Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 02 Преподавание в начальных классах Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 5.rtf

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Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 04.05.2024

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So, this kind of communication and start of a conversation I am, of course, used to, for me it was civil to ask about mood. Once, when I was in college in England, where I taught language, I asked the students about their

moods, in answer I heard ‘deadly’ silence. I was lost for some seconds but recollected the advice of our lecturer in foreign languages. His main advice comprised — when entering an auditorium you need to consider yourself an actor who has walked out on stage, and be prepared for all the surprises of stage life. In his words — be spontaneous!

I immediately started talking about the weather, and it helped. I saw puzzled faces, trying to translate my questions about the weather. The English people were in a familiar situation!

From time to time I asked myself — well, from idleness of thoughts, I supposed ‘Hmm, why are English people so worried by the weather? Maybe, it’s because the weather changes several times a day?’ You can experience, in the course of one day, all the seasons of the year, depending on which sea the wind is blowing in from. The position of the sun in this does not play a significant role. It can be shining, and even brightly, but the wind from the North Sea brings to nothing all the sun’s efforts. Or in January, for example, you can get a tan and even sweat somewhere in a corner sheltered from the wind by the sea.

I think that the initial reason for the ‘passion’ for talking about the weather was precisely this bottom line. ‘No matter how you look at it’ the theme in discussion is broad; anyone and everyone can ‘blaze’ about it.

However, I came to the conclusion that there are also at least two more reasons for this chattiness.

One of them, I speculate, is hidden in the extraordinary / traditional / genetic politeness of the English. If they need to find something out then firstly they will cautiously utter one or two phrases about the weather and only after will present the question they crave to ask. Also, they consider it unbearably awkward to stand with ‘puffed out cheeks’ at the bus stop in the company of two or three people. And… they start to twitter about the weather.

The other reason again leaks from my observations — they tried to avoid gossip. They don’t like over-the-fence talk. Praise to you English! Likewise they don’t like to give advice and take upon themselves the heaviness

and responsibility of other people’s problems. In Russia, you just murmur your problem and you receive 33 happy answers and assurance that there are no unsolvable problems.


Задание 7. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

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