Файл: Американизмы в английском языке(Ретроспективный анализ развития американского варианта английского языка).pdf

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Категория: Курсовая работа

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Добавлен: 14.03.2024

Просмотров: 43

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  1. I didn’t really think about it. [133;18]
  2. Mum brought three of her dogs. [208;18]
  3. I was suspended from school. [210;18]
  4. His tone changed. [268;18]
  5. I watched it happen once [296;18]
  6. Eric didn’t see her for ages [68;18]
  7. You gonna be my teacher [23;18]
  8. Gonna see Eric on the level below [33;18]
  9. You gonna take your dress back [24;18]
  10. My so-called career gonna nowhere [217;18]
  11. This guy gonna leave me alone [145;18]
  12. How I gonna get used to all this? [116;18]
  13. Gonna have some tea? [257;18]
  14. I gonna forget everything [163;18]
  15. I see you gonna flirt with me. [241;18]
  16. We gonna stand here. [149;18]
  17. I knew you still use it. [87;18]
  18. How have you spoiled her party? [96;18]
  19. I really burned it yesterday. [177;18]
  20. I drinked at lunchtime and … [208;18]
  21. I swear we haven’t spoiled her party. [116;18]
  22. It burned, it burned, look at it. [209;18]
  23. The sun rised as usual. [16;18]
  24. Let’s do it in the same time. [230;18]
  25. You home? [13;18]
  26. I am liking his explanation. [276;18]
  27. Thirty-five hundred bags, I am sure [134;18]
  28. He don’t know what are you talking about. [94;18]
  29. Lexi don’t request I forget about Eric [87;18]
  30. She demanded her friends call her [67;18]
  31. Eric insisted the receptionist check him in. [134;18]
  32. Lexi required her mum close this window. [121;18]
  33. The doctor recommended I take after him. [107;18]
  34. It was strange I talk to him. [106;18]
  35. It is urgent you open this. [209;18]
  36. Deller ordered she pretend. [29;18]
  37. Lexi insists her awful banker boyfriend chuck. [88;18]
  38. It’s curious you slide the photo back. [119;18]
  39. It’s strange I say I work at Deller. [163;18]
  40. She demanded her friends call her [67;18]
  41. We gonna stand here. [149;18]
  42. The sun rised as usual. [16;18]
  43. You gonna take your dress back [24;18]
  44. I swear we haven’t spoiled her party. [116;18]
  45. It was strange I talk to him. [106;18]
  46. I watched it happen once [296;18]
  47. I was suspended from school. [210;18]
  48. My so-called career gonna nowhere [217;18]
  49. I gonna forget everything [163;18]
  50. Can you be sure we haven’t spoiled her party? [116;18]
  51. I watched it already[296;18]
  52. I knew this still. [87;18]
  53. How dare you to spoil my party? [211;18]
  54. It has really burned. [115;18]
  55. Have you got some booze? I feel like drinking something.[68;18]
  56. You really got a wonderful setup in your office! [13;18]
  57. Nicky Hilton, pad, complete with a gym. [264;18]
  58. But a pal of the star, 25, says she’s delighted to hang with her man [63;18]
  59. At Les Deux that she “ thought their waitressing outfits were cute.” [64;18]
  60. There’s a restaurant outside Barcelona, El Bulli, which is like going inside a chemistry lab. [76;18]
  61. Havaianas white metallic flip-flops, havaianasus.com. [92;18]
  62. Europe promoting her flick Fantastic Four. [11;18]
  63. Where do 30 million people in 62 countries go for tasty summertime recipes? They visit sweetnlow.com. [53;18]
  64. I’m lovin’ it [22;18]
  65. Dove Intense Damage Hair Care. You are 5 days from beautiful hair. [90;18]
  66. See you in Hollywood! xoxo Shaper. [130;18]