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Күні : 23.11.2022

Мұғалім аты –жөні : Курдыбаев Даулет Қасымұлы

Коучинг тақырыбы

  Бір тапсырма арқылы барлық дағдыны қамту



Жалпы мақсаты

Қатысушыларда «ән» арқылы тыңдалым, айтылым, грамматикалық ережелерді, оқылым түсініктерін қалыптастыру, оқушыларға және мұғалімдердің әннің тиімділігін түсінуіне өз тәжірибесінде ұтымды пайдалануына ықпал жасау.

Оқу нәтижелері

Қатысушылар ән арқылы оқу бағдарламасындағы дағдыларды ұтымды пайдалану әдістерімен танысады, тапсырмалар орындау арқылы шынайы өмірдегі ағылшын сөз тіркестерін меңгереді. Осы әдістерді өз тәжірибесіне енгізуде дағды қалыптасады.

Түйінді идеялар:

Егер оқушыларды әр-түрлі тыңдату тапсырмалары арқылы түрлі әдістерді қарастыратын болсақ, онда олардың шынайы ағылшын тілін тез меңгеруге жақсы процесі болады.

If you want to advance in your job, one skill that is more important than anything else is the ability to communicate. However, in reality, very few of us listen effectively. It’s not because listening effectively is so difficult. We just haven’t formed the skills to do it well..



Коучтің әрекеті

Мұғалімдердің әрекеті





2 мин


Hello, dear teachers. Welcome to our seminar please take your seats.

Hello, thanks.


3 мин

Миға шабуыл

How many skills do we have in our lesson?

Yes, we got 6 skills.

Can you name them?

Do you increase your English knowledge?

How do you improve your listening, reading, writing, and use of English?

There are 6 skills

1 Content

2 listening

3 Speaking

4 reading

5 writing

6 use of English

Good job

11.30 -11.35

5 мин

Топқа бөлу

Семинар мақсатымен таныстыру

Who is Smart ?

I want you to sit for these places?

In today’s seminar you will know how cam we improve our all skills by song.

Do you like listening to songs?

Why is Listening so Important?

Before we start discussing listening, let's take a few minutes to reflect on the importance of the listening skill. As a language teacher and as a learner of other languages, think of one or two reasons why listening is important.

They sit in front places. Answer the questions and listen the song

Well done

11.35 -11.40

5 мин

Pre listening

New words:

Point out, strain, judgement, Hush
They listen to the song without script.

Have you ever listened to this song?

They will translate these words

Well done



5 минут

Listening task

They will listen with transcription and talk about grammar rules

What does should have mean in grammar?

Should have means that something did not happen, but we wish it had happened. We use should have to talk about past mistakes. A worried mother might say: “I was so worried about you. You should have called!”

They will tell about grammar rules. Present perfect, present simple, should have known


7 минут


Fill the missing words

I will give them papers.

They will fill the words while listening.

Маркер, ақ қағаз



8 минут


Have we received our aim?

Have we received our aim?

Yes or No

Teachers answers


10 минут


Oooohh Yeah Oh Oh Oh
I never needed you to be strong,

I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs,

I never needed pain,

I never needed strain,

My love for you was strong enough you should have known,

I never needed you for judgements,

I never needed you to question what I spend,

I never asked for help,

I take care of myself,

I don't know why you think you've got a hold on me
And it's a little late for conversations,

There isn't anything for you to say,

And my eyes hurt, hands shiver,

So look at me, and listen to me..

I don't want to stay another minute,

I don't want you to say a single word,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

There is no other way, I get the final say,


I don't want to do this any longer,

I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

I've already spoken, our love is broken,

Baby, hush, hush.
I never needed your corrections,

On everything, from how I act, to what I say,

I never needed words,

I never needed hurts,

I never needed you to be there every day,

I'm sorry for the way I let go,

Or everything I won't need when you came along,

But I am never beaten, broken, not defeated,

I know next to you is not where I belong,
And it's a little late for explanations,

There isn't anything that you can do,

And my eyes hurt, hands shiver,

So you will listen when I say..
I don't want to stay another minute,

I don't want you to say a single word,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

There is no other way, I get the final say,


I don't want to do this any longer,

I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

I've already spoken, our love is broken,

Baby, hush, hush.
No more words, no more lies, no more cryin',

Hmm Hmmmm

No more pain, no more hurt, no more tryin',

Ohh Ohh


I don't want to stay another minute,

I don't want you to say a single word,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

There is no other way, I get the final say,


I don't want to do this any longer,

I don't want you, there's nothing left to say,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

I've already spoken, our love is broken,

Baby, hush, hush.
Yeahhhh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

I've already spoken, our love is broken,


Oooohh Yeah Oh Oh Oh
I never needed you to be strong,

I never needed you for pointing out my 1______________

I never needed pain,

I never needed strain,

My love for you was strong enough you should have known,

I never needed you for judgements,

I never needed you to question what I spend,

I never asked for help,

I take care of myself,

I don't know why you think 2_________ ______ got a hold on me
And it's a little 3._______________ for conversations,

There isn't anything for you to say,

And my eyes hurt, hands 4______________

So look at me, and listen to me..

I don't want to stay another minute,

I don't want you to say a single word,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

There is no other way, I get 5.______________ final say,


I don't want to do this any longer,

I don't want you, there's nothing 6_______________ to say,

(Hush, hush, hush, hush)

I've already spoken, our love is broken,

Baby, hush, hush.
I never needed your corrections,

7________________ everything, from how I 8._______________ to what I say,

I never needed words,

I never needed hurts,

I never needed you to be there every day,

I'm sorry for the 9__________________ I let go,

Or everything I 10__________________ need when you came along,

But I am never beaten, broken, not defeated

I know next to you is not where I belong,


1. wrongs,

2. you've

3. late

4. shiver

5. the


7. on

8 act

9 way

10 won’t

What tense is should have known?

These helping verbs are combined with other verbs to express something that was possible in the past but didn't actually happen, as in: "We could have walked to the park, but we stayed home instead." Technically speaking, could have and should have are modal verbs in the 
past tense, and they precede the past participle .

These helping verbs are combined with other verbs to express something that was possible in the past but didn't actually happen, as in: "We could have walked to the park, but we stayed home instead." Technically speaking, could have and should have are modal verbs in the past tense, and they precede the past participle of another verb: I should have known, she could have reminded me, we would have remembered.