, 147

Water deprivation, 167–170, 168 and free-water clearance, 168 and H2O reabsorption, 185Q, 190E and TF/P osmolarity, 188Q, 193E

Water intake, response to, 163, 165 Water-soluble substances, and cell membrane, 1 Weak acids, 155

Weak bases, 155 Wernicke area, 55 Wheal, 97 Wolff–Chaikoff effect, 238 Wolffian ducts, 255, 256


Z line, 17, 17

Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, 197, 210, 223Q, 226E Zona fasciculata, 241, 242, 243

Zona glomerulosa, 241, 242, 243, 264Q, 268E Zona reticularis, 241, 242, 243

Zonula occludens, 1