Файл: Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.doc

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a)on b)at c)from

5.The girl's friend gets thirty pounds … a day.

a)for b)in c)-

6.It rained … hard yesterday that I got wet through.

a).such b)so c)-

7.Tea is very popular … the English, isn't it?

a)with b)for c)between d)among

8.The teacher tried to make the boy speak but he … silent.

a)stayed b)remained c)stopped

9.Dinner began with soup followed … fish and … vegetables.

a)by b)with c)after

10.The weather was … nasty yesterday.

a)so b)such c)such a
3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.I met Tom and Ann at the airport a few days ago. They … to Berlin.

a)went b)had c)were going

2.We … each other since the evening at Mr. Brown's.

a)haven't seen b) don't see c)didn't see

3.George … to go out when the accident happened.

a)got ready b)was getting ready c)has got ready

4.Kerosene is … it was a few years ago.

a)as expensive as b)as expensive c)expensive so
5.His boyfriend … of.

a)well speaks b)is well spoken c) is well speak

6.After her husband had gone to work and the children, … to school Mrs Richardd's went upstairs.

a)had sent b)were sent ` c)been sent

7.Yesterday we — decide what to do with the money.

a)had to b)must c)should d)would

  1. We must both wait until he … to us.

a)is going to write b)is writing c)will write d)writes

9.I hope he doesn't make us … .

a)to wait b)wait c)waiting d)for waiting

10.You … always wear a hat when you go out in strong sunlight.

a)would have to b)had to c)must
4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

  1. They usually have their English on Friday. (General)

  2. I have been phoning him for the past 20minutes. (Special)

  3. He always insists on doing the job correctly.(Special)

  4. Nothing went wrong. (Disjunctive)

  5. His wife was very disappointed. (Alternative)

б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

  1. Mary answered " I like people but I don't like too many people altogether."

  2. "What are you going to study ?" Ann asked him.

  3. She asked us " Are you going to the theatre tonight?"

  4. The teacher said to the pupils " Learn the poem by heart if you like it".

  5. She asked me what had happened.

5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  1. / Those / ironing / need / now / need / don't / it / shirts / you /do / to / but /.

  2. / his / get / ready / Tom / mother /the / helped / to / dinner/.

  3. / The / so / carefully / glasses / Ann / were / carried / very / them / full /.

  4. / He / that / made / him / told / everybody / fun / me /had/of/.

  5. /If / pass / have / you / your / to / want / exams / study / to /you / harder /.

6.Перевести с русского на английский

  1. Если я куплю машину, я отсюда уеду.

  2. Он позвонил тебе, не так ли?

  3. Почему ему было сказано об этом так рано?

  4. Если ты будешь усердно работать, ты сможешь поступить в университет.

  5. Солнце уже село, когда они прекратили работать в поле.

7.Окончить предложения

  1. They will certainly enjoy the party if …

  2. After we had opened the bottle …

  3. He cannot let me go unless …

  4. He wondered why …

  5. Though they went there together …

8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

Little Alice always helped her mother. She liked to lay the table, to wash up. She also … to go to the market with her mother. One day Alice said: " Mummy, what can I do for you today ?" " You can go and buy … milk … the shop. Take the small jug. It is on the shelf … the kitchen. Here is the money for the milk. … it."

"I shall not lose the money, Mummy", said Alice. Alice took … jug and went to the shop. The shop girl filled the jug … milk, and then asked Alice, " Where … your

money, … girl?"

"It is in the jug. I … to lose it, " answered Alice.

little / to be / not to want / with / the / not to lose / at / to like / some / in /

1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

It must have been about two in the morning when Henry returned home. He was coming from a party given by his friend to celebrate his moving into a new flat.

Victoria, his wife said she was tired of his being so sociable and declared she wanted to have a rest.

So Henry content with the evening spent among his friends rang the doorbell. But nobody answered the ring. In vain hе tried to wake his wife up. Half an hour later the neighbours, their babies and their pets were awake, but he was still calling his wife to open the door.

Then he got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall and began climbing towards the bedroom window. He was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said: "I don't think the windows need cleaning at this hour of the night."

Henry looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when he saw a policeman. He immediately regretted answering in the way he did, but he said , "I enjoy cleaning windows at night." "So do I", answered the policeman in the same tone. "But would you mind coming with me to the sta­tion?"

"Well, I'd prefer to stay here", said Henry, "You see, I've forgotten my key".

"Your what?" the policeman called.

"My key," Henry shouted loudly.

Fortunately, the shouting woke up his wife, who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards him.

1. What party did Henry go to?

  1. a birthday party

  2. a Christmas party

  3. a house-warming party

2. In what mood did he return from the party?

  1. glad and cheerful

  2. slightly disappointed

  3. tired and sleepy

3. Whom did his knocking arid shouting wake up?

  1. his wife and baby

  2. his pet

  3. his neighbours

4. His wife was

  1. a sound sleeper

  2. a heavy eater

  3. a good mixer

    1. The policeman thought

  1. he was going to clean the windows

  2. he was a thief

  3. he needed help

2. Выбрать правильный ответ

1.Where have you … my glasses?

a)laid b)lain c)lay d)lied

2.He went into the building and walked … .

a)in b)into c)inside d)for

3.I … in my last examination.

a)did good b)did well c)make good d)made well

4.What … awful news!

a)the b)а c)- d)an

5.I'll stay in Paris … two days.

a)in b)for c)at d)since

6.We … you until three o'clock.

a)expected b)waited for c)hoped d)stayed

7.He is the writer … books I like very much.

a)who b)whose c)that d)which

8.He was … hungry.

a)still b)yet c)all d)such '

9. He had — fat stomach that he could hardly walk.

a)so b)such c)such a d)a so

10. … Sunday morning he went hunting.

a)in b)on c)at d)by
3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.Would you like a cigarette? No, thanks, I … one out.

a)have just put b)just put c)will just put

2.When he arrived at Robert's flat he … .

a)was warmly welcomed b)was warmly welcome

c)has been warmly welcomed

3.Ask Ann about your problem. She … help you.

a)will be able to b)can't c)couldn't

4."I want an easy English book" "This is the … I have".

a)most easy one that b)easiest one that c)easier one as ;

5.I didn't realize that our conversation … .

a)had been recorded b)had recorded c)has been recorded

6."What … here," his father asked sharply.

a)do you do b)will you do c)are you doing

7.If he … that it's dangerous he won't come.

a)knows b)knew c)will know

8.It … that their marriage should take place in December.

a)was decided b)decided c)had decided

9.I called at nine and the man said that she … out an hour before.

a)had gone b)went c)would go

10.She was sure that he … to her before.

a)has never lied b)had never lied c)never lied
4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования

а) Составить соответствующие вопросы

  1. I shall have to return this book tomorrow.(General)

  2. They were ill because they ate those bad apples.(Special)

  3. He works late every evening because he has so much to do.(Special)

  4. She never takes advice.(Disjunctive)

  5. I left my bicycle here.(Alternative)

б) Перевести предложения из прямой в косвенную речь и наоборот

  1. She said to me "He found the door unlocked".

  2. "How long have you been here?" said Ann.

  3. I asked Mary "Do you know the way to the airport?"

  4. "Try not to remember those days" she said to me.

  5. They were asked if it took them much time to find a job.

5. Из данных слов составить предложения

  1. horrified / about / the / We / all / when / disaster / were / we / heard /.

  2. when / the / was / passed / Everyone / examination / surprised / he /.

  3. pianists / is / think /world / Many /of/ greatest /one / the / in / people /he / the/.

  4. birds / eat / throw / don't / If / that / sandwich / to / want / you / it / the / to/.

  5. I / a / long / remind / much / You / of / used / very / me / someone / to / time / know / ago/.

6.Перевести с русского на английский

  1. 1.Когда они позвонили Элен, она принимала ванну.

  2. Если ты будешь работать так же усердно как я, ты тоже добьешься успеха.

  3. Если буду на твоем месте, я не рассержусь на него.

  4. Мы не должны об этом говорить кому-либо, не так ли?

  5. Текст будет переведен на этой неделе.

7.Окончить предложения

  1. I am so tired that …

  2. Come to me when …

  3. While he was crossing the street …

  4. I give you my word …'

  5. If I had some eggs …

8. Заполнить пропуски необходимой формой данных слов

People often collect things. Stamps, books, and records are fairly common. But … collection I … ever belongs to a man who possesses 1500 clocks. As there is not … room for … many clocks, the man has filled several trunks and stored them in the garage. His wife … every day about the work she … do, for it is not easy to dust several hundred … . She also complains about the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so chimes can be heard almost any time during the day and night. … her opinion however, there is something even worse … dust and noise. Even with so many clocks around, she never … what time it is.
than / in / to complain / to know / clock/ enough / strange / have to / to see / so /.

1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom to do some cleaning. But she was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going out with her husband to a fancy-dress ball. She intended to be dressed as a ghost. And as she had made her costume the previous night, she wanted to try it on.

After putting it on, Mrs Richards went downstairs to see if it would be comfortable to wear. Just as she was enter­ing the dining-room there was a knock on the door. She knew it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in and leave the bread on the kitchen table.

Suddenly she remembered she had a strange costume on. But as she had no time to change her dress she hid her­self in a store-room under the stairs.

The baker entered the house and finding nobody in put the bread on the table as he had been told. On leaving the house he mixed the doors and opened the store-room door. He let out a cry and jumped back. In vain she tried to call him to explain the situation. In fear and panic he took to his heels slamming the door behind him. "A ghost! A ghost!", he cried running down the street."

  1. Why didn't Mrs. Richards want to do housework that morning?

  1. She had something. else to do.

  2. She had some guests.

  3. She wanted to have a rest.

2. Where was she going in the evening.

  1. on a trip to Italy

  2. to the airport

  3. to an entertaining party

3. When did she make her costume?

  1. a week ago

  2. the night before

  3. two days ago

4. Why did Mrs Richards hide in the store-room?

  1. She wanted to watch him.

  2. She didn't want to speak to him.

  3. She didn't want to frighten him.

  1. What did the man do when he saw him?

  1. He attacked her.

  2. He rushed out.

  3. He walked out proudly.

2. Выбрать правильный ответ

1.My father enjoyed … stories.

a)telling b)saying c)listening d)counting

2.I'd like to live in London … I don't want to leave my present job.

a)On other hand b)On the other hand c)Of another side d)On another hand

3.This clothes made … stone.

a)of b)out of c)in d)with

4.Who has stolen … money?

a)the b)a c)-

5.He hasn't answered my letter … .

a)yet b)still c)already d)almost

6.He got up late on … holidays.

a)the b)a c) –

7.Hasn't … ?

a)come the post yet b)yet the post come c)the post yet come d)the post come yet

8.I … you not to forget to take your umbrella.

a)said b)told c)spoke to d)talked

9.I've just had … walk.

a)five minutes’ b)five minute c)five minute's d)five minutes

10.They told me … interesting story.

a)so b)such c)such an
3. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.I am afraid, I … tell you the time; I haven't got a watch.

a)can't b)can c)couldn't

2.She … the piano when our guests arrived last night.

a)was playing b)will play c)has played

3.When we … our exam we'll have a holiday.

a)took b)take c)shall take

4.It's the first time Lena … tennis.

a)has played b)played c)play

5.The stranger … to leave the meeting.

a)was asked b)ask c)will ask

6.The fire …to the next building before the firemen arrived.

a)had spread b)has spread c)will spread

7.Ann … for me when I arrived.

a)is waiting b)was waiting c)waited

8.While they were doing the experiment, she … in.

a)came b)had come c)is coming

9.You can't see Tom now, he … a bath.

a)has b)is having c)has had

10.There … people now in the supermarket than in the morning.

a)is fewer b)are fewer c)is less d)are some
4. Выполнить необходимые преобразования