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Практическая работа 1

Тема занятия: My Family and My Life

Указания:прочитайтетекст,переведитеивыполнитеупражненияктексту. Затем ознакомьтесь с материалом по грамматике и выполнитеупражнения пограмматической теме.


Read and translate the text

My Family and My Life

My name is Boris. I am 18. I study at the University and do my best to get as much knowledge as I can. My favourite subject is mathematics. In fact I am very good at it. I am a regular visitor to University’s library where I spend a lot of time. When I'm free I enjoy doing different things with my friends and alone. I am fond of reading interesting books. I am also interested in music, mostly rock-music. I like sport very much. I go in for basketball and always take part in sports competitions. As a rule I go to the gym in the evenings.

There is a photo from my family album. This is one of the latest photos. My whole family is in it. There are four of us. My parents are in the centre. To begin with, I am going to talk about my father. He is neither old nor young and works as a businessman at the office. He is a handsome man with dark hair just beginning to go grey. As he is a bread-winner in the family, he often works overtime. He is sociable, sincere and reliable. I can rely on him in any situation.

My mother is a few years younger than my father. She looks slim and pretty in the photo, so she is in life. She is an elegant and an intelligent woman. She loves my father and the whole family. She does a lot for us. Shopping and cooking for the family are among her every-day chores. She is a university teacher and is respected both by her students and colleagues. I must admit, she is a very understanding person and often is the first to give a helping hand in a difficult situation.

My parents have been married for twenty-three years. They have much in common, but they have different points of view on sports and music. For example, my father is fond of
sports and my mother doesn't go in for sport at all.

In front of my parents sits my grandmother, my mother’s mother. I do not have other grandparents. She is retired now. To tell you the truth, I do not feel the generation gap between us. She would listen to my endless stories about my friends and my university life. I do not always follow her advice, but I should say, my granny is a wise person and an easy-going one. I look similar to her. Maybe, that’s why I’m sitting near her. Here four of us are happy and smiling.

To cut a long story short, we are a united and friendly family.
Моя семья и моя жизнь

Меня зовут Борис. Мне 18 лет. Я учусь в университете и делаю все возможное, чтобы получить как можно больше знаний. Мой любимый предмет - математика. Я очень хорошо в ней разбираюсь. Я регулярно посещаю библиотеку университета, где провожу много времени. Когда я свободен, мне нравится заниматься разными делами с друзьями и в одиночестве. Я люблю читать интересные книги. Я также интересуюсь музыкой, в основном рок-музыкой. Я очень люблю спорт. Я занимаюсь баскетболом и всегда участвую в спортивных соревнованиях. Как правило, по вечерам я хожу в тренажерный зал.

Здесь есть фотография из моего семейного альбома. Это одна из последних фотографий. На ней вся моя семья. Нас четверо. Мои родители в центре. Для начала я расскажу о своем отце. Он ни стар, ни млад, работает бизнесменом в офисе. Он красивый мужчина с темными волосами, которые только начинают седеть. Поскольку он является кормильцем в семье, он часто работает сверхурочно. Он общительный, искренний и надежный. Я могу положиться на него в любой ситуации.

Моя мама на несколько лет моложе моего отца. На фотографии она выглядит стройной и красивой, такой она и является в жизни. Она элегантная и интеллигентная женщина. Она любит моего отца и всю семью. Она многое делает для нас. Покупки и приготовление пищи для семьи - это ее ежедневные обязанности. Она работает преподавателем в университете и пользуется уважением как у своих студентов, так и у коллег. Должна признать, что она очень отзывчивый человек и часто первой протягивает руку помощи в трудной ситуации.

Мои родители женаты уже двадцать три года. У них много общего, но у них разные точки зрения на спорт и музыку. Например, мой отец увлекается спортом, а моя мама спортом не занимается вообще.

Напротив моих родителей сидит моя бабушка, мама моей мамы. Других бабушек и дедушек у меня нет. Она уже на пенсии. По правде говоря, я не чувствую разницы между поколениями. Она слушала мои бесконечные рассказы о друзьях и университетской жизни. Я не всегда следую ее советам, но надо сказать, что моя бабушка - мудрый и покладистый человек. Я похожа на нее. Может быть, поэтому я сижу рядом с ней. Здесь мы вчетвером счастливы и улыбаемся.

Короче говоря, мы - дружная и сплоченная семья.


1. Words and expressions to learn and translate:

  1. to be fond of

  2. to take part

  3. a bread-winner

  4. to work overtime

  5. sociable

  6. sincere

  7. to rely on smb., smth.

  8. intelligent

  9. admit

  10. colleague

  11. point of view

  12. in front of

  13. the generation gap

  14. wise

  15. to look similar to

1. увлекаться

2. принимать участие

3. кормилец

4. работать сверхурочно

5. общительный

6. искренний

7. полагаться на кого-л., что-л.

8. умный

9. признавать

10. коллега

11. точка зрения

12. перед

13. разрыв поколений

14. мудрый

15. быть похожим на

  1. Make up a short story about your family using the words and expressions from the text (about 250 words).

Many people say that family is the most important thing in life. And I completely agree with that. But let's try to understand what this word means. First of all, the family is the foundation of the basics, which gives a child all the necessary human qualities, fosters kindness and responsiveness. Thanks to the family a person becomes what he is now. The family is the only structure of society where people truly need each other. Nothing can replace a family, neither kindergarten, nor school, nor anything else. It is in a family that you are really precious and the family will do anything to make you feel happy.

My family consists of 3 people: my dad, my mum and me. My dad is very kind but can be strict at times, but that doesn't stop me from loving him. Dad is the head of our family All the hard work around the house is done by him. There's not a task Daddy can't do. He is strong and brave, often likes to joke, always helps if something doesn't work, and steers me towards the right decision. I consider him as a role model. I appreciate my dear mum just as much as my dad. This is the person who will support me in any difficult situation, judge and understand. I have no secrets from her because I trust her completely and I know that her advice will always help. Mum is also a very good cook and no holiday is complete without her delicious dishes. When the weather is warm, we go on picnics with my mum and dad, go fishing and play football and volleyball.

In my opinion, I have a very nice, kind and cheerful family, where there is mutual understanding and, most importantly, where there is kindness and care. And in my opinion, every member should contribute to the happiness of the family. After all, to have a good family nowadays is a gift of fate. You should appreciate what you have, because it is easier to lose than to find again.

  1. Read the text again and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.

  1. Boris is a pupil of the eleventh form of a secondary school. False. He studies in university.

  2. They are a family of four.


  1. His mother is a university teacher. True

  2. His parents have been married for twenty-five years. False. His parents have been married for twenty-three years.

  3. His granny is a wise person and an easy-going one. True

4. Match the highlighted words and expressions in the text to the definitions below. Write them in pairs.

  1. enjoy

  2. slim

  3. chore

  4. advice

  5. easy-going

    1. an opinion you give someone about what they should do

    2. to get pleasure from something

    3. a job that you have to do regularly

    4. relaxed and not easily upset or worried

    5. attractively thin, slender

1-b 2-e 3-c 4-a 5-d

generation, among, retired, reliable, follow

5. Complete the sentences with the word from the box in the correct form:

  1. In many offices reliable people with the longest service are the secretaries.

  2. That family has lived in the same house for four generations .

  3. They followed the plan that Elizabeth had worked out.

  4. Our neighbors were an old retired couple.

  5. At the meeting they discussed, among other things, recent events in Eastern


Прочитайте правила (The Verb "to be", "There is (are)" Construction, The Verb "to have") в учебнике: Дроздова Т.Ю., Маилова В.Г., Берестова
А.И. English Grammar. Грамматика английского языка: Reference and Practice. Version 2.0. Учебное пособие. СПб., Антология, 2012. , пройдя по ссылке: http://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book_view_red&book_id=213307 и выполните упражнения.
Read the rules on The Verb "to be", "There is (are)" Construction, The Verb "to have" p.9 § 1, p.14 § 2, p.17 § 3.

  1. Put in the verb ‘to be”, “to have” in the correct form.

    1. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it was cold.

    2. Kate got married when she was24 years old.

    3. Fred seldom walks his dog. He has little free time.

    4. They have a car but they don’t use it very often.

    5. I don’t remember what his telephone number is

    6. I often have a headache in the evening.

    7. Two heads are better than one.

    8. We had a good rest last Sunday.

    9. The students were in the reading hall before the meeting.

    10. My friend will be a doctor in 6 years.

  1. Make up sentences using the construction “there is (are)” in the correct form.

    1. in the text, a few changes There are a few changes in the text.

    2. in a year, a new stadium There will be a new stadium in a year.

    3. something, on the shelf There is something on the shelf.

    4. several, seats, empty, in the room There are several seats empty in the room.

    5. an interesting film, tomorrow, on TV There will be an interesting film on TV tomorrow.

    6. in this book , difficult exercises There are difficult exercises in this book.

    7. of the city, a big park, in the centre There is a big park in the centre of the city.

    8. near my house, five years ago, a school There was a school near my house five years ago.

    9. in our group, fourteen, last year, students There were fourteen students in our group last year

    10. in the hall, furniture, much There is much furniture in the hall.