Файл: Контрольная работа 1 Лексикограмматический материал.docx

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1 Семестр


Лексико-грамматический материал: части речи, словосочетания, сравнительные конструкции, конструкции предложения It is / There is (are) / Have (has) got, количественные определители, артикль, времена зоны настоящего (Present Simple, Present Continuous).

Задание 1. Письменно распределите слова в четыре колонки: noun/verb/adjective/adverb. Выделите суффиксы. Переведите слова на русский язык.

Entertainment, classify, nearly, friendly, protection, hardly, creative; curious, variety, sorrowful, stainless, satisfy, competent; lovely, statement, darken; cultural; generation, acceptable, agreement, realize, fully, fragrant; judgment; painless; advisable; political; protection; inventive; debate; discussion; comparatively; obvious; brightness; important; thicken; politely; childish; pollution; harmful; width; courageous; timely; announcement; frighten; economical; drizzly.





entertainment- Развлечение

classify- классифицировать

friendly- дружелюбный

nearly- почти

protection- защита


creative- творческий

hardly- едва

variety- разнообразие


curious- любопытный


statement- утверждение


sorrowful- печальный



satisfy- удовлетворять

stainless- безупречный



darken- темнеть

competent- компетентный


lovely- прекрасный






















Задание 2.

а) Перепишите предложения во множественном числе.

  1. This phenomenon is worth studying.

  2. This is a rare sea species.

  3. Put this datum in that column.

  4. There was a strawberry in the photo.

  5. The woman was sorting the mail.

  6. This small blue flower is called forget-me nots.

  7. A child’s foot is small.

  8. A passer-by is walking hastily down the street.

  9. Oil price has dropped dramatically.

  10. This person doesn’t know the truth.

  1. These phenomena are worth studying.

  2. These are rare sea species.

  3. Put these data in that column.

  4. There were strawberries in the photos

  5. The women were sorting the mail.

  6. These small blue flowers are called forget-me-nots.

  7. Children's feet are small.

  8. Passers-by are walking hastily down the streets.

  9. Oil prices have dropped dramatically.

  10. These people don't know the truth.

б) Поставьте в пропуски глагол to be- is/ are в правильной форме.

1. The news … too good to be true.

2. The police have… already been here.

3. The government … re-elected every four years.

4. The jury … discussing case 365.

5. The goods … from Italy.

6. The stairs… made of wood.

7. The headquarters of UNO … in Brussels.

8. In Britain, wages … paid for unqualified work.

9. The vertebra … broken.

10. Her family … dog-lovers.

11. All his advice… useless.

12. Her hair … rather long and wavy.

1. The news are too good to be true.

2. The police have is already been here.

3. The government is re-elected every four years.

4. The jury is discussing case 365.

5. The goods are from Italy.

6. The stairs are made of wood.

7. The headquarters of UNO are in Brussels.

8. In Britain, wages are paid for unqualified work.

9. The vertebra is broken.

10. Her family are dog-lovers.

11. All his advice is useless.

12. Her hair is rather long and wavy.

Задание 3. Переведите словосочетания:

а) на русский язык

The seven natural wonders of the world - , a feeling of relaxation- , International Federation of Women's Travel Organizations - , a sense of humour - , a problem-free holiday, return customers, travel plans, household chemistry, taxi service in your area, travel insurance, a sport event, a mixture of clay and chemicals, the capital of Switzerland, the city style, large amounts of income, client’s tastes and needs, customer satisfaction.

The seven natural wonders of the world - Семь природных чудес света.

A feeling of relaxation – Чувство расслабленности.

International Federation of Women's Travel Organizations – Международная Федерация Женских Туристических Организаций.

A sense of humour – Чувство юмора

A problem-free holiday – Беспроблемный отдых.

Return customers – Постоянные покупатели.

travel plans – План путешествия.

Household chemistry – Бытовая химия.

Taxi service in your areaУслуга такси в вашем районе.

Travel insuranceСтрахование путешествия.

A sport event – Спортивное мероприятие.

A mixture of clay and chemicalsСмесь из глины и химикатов.

The capital of SwitzerlandСолица Швейцарии.

The city style – Городской стиль.

Large amounts of income – Большие суммы доходов.

Client’s tastes and needs – Вкусы и нужды клиента.

Customer satisfaction – Покупатель удовлетворен.

б) на английский язык:

Колеса машины - , круизный лайнер, цепь ресторанов, развитие торговли, главная улица города, плата (charge) за излишний багаж, билет на самолет, распределение продукции, различные виды услуг, вторая половина двадцатого века, пятидневные каникулы, продукты высочайшего качества, современные западные методы приготовления пищи, творческий подход и талант шеф-повара, блюда из морепродуктов, ворота ресторана, центр Москвы, второй этаж торгового центра.

Колеса машиным – Wheels of a car.

Круизный лайнер – Cruise liner. Можно и ship но liner удобнее.

Цепь ресторанов – Chain of restaurants.

Развитие торговли – Trade development.

Главная улица города – Main street of the city.

Плата (charge) за излишний багаж – Charge for excess lyggage.

Билет на самолет – Ticket of the plane.

Распределение продукции – Distribution of products.

Различные виды услуг – Various types of services.

Вторая половина двадцатого века – The second half of the twentieth century.

Пятидневные каникулы – five-day vacations.

Продукты высочайшего качества – Products of the highest quality.

Современные западные методы приготовления пищи – Modern western cooking methods.

Творческий подход
и талант шеф-повара – Creativity and talent of the chefchefs.

Блюда из морепродуктов – seafood dishes.

Ворота ресторана – Restaurant gates.

Центр Москвы – Center Moscow.

Второй этаж торгового центра – The second floor of the shopping center.

Задание__7._Количественные_определители__many_/_much,_(a)_few_/_(a)_little,_all,_most,_both,_neither,_none,_no,_(an)other_Переведите_словосочетания'>Задание__6._Конструкции__It_is_/_There_is_(are)_/_Have_(has)_got._а_)_Вставьте_в_пропуски'>Задание 4. Переведите предложения, содержащие сравнительные конструкции:

а) на русский язык

  1. It is not as far as you think.

  2. We need better trained staff.

  3. The situation was getting worse and worse.

  4. Of the two evils choose the less.

  5. What could be more pleasant than swimming in the sea?

  6. The most important question today is our students’ academic performance.

  7. The farther from home the more we miss it.

  8. Coca Cola has twice as many people on staff as Pepsi Cola company.

  9. Learning English turned out to be much more difficult than we had expected.

  10. Although her qualification is lower than mine, she got the job.

  1. Это не так далеко, как вы думаете.

  2. Нам нужен более подготовленный персонал.

  3. Ситуация становилась все хуже и хуже.

  4. Из двух зол выбирай меньшее.

  5. Что может быть приятнее купания в море?

  6. Самый важный вопрос сегодня - это успеваемость наших студентов.

  7. Чем дальше от дома, тем больше мы по нему скучаем.

  8. В Coca-Cola работает в два раза больше сотрудников, чем в компании Pepsi Cola.

  9. Изучение английского языка оказалось намного сложнее, чем мы ожидали.

  10. Хотя ее квалификация ниже моей, она получила эту работу.

б) на английский язык

  1. Чем раньше, тем лучше.

  2. Самая высокая зарплата в Америке в индустрии нефтедобычи.

  3. Ты знаешь это лучше меня.

  4. Обучение на инженерных специальностях дороже, чем на гуманитарных направлениях.

  5. Это лучший подарок.

  6. Погода сегодня гораздо хуже, чем вчера.

  7. Сегодня не так холодно, как вчера.

  8. Это займет в два раза больше времени.

  9. Этот вопрос немного сложнее.

  10. Подруга моей старшей сестры – старший бухгалтер.

  1. The sooner, the better.

  2. The highest salary in America in the oil industry.

  3. You know it better than me.

  4. Training in engineering specialties is more expensive than in the humanities.

  5. This is the best gift.

  6. The weather today is much worse than yesterday.

  7. Today is not as cold as yesterday.

  8. It will take twice as long.

  9. This question is a little more complicated.

  10. My older sister's friend is a senior accountant.

Задание 5. Вставьте в пропуски артикль a/an - the, если он нужен.

  1. Do you like _____ dogs? 2. We met _____ businessman yesterday. 3. Did you like _____ movie I gave you? 4. It's easy to get _____ taxis downtown. 5. I love _____ book I'm reading right now. 6. I like _____ books. 7. Can you take this to _____ boss? 8. She has _____ easy job. 9 He had _____ good meal at that restaurant last week. 10. Her boyfriend is _____ nice guy. 11. He passes every exam. He's ____ intelligent guy. 12. ____ phone is ringing! Can you answer it? 13. When I was travelling in Mexico, I met ____ woman from Brazil. 14. He spends a lot of time playing ____ video games. 15. What's ____ time? 16. Did you watch ____ news last night on TV? 17. ____ alcohol isn't good for your health if you drink too much. 18. I've got ____ old car. 19. ____ fast food restaurants are really common here. 19. He has ____ great job. 20. What time do you go to ____ school? 21. Both cities are on ____ Pacific Ocean. 22. I have _____ few friends in the States. 23. It costs ____ hundred dollars. 24. It's ____ biggest mall in the city. 25. She's ____ lawyer I told you about.

  1. Do you like dogs?

  2. We met a businessman yesterday.

  3. Did you like the movie I gave you?

  4. It's easy to get a taxis downtown.

  5. I love the book I'm reading right now.

  6. I like books.

  7. Can you take this to the boss?

  8. She has an easy job.

  9. He had a good meal at that restaurant last week.

  10. Her boyfriend is a nice guy.

  11. He passes every exam. He's a intelligent guy.

  12. The phone is ringing! Can you answer it?

  13. When I was travelling in Mexico, I met a woman from Brazil.

  14. He spends a lot of time playing video games.

  15. What's time?

  16. Did you watch the news last night on TV?

  17. Alcohol isn't good for your health if you drink too much.

  18. I've got an old car.

  19. Fast food restaurants are really common here.

  20. He has a great job.

  21. What time do you go to school?

  22. Both cities are on the Pacific Ocean.

  23. I have few friends in the States.

  24. It costs a hundred dollars.

  25. It's the biggest mall in the city.

  26. She's the lawyer I told you about.

Задание 6. Конструкции It is / There is (are) / Have (has) got.

а) Вставьте в пропуски It is / There is (are) / Have (has) got.

  1. … … cold outside?

  2. … … dark as … … no sun.

  3. How many friends … you …?

  4. … … many social events at our university.

  5. What … … in the file?

  6. … … difficult to explain this.

  7. What time … …?

  8. The car … … four wheels.

  9. … … 24 students in our group.

  10. … … hard to study a foreign language?

  1. Is it cold outside?

  2. it is dark as .there is no sun.

  3. How many friends have you got?

  4. There are.many social events at our university.

  5. What I in the file?

  6. This is .difficult to explain this.

  7. What time is it?

  8. The car got four wheels.

  9. There are 24 students in our group.

  10. Is it a hard to study a foreign language?

б) переведите на английский язык.

  1. В книге 8 глав.

  2. Это слишком дорого.

  3. Сегодня не жарко.

  4. У собаки четыре лапы. paws

  5. Сколько упражнений в учебнике?

  6. Сколько у вас детей?

  7. Сегодня ветрено?

  8. В кабинете нет мебели.

  9. Это далеко отсюда?

  10. В нашем городе несколько театров.