Файл: Курсовая работа по дисциплине Архитектура эвм.docx

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Категория: Курсовая работа

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 16.03.2024

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Обработка команд центральным процессором

Транслятор с языка Simple Assembler

Транслятор с языка Simple Basic

Архитектура simpleComputer

Оперативная память

Внешние устройства

Центральный процессор

Система команд Simple Computer

Выполнение команд центральным процессором Simple Computer

Консоль управления





Результаты проведенного исследования

Примеры работы программы

Приложение. Листинг Makefile d.PHONY: all clean runCOMPILER := g++FLAGS := -fdiagnostics-color=always -Werror -MMDSRC_SC := src/scBUILD_SC := build/scLIBS_SC := libs/scSRC_SA := src/saBUILD_SA := build/saSRC_SB := src/sbBUILD_SB := build/sbBIN := binSC := simpleComputerSA := simpleAssemblerSB := simpleBasicall: create $(BIN)/$(SC) $(BIN)/$(SA) $(BIN)/$(SB)-include $((BUILD_SC)/*.d-include $((BUILD_SA)/*.d-include $((BUILD_SB)/*.dsc: create $(BIN)/$(SC)run_sc: sc ./$(BIN)/$(SC)$(BIN)/$(SC): $(LIBS_SC)/libsimpleComputer.a $(LIBS_SC)/libmyTerm.a $(LIBS_SC)/libmyBigChars.a $(LIBS_SC)/libmyReadkey.a $(LIBS_SC)/libmyUI.a $(LIBS_SC)/libmyALU.a $(LIBS_SC)/libmyCU.a $(BUILD_SC)/main.o $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -o $(BIN)/$(SC) $(BUILD_SC)/main.o -L $(LIBS_SC) -lsimpleComputer -lmyUI -lmyTerm -lmyBigChars -lmyReadkey -lmyCU -lmyALU$(BUILD_SC)/%.o: $(SRC_SC)/%.cpp $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -c $^ -o $@$(LIBS_SC)/libsimpleComputer.a: $(BUILD_SC)/simpleComputer.o ar cr $@ $^$(LIBS_SC)/libmyTerm.a: $(BUILD_SC)/myTerm.o ar cr $@ $^$(LIBS_SC)/libmyBigChars.a: $(BUILD_SC)/myBigChars.o ar cr $@ $^$(LIBS_SC)/libmyReadkey.a: $(BUILD_SC)/myReadkey.o ar cr $@ $^$(LIBS_SC)/libmyUI.a: $(BUILD_SC)/myUI.o ar cr $@ $^$(LIBS_SC)/libmyALU.a: $(BUILD_SC)/myALU.o ar cr $@ $^$(LIBS_SC)/libmyCU.a: $(BUILD_SC)/myCU.o ar cr $@ $^sa: create $(BIN)/$(SA)run_sa: create $(BIN)/$(SA) ./$(BIN)/$(SA)$(BIN)/$(SA): $(BUILD_SA)/main.o $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -o $(BIN)/$(SA) $(BUILD_SA)/main.o$(BUILD_SA)/%.o: $(SRC_SA)/%.cpps $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -c $^ -o $@sb: create $(BIN)/$(SB)run_sb: create $(BIN)/$(SB) ./$(BIN)/$(SB)$(BIN)/$(SB): $(BUILD_SB)/main.o $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -o $(BIN)/$(SB) $(BUILD_SB)/main.o$(BUILD_SB)/%.o: $(SRC_SB)/%.cpp $(COMPILER) $(FLAGS) -c $^ -o $@create: mkdir -p $(BUILD_SC) $(BUILD_SA) $(BUILD_SB) $(LIBS_SC) $(BIN)clean: @rm -rf build libs $(BIN) SimpleComputer main.cpp#include #include "simpleComputer.hpp"#include "myUI.hpp"#include "myReadkey.hpp"#include "myCU.hpp"void signalHandler(int signal) ;#include int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ui_initial() ;signal(SIGALRM, signalHandler) ;signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler) ;bool zero, out, ignor, comm ;keys key;if (argc == 2){sc_memoryLoad((char *)argv[1]) ;}else if (argc > 2){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Exceeded the number of arguments", colors::RED) ; return -1 ;}do {sc_regGet(IGNORING_TACT_PULSES, &ignor);ui_update() ;rk_readKey(&key);if (ignor){sc_regGet(DIVISION_ERR_BY_ZERO, &zero) ;sc_regGet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, &out) ;sc_regGet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, &comm) ;if (zero || out || comm){switch(key){case keys::KEY_L:ui_initial() ;ui_loadMemory() ;break ;case keys::KEY_S:ui_saveMemory() ;break ;case keys::KEY_I:raise(SIGUSR1) ;break ;}}else{switch(key){case keys::KEY_UP:ui_moveCurrMemPointer(keys::KEY_UP) ;break ;case keys::KEY_RIGHT:ui_moveCurrMemPointer(keys::KEY_RIGHT) ;break ;case keys::KEY_DOWN:ui_moveCurrMemPointer(keys::KEY_DOWN) ;break ;case keys::KEY_LEFT:ui_moveCurrMemPointer(keys::KEY_LEFT) ;break ;case keys::KEY_L:ui_initial() ;ui_loadMemory() ;break ;case keys::KEY_S:ui_saveMemory() ;break ;case keys::KEY_R:sc_regInit() ;raise(SIGALRM) ;break ;case keys::KEY_T:setCurrMemPointer_to_ICounter() ;ui_update() ;CU() ;break ;case keys::KEY_I:raise(SIGUSR1) ;break ;case keys::KEY_F5:ui_setAccumulator() ;break ;case keys::KEY_F6:ui_setICounter() ;break ;case keys::KEY_ENTER:ui_setMCellValue() ;break ;}}}elseif (key == keys::KEY_I)raise(SIGUSR1) ;} while(key != keys::KEY_ESC) ;return 0 ;}void signalHandler(int signal){switch (signal) {case SIGALRM:setCurrMemPointer_to_ICounter() ;ui_update() ;if (CU()){sc_regSet(IGNORING_TACT_PULSES, true);ui_update() ;alarm(0) ;}elsealarm(1) ;rk_myTermRegime(false, 0, 0, false, false) ;break ;case SIGUSR1:alarm(0) ;ui_initial() ;break ;default:break ;}}simpleComputer.hpp#ifndef SIMPLECOMPUTER_HPP#define SIMPLECOMPUTER_HPP#include #define OVERFLOW 0 // Переполнение при выполнении операции#define DIVISION_ERR_BY_ZERO 1 // Ошибка деления на 0#define OUT_OF_MEMORY 2 // Ошибка выхода за границы памяти#define IGNORING_TACT_PULSES 3 // Игнорирование тактовых импульсов#define INCORRECT_COMMAND 4 // Указана неверная командаconst short int SC_REG_SIZE = 5 ;const short int SC_MEM_SIZE = 100 ;extern unsigned short int sc_accumulator ;extern uint8_t sc_instructionCounter ;int sc_memoryInit () ;int sc_memorySet (unsigned short int address, unsigned short int value) ;int sc_memoryGet (unsigned short int address, unsigned short int * value) ;int sc_memorySave (char* filename) ;int sc_memoryLoad (char* filename) ;int sc_regInit () ;int sc_regSet (int8_t reg, bool value) ;int sc_regGet (int8_t reg, bool * value) ;int sc_commandEncode (unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand, unsigned short int * value) ;int sc_commandDecode (unsigned short int value, unsigned short int * command, unsigned short int * operand) ;#endif //SIMPLECOMPUTER_HPPsimpleComputer.cpp#include "simpleComputer.hpp"unsigned short int sc_memory[SC_MEM_SIZE] ;uint8_t sc_regFLAGS ;unsigned short int sc_accumulator ;uint8_t sc_instructionCounter ;/// Инициализирует оперативную память SC, задавая всем её ячейкам нулевые значения/// \return 0int sc_memoryInit(){sc_instructionCounter = 0 ;for (unsigned short & mem : sc_memory)mem = 0 ;return 0 ;}/// Задает значение указанной ячейки памяти/// \param address - ячейка памяти/// \param value - значение/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_memorySet(unsigned short int address, unsigned short int value){if (address >= SC_MEM_SIZE){sc_regSet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, true) ;return -1 ;}sc_memory[address] = value ;return 0 ;}/// Возвращает значение указанной ячейки памяти/// \param address - ячейка памяти/// \param value - значение/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_memoryGet(unsigned short int address, unsigned short int * value){if (address >= SC_MEM_SIZE){sc_regSet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, true) ;return -1 ;}*value = sc_memory[address] ;return 0 ;}/// Сохраняет содержимое памяти в файл в бинарном виде/// \param filename - имя файла/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_memorySave(char* filename){FILE * fb ;if (!(fb = fopen(filename, "wb"))){return -1 ;}fwrite(sc_memory, sizeof(sc_memory), 1, fb) ;fclose(fb) ;return 0 ;}/// Загружает из указанного файла содержимое оперативной памяти/// \param filename - имя файла/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_memoryLoad(char* filename){FILE * fb ;if (!(fb = fopen(filename, "rb"))){return -1 ;}fread(sc_memory, sizeof(sc_memory), 1, fb) ;fclose(fb) ;return 0 ;}/// Инициализирует регистр флагов нулевым значением/// \return 0int sc_regInit(){sc_regFLAGS = 0 ;return 0 ;}/// Устанавливает значение указанного регистра флагов/// \param reg - флаг/// \param value - значение/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_regSet(int8_t reg, bool value){if (reg < 0 || reg >= SC_REG_SIZE)return -1 ;value == 1 ? (sc_regFLAGS |= (1 << reg)) : (sc_regFLAGS &= (1 << reg)) ;return 0 ;}/// Возвращает значение указанного флага/// \param reg - флаг/// \param value - значение/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_regGet(int8_t reg, bool *value){if (reg < 0 || reg >= SC_REG_SIZE)return -1 ;*value = sc_regFLAGS & (1 << reg) ;return 0 ;}/// Кодирует команду с указанным номером и операндом и помещает результат в value/// \param command - команда/// \param operand - операнд/// \param value - значение/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_commandEncode(unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand, unsigned short int * value){if (command > 0x7F)return -1 ;if (operand > 0x7F)return -1 ;* value = 0 ;/* Операнд */for (int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {int8_t bit = (operand >> i) & 1 ;*value |= (bit << i) ;}/* Команда */for (int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {int8_t bit = (command >> i) & 1 ;*value |= (bit << (i + 7)) ;}return 0 ;}/// Декодирует значение как команду SС/// \param value - значение/// \param command - команда/// \param operand - операнд/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint sc_commandDecode(unsigned short int value, unsigned short int * command, unsigned short int * operand){int tmpCom = 0, tmpOp = 0 ;if ((value >> 14) & 1){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}for (int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {int bit = (value >> i) & 1 ;tmpOp |= (bit << i) ;}for (int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {int bit = (value >> (i + 7)) & 1 ;tmpCom |= (bit << i) ;}* command = tmpCom ;* operand = tmpOp ;return 0 ;}myTerm.hpp#ifndef MYTERM_HPP#define MYTERM_HPP#include #include enum colors {RED = 196,PEACH = 203,GREEN = 10,SOFT_GREEN =192,BLUE = 20,BLACK = 16,GRAY = 240,WHITE = 15,DEFAULT = 0};int mt_clrScreen () ;int mt_gotoXY(unsigned int col,unsigned int row) ;int mt_getScreenSize(unsigned int *rows, unsigned int* cols) ;int mt_setFGcolor(enum colors color) ;int mt_setBGcolor(enum colors color) ;int mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;#endif //MYTERM_HPPmyTerm.cpp#include "myTerm.hpp"/// Производит очистку и перемещение курсора в левый верхний угол экрана/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint mt_clrScreen (){printf("\033[H\033[2J") ;return 0 ;}/// Перемещает курсор в указанную позицию/// \param col - столбец/// \param row - строка/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint mt_gotoXY(unsigned int col, unsigned int row){unsigned int rows, cols ;if (mt_getScreenSize(&rows, &cols) == -1)return -1 ;if ((row > rows) || (row <= 0)||(col > cols) || (col <= 0))return -1 ;printf("\033[%d;%dH", row, col) ;return 0 ;}/// Определяет размер экрана терминала/// \param rows - кол-во строк/// \param cols - кол-во столбцов/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint mt_getScreenSize(unsigned int *rows, unsigned int *cols){winsize ws{} ;if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws))return -1 ;* rows = ws.ws_row ;* cols = ws.ws_col ;return 0 ;}/// Устанавливает цвет последующих выводимых символов/// \param color - цвет из перечисления colors/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint mt_setFGcolor(enum colors color){printf("\033[38;5;%dm",color) ;return 0 ;}/// Устанавливает цвет фона последующих выводимых символов/// \param color - цвет из перечисления colors/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint mt_setBGcolor(enum colors color){printf("\033[48;5;%dm",color) ;return 0 ;}/// Возвращает цвета в стандартное состояние/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint mt_setDefaultColorSettings(){printf("\033[0m") ;return 0 ;}myUI.hpp#ifndef MYUI_HPP#define MYUI_HPP#include #include "myBigChars.hpp"#include "myReadkey.hpp"#include "simpleComputer.hpp"int ui_initial() ;int ui_update() ;int setCurrMemPointer_to_ICounter() ;int ui_moveCurrMemPointer(keys key) ;int ui_setMCellValue() ;int ui_saveMemory() ;int ui_loadMemory() ;int ui_setAccumulator() ;int ui_setICounter() ;bool checkCorrectInputHEX(const char *buffer) ;int ui_messageOutput(char *str, enum colors color);int clearBuffIn() ;#endif //MYUI_HPPmyUI.cpp#include "myUI.hpp"#include "myReadkey.hpp"int8_t currMemCell = 0 ;int drawingBoxes() ;int drawingTexts() ;int drawingMemory() ;int drawingAccumulator() ;int drawingInstructionCounter() ;int drawingOperation() ;int drawingFlags() ;int drawingBigChar() ;bool checkCorrectInputHEX(const char *buffer) ;bool checkCorrectInputDEC(const char *buffer) ;int ui_messageOutput(char *str, enum colors color) ;/// "Инициализация" интерфейса пользователя/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint ui_initial(){currMemCell = 0 ;if (rk_myTermSave())return -1 ;sc_memoryInit() ;sc_accumulator &= (1 << 14) ;sc_regInit() ;sc_regSet(IGNORING_TACT_PULSES, true) ;return 0 ;}/// Обновление интерфейса пользователя/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint ui_update(){mt_clrScreen() ;if (drawingBoxes())return -1 ;if (drawingTexts())return -1 ;if (drawingMemory())return -1 ;if (drawingAccumulator())return -1 ;if (drawingInstructionCounter())return -1 ;if (drawingOperation())return -1 ;if (drawingFlags())return -1 ;if (drawingBigChar())return -1 ;mt_gotoXY(1, 23) ;printf("Input/Output:\n") ;return 0 ;}/// Перемещение выделенной ячейки на значение ICounter/// \return 0int setCurrMemPointer_to_ICounter(){currMemCell = sc_instructionCounter ;return 0 ;}/// Перемещение выделенной ячейки/// \param key - Клавиша/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint ui_moveCurrMemPointer(keys key){switch (key) {case keys::KEY_UP: (currMemCell <= 9) ? (currMemCell = 90 + currMemCell) : (currMemCell -= 10) ; return 0 ;case keys::KEY_RIGHT: (!((currMemCell + 1) % 10)) ? (currMemCell -= 9) : (currMemCell += 1) ; return 0 ;case keys::KEY_DOWN: (currMemCell >= 90) ? (currMemCell = currMemCell - 90) : (currMemCell += 10) ; return 0 ;case keys::KEY_LEFT: (!(currMemCell % 10)) ? (currMemCell += 9) : (currMemCell -= 1) ; return 0 ;}return -1 ;}int ui_setMCellValue(){printf("Set the value of the cell under the number \033[38;5;%dm0x%02X\033[0m\n", colors::SOFT_GREEN, currMemCell) ;printf("Enter value in \033[38;5;%dmHEX\033[0m format > ", colors::PEACH);char buffer[10] ;fgets(buffer, 10, stdin) ;if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] != '\n')clearBuffIn(); // очистка потока вводаelsebuffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0' ;unsigned short int res = 0 ;int i ;if (buffer[0] == '+')i = 1 ;else{res |= (1 << 14) ;if (buffer[0] == '-') {i = 1 ;res |= (1 << 13) ;}elsei = 0 ;}if (!checkCorrectInputHEX(&buffer[i])){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Invalid input", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}long int number ;char * tmp ;number = strtol(&buffer[i], &tmp, 16) ;if (buffer[0] == '+') { // Проверка на командуif ((number >> 8) > 0x7F){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The command cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F)", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}if ((number & 0xFF) > 0x7F){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The operand cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F)", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}unsigned short int value = 0;if (sc_commandEncode((unsigned short int)((number >> 8)), (unsigned short int)(number & 0xFF), &value))return -1 ;res |= value ;}else{if(number > 0x2000 or (number > 0x1FFF and buffer[0] != '-') ){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}if (buffer[0] == '-'){number = number + 1 ;if (!((number >> 13) & 1))res &= (1 << 13) ;}number &= 0x1FFF ;res |= number ;}if (sc_memorySet(currMemCell, res))return -1 ;return 0 ;}int ui_saveMemory(){char filename[102] ;printf("Saving file...\n") ;printf("Enter the file name to save > ");mt_setFGcolor(colors::SOFT_GREEN) ;fgets(filename, 102, stdin) ;mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;if (filename[strlen(filename) - 1] != '\n'){printf("\033[38;5;%dmThe file name is too long. The length is trimmed to the first 100 characters.\033[0m\n", BLUE) ;clearBuffIn(); // очистка потока ввода}elsefilename[strlen(filename) - 1] = '\0' ;if (sc_memorySave(filename)){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Failed to save memory", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}elseui_messageOutput((char *)"Successful save", colors::GREEN) ;return 0 ;}int ui_loadMemory(){char filename[102] ;printf("Loading file...\n") ;printf("Enter the file name to load > ");mt_setFGcolor(colors::SOFT_GREEN) ;fgets(filename, 102, stdin) ;mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;if (filename[strlen(filename) - 1] != '\n'){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The name of the file to open is too long (up to 100 characters are allowed)", colors::BLUE) ;clearBuffIn(); // очистка потока вводаreturn -1 ;}filename[strlen(filename) - 1] = '\0' ;if (sc_memoryLoad(filename)){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Failed to load memory", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}return 0 ;}int ui_setAccumulator(){// может ли в accumulator храниться команда ? (теперь нет)char buffer[10] ;printf("Set a value \033[38;5;%dm\"Accumulator\"\033[0m", colors::GREEN) ;printf("\nEnter value in \033[38;5;%dmHEX\033[0m format > ", colors::PEACH);fgets(buffer, 10, stdin) ;if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] != '\n')clearBuffIn(); // очистка потока вводаelsebuffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0' ;unsigned short int res = 0 ;int i ;if (buffer[0] == '+'){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Invalid input", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}else{res |= (1 << 14) ;if (buffer[0] == '-') {i = 1 ;res |= (1 << 13) ;}elsei = 0 ;}if (!checkCorrectInputHEX(&buffer[i])){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Invalid input", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}long int number ;char * tmp ;number = strtol(&buffer[i], &tmp, 16) ;if (buffer[0] == '+') { // Проверка на командуif(number > 0x3FFF){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The command value must not exceed 14 bits (0x3FFF)", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}else{number &= 0x3FFF ;if ((number >> 8) > 0x7F){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The command cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F)", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}if ((number & 0xFF) > 0x7F){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The operand cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F)", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}else{unsigned short int value = 0;if (sc_commandEncode((unsigned short int)((number >> 8)), (unsigned short int)(number & 0xFF), &value))return -1 ;res |= value ;}}}else{if(number > 0x2000 or (number > 0x1FFF and buffer[0] != '-') ){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}if (buffer[0] == '-'){number = number + 1 ;if (!((number >> 13) & 1))res &= (1 << 13) ;}number &= 0x1FFF ;res |= number ;}sc_accumulator = res ;return 0 ;}int ui_setICounter(){char buffer[10] ;printf("Set a value \033[38;5;%dm\"InstructionCounter\"\033[0m between \033[38;5;%dm00\033[0m and \033[38;5;%dm99\033[0m inclusive\n", colors::GREEN, colors::SOFT_GREEN, colors::SOFT_GREEN) ;printf("Enter value in \033[38;5;%dmDEC\033[0m format > ", colors::PEACH);fgets(buffer, 10, stdin) ;if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] != '\n')clearBuffIn(); // очистка потока вводаelsebuffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0' ;if (!checkCorrectInputDEC(buffer)){ui_messageOutput((char *)"Invalid input", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}long int number ;char * tmp ;number = strtol(buffer, &tmp, 10);if(number > 99){ui_messageOutput((char *)"The value must not exceed the amount of memory", colors::RED) ;return -1 ;}sc_instructionCounter = (uint8_t)number ;return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка "боксов"/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingBoxes(){if (bc_box(1, 1, 61, 12)) // Окно Memoryreturn -1 ;if (bc_box(62, 1, 22, 3)) // Окно accumulatorreturn -1 ;if (bc_box(62, 4, 22, 3)) // Окно instructionCounterreturn -1 ;if (bc_box(62, 7, 22, 3)) // Окно Operationreturn -1 ;if (bc_box(62, 10, 22, 3)) // Окно Flagsreturn -1 ;if (bc_box(1, 13, 52, 10)) // Окно BigCharsreturn -1 ;if (bc_box(53, 13, 31, 10)) // Окно Keysreturn -1 ;return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка заголовков и текста/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingTexts(){/* Заголовки */mt_gotoXY(30,1) ;printf(" Memory ") ;mt_gotoXY(66,1) ;printf(" accumulator ") ;mt_gotoXY(63,4) ;printf(" instructionCounter ") ;mt_gotoXY(67,7) ;printf(" Operation ") ;mt_gotoXY(69,10) ;printf(" Flags ") ;mt_gotoXY(54,13) ;printf(" Keys: ") ;/* HotKeys */char* hotK[] = {(char *)"l - load",(char *)"s - save",(char *)"r - run",(char *)"t - step",(char *)"i - reset",(char *)"F5 - accumulator",(char *)"F6 - instructionCounter"};for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(hotK) / sizeof(*hotK) ; ++i) {mt_gotoXY(54,i + 14) ;printf("%s", hotK[i]) ;}return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка памяти/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingMemory(){for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)for (int j = 0 ; j < 10 ; ++j) {mt_gotoXY(2 + (5 * j + j), 2 + i) ;unsigned short int tmp ;sc_memoryGet(i * 10 + j, &tmp) ;if ((i * 10 + j) == currMemCell)mt_setBGcolor(colors::GREEN) ;if((tmp >> 14) & 1)if((tmp >> 13) & 1)printf("-%04X", ((tmp - 1)) & 0x3FFF) ;elseprintf(" %04X", tmp & 0x1FFF) ;elseprintf("+%04X", tmp) ;mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;}return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка accumulator/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingAccumulator(){mt_gotoXY(70,2) ;// bool over ;// sc_regGet(OVERFLOW, &over) ;// if (over){// mt_setFGcolor(colors::PEACH) ;// printf(" over") ;// mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;// }// else{if((sc_accumulator >> 14) & 1)if((sc_accumulator >> 13) & 1)printf("-%04X", ((sc_accumulator - 1)) & 0x3FFF) ;elseprintf(" %04X", sc_accumulator & 0x1FFF) ;elseprintf("+%04X", sc_accumulator) ;// }return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка Operation/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingOperation(){mt_gotoXY(69,8) ;unsigned short int tmp ;sc_memoryGet(currMemCell, &tmp) ;if(!((tmp >> 14) & 1)){unsigned short int operand, command ;sc_commandDecode(tmp, &command, &operand) ;printf("+%02X:%02X", command, operand) ;}else{unsigned short int left, right ;bool negative = (tmp >> 13) & 1 ;if(negative)tmp = ((tmp - 1)) & 0x3FFF ;elsetmp &= 0x1FFF ;left = tmp >> 8 ;right = tmp & 0xFF ;negative ? printf("-%02X:%02X", left, right) : printf(" %02X:%02X", left, right) ;}return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка instructionCounter/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingInstructionCounter(){mt_gotoXY(71,5) ;// bool over, zero, out, comm ;// sc_regGet(OVERFLOW, &over) ;// sc_regGet(DIVISION_ERR_BY_ZERO, &zero) ;// sc_regGet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, &out) ;// sc_regGet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, &comm) ;// mt_gotoXY(71,5) ;// if (over || zero || out || comm){// mt_setFGcolor(colors::SOFT_GREEN) ;// printf("null") ;// mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;// }// elseprintf("%04X", sc_instructionCounter) ;return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка флагов/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingFlags(){char tmp[] = {'O', 'Z', 'M', 'I', 'C'};for (int i = 0 ; i < SC_REG_SIZE ; ++i) {bool value ;if (sc_regGet(i, &value))return -1 ;mt_gotoXY(68 + (i * 2), 11) ;if (value){mt_setFGcolor(colors::PEACH) ;printf("%c", tmp[i]) ;}else{mt_setFGcolor(colors::GRAY) ;printf("%c", tmp[i]) ;}mt_setDefaultColorSettings() ;}return 0 ;}/// Отрисовка "BigChar'ов"/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint drawingBigChar(){unsigned short int tmp ;sc_memoryGet(currMemCell, &tmp) ;if(!((tmp >> 14) & 1))bc_printBigChar(bc[16], 2, 14, GREEN) ;else if((tmp >> 13) & 1){bc_printBigChar(bc[17], 2, 14, GREEN) ;tmp = ((tmp - 1)) & 0x3FFF;}elsetmp &= 0x3FFF ;for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {int ch = (tmp & ( 0xF << (4 * (3 - i)) )) >> (4 * (3 - i)) ;bc_printBigChar(bc[ch], 2 + 8 * (i + 1) + 2 * (i + 1), 14, GREEN) ;}return 0 ;}bool checkCorrectInputHEX(const char *buffer){if (strlen(buffer) == 0 or strlen(buffer) > 4)return false ;for (int i = 0 ; i < strlen(buffer) ; ++i)if (!(isxdigit(buffer[i])))return false ;return true ;}bool checkCorrectInputDEC(const char *buffer){if (strlen(buffer) == 0 or strlen(buffer) > 5)return false ;for (int i = 0 ; i < strlen(buffer) ; ++i)if (!(isdigit(buffer[i])))return false ;return true ;}int ui_messageOutput(char *str, enum colors color){printf("\033[38;5;%dm%s\033[0m", color, str) ;fflush(stdout) ; // очистка потока выводаchar buffer[5] = "\0" ;rk_myTermRegime(false, 0, 0, false, false) ;read(fileno(stdin), buffer, 5) ;return 0 ;}int clearBuffIn(){int c;do {c = getchar();} while (c != '\n' && c != '\0');return 0 ;}myReadkey.hpp#ifndef MYREADKEY_HPP#define MYREADKEY_HPP#include #include #include extern termios save;enum keys{KEY_L,KEY_S,KEY_R,KEY_T,KEY_I,KEY_F5,KEY_F6 ,KEY_UP,KEY_DOWN,KEY_RIGHT,KEY_LEFT,KEY_ESC,KEY_ENTER,KEY_OTHER,};int rk_readKey(enum keys *key) ;int rk_myTermSave() ;int rk_myTermRestore() ;int rk_myTermRegime (bool regime, unsigned int vtime, unsigned int vmin, bool echo, bool sigint) ;#endif //MYREADKEY_HPPmyReadkey.cpp#include "myReadkey.hpp"termios save;/// Возвращающую первую клавишу, которую нажал пользователь/// \param key - Адрес переменной, в которую возвращается номер нажатой клавиши/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint rk_readKey (enum keys * key){fflush(stdout) ; // очистка потока выводаchar buffer[5] = "\0" ;rk_myTermRegime(false, 0, 0, false, false) ;read(fileno(stdin), buffer, 5) ;rk_myTermRestore() ;if (buffer[0] == '\033')if (buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_ESC ;else if (buffer[1] == '[')if (buffer[2] == 'A' and buffer[3] == '\0')*key = KEY_UP ;else if (buffer[2] == 'B' and buffer[3] == '\0')*key = KEY_DOWN ;else if (buffer[2] == 'C' and buffer[3] == '\0')*key = KEY_RIGHT ;else if (buffer[2] == 'D' and buffer[3] == '\0')*key = KEY_LEFT ;else if (buffer[2] == '1' and buffer[3] == '5')*key = KEY_F5 ;else if (buffer[2] == '1' and buffer[3] == '7')*key = KEY_F6 ;else*key = KEY_OTHER ;else*key = KEY_OTHER ;else if (buffer[0] == '\n' and buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_ENTER ;elseif ((buffer[0] == 'l' or buffer[0] == 'L') and buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_L ;else if ((buffer[0] == 's' or buffer[0] == 'S') and buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_S ;else if ((buffer[0] == 'r' or buffer[0] == 'R') and buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_R ;else if ((buffer[0] == 't' or buffer[0] == 'T') and buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_T ;else if ((buffer[0] == 'i' or buffer[0] == 'I') and buffer[1] == '\0')*key = KEY_I ;else*key = KEY_OTHER ;return 0 ;}/// Функция, сохраняющая текущие параметры терминала/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint rk_myTermSave(){if (tcgetattr(fileno(stdin), &save))return -1 ;return 0 ;}/// Функция, восстанавливающая сохраненные параметры терминала/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint rk_myTermRestore(){tcsetattr(fileno(stdin), TCSAFLUSH, &save) ;return 0 ;}/// Функция, переключающая режим работы терминала (канонический / неканонический)/// \param regime/// \param vtime/// \param vmin/// \param echo/// \param sigint/// \return 0 - в случае успешного выполнения, -1 - в случае ошибкиint rk_myTermRegime(bool regime, unsigned int vtime, unsigned int vmin, bool echo, bool sigint){termios curr{} ;tcgetattr(fileno(stdin), &curr) ;if(regime)curr.c_lflag |= ICANON ;else{curr.c_lflag &= ICANON ;sigint ? (curr.c_lflag |= ISIG) : (curr.c_lflag &= ISIG) ;echo ? (curr.c_lflag |= ECHO) : (curr.c_lflag &= ECHO) ;curr.c_cc[VMIN] = vmin ;curr.c_cc[VTIME] = vtime ;}tcsetattr(0,TCSAFLUSH,&curr) ;return 0 ;}commands.hpp#ifndef COMMANDS_HPP#define COMMANDS_HPP#define READ 0x10#define WRITE 0x11#define LOAD 0x20#define STORE 0x21#define ADD 0x30#define SUB 0x31#define DIVIDE 0x32#define MUL 0x33#define JUMP 0x40#define JNEG 0x41#define JZ 0x42#define HALT 0x43#define RCR 0x63#endif //COMMANDS_HPPmyCU.hpp#ifndef CU_HPP#define CU_HPP#include "commands.hpp"#include "simpleComputer.hpp"#include "myTerm.hpp"#include "myUI.hpp"#include "myALU.hpp"int CU() ;#endif //CU_HPPmyCU.cpp#include "myCU.hpp"int cu_read(unsigned short int operand) ;int cu_write(unsigned short int operand) ;int cu_load(unsigned short int operand) ;int cu_store(unsigned short int operand) ;int cu_jump(unsigned short int operand) ;int cu_jneg(unsigned short int operand) ;int cu_jz(unsigned short int operand) ;int CU (){unsigned short int command = 0;unsigned short int operand = 0;unsigned short int currCell;sc_memoryGet(sc_instructionCounter, &currCell) ;if (sc_commandDecode(currCell, &command, &operand)){return -1 ;}switch (command) {case READ:if (cu_read(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case WRITE:if (cu_write(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case LOAD :if (cu_load(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case STORE :if (cu_store(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case JUMP :if (cu_jump(operand))return -1 ;break ;case JNEG :if (cu_jneg(operand))return -1 ;break ;case JZ :if (cu_jz(operand))return -1 ;break ;case HALT :return -1 ;break ;default:if (ALU(command, operand))return -1 ;break ;}return 0 ;}int cu_read(unsigned short int operand){rk_myTermRestore() ;printf("Enter value of cell[\033[38;5;%dm0x%02X\033[0m] in \033[38;5;%dmHEX\033[0m format > ", colors::SOFT_GREEN, operand, colors::PEACH) ;char buffer[10] ;fgets(buffer, 10, stdin) ;if (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] != '\n')clearBuffIn(); // очистка потока вводаelsebuffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0' ;rk_myTermRegime(false, 0, 0, false, false) ;unsigned short int res = 0 ;int i ;if (buffer[0] == '+' or buffer[0] == '-')i = 1 ;else{res |= (1 << 14) ;(buffer[0] == '-') ? (res |= (1 << 13)) : i = 0 ;}if (!checkCorrectInputHEX(&buffer[i])){res |= (1 << 15) ;}else{long int number ;char * tmp ;number = strtol(&buffer[i], &tmp, 16) ;if (buffer[0] == '+') { // Проверка на командуif (number > 0x3FFF)res |= (1 << 15) ;else{number &= 0x3FFF ;unsigned short int value = 0;if (sc_commandEncode((unsigned short int)((number >> 8)), (unsigned short int)(number & 0xFF), &value)){res |= (1 << 15) ;}elseres |= value ;}}else{if (number > 0x2000 or (number > 0x1FFF and buffer[0] != '-') ){res |= (1 << 15) ;}if (buffer[0] == '-'){number = number + 1 ;if (!((number >> 13) & 1))res &= (1 << 13) ;}number &= 0x1FFF ;res |= number ;}}if (sc_memorySet(operand, (unsigned short int)res))return -1 ;return 0 ;}int cu_write(unsigned short int operand){unsigned short int value;if(sc_memoryGet(operand, &value)){return -1 ;}printf("Value in a cell [\033[38;5;%dm0x%02X\033[0m] < ", colors::SOFT_GREEN, operand) ;if ((value >> 14) & 1)if ((value >> 13) & 1)printf("-%04X", ((value - 1)) & 0x3FFF) ;elseprintf(" %04X", value & 0x1FFF) ;elseprintf("+%04X", value) ;getchar() ;return 0 ;}int cu_load(unsigned short int operand){unsigned short int value;if (sc_memoryGet(operand, &value)){return -1 ;}if (!((value >> 14) & 1)){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return - 1;}sc_accumulator = value ;return 0 ;}int cu_store(unsigned short int operand){if (sc_memorySet(operand, sc_accumulator))return -1 ;return 0 ;}int cu_jump(unsigned short int operand){if (operand > 0x63){sc_regSet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, true) ;return -1 ;}sc_instructionCounter = operand ;return 0 ;}int cu_jneg(unsigned short int operand){if (((sc_accumulator >> 14) & 1) and ((sc_accumulator >> 13) & 1)){if (operand > 0x63){sc_regSet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, true) ;return -1 ;}sc_instructionCounter = operand ;}elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;return 0 ;}int cu_jz(unsigned short int operand){if (((sc_accumulator >> 14) & 1) and ((sc_accumulator & 0x3FFF) == 0)){if (operand > 0x63){sc_regSet(OUT_OF_MEMORY, true) ;return -1 ;}sc_instructionCounter = operand ;}elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;return 0 ;}myALU.hpp#ifndef MYALU_HPP#define MYALU_HPP#include "commands.hpp"#include "simpleComputer.hpp"#include "myTerm.hpp"#include "myUI.hpp"int ALU(unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand) ;#endif //MYALU_HPP myALU.cpp#include "myALU.hpp"int alu_add(unsigned short int value) ;int alu_divide(unsigned short int operand) ;int alu_mul(unsigned short int operand) ;int alu_rcr(unsigned short int operand) ;int ALU(unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand){unsigned short int value ;switch (command) {case ADD:if (sc_memoryGet(operand, &value))return -1 ;if (!((value >> 14) & 1)){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}if (alu_add(value))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case SUB:if (sc_memoryGet(operand, &value))return -1 ;if (!((value >> 14) & 1)){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}if ((value >> 13) & 1) // Отрицательноеvalue = ((value & 0x3FFF) - 1) ;elsevalue = ((value & 0x3FFF)) + 1 ;value &= 0x3FFF ;value |= (1 << 14) ;if (alu_add(value))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case DIVIDE:if (alu_divide(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case MUL:if (alu_mul(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;case RCR:if (alu_rcr(operand))return -1 ;elsesc_instructionCounter++ ;break ;default:sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}return 0 ;}int alu_add(unsigned short int value){unsigned short int accumulator, res;accumulator = sc_accumulator & 0x3FFF ;value &= 0x3FFF;if (((accumulator >> 13) & 1) and ((value >> 13) & 1)){ // Если оба отрицательныvalue = (value - 1) & 0x3FFF ;accumulator = (accumulator - 1) & 0x3FFF ;res = accumulator + value;if (res > 0x2000){sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;}res = res + 1 ;}else if (((accumulator >> 13) & 1) or ((value >> 13) & 1)) { // Если одно из чисел отрицательноres = accumulator + value ;}else{res = accumulator + value ;if (res > 0x1FFF){sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;}}res |= (1 << 14) ;sc_accumulator = res ;return 0 ;}int alu_divide(unsigned short int operand){unsigned short int value,accumulator, res ;if (sc_memoryGet(operand, &value))return -1 ;if (!((value >> 14) & 1)){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}bool negative = 0 ;accumulator = sc_accumulator & 0x3FFF ;value &= 0x3FFF;if ((accumulator >> 13) & 1){negative = !negative ;accumulator = (accumulator - 1);}accumulator &= 0x3FFF ;if ((value >> 13) & 1){negative = !negative ;value = (value - 1);}value &= 0x3FFF ;if (value == 0){sc_regSet(DIVISION_ERR_BY_ZERO, true) ;return -1 ;}res = accumulator / value ;if (negative){if (res > 0x2000){sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;}res = (res + 1) & 0x3FFF ;res |= (1 << 14) ;sc_accumulator = res ;}else {if (res > 0x1FFF){sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;}res |= (1 << 14) ;sc_accumulator = res ;}return 0 ;}int alu_mul(unsigned short int operand){unsigned short int value,accumulator, res ;if (sc_memoryGet(operand, &value))return -1 ;if (!((value >> 14) & 1)){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}bool negative = 0 ;accumulator = sc_accumulator & 0x3FFF ;value &= 0x3FFF;if ((accumulator >> 13) & 1){negative = !negative ;accumulator = (accumulator - 1);}accumulator &= 0x1FFF ;if ((value >> 13) & 1){negative = !negative ;value = (value - 1);}value &= 0x1FFF ;res = accumulator * value ;if (negative){if (res > 0x2000){sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;}res = (res + 1) & 0x3FFF ;res |= (1 << 14) ;sc_accumulator = res ;}else {if (res > 0x1FFF){sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;}res |= (1 << 14) ;sc_accumulator = res ;}return 0 ;}int alu_rcr(unsigned short int operand){unsigned short int res, value ;if (sc_memoryGet(operand, &value))return -1 ;if (!((value >> 14) & 1)){sc_regSet(INCORRECT_COMMAND, true) ;return -1 ;}bool negative = (value >> 13) & 1;if (negative) // Отрицательноеvalue = (value - 1) & 0x3FFF ;elsevalue &= 0x1FFF ;res = (value>> 1) | ((value & 1) << 12) ;if (negative){if (res > 0x2000)sc_regSet(OVERFLOW, true) ;res = (

SimpleAssembler main.cppconst short int MEM_SIZE = 100 ;unsigned short int memory[MEM_SIZE] {0};#include #include #include #include #include "commands.hpp"int readFile(FILE * fb) ;int commandEncode(unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand, unsigned short int * value) ; bool checkCorrectInputHEX(const char *buffer) ;int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){if (argc != 3) { printf("\033[38;5;196mThe number of arguments does not match the condition!\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleAssembler file.sa file.o, where file.sa – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Assembler, file. o-translation result\n") ; return -1 ; }if (strcmp(strrchr(argv[1], '.'), ".sa") != 0) { printf("\033[38;5;196mThe extension of the first argument, \"%s\", does not match the conditions\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleAssembler file.sa file.o, where file.sa – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Assembler, file. o-translation result\n", argv[1]) ; return -1 ; }if (strcmp(strrchr(argv[2], '.'), ".o") != 0) { printf("\033[38;5;196mThe extension of the second argument, \"%s\", does not match the conditions\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleAssembler file.sa file.o, where file.sa – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Assembler, file. o-translation result\n", argv[2]) ; return -1 ; }FILE * fb ;if (!(fb = fopen(argv[1], "r"))){printf("\033[38;5;196mUnable to open the \"%s\" file. \033[0m \nCheck whether the file is in the directory, as well as access rights.\n", argv[1]) ;return -1 ;}if (readFile(fb))return -1 ;fclose(fb) ;if (!(fb = fopen(argv[2], "wb"))){printf("\033[38;5;196mUnable to open the \"%s\" file. \033[0m \nCheck your access rights.\n", argv[2]) ;return -1 ;}fwrite(memory, sizeof(memory), 1, fb) ;fclose(fb) ;return 0 ;}int readFile(FILE * fb){char buffer[256] ;short int prevCell = -1, currCell ;unsigned short int currLine = 1, comm = 0, op = 0, res;char *part, *strCell; while (fgets(buffer, 256, fb)) {/* Часть с адресом ячейки */part = strtok (buffer, " ") ;if (strlen(part) != 2){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe cell address number must be 2 characters long.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i){if (part[i] < '0' || part[i] > '9'){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe cell number cannot consist of letters. The cell number must be entered in the 10 number system.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}}currCell = atoi(part);if (currCell <= prevCell){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe number of the memory address must be increasing and must not be repeated.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}elseprevCell = currCell ; /* Часть с командой */part = strtok (NULL, " ");if (strcmp(part, "READ") == 0)comm = READ;else if (strcmp(part, "WRITE") == 0)comm = WRITE;else if (strcmp(part, "LOAD") == 0)comm = LOAD;else if (strcmp(part, "STORE") == 0)comm = STORE;else if (strcmp(part, "ADD") == 0)comm = ADD;else if (strcmp(part, "SUB") == 0)comm = SUB;else if (strcmp(part, "DIVIDE") == 0)comm = DIVIDE;else if (strcmp(part, "MUL") == 0)comm = MUL;else if (strcmp(part, "JUMP") == 0)comm = JUMP;else if (strcmp(part, "JNEG") == 0)comm = JNEG;else if (strcmp(part, "JZ") == 0)comm = JZ;else if (strcmp(part, "HALT") == 0)comm = HALT;else if (strcmp(part, "RCR") == 0)comm = RCR;else if (strcmp(part, "=") == 0)comm = 0 ;else{printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nUnknown command\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}/* Часть с операндом */part = strtok (NULL, " ");if (part[strlen(part) - 1] == '\n') part[strlen(part) - 1] = '\0' ;if (comm != 0){ // Если не присваивание for (int i = 0 ; i < strlen(part) ; ++i)if (part[i] < '0' || part[i] > '9'){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe operand cannot contain letters. The operand must be set in the 10 number system.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}op = atoi(part) ;if (commandEncode((unsigned short int)((comm & 0xFF)), (unsigned short int)(op & 0xFF), &res)){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nInvalid command, the command cannot exceed 3FFF.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}}else{res = 0 ;int i = 0;if (part[0] == '+')i = 1 ;else{res |= (1 << 14) ;if (part[0] == '-') {i = 1 ;res |= (1 << 13) ;}elsei = 0 ;}if (!checkCorrectInputHEX(&part[i])){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nIncorrect assignment.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}long int number ;char * tmp ;number = strtol(&part[i], &tmp, 16) ;if (part[0] == '+') { // Если командаif ((number >> 8) > 0x7F){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe command cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F).\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}if ((number & 0xFF) > 0x7F){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe operand cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F).\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}unsigned short int value = 0;commandEncode((unsigned short int)((number >> 8)), (unsigned short int)(number & 0xFF), &value) ;res |= value ;}else { // Если числоif(number > 0x2000 or (number > 0x1FFF and part[0] != '-') ){printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive.\n", currLine) ;return -1 ;}if (part[0] == '-') {number = number + 1 ;if (!((number >> 13) & 1))res &=



const short int MEM_SIZE = 100 ;

unsigned short int memory[MEM_SIZE] {0};



#include "commands.hpp"
int readFile(FILE * fb) ;

int commandEncode(unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand, unsigned short int * value) ;

bool checkCorrectInputHEX(const char *buffer) ;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])


if (argc != 3) {

printf("\033[38;5;196mThe number of arguments does not match the condition!\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleAssembler file.sa file.o, where file.sa – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Assembler, file. o-translation result\n") ;

return -1 ;


if (strcmp(strrchr(argv[1], '.'), ".sa") != 0) {

printf("\033[38;5;196mThe extension of the first argument, \"%s\", does not match the conditions\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleAssembler file.sa file.o, where file.sa – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Assembler, file. o-translation result\n", argv[1]) ;

return -1 ;

if (strcmp(strrchr(argv[2], '.'), ".o") != 0) {

printf("\033[38;5;196mThe extension of the second argument, \"%s\", does not match the conditions\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleAssembler file.sa file.o, where file.sa – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Assembler, file. o-translation result\n", argv[2]) ;

return -1 ;


FILE * fb ;

if (!(fb = fopen(argv[1], "r"))){

printf("\033[38;5;196mUnable to open the \"%s\" file. \033[0m \nCheck whether the file is in the directory, as well as access rights.\n", argv[1]) ;

return -1 ;

if (readFile(fb))

return -1 ;

fclose(fb) ;

if (!(fb = fopen(argv[2], "wb"))){

printf("\033[38;5;196mUnable to open the \"%s\" file. \033[0m \nCheck your access rights.\n", argv[2]) ;

return -1 ;

fwrite(memory, sizeof(memory), 1, fb) ;

fclose(fb) ;
return 0 ;

int readFile(FILE * fb){

char buffer[256] ;

short int prevCell = -1, currCell ;

unsigned short int currLine = 1, comm = 0, op = 0, res;

char *part, *strCell;

while (fgets(buffer, 256, fb)) {

/* Часть с адресом ячейки */

part = strtok (buffer, " ") ;

if (strlen(part) != 2){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe cell address number must be 2 characters long.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;


for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i)


if (part[i] < '0' || part[i] > '9'){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe cell number cannot consist of letters. The cell number must be entered in the 10 number system.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;



currCell = atoi(part);

if (currCell <= prevCell){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe number of the memory address must be increasing and must not be repeated.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;



prevCell = currCell ;
/* Часть с командой */

part = strtok (NULL, " ");

if (strcmp(part, "READ") == 0)

comm = READ;

else if (strcmp(part, "WRITE") == 0)

comm = WRITE;

else if (strcmp(part, "LOAD") == 0)

comm = LOAD;

else if (strcmp(part, "STORE") == 0)

comm = STORE;

else if (strcmp(part, "ADD") == 0)

comm = ADD;

else if (strcmp(part, "SUB") == 0)

comm = SUB;

else if (strcmp(part, "DIVIDE") == 0)

comm = DIVIDE;

else if (strcmp(part, "MUL") == 0)

comm = MUL;

else if (strcmp(part, "JUMP") == 0)

comm = JUMP;

else if (strcmp(part, "JNEG") == 0)

comm = JNEG;

else if (strcmp(part, "JZ") == 0)

comm = JZ;

else if (strcmp(part, "HALT") == 0)

comm = HALT;

else if (strcmp(part, "RCR") == 0)

comm = RCR;

else if (strcmp(part, "=") == 0)

comm = 0 ;


printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nUnknown command\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;

/* Часть с операндом */

part = strtok (NULL, " ");

if (part[strlen(part) - 1] == '\n')

part[strlen(part) - 1] = '\0' ;
if (comm != 0){ // Если не присваивание

for (int i = 0 ; i < strlen(part) ; ++i)

if (part[i] < '0' || part[i] > '9'){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe operand cannot contain letters. The operand must be set in the 10 number system.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;


op = atoi(part) ;

if (commandEncode((unsigned short int)((comm & 0xFF)), (unsigned short int)(op & 0xFF), &res)){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nInvalid command, the command cannot exceed 3FFF.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;




res = 0 ;

int i = 0;

if (part[0] == '+')

i = 1 ;


res |= (1 << 14) ;

if (part[0] == '-') {

i = 1 ;

res |= (1 << 13) ;



i = 0 ;


if (!checkCorrectInputHEX(&part[i])){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nIncorrect assignment.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;

long int number ;

char * tmp ;

number = strtol(&part[i], &tmp, 16) ;
if (part[0] == '+') { // Если команда

if ((number >> 8) > 0x7F){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe command cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F).\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;


if ((number & 0xFF) > 0x7F){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe operand cannot be more than 7 bits (0x7F).\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;


unsigned short int value = 0;

commandEncode((unsigned short int)((number >> 8)), (unsigned short int)(number & 0xFF), &value) ;

res |= value ;


else { // Если число

if(number > 0x2000 or (number > 0x1FFF and part[0] != '-') ){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive.\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;


if (part[0] == '-') {

number =
number + 1 ;

if (!((number >> 13) & 1))

res &= (1 << 13) ;


number &= 0x1FFF ;

res |= number ;


/* Часть с комментарием */

part = strtok (NULL, " ");

if (part != NULL and part[0] != ';' and part[0] != '\n'){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError | line %d\033[0m \nThe wrong line! Invalid number of arguments or comment doesn't start with ';'\n", currLine) ;

return -1 ;


memory[currCell] = res;
++currLine ;


return 0 ;

int commandEncode(unsigned short int command, unsigned short int operand, unsigned short int * value){

if (command > 0x7F)

return -1 ;

if (operand > 0x7F)

return -1 ;
* value = 0 ;
/* Операнд */

for (int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {

int8_t bit = (operand >> i) & 1 ;

*value |= (bit << i) ;


/* Команда */

for (int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++) {

int8_t bit = (command >> i) & 1 ;

*value |= (bit << (i + 7)) ;


return 0 ;

bool checkCorrectInputHEX(const char *buffer){

if (strlen(buffer) == 0 or strlen(buffer) > 4)

return false ;

for (int i = 0 ; i < strlen(buffer) ; ++i)

if (!(isxdigit(buffer[i])))

return false ;

return true ;




#define READ 0x10

#define WRITE 0x11

#define LOAD 0x20

#define STORE 0x21

#define ADD 0x30

#define SUB 0x31

#define DIVIDE 0x32

#define MUL 0x33

#define JUMP 0x40

#define JNEG 0x41

#define JZ 0x42

#define HALT 0x43

#define RCR 0x63





short currCellVar = 99 ;

short currCellComm = 0 ;

struct variable{

variable(std::string title, short address){

this->address = address ;

this->title = title ;


std::string title ;

short address ;

struct commandSA{

commandSA(short cell, const std::string &command, short operand) {

this->cell = cell ;

this->command = command ;

this->operand = operand ;


short cell ;

std::string command ;

short operand ;

std::map<:string short> startCommands ; // Начало команд (всё ради goto :3) | Строка в SB, адрес ячейки в SA

std::vector variables ;

std::vector commands ;

std::vector queueGoTo ;

const std::regex basicCheckLine(R"((\d+)\s+(REM|INPUT|PRINT|LET|GOTO|IF|END)\s*(.*))") ;
const std::regex varCheck(R"(([A-Z])\s*)") ;

const std::regex numCheck(R"((\-?\d+)\s*)") ;

const std::regex numLineCheck(R"((\d+)\s*)") ;

short checkPresenceVar(const std::string& str) ;
int commInput(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line) ;

int commPrint(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line) ;

int commGoTo(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line) ;

int commLet(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line) ;

int commEnd(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line) ;

int commIf(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line) ;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

/* Проверки корректности аргументов */

if (argc != 3)


printf("\033[38;5;196mThe number of arguments does not match the condition!\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleBasic file.sb file.sa, where file.sb – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Basic, file.sa - translation result\n") ;

return -1 ;


if(!regex_match(argv[1], std::regex(R"(\w+\.sb)"))){

printf("\033[38;5;196mThe extension of the first argument, \"%s\", does not match the conditions\033[0m \nTThe translator launch command must look like: simpleBasic file.sb file.sa, where file.sb – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Basic, file.sa - translation result\n", argv[1]) ;

return -1 ;


if(!regex_match(argv[2], std::regex(R"(\w+\.sa)"))){

printf("\033[38;5;196mThe extension of the second argument, \"%s\", does not match the conditions\033[0m \nThe translator launch command must look like: simpleBasic file.sb file.sa, where file.sb – name of the file that contains the program in Simple Basic, file.sa - translation result\n", argv[1]) ;

return -1 ;

/* Открытие входного файла */

std::ifstream inFile(argv[1]) ;


printf("\033[38;5;196mUnable to open the \"%s\" file. \033[0m \nCheck whether the file is in the directory, as well as access rights.\n", argv[1]) ;

return -1 ;

std::string line ;

short int prevLine = -1 ;

bool checkMainEnd = false ;

std::cmatch parsedLine ;
/* Построчное считывание */

while (getline(inFile, line)){

if (regex_match(line, std::regex(R"(\s*)")))

continue ;

if (!regex_match(line.c_str(), parsedLine, basicCheckLine)) {

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


short tmp = stoi(parsedLine[1]);

if (prevLine <= tmp){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | The line number must increase and must not be repeated.\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


prevLine = tmp ;

std::string command = parsedLine[2] ;
if (command == "REM"){

continue ;


else if(command == "INPUT"){

std::string operand = parsedLine[3] ;

startCommands[parsedLine[1]] = currCellComm ;

if (commInput(operand, line))

return -1 ;

else if(command == "PRINT"){

std::string operand = parsedLine[3] ;

startCommands[parsedLine[1]] = currCellComm ;

if (commPrint(operand, line))

return -1 ;
else if(command == "GOTO"){

std::string operand = parsedLine[3] ;

startCommands[parsedLine[1]] = currCellComm ;

if (commGoTo(operand, line))

return -1 ;


else if(command == "LET"){

std::string operand = parsedLine[3] ;

startCommands[parsedLine[1]] = currCellComm ;

if (commLet(operand, line))

return -1 ;


else if(command == "END"){

std::string operand = parsedLine[3] ;

startCommands[parsedLine[1]] = currCellComm ;

if (commEnd(operand, line))

return -1 ;

checkMainEnd = true ;



else if(command == "IF"){

std::string operand = parsedLine[3] ;

startCommands[parsedLine[1]] = currCellComm ;

if (commIf(operand, line))

return -1 ;

if (currCellComm > currCellVar){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError ! The program didn't have enough memory!\033[0m\n") ;

return -1 ;



if (!checkMainEnd){

printf("\033[38;5;196mError! The main end is not found!\033[0m\n") ;

return -1 ;


/* Вторичный проход по goto */

for (auto &i : queueGoTo){

if(startCommands.find(std::to_string(commands[i].operand)) == startCommands.end()){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid operand for \"goto\". | GoTo refers to a nonexistent string\033[0m\n") ;

return -1 ;



short addressOperand = startCommands.find(std::to_string(commands[i].operand))->second ;

commands[i].operand = addressOperand ;


/* Запись в файл */

std::ofstream outFile(argv[2]) ;


printf("\033[38;5;196mUnable to open the \"%s\" file.\033[0m\n\tCheck your access rights.\n", argv[2]) ;

return -1 ;

// Запись команд

for (auto &i: commands)

outFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << i.cell << " " << i.command << " " << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << i.operand << std::endl ;
// Запись переменных

for (int i = variables.size() - 1 ; i >=0 ; i--)

if (regex_match(variables[i].title, varCheck))

outFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << variables[i].address << " " << "=" << " " << "0" << std::endl ;


outFile << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << variables[i].address << " = " ;

outFile << std::hex << std::uppercase << stoi(variables[i].title) << std::dec << std::endl ;


outFile.close() ;

return 0 ;

short checkPresenceVar(const std::string& str){

for (short i = 0 ; i < variables.size() ; i++){

if (variables[i].title == str)

return i ;


variables.emplace_back(str, currCellVar--) ;

return variables.size() - 1 ;

int commInput(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line){

std::cmatch oper ;

if (!regex_match(operand.c_str(), oper, varCheck)){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | Invalid variable for \"input\"\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


short addressOperand = checkPresenceVar(oper[1]) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "READ ", variables[addressOperand].address)) ;

return 0 ;

int commPrint(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line){

std::cmatch oper ;

if (!regex_match(operand.c_str(), oper, varCheck) && !regex_match(operand.c_str(), oper, numCheck)){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | Invalid operand for \"print\"\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


if(regex_match(operand, numCheck)){

short temp = stoi(operand) ;

if (temp < -0x2000 || temp >0x1FFF){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | The valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;



short addressOperand = checkPresenceVar(oper[1]) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "WRITE ", variables[addressOperand].address)) ;

return 0 ;

int commGoTo(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line){

if (!regex_match(operand, numLineCheck)){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | Invalid operand for \"goto\"\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;

if(startCommands.find(operand) == startCommands.end()){

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "JUMP ", stoi(operand))) ;

queueGoTo.emplace_back(commands.size() - 1) ;



short addressOperand = startCommands.find(operand)->second ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "JUMP ", addressOperand)) ;


return 0 ;

int commLet(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line){

const std::regex letOneParamCheck(R"(([A-Z])\s*=\s*([A-Z]|-?\d+)\s*)") ;

const std::regex letTwoParamCheck(R"(([A-Z])\s*=\s*([A-Z]|-?\d+)\s*([\+\-\*\/])\s*([A-Z]|-?\d+)\s*)") ;

std::cmatch letLine ;

if (!regex_match(operand.c_str(), letLine, letOneParamCheck) && !regex_match(operand.c_str(), letLine, letTwoParamCheck)){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | Invalid operand for \"let\"\033[0m \n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


if(regex_match(operand, letOneParamCheck)){

std::string var = letLine[1] ;

std::string value = letLine[2] ;

if(regex_match(value, numCheck)){

short temp = stoi(value) ;

if (temp < -0x2000 || temp >0x1FFF){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | The valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive\033[0m \n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


short valueAddress = checkPresenceVar(value) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "LOAD ", variables[valueAddress].address)) ;
short varAddress = checkPresenceVar(var) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "STORE ", variables[varAddress].address)) ;



std::string var = letLine[1] ;

std::string value1 = letLine[2] ;

std::string sign = letLine[3] ;

std::string value2 = letLine[4] ;

/////////////////////////////////////// value1

if(regex_match(value1, numCheck)){

short temp = stoi(value1) ;

if (temp < -0x2000 || temp >0x1FFF){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | The valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive\033[0m \n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;



short valueAddress1 = (short)checkPresenceVar(value1) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "LOAD ", variables[valueAddress1].address)) ;

/////////////////////////////////////// value2

if(regex_match(value2, numCheck)){

short temp = stoi(value2) ;

if (temp < -0x2000 || temp >0x1FFF){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | The valid range for the value of the number from -0x2000 to 0x1FFF inclusive\033[0m \n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;



short valueAddress2 = (short)checkPresenceVar(value2) ;
/////////////////////////////////////// action

if(sign == "+")

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "ADD ", variables[valueAddress2].address)) ;

else if(sign == "-")

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "SUB ", variables[valueAddress2].address)) ;

else if(sign == "*")

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "MUL ", variables[valueAddress2].address)) ;

else if (sign == "/")

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "DIVIDE", variables[valueAddress2].address)) ;
//////////////////////////////////////// var

short varAddress = checkPresenceVar(var) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "STORE ", variables[varAddress].address)) ;


return 0 ;

int commEnd(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line){

if(!regex_match(operand, std::regex(R"(\s*)"))){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | There should be nothing after \"end\"\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "HALT ", 0)) ;

return 0 ;

int commIf(const std::string& operand, const std::string& line){

std::cmatch ifLine ;

const std::regex ifConditionCheck(R"(([A-Z]|-?\d+)\s*(=|<|>)\s*([A-Z]|-?\d+)\s+(INPUT|PRINT|LET|GOTO|END)\s*(.*))") ;

if(!regex_match(operand.c_str(), ifLine, ifConditionCheck)){

printf("\033[38;5;196mInvalid line | There should be nothing after \"if\"\033[0m\n\"%s\"\n", line.c_str()) ;

return -1 ;


std::string value1 = ifLine[1] ;

std::string condition = ifLine[2] ;

std::string value2 = ifLine[3] ;

std::string comm = ifLine[4] ;

std::string op = ifLine[5] ;

short addressvalue1 = checkPresenceVar(value1) ;

short addressvalue2 = checkPresenceVar(value2) ;

if (condition == "="){

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "LOAD ", variables[addressvalue1].address)) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "SUB ", variables[addressvalue2].address)) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "JZ ", currCellComm + 2)) ;



if (condition == "<"){

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "LOAD ", variables[addressvalue1].address)) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "SUB ", variables[addressvalue2].address)) ;



commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "LOAD ", variables[addressvalue2].address)) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "SUB ", variables[addressvalue1].address)) ;


commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "JNEG ", currCellComm + 2)) ;

commands.emplace_back(commandSA(currCellComm++, "JUMP ", -1)) ;

short temp = commands.size() - 1 ;

if (comm == "INPUT"){

if (commInput(op, line))

return -1 ;


else if (comm == "PRINT"){

if (commPrint(op, line))

return -1 ;


else if (comm == "LET"){

if (commLet(op, line))

return -1 ;


else if (comm == "GOTO"){

if (commGoTo(op, line))

return -1 ;


else if (comm == "END"){

if (commEnd(op, line))

return -1 ;

commands[temp].operand = currCellComm ;

return 0 ;


Новосибирск 2019-20 уч. год