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Учитель класса

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Руководитель практики

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План - конспект

воспитательного мероприятия

проведённого в 3 «В» классе

учащейся 41 ИБ группы

филиала МГЛУ «Лингвогуманитарный колледж»

Маврищевой Юлией Викторовной

Тема: «Family photo album»


  • Обучающая: сформировать у учащихся представление и понятие о семье.

  • Развивающая: формировать развитие эстетических чувств, устной речи, внимания, мышления.

  • Воспитательная: создать условия для развития доброго отношения ко всем членам семьи.

Форма проведения мероприятия: беседа с элементами игры.

Количество и возраст участников: 3«В» класс, 14 человек, 8-9 лет.

Оборудование: доска.

Литература: учеб. пособие для 3-го кл. учреждений общ. сред. образования с рус.яз. обучения: с электронным приложением. В 2 ч. Ч. 1/Л.М. Лапицкая [и др.]. – Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 2018. – 143 с.: ил. + 1 электрон.опт.диск(СD). 978-985-06-2966-1.
Ход воспитательного мероприятия:

Сообщение_темы_(«_Family_photo_album_»)._Мотивация_._Teacher'>1 ЭТАП (вступительный)

Приветствие учащихся. Сообщение темы («Familyphotoalbum »). Мотивация.

Teacher: Hello students. My name is Yulia Viktorovna, and I’m you teacher for this lesson. Today in the lesson we will do various tasks, such as drawing, collecting and many of the same. I think you'll like it.

Сообщениетемы:In order to understand what the topic of our lesson is, we will perform the following task. You need to make a word out of letters. After that, you will be able to guess what the theme of our lesson is. ( учащиеся собирают из карточек с буквами слово «FAMILY»).

Мотивация: Okay. Good job! As you guessed, the topic of our lesson is related to the family, namely the «Family photo album». In order to get a good result in today's lesson, you need to work diligently and be interested in our work with you.
2 ЭТАП (раскрытие темы)

Teacher: Before starting our lesson, let's split into 3 teams.

Teacher: Ok, good. Let's start our lesson with a story about your family. Please tell me who is in your family?

Students: I have got a mum, a dad, a sister and a brother. (учащиеся рассказывают о своих семьях).

Teacher:Very well! Now I suggest you revise some words that we learned with you on the theme of family. You have cards with a table. You are given the number of words you need to find in the table. Let's start working.

Teacher: Family is people who are always ready to help you, they give you their love and warmth, care and joy. Therefore, now I suggest that you discuss in groups what signs each family should have in order for it to be strong and friendly.

Students: The most important signs in family are love, support, kindness, understanding, joy, help, friendliness, respect, trust, care and so on.

Teacher: Well done! You have told us a lot of good qualities of a friendly and happy family.

The next task will be very interesting for you, but before that we will rest a little.

Teacher: Please stand up. Let's have a rest. We will repeat the movements as in the video. (учащиеся повторяют движения как на видео).
Teacher: Let's continue our lesson. Please prepare colored pencils or pens, markers and glue. Now we will make a family photo album with you. Each group received a large sheet of paper and printouts. You need to glue and color these pictures. After that, you will show us your posters and tell us about your ideas. You can start creating! (учащиесяделаютсемейныйфотоальбом).

Students:We made a photo album like this. This is a photo of a family relaxing in a city park. (учащиеся показывают свои плакаты и рассказывают о них).

Teacher: Your posters are wonderful. You did this task very well.
3 ЭТАП (заключительный)

Итоговаябеседа. Рефлексия

Teacher: Let's summarize our work and perform the following exercise. Our last task will also be creative. You need to come up with and draw a family symbol. It can be a sun, a heart or a bird. Is everything clear to you? You can get to work. (учащиеся придумывают и рисуют символ семьи).

Students:I drew a heart because I think love is the most important thing in a family. (учащиеся показывают то, что они нарисовали и рассказывают почему).

Teacher:So our lesson has come to an end. It was a great pleasure to work with you. Now I want to ask you to evaluate our event with the help of hearts. You have these hearts on your tables. You need to write on why you liked or disliked the way you worked. After that, you need to glue these hearts to the big heart that you see on the board. (выслушиваютсяответыучащихся).

Teacher:Thank you guys so much for this lesson. You did well. Lesson is over.