Файл: Применение инбредных мышей линий balbc, Nude, C57BL6 в качестве экспериментальных моделей..docx

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JC-001 is a Chinese medicine with potential clinical applications in CDDP-based chemotherapeutic regimens.
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15. Ren L. Evaluation of Su Fu'ning Lotion's Inhibitory Effects on Bladder Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo by Intravesical Instillation / L. Ren, X. Yang, L. Zhao, H. Zhang, J. Wang // Integr Cancer Ther. – 2016. – V. 15. – I. 1. – P. 80-86. – DOI: 10.1177/1534735415596569.

Background: Bladder cancer is a common malignant tumor with a very high recurrence rate after surgery. Intravesical instillation can help clear up the residual tumor cells after surgery and thereby reduce the recurrence rate. Objective. To establish a bladder tumor transplantation animal model and to evaluate the inhibitory effects of a novel perfusate, Su Fu’ning Lotion (SFN), on bladder tumor. Methods. SFN was compared with several commonly used chemotherapy drugs, including mitomycin (MMC) and pirarubicin (THP) for anticancer effects on the bladder cancer cell lines T24, BTT, and BIU-87 and SFN half inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were determined after 48 hours of treatment. In addition, bladder cancer orthotopic transplantation tumor models were established in BALB/C nude mice and T739 mice, and SFN anticancer effects were assessed in vivo, with normal saline and MMC as negative and positive controls, respectively. Results. SFN, MMC, and THP were all lethal to bladder cancer cells, in vitro, with SFN and THP significantly superior to MMC. IC50 values for SFN were 13.22, 11.22, and 12.5 µg/mL on T24, BTT, and BIU-87 cells, respectively. In vivo, SFN significantly reduced the mouse bladder wet weight and prolonged the animal survival compared with controls (P < .05), suggesting that SFN significantly inhibited T24/BTT cell growth in mice. Conclusion. SFN inhibited the bladder cancer cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo and significantly prolonged the survival of mice with bladder cancer xenografts, indicating that SFN could be used as a perfusate after surgery for removal of residual bladder cancers cells.

16. Candolfi M. Intracranial glioblastoma models in preclinical neuro-oncology: neuropathological characterization and tumor progression / M. Candolfi, J.F. Curtin, W.S. Nichols, et al. // J Neurooncol. – 2007. – V. 85. – I. 2. P. 133-148.

Although rodent glioblastoma (GBM) models have been used for over 30 years, the extent to which they recapitulate the characteristics encountered in human GBMs remains controversial. We studied the histopathological features of dog GBM and human xenograft GBM models in immune-deficient mice (U251 and U87 GBM in nude Balb/c), and syngeneic GBMs in immune-competent rodents (GL26 cells in C57BL/6 mice, CNS-1 cells in Lewis rats). All GBMs studied exhibited neovascularization, pleomorphism, vimentin immunoreactivity, and infiltration of T-cells and macrophages. All the tumors showed necrosis and hemorrhages, except the U87 human xenograft, in which the most salient feature was its profuse neovascularization. The tumors differed in the expression of astrocytic intermediate filaments: human and dog GBMs, as well as U251 xenografts expressed glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin, while the U87 xenograft and the syngeneic rodent GBMs were GFAP− and vimentin+. Also, only dog GBMs exhibited endothelial proliferation, a key feature that was absent in the murine models. In all spontaneous and implanted GBMs we found histopathological features compatible with tumor invasion into the non-neoplastic brain parenchyma. Our data indicate that murine models of GBM appear to recapitulate several of the human GBM histopathological features and, considering their reproducibility and availability, they constitute a valuable in vivo system for preclinical studies. Importantly, our results indicate that dog GBM emerges as an attractive animal model for testing novel therapies in a spontaneous tumor in the context of a larger brain.
17. Bleul T. Different Innate Immune Responses in BALB/c and C57BL/6 Strains following Corneal Transplantation / T. Bleul, X. Zhuang, A. Hildebrand et al. // J Innate Immun. –2021. – V. 13. – I. 1. – P. 49-59.


To investigate immunological differences and the role of CD38+/F4/80 + M1 macrophages in C57BL/6J- and BALB/c-recipient mouse corneal transplantation models.
Methods: Allogeneic transplantation was performed crosswise in BALB/c mice and C57BL/6J mice; syngeneic transplantation was performed in both strains. Anterior chamber depth (ACD) was measured before and central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured both before and after transplantation. In vivo graft rejection was monitored using anterior eye segment optical coherence tomography (ASOCT) evaluating the CCT and grading of corneal oedema using a well-established clinical score (CS). Histology of corneal grafts was performed 18 or 21 days after surgery. Immunohistochemistry with anti-F4/80 antibody and anti-CD38 antibody was used for detecting M1 macrophages within the grafts.

Results: High CS and CCT values after allogeneic transplantation persisted in both BALB/c (n = 18) and C57BL/6J recipients (n = 20). After syngeneic transplantation, CS and CCT values increased in both models in the early phase after surgery due to the surgical trauma. Surprisingly, in the syngeneic C57BL/6J model, high CCT values persisted. Furthermore, anterior synechiae developed in C57BL/6 recipients after both syngeneic and allogeneic transplantation, whereas BALB/c recipients showed almost no synechiae − even though C57/BL6J animals tended to have a deeper anterior chamber (281 ± 11 pixels [mean ± SD]) compared with BALB/c animals of the same age (270 ± 9 pixels [mean ± SD]). Immunohistochemistry revealed numerous CD38+/F4/80 + M1 macrophages in grafts of C57BL/6J recipients following both syngeneic and allogeneic transplantation. However, in BALB/c-recipient mice only sparse M1 macrophages were detectable (CD38 + M1 macrophages relative to all F4/80 + cells: 75 vs. 17% [after allogeneic transplantation] and 66 vs. 17% [after syngeneic transplantation]; p < 0.05).
Conclusions: Allogeneic corneal transplants are rejected in BALB/c as well as C57BL/6J mice, but tissue alterations with anterior synechiae are more pronounced in C57BL/6J recipients. Following syngeneic transplantation, C57BL/6J-recipient animals show a persistent graft swelling with increased numbers of CD38+/F4/80 + M1 macrophages in grafted tissue, in contrast to the common model using BALB/c-recipient mice. Our data strongly suggest that strain-dependent differences convey different innate immune responses in BALB/c and C57BL/6J strains. Accordingly, in murine keratoplasty experiments, the mouse line of both donor and recipient animals must be carefully considered. C57BL/6J-recipient mice might be particularly suited to study corneal graft rejection in a clinical setting considered “high risk.”
18. Naseer A. Frequent infection of human cancer xenografts with murine endogenous retroviruses in vivo / A. Naseer, A. Terry, K. Gilroy et al. // Viruses. – 2015. – V. 7. – I. 4. – P. 2014-2029.


Infection of human cancer xenografts in mice with murine leukemia viruses (MLVs) is a long-standing observation, but the likelihood of infection in vivo and its biological consequences are poorly understood. We therefore conducted a prospective study in commonly used xenograft recipient strains. From BALB/c nude mice engrafted with MCF7 human mammary carcinoma cells, we isolated a virus that was virtually identical to Bxv1, a locus encoding replication-competent xenotropic MLV (XMLV). XMLV was detected in 9/17 (53%) independently isolated explants. XMLV was not found in primary leukemias or in THP1 leukemia cells grown in Bxv1-negative NSG (NOD/SCID/γCnull) mice, although MCF7 explants harbored replication-defective MLV proviruses. To assess the significance of infection for xenograft behavior in vivo, we examined changes in growth and global transcription in MCF7 and the highly susceptible Raji Burkitt lymphoma cell line chronically infected with XMLV. Raji cells showed a stronger transcriptional response that included up-regulation of chemokines and effectors of innate antiviral immunity. In conclusion, the risk of de novo XMLV infection of xenografts is high in Bxv1 positive mice, while infection can have positive or negative effects on xenograft growth potential with significant consequences for interpretation of many xenograft studies.
19. Yamamoto T. Anti-allergic role of cholinergic neuronal pathway via α7 nicotinic ACh receptors on mucosal mast cells in a murine food allergy model / T. Yamamoto, T. Kodama, J. Lee et al. // PLoS One. – 2014. – V. 9. – I. 1: e85888. - DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0085888.

The prevalence of food allergy (FA) has increased in developed countries over the past few decades. However, no effective drug therapies are currently available. Therefore, we investigated cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway as a regulatory system to ameliorate disrupted mucosal immune homeostasis in the gut based on the pathophysiological elucidation of mucosal mast cells (MMCs) in a murine FA model. BALB/c mice sensitized with ovalbumin received repeated oral ovalbumin for the development of FA. FA mice developed severe allergic diarrhea and exhibited enhanced type 2 helper T (Th2) cell immune responses in both systemic immunity and mucosal immunity, along with MMCs hyperplasia in the colon. MMCs were localized primarily in the strategic position of the mucosal epithelium. Furthermore, the allergic symptoms did not develop in p85α disrupted phosphoinositide-3 kinase-deficient mice that lacked mast cells in the gut. Vagal stimulation by 2-deoxy-D-glucose and drug treatment with nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) agonists (nicotine and α7 nAChR agonist GTS-21) alleviated the allergic symptoms in the FA mice. Nicotine treatment suppressed MMCs hyperplasia, enhanced MPO and upregulated mRNA expression of Th1 and Th2 cytokines in the FA mice colon. MMCs, which are negatively regulated by α7 nAChRs, were often located in close proximity to cholinergic CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the FA mice colon. The present results reveal that the cholinergic neuroimmune interaction via α7 nAChRs on MMCs is largely involved in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis and can be a target for a new therapy against mucosal immune diseases with homeostatic disturbances such as FA.

20. Nonaka M. Overcoming the blood-brain barrier by Annexin A1-binding peptide to target brain tumours / M. Nonaka, M. Suzuki-Anekoji, J. Nakayama et al. // Br J Cancer. – 2020. – V. 123. – I. 11. – P. 1633-1643.


Background: Annexin A1 is expressed specifically on the tumour vasculature surface. Intravenously injected IF7 targets tumour vasculature via annexin A1. We tested the hypothesis that IF7 overcomes the blood–brain barrier and that the intravenously injected IF7C(RR)-SN38 eradicates brain tumours in the mouse.
Methods: (1) A dual-tumour model was generated by inoculating luciferase-expressing melanoma B16 cell line, B16-Luc, into the brain and under the skin of syngeneic C57BL/6 mice. IF7C(RR)-SN38 was injected intravenously daily at 7.0 μmoles/kg and growth of tumours was assessed by chemiluminescence using an IVIS imager. A similar dual-tumour model was generated with the C6-Luc line in immunocompromised SCID mice. (2) IF7C(RR)-SN38 formulated with 10% Solutol HS15 was injected intravenously daily at 2.5 μmoles/kg into two brain tumour mouse models: B16-Luc cells in C57BL/6 mice, and C6-Luc cells in nude mice.
Results: (1) Daily IF7C(RR)-SN38 injection suppressed tumour growth regardless of cell lines or mouse strains. (2) Daily injection of Solutol-formulated IF7C(RR)-SN38 led into complete disappearance of B16-Luc brain tumour in C57BL/6 mice, whereas this did not occur in C6-Luc in nude mice.
Conclusions: IF7C(RR)-SN38 crosses the blood–brain barrier and suppresses growth of brain tumours in mouse models. Solutol HS15-formulated IF7C(RR)-SN38 may have promoted an antitumour immune response.
Subject terms: CNS cancer, Cancer therapy.
21. Autenrieth I.B. Experimental Yersinia enterocolitica infection in euthymic and T-cell-deficient athymic nude C57BL/6 mice: comparison of time course, histomorphology, and immune response / L.B. Autenrieth, U. Vogel, S. Preger, B. Heymer, J. Heesemann // Infect Immun. – 1993. – V. 61. – I. 6. – P. 2585-2595.


To elucidate the role of T lymphocytes in primary infection with Yersinia enterocolitica, we investigated the elimination rate of this pathogen, the histomorphology of tissue lesions, and the immune responses of athymic T-cell-deficient C57BL/6 nude mice and their euthymic littermates after parenteral infection with Y. enterocolitica of serotype O:8. While a low inoculum of 3 x 10(2) Y. enterocolitica cells (about 0.01 times the median lethal dose for normal C57BL/6 mice) was cleared by normal C57BL/6 mice within 7 to 10 days, athymic nude C57BL/6 mice developed progressive infections after this inoculum, leading to death on days 20 to 25 postinfection (p.i.). While normal C57BL/6 mice experienced short-term transient infections, nude mice exhibited a biphasic, progressive infectious process. Thus, in the early phase (days 1 to 7 p.i.), a rapid influx of CD11b/18-positive cells (Mac-1 antigen) and natural killer cells was evident in the spleens and livers of the nude mice. The late phase (from day 8 p.i. onward) was characterized by a rapid progression of the infection and a further influx of CD11b/18-positive cells into the liver accompanied by an increase in bacterial counts and development of tissue lesions particularly in the liver and spleen. In normal mice, granuloma-like lesions composed of CD11b/18-, CD4-, and CD8-positive cells could be observed. However, granulomata were not found in nude mice. Yersinia-specific immunoglobulin G antibodies appeared on day 15 p.i. in the sera of normal mice, while nude mice failed to develop significant antibody titers. Adoptive transfer of Yersinia-specific T cells into athymic nude mice mediated resistance to Y. enterocolitica infection and restored both the ability of granuloma formation and the production of specific antibodies. In summary, the data presented herein strongly suggest that T lymphocytes play an essential role in the defense of C57BL/6 mice against Y. enterocolitica.

22. Shourian M. The Cnes2 locus on mouse chromosome 17 regulates host defense against cryptococcal infection through pleiotropic effects on host immunity / M. Shourian, A. Flaczyk, I. Angers, B.C. Mindt, J.H. Fritz, S.T. Qureshi // Infect Immun. – 2015. – V. 83. – I. 12. – P. 4541-4554.


The genetic basis of natural susceptibility to progressive Cryptococcus neoformans infection is not well understood. Using C57BL/6 and CBA/J inbred mice, we previously identified three chromosomal regions associated with C. neoformans susceptibility (Cnes1, Cnes2, and Cnes3). To validate and characterize the role of Cnes2 during the host response, we constructed a congenic strain on the C57BL/6 background (B6.CBA-Cnes2). Phenotypic analysis of B6.CBA-Cnes2 mice 35 days after C. neoformans infection showed a significant reduction of fungal burden in the lungs and spleen with higher pulmonary expression of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) and interleukin-12 (IL-12), lower expression of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, and an absence of airway epithelial mucus production compared to that in C57BL/6 mice. Multiparameter flow cytometry of infected lungs also showed a significantly higher number of neutrophils, exudate macrophages, CD11b+ dendritic cells, and CD4+ cells in B6.CBA-Cnes2 than in C57BL/6 mice. The activation state of recruited macrophages and dendritic cells was also significantly increased in B6.CBA-Cnes2 mice. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the Cnes2 interval is a potent regulator of host defense, immune responsiveness, and differential Th1/Th2 polarization following C. neoformans infection.
23. Montero Girard G. Association of estrogen receptor-alpha and progesterone receptor A expression with hormonal mammary carcinogenesis: role of the host microenvironment / G. Montero Girard, S.I. Vanzulli, J.P. Cerliani et al. // Breast Cancer Res. – 2007. – V. 9. – I. 2: R22. - DOI: 10.1186/bcr1660.

Introduction: Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) induces estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and progesterone receptor (PR)-positive ductal invasive mammary carcinomas in BALB/c mice. We sought to reproduce this MPA cancer model in C57BL/6 mice because of their widespread use in genetic engineering. Within this experimental setting, we studied the carcinogenic effects of MPA, the morphologic changes in mammary glands that are induced by MPA and progesterone, and the levels of ER and PR expression in MPA-treated and progesterone-treated mammary glands. Finally, we evaluated whether the differences found between BALB/c and C57BL/6 mouse strains were due to intrinsic differences in epithelial cells.
Methods: The carcinogenic effect of MPA was evaluated in C57BL/6 mice using protocols proven to be carcinogenic in BALB/c mice. In addition, BALB/c and C57BL/6 females were treated with progesterone or MPA for 1 or 2 months, and mammary glands were excised for histologic studies and for immunohistochemical and Western blot evaluation of ER and PR. Hormone levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Isolated mammary epithelial cells were transplanted into cleared fat pads of 21-day-old female Swiss nu/nu mice or control congenic animals.
Results: MPA failed to induce mammary carcinomas or significant morphologic changes in the mammary glands of C57BL/6 mice. The expression of ER-α and PR isoform A in virgin mice was surprisingly much higher in BALB/c than in C57BL/6 mammary glands, and both receptors were downregulated in progestin-treated BALB/c mice (P < 0.05). PR isoform B levels were low in virgin control mice and increased after progestin treatment in both strains. ER-β expression followed a similar trend. No differences in hormone levels were found between strains. Surprisingly, the transplantation of the epithelial mammary gland cells of both strains into the cleared fat pads of Swiss (nu/nu) mice abolished the mammary gland morphologic differences and the ER and PR differences between strains.
Conclusion: C57BL/6 mammary glands are resistant to MPA-induced carcinogenesis and to hormone action. MPA and progesterone have different effects on mammary glands. Low ER-α and PR-A levels in untreated mammary glands may be associated with a low-risk breast cancer profile. Although we cannot at this time rule out the participation of other, untested factors, our findings implicate the stroma as playing a crucial role in the strain-specific differential hormone receptor expression and hormone responsiveness.
24. Zeng D. Subsets of transgenic T cells that recognize CD1 induce or prevent murine lupus: role of cytokines / D. Zeng, M. Dick, L. Cheng et al. // J Exp Med. – 1998. – V. 187. – I. 4. – P. 525-536.