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Добавлен: 06.05.2024

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Иностранный язык > Английский язык

???? Английский язык

he about the opera before?

  • had spoken

  • has spoken

  • was speaking

Ricardo drive to work?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Is

  • Do

  • Does

you many cities when you were in France.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • are visiting

  • did visit

  • have visited

  1. credit card details, please?

  2. It’s a MasterCard. The number is

Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Can I have your

  • What about using

  1. my new camera.

  2. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.

Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • I have a problem with

  • I’m afraid I can’t make

  1. Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.

  2. Yes, I agree. The food is great.

Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • What about using

  • I think

  1. the target market?

  2. It’s aimed at stylish young men who want to look good.

Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Whats

  • My subject today is

  1. training to do my job properly.

  2. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.

Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Can I have your

  • I need some

And what now?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • are you doing

  • do you do

Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Im afraid he isnt in the ofce today.

  • OK, Ill take a look at one.

Do you like football?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Yes, please

  • Yes, I do.

He it for an hour before I came.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • have been doing

  • had been doing

  • had been done

His grandfather from his job a year ago.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • has retired

  • was retiring

  • retired

How about a cup of tea?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Yes, please.

  • OK. What is it?

I for you for more than one hour.
ответа:Одиночный выбор

  • has waited

  • was waiting

  • have been waiting

I my breakfast.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • have already had

  • had

I you later, OK?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • ‘ll call

  • call

Is there a car park?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Yes, there is.

  • OK. What is it?

Karina is but she lives and works in London.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Mexico

  • Mexican

Last night I home at 11. I supper and then to bed.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • have come, had. went

  • came, have had, went

  • came, had, went

Mr Albert … to meetings.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • doesnt go

  • not go

  • isnt go

My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Thats a great idea.

  • Yes, I do.

Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is from the office.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • too far

  • far enough

I for a taxi.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • am waiting

  • wait

Oscar … from home.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • sometime work

  • works sometimes

  • sometimes works

She her work already.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • hasn't finished

  • finished

  • has finished

She started her job last year, April.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • in

  • at

She’s a very person she likes to be on time.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • punctual

  • practical

The company only four people and they all work in one office.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • employs

  • supplies

The room looks very clean you it?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Do, clean

  • Did, clean

  • Have, cleaned

There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Yes, please.

  • OK. What is it?

They for 20 minutes when his mother came in.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • talked

  • were talking

  • had been talking

This office building … a meeting room.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • not have

  • doesnt have

  • hasnt

Tomorrow at five he football.

  • '11 play

  • plays

  • '11 be playing

What day suits you?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • How about Wednesday?

  • I think we need to target young people

What did you learn from your last job?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • OK, Ill take a look at one.

  • I learned how to be patient.

What do you think?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • I think we need to target young people.

  • Yes, I do.

What time it …?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • did happen

  • had happened

  • has happened

When in Thailand?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • did you arrive

  • have you arrived

When I it yesterday.
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • wake up, was raining

  • woke up, was raining

  • woke up, rained

Why don’t you buy a self-study course?
Типответа:Одиночный выбор

  • Yes, there is.

  • OK, Ill take a look at one.