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naturally rise to higher centers in the heart, brain, glands, and nervous system. This upward movement is cut short by ejaculation outward, so most men never become aware of the full power of their sexuality. The Taoist method perfects this upward transformation of sex energy by opening subtle channels from the genitals up the spine to the head and back down the spine to the navel. The expanding sexual energy is chanelled into this "microcosmic orbit" so it flows past all the major vital organs and harmonizes the etheric energy complexes in the body, called "Tan Tiens" by the Taoists (or "chakras" by the Hindus). (Chapters 7 and 8)

5.Balancing the polarity of female-male (yin-yang) forces is the third principle of Taoist cultivation. Once the sex energy has been conserved and transformed up, a single man can use meditation to balance the male and female poles which exist inside every male body. In the practice of "dual" cultivation, a couple balances this field of energy between them by sharing and circulating their subtle energies. The relationship becomes a springboard to transform the sexual attraction into personal love and then into spiritual awareness and service. The power struggle between the sexes gradually diminishes and balancing their differences over work, family, love, and the purpose of existence leads them into deeper harmony. Balancing this core sexual polarity in a couple is true depth psychology, as it nourishes man and woman at their innermost root. Chapter 9 details the "valley orgasm" method of exchanging the yin and yang energy during intercourse. A higher level of this practice involves exchanging energy without sex, or having orgasm within oneself, and must be learned from a master. (Chapter 18)

6.Don't over-emphasize physical sex in your daily practice, as it is easy to get stuck on pleasure without experiencing higher subtle energies. Proper sexual refinement is only one small part of the vast and all-encompassing Tao. If the mixture of your chi (general vital energy), ching (sex essence) and shien (spirit) is imbalanced, it will be difficult to unite yourself and feel whole and peaceful. Cultivating sex energy is important in nourishing your spirit, but without proper diet, exercise, meditation, virtuous moral behavior and love, true cultivation is impossible. Likewise, don't ignore sex and focus excessively on the higher spiritual centers; the roof will easily fall without a strong foundation below. Tao is the wholeness of Heaven and Earth, true harmony for man is the middle way between them, found in the balanced integration of their subtle energies.


7.Avoid sex without love. It creates imbalances in your physical, mental and spiritual bodies and will slow your real growth. The Taoist techniques are meant to be practical, not mechanical. A woman seeks tenderness of feeling in her lovers and will resent a man who is overly compulsive or preoccupied with his mechanical mastery of esoteric love methods. Dual cultivation is impossible without the full participation of the woman, who must transform up her yin essence stored in her ovaries. Regard the woman you love as more than a powerful generator of yin energy; she is foremost a human being worthy of your full love and respect.

8.You do not need a wife or girlfriend to cultivate your sexual energy. In the beginning it is easier to practice controlling your ejaculation alone, without the distracting excitement and heat of a woman. At any stage it is essential to tell your lover exactly what you're doing and ask her cooperation. The same principles of Taoist cultivation apply to women, with sexual essence drawn from the ovaries and this "ching" transformed upward into higher mind and heart. Many women already have an intuitive feel for the process. The receptive nature of women allows them to quickly learn the Tao of love, especially if the man has mastered the process in his own body.

9.Any male in reasonably good health can master the Taoist methods of cultivating sexual energy taught in this book. If you feel impotent or ejaculate prematurely, the rejuvenation exercises in Chapter 15 should be studied before attempting the Big Draw method taught in Chapter 7. The principles of cultivation are simple, but require steady attention. Its like cultivating a garden—hoe a little everyday, and nature will do the rest. One day you will have luscious blossoms and fruits. An impatient mind kills progress. Do not feel guilty or angry when you spill your seed; it may take years to fully master the Tao of love. The key is to relax, enjoy yourself and keep practicing.





Sex Energy Can Be Transformed into Spirit




"There is no medicine, or food, and no spiritual salvation that can prolong a man's life if he fails to understand or practice the harmony of sexual energy."

P'eng Tsu, physician to the Emperor

For more than 8,000 years of Chinese history, the "Sexual Kung Fu Method" of retaining the seminal fluid during the act of love remained a deep secret. At first it was practiced exclusively by the Emperor and his innermost circle, who learned it from the Taoist sages that advised the court. These wise men claimed in earlier times it was a natural gift of all mankind. The Emperor needed the method to prevent impotence and illness; improperly educated monarchs were exhausted at an early age by the sexual demands of their wives and concubines. In aristocratic families it passed from father to chosen son alone, excluding wives, daughters and other family members.

Sexual Kung Fu is an internal practice that permits men to retain certain bodily secretions which are a source of incomparable energy when stored and recirculated to higher vital centers. One prevents loss of this biochemical energy by not ejaculating. Stopping ejaculation is not to be confused with stopping orgasm. The


Taoist Secrets Of Love

Sexual Kung Fu Method provides an altogether unique and superior type of orgasm repeated over lengthy periods of love making. Its secret is simply, there is no loss of seminal fluid during orgasm.

By practicing control of certain muscles, tendons, and fascia of the lower trunk and by allowing the genital pressure to spread over the entire body, the seminal fluid is withheld. At the same time one thrills to pleasures of infinite variety. Indeed, the joys of this kind of love must be considered quite different from ordinary physical pleasure; the intensity is so great that it often leads to a spiritual awakening.

A man who masters this method will find his sexuality so enhanced that he will feel a revolution has occurred in his life. The pair of lovers becomes a dynamo, generating great quantities of electromagnetic energy. With this method one can make love more often than before, with tremendous benefits to one's health. Sexual Kung Fu stimulates production of precious hormonal secretions instead of depleting them, as is ordinarily the case with ejaculation.

Every vital function is invigorated because one no longer discharges life energy through the genitals. Real sexual fulfillment lies not in feeling the life going out of you, but in increasing awareness of the vital current that flows through the loins. The body is further replenished by a method of "steaming" the vital energy up from the sexual centers to the brain and higher organs such as the heart and crown of head. The life-enhancing energy process is completed by exchanging energy with one's lover during a relaxed meditation following the creation of this supercharged sexual energy.

This powerful release and sharing of life's vital force is the fundamental bond in human love. To awaken this dynamic energy is also to experience the force behind man's biological and spiritual evolution, also known as the Rising Kundalini.



Wise men of the Orient have from time immemorial sought means of preventing discharge of the seminal fluid. Without exception they have realized the tremendous implications of the sexual act: when performed with love and discipline, it may awaken dormant powers in the mind and body. The nervous and endocrine systems are particularly open to improvement. The act of love has long

Male Sex Energy Is Stored In Its Seed


been recognized as healing, but the Taoist masters sought to go beyond this and find the principles of physical immortality within it. Many schools arose proposing various ways of tapping the secret elixir of sexuality.

Those who fully understand conventional ejaculatory sex, know it grossly exploits every gland and organ. With ejaculation, the internal pressure of life is expelled from the body, leaving behind in some sex-obsessed men only enough life force to fold the newspaper, squeeze food through the bowels and make for the psychiatrists's couch.

The sages considered one drop of semen equal in vital power to one hundred drops of blood. The Hindu holy men refer repeatedly to Amrita, the elixir of life, a rejuvenation substance that may be produced during prolonged sexual activity without ejaculation. The production of this elixir, which westerners might call a higher hormonal secretion, requires a sexual technique that prevents ejaculation and thereby allows the body to enter higher and higher states of energy.

Extraordinary powers, including healing and clairvoyant perception, may evolve when one retains the semen and drives its power back up into the body. Many gifted minds have held that if one could retain these fluids for one's entire life, the body would not decay after death. The Saints—Christian, Buddhist, Moslem, or Taoist—all used the power dwelling in the vital seed to perform "miracles."



Many esoteric sects have urged the eating of the seminal fluid to increase sexual ability and bodily fitness. This practice is at least as rational as buying vitamins. Scientific analysis has found it to

4 Taoist Secrets Of Love

contain a treasure house of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, hormones, proteins, ions, enzymes, and other vital nutritional substances.

But there is an additional property in the sperm seed which present-day science cannot analyze and is far more important than any vitamin. This may be called the Life-Force. Though it registers on no scientific instruments, it is far from imaginary since it separates the living from the dead. Ginseng root is an example of another natural substance which shows no special properties under chemical analysis, yet its life restoring powers are now widely acknowledged. Love making is a powerful healing tonic because it involves sharing the human life force, which is far more potent than any herb or medicine.

Chinese aristocrats and adepts seeking the deepest level of fulfillment have long had the capacity to return the energy of the seminal fluid to the brain and vital bodily centers. But ordinary people in our society have, until now, had no technique for recycling this great life power to the body. Most men have found the sexual lure irresistibly attractive and have happily lost their seed when succumbing to it, unaware of the consequences to their health or that there was even an alternative available to them.

With frequent ejaculation of sperm vitality ultimately plummets. The big spender loses stamina, his vision begins to weaken, hair tumbles from his skull: he grows old before his time. At first he will not feel drained, but after years of abuse his capacities will begin to drop alarmingly. When the hormonal secretions of the sexual glands are regularly leached out, the body is sapped at its root. Within a period of time that will range from months to decades depending on the endowment of the individual, creative and sexual abilities are halved, and the ability to withstand disease and the frailties of old age is diminished.

To regain failing powers, the desperate big spender of vital seed sometimes tries to borrow well-being from hormone injections, "uppers," "downers," intoxicants, megavitamins, hallucinogens, and aphrodisiacs. These substances frantically stuffed into the body may appear to help temporarily. He may seek to regain his dwindling sexual powers with personal power purchased with money or political influence. If he is on a spiritual path, or is surrounded by a loving community of family and friends, this feeling of a failing life power will be slowed. But so long as the pro-

Male Sex Energy Is Stored In Its Seed


digious energy waste continues, decline is inevitable. The organs of digestion will be unable to assimilate sufficient nutritional energies to replace those irrecoverable life energies lost by ejaculation.

The Taoist method of cultivating sexual energy recirculates to the body the hormones, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and electrical energies of the semen. When they are conserved and transformed, one enjoys a marvelous sexual life, improved health, deep inner balance, and rising spiritual consciousness.

The Taoist method of love actually stimulates the production of hormonal substances of unusually high quality. One can learn to focus energy on the endocrine glands during the act of love. When the glands are bathed in energy, the quantity of their secretions increases; more importantly, their quality improves. At higher stages in the practice the hormones develop extraordinary properties.

The Sexual Kung Fu method allows one to generate and conserve more nervous and hormonal energy than are necessary for ordinary functioning. This excess vitality may be channeled to strengthen the body and to raise mental and spiritual abilities. When lovers are in close embrace subtle Yin and Yang energies are concentrated into vortexes from the sexual region to the head and eventually remain in the head at all times.



Our race has finally grown aware of the need to conserve natural resources, lest we consume ourselves to total ruin. Fresh water, soil, forests, and fuels must be spared, food produced more efficiently, building and transportation accomplished with less waste. We have already exhausted a major portion of the readily recoverable riches of the planet. The cost of basic commodities skyrockets because, with the few resources left, we continue to over produce inefficient machines such as cars and unproductive military arma- ments—tanks, missiles, etc.

Everyone is eager to conserve natural resources, but few even dream of conserving the most critical resource of all: one's own vital energies. The careful harboring of the energy stored within man's seed is a truly rational energy program. Yet this aspect of conservation is entirely overlooked by politicians and health experts.

6 Taoist Secrets Of Love

One reason for this neglect is simply general ignorance of the ancient and highly secret methods used in the past. Taoist Masters gained knowledge of these methods through unknown millenia of relentless searching for the secret principles animating matter. These methods are the fruit of many generations of inspired meditation by sages coupled with my close observations on modern life. This book fashions into a unified whole my personal experience of the teachings.

The Taoist masters felt bound to reveal their potent secrets to only the most select disciples, those who had proven their devotion to the Master's ideals by years of arduous self-sacrifice and service. Why did the Masters feel so strongly compelled to hide their tremendous knowledge from the public?

The reason for this secrecy is not easily comprehended by the western public today. The mass media have fostered a state of mind in which anyone's life is everyone's business: the most intimate details of private sex life are the most greedily lapped up. Advertisers assure their clients today "Nothing sells unless it is sexy." This mentality has made sex, in America, into a disposable commodity, making it harder in our private lives to experience sex as an intimate pleasure that can be cultivated over time to ever deepening levels. Today sex is often consumed and thrown away as soon as the lover becomes old or an inconvenience. Even the women in the harem of Chinese Emperors and aristocrats fared better, being assured of material comfort for life in exchange for their sexual favors. The court society favored the position of men, but at least the female sexual energy was respected for its healing benefits and honored as being necessary for the spiritual development of the male.

A classic Taoist story tells of a woman who learned the process of sexual transformation and exchanged her yin energy with her lover's yang energy and thereby achieved Immortality. She thus became the guide to ancient emperors on the subject of love. There is a recorded historical instance of a palace maid in 690 A.D. becoming the Empress on the death of the Emperor. Empress Wu, respected for her mastery of the art of love, ruled wisely for several decades until her death.

The ancient Taoist masters were not superstitious. They were natural scientists who laid the foundation for amazing technological advances in medicine, chemistry, biology, navigation, and

Male Sex Energy Is Stored In Its Seed


many other fields that would not be discovered by western scientists until 2000 years later. Nor did they crave exclusive possession of their potent knowledge. They had their reasons for secrecy, and their reasons were well-founded at the time. They were custodians of the doctrine taught to them by their masters, and feared the misuse of the great force unlocked by the secret principles. Perhaps, they felt an obligation to protect the public from its tendency to distort the purest teaching to suit its own base instincts. In rural China, which was much less populous then, someone with such esoteric knowledge could easily become a chieftain or a king. A warrior could use his power to defeat his opponents.

The Taoist Masters thus thought it dangerous to spread their teachings too widely, and passed them on to only a few chosen disciples before departing their earthly life. To guarantee that the formulae not be used for selfish purposes, these Masters often transmitted to each disciple only a part of the doctrine. Thus, only if the disciples banded together and shared their learning could the supreme potencies be unleashed. If anyone selfishly withheld his learning, they would never receive the whole doctrine. In the course of many generations, fragments of the innermost secrets came to be regarded as the whole. My attempt is to reunite many disparate parts into an organic whole which I believe similar to the most ancient and complete teachings.


Why violate the traditional Chinese teaching method and expose to the general public these powerful principles? The simple reason is that the historic moment is already late. The human condition is too desperate to deprive our species of a potentially great infusion of vital energy. If the human race is not quickly infused with a new life energy to render it more harmonious than it has been for most of the last 2,000 years, we are all, earthly Masters and mortals, threatened with an untenably harsh existence, if not extinction.

There are so many wizards of the computer, stock market, test tube, and spectator sport, but so few of the art of life. Our race spends its brief span fiddling with statistics, black boxes, noxious chemicals, and above all, with meaningless words. A majority of Americans daily pass more than six hours in a mesmerized trance induced by a colored shadow dancing in a box of glass. These