Файл: кр1 английский 1 семестр.docx

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Добавлен: 15.03.2024

Просмотров: 29

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Задание 10. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо:

Текст контрольного задания


1). I am sure _____ poetry cannot be taught at universities.

1). I am sure _____ poetry cannot be taught at universities.

2). ____ poem I read after your advice is charming.

2)._The___ poem I read after your advice is charming..

3).You need to learn ____ poem or ____ short story by heart to impress your teacher.

3). You need to learn __a__ poem or _a__ short story by heart to impress your teacher.

4).It has become more convenient to use ____ subway to travel inside of major cities.

4). It has become more convenient to use ___ subway to travel inside of major cities.

5). The first section of ____Underground ran between Paddington (Bishop's Road) and Farringdon Street.

5). The first section of _the_Underground ran between Paddington (Bishop's Road) and Farringdon Street.

6) My girlfriend has ____ underground station close to her place.

6) My girlfriend has _an_ underground station close to her place.

Задание 11. Определите функцию окончания -s следующих предложениях:

Текст контрольного задания


1. I think of her, but she thinks only of him

And though it's only a whim, she thinks of him

Oh how long will it take

Till she sees the mistake she has made? Dear what can I do?

Baby's in black and I'm feeling blue

Tell me, oh what can I do?

She thinks; sees - с местоимениями He, She, It у глагола на конце добавляется -s

it’s; Baby’s - расшифровывается как it is, baby is

she has - have с местоимениями He, She, It меняется на has

2. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

counts - множественное число, поэтому добавляем -s