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Кафедра иностранных языков


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протокол № 10 от 24.04.2020

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык ( английский язык) Категория обучающихся: бакалавры ( 1 курс, второй семестр)

Письменное тестирование





кафедрой иностранных языков


Путиловская Т.С.

Вариант № 04-М-1-2020 \ 02.06.2020

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Письменное тестирование по английскому языку является частью итоговой аттестации.

Письменное тестирование состоит из двух разделов: раздел 1- (reading)чтение, раздел 2 – (grammar and vocabulary) грамматика и лексика, включающих в себя 30 заданий.

На выполнение тестирования отводится 60 минут.

Ответы к заданиям 1- 30 записываются в виде одной буквы, которая соответствует букве выбранного ответа. Эту букву запишите в лист ответов. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

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впечатной форме в листе ответов, предложенном в файле WORD,

иотправляется в «личный кабинет» преподавателя-экзаменатора


Read the article divided into paragraphs (1 – 6) and choose the best title (A – G) for each paragraph. Use each letter only once.

Back to the future of skyscraper design

A. Short’s dream

E. Crisis in building

B. Air conditioning in 19th century hospital

F. Skyscraper reinvention

C. Reach legacy

G. Shorts’ views on air conditioning

D. Shorts’ book


1.‘The Recovery of Natural Environments in Architecture’ by Professor Alan Short is the culmination of 30 years of research and award-winning green building design by Short and colleagues in Architecture, Engineering, Applied Maths and Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge. ‘The crisis in building design is already here,’ said Short. ‘Policy makers think you can solve energy and building problems with gadgets. You can’t. As global temperatures continue to rise, we are going to continue to squander more and more energy on keeping our buildings mechanically cool until we have run out of capacity.’

2.Short is calling for a sweeping reinvention of how skyscrapers and major public buildings are designed – to end the reliance on sealed buildings which exist solely via the ‘life support’ system of vast air conditioning units. Instead, he shows it is entirely possible to accommodate natural ventilation and cooling in large buildings by looking into the past, before the widespread introduction of air conditioning systems, which were ‘relentlessly and aggressively marketed’ by their inventors.

3.Short points out that to make most contemporary buildings habitable, they have to be sealed and air conditioned. . Short regards glass, steel and air-conditioned skyscrapers as symbols of status, rather than practical ways of meeting our requirements.

4.Short’s book highlights a developing and sophisticated art and science of ventilating buildings through the 19th and earlier-20th centuries, including the design of ingeniously ventilated hospitals. Of particular interest were those built to the designs of John Shaw Billings, including the first Johns Hopkins Hospital in the US city of Baltimore (18731889).

5We discovered that 19th-century hospital wards could generate up to 24 air changes an hour – that’s similar to the performance of a modern-day, computer-controlled operating theatre. We believe you could build wards based on these principles now. Professor Short contends the mindset and skill-sets behind these designs have been completely lost.

6. Much of the ingenuity present in 19th-century hospital and building design was driven by a panicked public clamouring for buildings that could protect against what was thought to be the lethal threat of miasmas – toxic air that spread disease. Miasmas were feared as the principal agents of disease and epidemics for centuries, and were used to explain the spread of infection from the Middle Ages right through to the cholera outbreaks in London and Paris during the 1850s. Foul air, rather than germs, was believed to be the main driver of ‘hospital fever’, leading to disease and frequent death. The prosperous steered clear of hospitals.

‘To go forward into our new low-energy, low-carbon future, we would be well advised to look back at design before our high-energy, high-carbon present appeared. What is surprising is what a rich legacy we have abandoned.’

READING Part II (questions 7 – 10)

Read the article given below and complete sentences.

For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) to choose the correct answer


Despite the size of the business, Jones still enjoys touring with orchestras. 'Musicians are usually nice to travel with and you visit wonderful places.' It can get stressful though. 'They think it's normal when everything goes right. If something goes wrong, they look for someone to blame, and they can be angry and bad-tempered, especially if they are worried about meeting their contracts for the rest of their tour.'

Jones explains that things haven't always been easy. 'Sometimes the company didn't perform as well as I'd expected. There were difficult times and I had to learn to cope with the stress.

However, we've now got to а level where my staff can run the business on а daily basis. All I need to do now is only keep an eye on things and control the process.

Jones admits that he could have earned more in another line of business. 'Travel generally doesn't рау well. I have friends in other professions who are very highly paid.' However, he has no regrets. 'Тhеу envy me because I am reasonably well paid to do something that I love doing.'

(13)How do musicians react when faced with travel problems? А. They try to criticize the person responsible.

В. They get angry with Sam.

С. They say they will choose another travel company next time.

(14)Sam Jones thinks that in the past his company

А. made а lot of mistakes. В. didn't have many clients. С. had а stressful time.

(15)What does Sam Jones say about the day-to-day running of his business? А. He doesn't need to take an active role.

В. It is difficult for him to control his staff. С. It is difficult to set realistic targets.

(16)What does Sam Jones feel about his career?

А. Не likes his career though he's always short of money. В. Не wishes he earned а high salary like his friends.

С. He's happy and thinks he has enough to live on.


Part I (1 – 10)

Complete each sentence with the correct option (А, В or С).

1.The agreement … Navigation Mixte fend off potential raiders.

a) would help b) will help c) help

2. For instance it made me feel home with junk bonds … the first time. a) at b) for c) in

3. In a leveraged buyout, or LBO, a company is acquired by a group of investors,

often … by heavy borrowing.


a) finance

b) financing

c) financed

4.Here is a version of how a deal … evolve and be structured and how it might turn out for the venture capitalists and the MBO team.

a) may

b) might

c) must

5.Business people … decisions that they don’t get feedback on until next year – if then.



b) taking




A compensation … an executive leaving a company is also known as golden

goodbye, golden handshake or golden parachute.





b) at

c) to


When executives are ousted, people may talk about companies giving … the


golden boot.





to them

b) they




He also said he … without a contract indefinitely.



a) would work

b) will work




Huge payoffs recently … $ 1,5 million for Robert Horton, who was ousted as


chairman and chief executive of BP following a boardroom row.



b) have included

c) including

10. Another traditional division is that … management and labour.

a) among

b) between



A. pay
С. stick
В. invest

Part II (questions 11-20)

Fill in the gaps in the text below by choosing one variant (А, В or С).

Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business

So, a few questions to consider if you want to go into business for yourself:

How do I come up with a business idea?

Should I build a business from scratch, buy an existing business, or (11)……. in a franchise?

What steps are involved in developing a business plan?

Entrepreneurship means setting up a business to make a (12)……... What, exactly, is an (13) ……..and what does one do? According to one definition, an entrepreneur is an

“individual who starts a new business” - and that’s true.

If you decide to buy an existing business, some things will be easier. You’ll already have a proven product, current customers, active (14) ……, a known location, and trained

(15)…... You’ll also find it much easier to predict the business’s future success.

Other small business owners are (16)……… — they sell products to businesses that buy them for resale or for company use. A local bakery, for example, is acting as a wholesaler when it sells desserts to a restaurant, which then resells them to its (17)……... A small business that buys flowers from a local (18)……. and resells them to a retail store is another example of a wholesaler. Many small businesses in this sector are retailers—they buy goods from other firms and sell them to consumers, in stores, by phone, through direct mailings, or over the Internet.

If you own a fast-food franchise, the franchise agreement will likely dictate the food and beverages you can sell; the methods used to store, prepare, and serve the food; and to (19)…... You may need to commit most of your savings or even go into debt to get started.

If things don’t go well, you may face substantial financial (20)……... In addition, there’s no guaranteed income.



A. money

В. profit

С. income


A. entrepreneur

В. businessman

С. creditor


A. shops

В. suppliers

С. people


A. customers

В. politicians

С. employees


A. advertisers

В. wholesalers

С. customers


A. customers

В. wholesalers

С. businessmen


A. manufacturer

В. shop

С. park


A. invite partners

В. share your profit

С. charge prices


A. support

В. income

С. loss

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