Файл: Поурочный план педагога Theme Nursing.docx

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Поурочный план педагога

Theme: Nursing

(тема занятия)
Наименование модуля /дисциплины: ProfessionalEnglish
Подготовил педагог EmirovaK.A
" " __09 2021 года

      1. Общие сведения

      Курс 2, группы 222, 229, 209,210, 249

 Тип занятия: комбинированный

      2. Цели, задачи:

1. введения и первичного закрепления лексического материала по теме: Nursing

2. Введение (или актуализация) лексических единиц по указанной теме в режиме мини аудирования, чтения, лекции-беседы, интерактивной и самостоятельной деятельности на уроке.

3. Формирование навыков диалогического и монологического высказывания по указанной теме.

2.1 Перечень профессиональных умений, которыми овладеют обучающиеся в процессе учебного занятия: Формирование умений восприятия иностранной речи на слух, поддержать небольшую беседу по теме Nursing

3. Оснащение занятия

   3.1 Учебно-методическое оснащение, справочная литература:

Medical Career Path /Virginia Evans/


3.2 Техническое оснащение, материалы: компьютер, проектор, аудио и видео материал

4. Ход занятия

5.Рефлексия по занятию

6. Домашнее задание


  • listening

  • Vocabulary Review Tasks

  • Reading

  • Useful Expressions

  • Writing Practice

  • Language Development

  • Hometask

   Ход занятия

  1. Организационный момент .

Good morning, students.

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Who is absent today?

What can you say about the weather toda?

Is it raining?

Is it windy?

Is it sunny?

Is it foggy?

Is it hot?

Is it warm?

Is it cold?

Is it frosty?

Is it cool?

Is it dusty?

  1. Listening

Part-time LPN immediate openings for Licensed Practical Nurses. Duties include: Perform basic health assessments with supervision • Clean and dress patient wounds • Monitor and report changes in patient condition • Ensure exam rooms have appropriate supplies • Record patient information in
electronic health records Qualifications: • Have a high school diploma

•Be a currently licensed LPN • Minimum one year experience


RN inchargeof:

•Administering vaccines other medications, by injection or orally •Developing, implementing, and modifying patient care plan

•Ordering tests and preparing patients for tests

•Tracking patient flow for unit

Qualifications: •Bachelor’s degree and RN license

•Three year’s experience, at least one year in child medical care

Nurse Practitioner-Board Certified– Qualified NPS needed for general practice. In addition to serving as the point of entry for incoming patients, you will: •Prescribe medications and other types of treatment

•Perform annual physicals, tests, and minor procedures •Diagnose patients and create care plans •Counsel patients and families on preventative health care practices Qualifications: •Master’s degree in nursing and licensure •Minimum five years experience

  1. Vocabulary Review Tasks

3. Match the words (1-6) with definitions (A-F).

1__injection 2 __ licensed

3 __ prescribe

4 __ patientflow

5 __ electronic health record

6__nurse practitioner

A. having a document saying that a person can do a job

B. a medical worker who can diagnose illnesses

C. medicine put into a person’s body

D. a patient’s medical history, stored on a computer

E. the rate at which a person moves through the health care system

F. to recommend a type of medication

  1. Reading

2. Read the jobs postings. Then, mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. __ LPNs can do patient assessments alone.

2. __ RNs can perform tests on patients.

3.__ NPs can advise patients on the types of medications they need.

  1. Useful Expressions \ Writing Practice

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank. /vaccine, annual physical, point of entry, board certified, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse/

1 Jim cannot practice medicine legally because he is not a(n) _______________ physician.

2 A(n) ___________ cannot prescribe medications, but he or she can give them to patients.

3 At his _________ , Ryan’s doctor told him to lose some weigh.

4 A(n) _______ can prevent the spread of diseases like polio.

5 Erica’s ____________ in to the medical system was her family doctor.

  1. A(n) _______________ will clean this cut and put a bandage on it.


  1. Language Development

5. Listen and read the job postings again. What are some common tasks for RNs?


6. Listen to a conversation between a job interviewer and a nurse. Mark the following statements as true (T) or False (F).

1 _____ The woman is a nurse practitioner.

2 _____ One of the job duties is to give vaccines.

3 _____ The woman prefers the fast patient flow of hospitals.

7. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Interviewer: Jane, I’m Richard Jenson. I’ll be interviewing you for the 1 ___________.

Applicant: Nice to meet you, Mr. Jenson.

Interviewer: So what kind of experience do you have?

Applicant: Well, I started volunteering in hospitals as a teenager. I’ve worked as an RN for the

past 2 __________.

Interviewer: And why did you go into nursing?

Applicant: I love taking care of people. It brings me a lot of joy.

Excellent. Now it is general practice. I’ll be given lots of 3___ and assisting with annual physicals.

Applicant: Everyday tasks. I understand.

Interviewer: Is that appealing to you?

Applicant: Yes. because there is more interaction with patients. Hospitals are 4______ ______-_____.

Interviewer: Right, it’s definitelyslower here. But we still have to maintain patient flow.

Applicant: of course.

Interviewer: Now, we have worked with 5________ ________ _______?

Applicant: Yes, we 6_____ ________ them several years ago


8 With a partner, act out the roles below based on task 7. Then, switch roles.

Use language such as:

I’ll be interviewing you for …; I have worked…

Student A: You are a job interviewer. Talk to student B about:

  • His or her experience

  • What kind of work he or she will be doing

  • Familiarity with medical systems

Student B: you are a nurse. Talk to student A about you qualification.



1. What are some tasks that LPNs, RNs, and NPs do? 2. What are the differences in education between the different types of nurses? What else do they need to perform their jobs?