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Taoist Secrets Of Love


Pull the testes up and expose them to the sun. Use your right hand to rub the Hui-Yin and imagine the power being absorbed through the Hui-Yin to the whole genital region, and especially the testes. Rub the testes with both hands gently for a few minutes. Rub the stem of the penis (which is beneath all the glands) and the prostate gland by using one hand to hold the testes up and the other to rub gently. Start with 5 to 10 minutes and increase gradually up to, at most, one hour. This may require months to attain.

The lower part of the body is rarely exposed to sun. Moderate exposure to the sun, in this way, is a preventative measure against skin disease in this part of the body as well as a strengthening measure. This sensitive part will feel much stronger and less sensitive, thus reducing the difficulty of withholding or retaining the seminal fluid.


Massage the testes, Expose Hui-Yin (Perineum) to the Sun for a few minutes.

Hui-Yin. The gate of death and life; perineum

When rubbing the glans, start with light rubbing and don't heat too much. When rubbing the Hui-Yin begin gently and gradually; take care not to injure yourself. Injuries to the reproductive organs are the hardest to cure.

Be sure to be in a covered place and don't show other people, so that you don't get in trouble. Some people might find these meditations and hygienic practices provocative. These exercises will greatly help reduce premature ejaculation, impotence, and nocturnal emissions.

The second position I recommend is the "head stand", "shoulder stand", or lying on the back with hands under back of

Exercises To Increase Male Potency



Sucking in the Sun's energy fills the organ with warm power

Circulate the Solar

energy inside the Microcosmic Orbit

lower thighs to hold the anus, Hui-Yin, scrotum, and penis up to the sun. People never expose these parts to the sun though they are highly permeable to energy and readily draw it into the body.

Male and female reproductive organs are never exposed to solar energy. Yet the organs are very powerful. They can expel energy or absorb it in from the universe, but because man ignores this method by wearing clothing that close this way of absorbing power from the universe. The best position is the head stand, with the two legs facing down. Absorb with your mind the solar power through the anus and penis in from both directions to the prostate and then forward into the scrotum. Keep the scrotum warm and try not to expose too much at first; start with 1 or 2 minutes. Do not absorb excess heat, because the scrotum can't be too hot or the sperm cells will die, and that defeats our purpose.







Moxibustion is a very old Chinese tradition more than 5,000 years old. It is a way of increasing the chi energy to stimulate the glands, organs, nerves, and circulation of blood using heat applied to acupuncture points. Moxa or moxa-rolls can be bought from a Chinese store selling acupuncture equipment. You can also use a cigar or a cigarette, but the moxi-roll is better, although both will give you a lot of smoke in the house. You can also use a fish tank heater attached to a long glass tube.

The best way to overcome impotence is to generally keep oneself healthy and to protect oneself from excessive sexual stimulation, which will only fan the flames of your feeling of impotence. You should abstain from sex for a period, make sure you sleep and eat well until your health and sexual potency recovers. If you modify your life-style to allow a renewal of your life energy, moxibustion and acupuncture can be used to quicken the recovery of your potency by aiding the flow of chi energy to your hormonal system and reproductive organs.

You can treat yourself at most points, but should probably obtain a good book on acupuncture or moxibustion to aid you with

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the location of the points described here. DO NOT moxa any points on the body at random, as some are forbidden to moxa heat as dangerous. Without further instruction, you should moxa only the points I describe here.

It is best to use garlic and onion with mox. Garlic is the best, which you should slice or chop and put in a piece of cheese cloth. You then put it on the acupuncture point to be treated and apply the heat of mox or the roll or the cigar or heater to the garlic. Don't overwarm it, as you can hurt yourself. Garlic is a very strong stimulus. If kept on the place too long it will "burn" the skin, and you may suffer from superficial heat burns as well. So, be careful. If allergic to garlic you can use the onion. If allergic also to onion, you may use heat alone, which is still effective.


Roll the moxa in tissue paper into a cylindar & ignite Hold the ignited moxa 1/2" above the acupuncture point.

Ignite a small pile of moxa on a slice of ginger Place the ginger & burning moxa over the acupuncture point

Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbs


Moxa each point for 3 to 4 minutes, but hold the heat roll at the point for a few seconds only, moving it up and down all the time, pressing deeply unless discomfort sets in. Do not exceed this time of 3 to 4 minutes. When doing moxa try to keep the room warm. Be careful of a cold room, especially when you are nude, as you will lose a lot of chi. If you are using the cigar, moxi rolls, or cigarette, afterwards the room will be smoky for awhile. So you must have very good ventilation to exhaust the smoke out.

Do this moxa treatment every day for ten days and then stop for 3 days. Then start another 10 day period of application. Don't drink wine or take a bath for two hours after mox treatment. During mox treatment stop having sex until you recover. If the condition is serious, stop sex for 1 to 3 months. After a thorough rest you will recover your strength and potency. If you discipline yourself to follow the cycle of 10 day treatments and 3 to 4 day rest, most men will recover their potency unless suffering an anatomical defect (which is extremely rare).



Start at back, the urinary bladder meridian, called the Foot TaiYang. The first point is the Kan Shu BL-18. Kan-Shu is one and one-half tsun beside the lower end of the spinous process of T9. One and one-half tsun (1 tsun is a thumb-width) is the width of your index and middle finger. This is considered the main liver point. The liver stores the body's energy. With too much intercourse or stress, the body must draw its supplies from the liver and deplete it. For this reason this treatment is helpful in hepatitis. The spinous process is the outer tip of the vertebra as you move outward from the center line of the spinal cord.


Second point is the Pi-Shu BL-20, which is one and one-half tsun beside the lower end of the spinous process of Til. This is the main point for the spleen. It also helps backaches and indigestion.

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Third point is the Shen-Shu BL-23. (Palace of Sperm). One and one-half tsun beside the lower end of the spinous process of L2. Used for kidney, this helps fight infections, lower back pain and sexual problems. Shen-shu means "palace of sperm". Do on both sides of the spine for all points.

Finally come down to Tzu-Liao, BL-32 on the 2nd posterior sacral foramen and midway between the lower part of the posterior superior iliac spine and the median line. It's easy to find; start with the sacrum, the large piece of bone above the coccyx. Put your thumb on the point BL-27, which is the last point between the spinal vertebrae on the sacrum. Put your little finger on your coccyx, and spread the fingers out, and your index finger falls on the Tzu-Liao. Your thumb should be just at the upper rim of the sacrum and the fingers evenly spread out.

Another way is to find the point where the sacrum meets the spinal column. Place the thumb at this junction and then spread the fingers. This may be easier. Surrounding the outline of the hand are eight holes of the sacrum. Shang Liao upper hole is on BL-31. The most important point is the Tzu-Liao BL-32 on the second hole, then Chung-Liao BL-33 on the middle hole and Hsia-Liao BL-34 on the lower hole.

There are more points than those mentioned here. Not all of the points need moxa every day. Do your back if you have someone to help you. You can do it once every two or three days on the back, combining and alternating with points on your back and front.



Another point is on the governor meridian, the chang-chiang, GO-1 at the lower end of the coccyx between the tip of the coccyx and the anus. It's also good for lower backache. Another point is on the Functional Meridian. The point is Chi-Hai CO-6, one and one-half tsun below the umbilicus, known as the ocean of the chi energyThis also helps disorders of the bowel. Next go to Kuan Yuan

Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbs


CO-4, three tsun below the umbilicus. All points on the functional (conception) meridian on your back help increase energy in the abdominal organs, including the small intestine, large intestine, bladder, and prostate gland. By stimulating all these organs you greatly help to reduce your impotency.




Kan Shu (UB-20)

Main Liver Point

Pishu (UB-20) Main point

of Spleen

Shen Shu (BL-23)

Main Point

of Kidney

Tzu-Liao (BL-32)

With the thumb on the sacro-iliac to the left side, spread out the three fingers evenly on the right side. They will touch S1, S2 & S3.


Taoist Secrets Of Love




All back and front points on the governor and functional meridians stimulate the organs. The points listed here are the special points for impotence. First point is the head of the penis, or the glans penis. Best way to use is slice the garlic (don't chop it and don't use garlic if you are allergic to it) and punch a hole in it with a needle. For the first few times put on a silk cloth to prevent burning the penis glans and then use the heater. Second point is the 2 points at the under root of penis. Third point is hui-yin, the perineum located between the anus and the penis, which is included in the special points.


Root of PmAa

Hui-YIn (CO-1)


On the leg, point Fu-Liu KI-7 is two tsun above the posterior media malleolus on the inner ankle bone.


Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbs



The point mentioned here cannot use moxa, but responds to massage and rubbing. On the hand, the Lao-Kung is between the middle and fourth fingers when the hand is closed so that all fingers run along the line in the hand. Rub this point every day.


Do not Moxa



Another point is on the Kidney meridian, called the Foot ShaoYin. The point is the Yung-Chuan. KI-1 point is on the inside of the ball of the foot (where your weight falls directly) on a line below the second toe, counting your big toe as the first. Never moxi this point. Only rub with a finger or rub the bottom of your feet together every day. This will help to stimulate the kidney energy, the most important in regulating sexual activity.


Do not Moxa

K-1 Yung-Chuan

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I have used moxa treatment for many years and helped many patients and students with the problem of impotence, and most recover in a very short time. Some have very serious nocturnal emissions (wet dreams). Some have emissions every two or three nights or sometimes in the daytime. They lose too much seed essence, or ching, and so lose the ability to have sex. They usually feel weak, and their face is pale. Using the moxa method combined with the power lock exercise (described in chapter 6) is the most effective, and the students who do both recover the most quickly, you should clench 108 times each morning and evening until your erection returns.

Many people get desperate and try to cure impotence with other methods. They try to stimulate themselves with even more sex, with hormones, Spanish fly, etc., but these only drain off their energy more quickly. The best way I can advise to cure impotence is to use Taoist methods of cultivation. I'm not telling you to have sex as much as you want but to have sex as a meaningful and delightful act in your life.

Any compulsive sex is meaningless and dangerous to your health. It's better to complete one very successful sexual act than 10 or 100 of unprepared, unpracticed sex. If you regard every act of sexual intercourse as a special or sacred occasion, take a bath, put perfume on, brush teeth, wash penis and anus, wash hair, ears, change bed cover, clean up the room, have some flowers, etc., it will help you reduce your compulsiveness.

If you have a gun you can't go out and begin shooting any person you see on the street. You'll get yourself in big trouble. Sex is the same; it's a powerful tool that becomes a dangerous weapon when fired indiscriminately. If you practice the Taoist method, your sexual organ will become strong but you need not give it to every woman you see. Use it meaningfully. A tool like a gun can help protect life or it can kill you and others. Using these things one must be very careful. If you know that excess ejaculatory sex can harm you and that cultivation of harmonious sexual energy with love makes life meaningful, you can cure yourself of impotence and return to full sexual fulfillment.


Food is alive, and each kind of food contains its own energy vibra-

Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Herbs


tions that when eaten forms part of the overall vibration of your body. The process of food selection, therefore, becomes a process of selecting vibrations for ourselves that not only are in harmony with the universe but that will bring us into harmony with a love partner.

Factors involved in food classification include size, shape, color, taste, nutritional level, and animal or vegetable origin. Everybody's balance of chi energy and bodily health is different, so everyone needs to choose the foods most balancing for their specific state of health. Thus the Taoists avoid prescribing any one dietary regimen such as macrobiotics, vegetarianism, fruitarianism, etc. although these diets may well be suited to particular individuals or good at certain times of the year. The topic of diet is a large one that I intend to cover in another book. Here is a superficial outline that will give you a sense of the possibilities of balancing yin and yang energies in your body using food.

Very Yin: (Drugs) Sugar, Alcohol, Fruit. Yin: Beans, Veggies, grains, fish. Yang: Poultry, Meat, Eggs, salt. Very Yang: garlic, ginger, red pepper.


If men eat very yin foods in excess after a while sexual activity will diminish. When their yang energy is exhausted it will peeter out all together. Yin foods include foods that grow below ground level: roots, fibers, and bulbs.

Men eating very yang foods to excess may cultivate a strong, even violent sexual appetite characterized by egotism, insensitivity, and its short duration. Eat from both extremes and your sexual activity and desire will fluctuate, sometimes on and sometimes off.


According to the Taoist Lui Ching "In Spring a man can allow himself to emit semen once every three days, in Summer and Autumn twice a month and during the Wintertime he should save his semen and not ejaculate at all. The loss of yang energy caused by one emission in Winter is considered a hundred times worse than one emission in Spring.