Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 46. 02. 01 Документационное обеспечение управление и архивоведение.docx

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Добавлен: 05.02.2024

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Программа среднего профессионального образования

46.02.01 Документационное обеспечение управление и архивоведение

дисциплина: Английский язык 

Выполнила работу: Поносова Алена

Оценивает работу: Гоголева Еена Александровна

здания 1.

Студенты - это будущее каждой страны. Это молодые граждане нашего общества, полные бесконечной энергии и прогрессивных идей, фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь - это самый яркий период нашей жизни. Это смесь учебы и большого удовольствия. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем старым добрым дням своей студенческой жизни.

У студента есть определенные обязанности, которые он должен выполнять. Само собой разумеется, что главная обязанность студента - усердно учиться и приобретать надлежащие знания для будущей карьеры. Он должен посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять всю работу в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это может помочь ученику достичь своих целей и стать прилежным и настойчивым. Если он не будет пренебрегать учебой, то получит богатые дивиденды в своей будущей работе.

Задания 2.

students are the future of every country. These are citizens who have a lot of strength and energy. Student life is the youngest years of life . We know that a lot of people suffer from that student life .

Each student has his own responsibilities that he must fulfill.The most important duty is to study,,all students must work hard ,, pass all subjects on time and not miss college.

Задания 3.

After graduation , I decided that it would be better for me to go to college . I think that education there will be better and there will be more prospects .My main favorite subjects are mathematics, history, English. My college doesn't have some of the subjects I loved at school, such as biology and chemistry.

The teachers at my college are kind and helpful . When I don 't understand something , they are always ready to help me .I think that 's one of the reasons for my good results .The only thing I don't like about my student life is the lack of free time.When I was at school , I had more free time .But I have even more friends and acquaintances.

Задание 4.

information structures

The Washington State Archives began strategic planning for the Digital Archives in 2000, and planning for the physical design and technical infrastructure occurred in 2002. Construction began in January 2003.

Concurrent with construction, research began on the programmatic and technological aspects of the Digital Archives. Site visits by project team members were made to the National Archives and the Library of Congress. A strategic plan was developed that included extensive involvement of staff, executive management and external stakeholders.

In June 2004, custom development on the web interface and database design began, blending the latest technologies with traditional archival theory to create a first of its kind repository. The goal of the program was to make the historical electronic records of State and Local government agencies easily accessible to the public, from anywhere, at any time. The first records brought into the facilities care were marriage records from three pilot counties (Chelan, Snohomish and Spokane) along with the Historic Census and Naturalization records from the State Archives and State Library.

The grand opening of the facility occurred on October 4, 2004 and was attended by Washington State legislators, county officials, and archivists from throughout the United States. Among the speakers at this prestigious event were Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed and Lew Bellardo, Deputy Archivist of the United States.

Some significant milestones have occurred over the years. In 2005 the staff of the digital archives worked quickly to preserve outgoing governor Gary Locke's website, an important public record, before it was replaced by the website for incoming governor Christine Gregoire. Three years later, through a collaboration with Microsoft Research, the archives released a ground-breaking new feature that made it possible to keyword search audio files.As of May 15, 2017, there are nearly 30,000 keyword searchable audio files on the archives website. Starting in 2007, the archives partnered with the Library of Congress on their Multi-State Preservation Consortium, an effort to spread digital archiving of state government records into other states across the country.

The Washington State Digital Archives is part of the Office of the Secretary of State currently directed by Kim Wyman.


1 In what year did the Washington State Archives begin strategic planning of digital archives?

2. What was developed in 2004?

3. The first document received by the center was marriage records from three pilot districts, which districts?

4. In what year was the grand opening of the facility attended by Washington state legislators, chenovniki and archevists?

5. there have been several important events in recent years, which ones?

6. In what year was the planning of physical design and technical infrastructure?

7. In what year did the construction start?

8. What started simultaneously with the construction?

9. What strategic plan has been developed?

10. What was the purpose of the program?

11. What did the digital archive staff work on?

12. In what year were the Heroes of Loco replaced?

13. Who was replaced in 2005 by Christine Gregoire?

14. As of May 15, 201 7, is available on the website?

15.Since what year have the archives collaborated with the Library of Congress as part of their Consortium?

Задание 5.

Образуйте подходящее по смыслу однокоренное слово.


Cyber communication

1. The development of cyber communication — email, text messaging, and social networking — has revolutionized the way we communicate. Quick and _successful_communication via the Internet has proved essential to national governments, and to the individual.        SUCCESS


2. Now, we can send and receive important messages, communicate and clarify statements _practically_within seconds.     PRACTICAL


3. Cyber communication is very important in __classes_  BUSY


4. On a more individual level, cyber communication has transformed the method in which people communicate. In particular, social networking sites have provided access to people in every corner of the globe and their __popularity is growing.  POPULAR


5. This has helped old friends living far apart to maintain a close relationship_ RELATION


6. For many people, not just teens, social networking has become an alternative to traditional forms of communication — writing a letter, a face-to-face conversation, or a phone call. TRADITION


Задания 6

good day! I would like to clarify if the hotel is booked in the name of...?Can I clarify the booking number? Please tell us about the living conditions.Thank you, I'll come tomorrow, goodbye.