Файл: To be в прошедшем времени и ing.docx

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Добавлен: 17.03.2024

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—  I certainly... small... Therefore... mention discounts you usually... But don't take it as a... When we make ...

—  We shall certainly...

—  If you mention future Contracts there... question... ask... Will you always prefer...

—   Oh no. Far from it. Only in this particular...But in future if nothing extraordinary... as usual.

—  Fine. No... on our part.

10.  Act out the dialogues between Ivan and Frank:

  • When they speak about airfreight, insurance and prices for this Contract.

  • When they agree to sign the Contract in the evening.

11.  Sum up how the businessmen agreed on the prices.

  1. Agree or disagree:

  • It is usually very difficult on the price.

  • The Sellers always agree to give a discount.

  • The Buyers always ask the Sellers to grant them a discount.

Good-bye to London

In the evening Mr. Hill invited all the participants to a farewell party at the Beefeater restaurant near the Tower of London. In general Beefeaters are warders of the Tower, dressed as in the days of the Tudor kings. The restaurant is famous for its medieval ages performance and the spirit of the time. It's like a costume drama with the history of England unfolding before the eyes of the guests. The participants enjoyed the performance immensely, had a very nice meal and a few drinks. A few toasts were pronounced like these:

To the success of our business!

To our prosperous business! Cheers! To your very good health!

There were also many thanks like these:

Thank you very much for having us.

Thank you for the nice stay we had here in London. We were very happy here. Thank you very much.

Everything was unforgettable. I thank you a lot. We 've really enjoyed the visit.

In the morning the Group checked out and the coach took them to the Heathrow Airport. There was no queueing up they checked in very quickly and went upstairs to the Passport Control point. Here they said good-bye and expressed thanks to Mr. Hill. In reply he said many kind words and wished them a safe journey.

The journey back home was really very smooth and enjoyable. A few days later Pete Smirnov, General Director of Econom training, sent the following letter to Mr. Hill:

Dear Mr. Hill,

Let me thank you and your esteemed company on behalf of the Group and our company for the hearty atmosphere of their stay in London, for very informative lectures and very useful external visits they had. They also thank you heartily for the chances to do some business of their own and to make a few visits they had planned. I hope that we shall arrange similar programmes in future as well to the satisfaction of our both parties.

Let me send you and your family my best wishes for Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.

Yours faithfully, Pete Smirnov

Words and expressions

farewell                                            прощание

farewell party                                  прощальный вечер

beef eaters                                      "мясоеды" — прозвищe дворцовой стражи или

стражи Тауэра

tower                                                башня

The Tower of London Тауэр

warder                                              стражник

Tudors                                             династия Тюдоров(1495-1603) - период реформации и усиления централизованной власти

costume                                            костюм


Costume drama                               костюмированное представление, драма

to unfold                                          раскрывать (ся)

to act                                                тост

unforgettable                                   незабываемый

to checkout                                       выезжать из гостиницы

up stairs                                           наверх (у)

to express safe                                  выражать безопасный

enjoyable esteemed

hearty atmosphere informative

приятный уважаемый

сердечный атмосфера информативный, содержательный

to arrange                                        организовывать, договориться о


  1. Insert prepositions:

the evening Mr. Hill                                                                                                invited       all  the

participants...                                                                                    a     farewell                                                                                                          party...

Beefeater restaurant... the Tower... London.

... general Beefeaters are warders... the Tower dressed as... the days... the Tudor kings. the restaurant is famous... its medieval ages performances.

It's like a costume drama with the history of England unfolding...the eyes... the guests.

2.     Insert articles:

... participants enjoyed... performance immensely. They had... very nice meal and... few drinks.

... few toasts were pronounced. To... success of our business!

Thank you for... nice stay we had here in London. I thank you... lot.

We've really enjoyed... visit.

3.  Read the sentences you like the best used as:

Toasts’are the words of thanks.

4.  Sum up what you have learned about:

the Beefeater, restaurant, the farewell party.

5.  Translate the letter into Russian underlining the most important sentences, to your mind.

  1. Complete the letter and write a similar one:

Let me thank you and your... on behalf of... for the hearty.., for very informative... and very useful... They also thank you heartily for the chances... their own and make... they had planned. We hope... similar programmes... of our both parties. Let me send you... Christmas... prosperous New Year.

7.  Look through all the Units. Imagine you are one of the participants of the Group. Say what you remember best of all and why:

  • Entertainments in London:

the medieval ages performance at the Beefeater restaurant the musical Evita at St. George theater

Madame Tussaud's

  • Cultural excursions outside and inside London:

Oxford and the colleges of the University Eton and its public school

the Windsor Casle

Greenwich and the Observatory

  • External business visits:

The laywers' company the Bank of England

the company producing security devices

  • Business talks:

in Moscow about the Contract on training

in London about the Contract for the purchase of devices

  • Lectures in London:

Trade finance

Payments in international trade Accounting

Balance sheets Banking Taxes

8.  Role play

Imagine that you were one of the participants of the Group. Sometime later at one of the business talks you meet David Hill. Greet him and pay compliments for the nice Programme. Also say how useful all the information and all the visits were. Invite David to have lunch or dinner at a local restaurant.

Основные функции глаголов to be, to have, to do в предложении


To be

1.  Смысловой глагол

Обычно после глагола в этом случае следует прилагательное или существительное с предлогом или без или с определяющими словами. Может переводиться на русский язык глаголом “быть” (находиться где-либо, являться кем-то/чем-то, каким-то).Часто перевод глагола опускается. В этом случае может рассматриваться как глагол-связка.

The main material was granite. Основным материалом был гранит. He is a very clever student.

Он (есть)очень умный студент.

The greater part of the road was under water. Большая часть дороги была под водой.

  1. Вспомогательный глагол служит для образования: а) времени Continuous: be + Ving

Указывает на лицо, число и время сказуемого. Theryare still making the experiment.

Они еще (выполняют)проводят эксперимент. The experts were analyzing the data.

Эксперты анализировали данные. б)Passive Voice:be+Ved (PII)

The Periodic Table was published in 1869. Периодическая Таблица была опубликована в 1869. This unit will be installed in the foundry shop.

Этот блок будетустановлен в литейном цехе.

3.         Эквивалент модального глагола must

После глагола следует неопределенная форма глагола с частицей to

Be to VoПереводится на русский язык: должен, необходимо. You are to study this problem as soon as possible

Вы должны изучить эту проблему как можно быстрее. The municipal authorities will be to support this proposal.

Муниципальные власти должны будут поддержать это предложение.

To have

  1. Смысловой глагол. Переводится на русский язык иметь.

Have +существительное

The cylinder has two input valves. Цилиндр имеет два впускных клапана.

2.  Вспомогательный глагол

Служит для образования глагольных времен группы Perfect Have + V (ed)(PII)

Как вспомогательный глагол на русский язык глагол have не переводится, указывает на число, лицо и время сказуемого.

The designers have greatly changed the configuration of the engine.(Present Perfect)

Have changed- Present Perfect

Конструкторы значительно изменили конфигурацию двигателя.

The plant will have produced this model by the end of the year.(Future Perfect)

will have produced - Future Perfect

Завод выпустит эту модель к концу года.

3.    Have to = Эквивалент модального глагола must

После глагола have следует глагол в неопределенной форме: have to+Vo, глагол have (to) переводится в этой конструкции: должен, необходимо.

Глагол do употребляется в качестве:

1. Cмыслового. Переводится на русский язык: делать, выполнять

После глагола, как правило, следует существительное. They did this work yesterday = Они делали эту работу вчера.

  1. В   качестве   вспомогательного  глагола  в   отрицательных  и      вопросительных предложениях. На русский язык не переводится.

Does the canal connect two oceans? Соединяет ли этот канал два океана?

The first self-propelled vehicles did not develop high speed.

Первые самоходные транспортные средства не развивали высокую скорость.

3.   Усилительная функция

После глагола do следует глагол в неопределенной форме. Do +V (o)(инфинитив)

Глагол do,как правило, на русский язык не переводится. Усиление значения действия передается в русском предложении усилительными частицами же, ведь, интонацией, словом " действительно»

The exhibition did open yesterday.

Выставка ведь открылась вчера. But we do see him every day.

Но мы же видим его каждый день.

The plant did generate such amount of energy.

Установка действительно вырабатывала такое количество энергии.

4.   Глагол-заменитель

Употребляется вместо глагола, уже встретившегося в предложении. На русский язык может не переводиться, или переводится глаголом, который он заменяет.

The metals withstand high pressure and the plastics do too.

Металлы выдерживают высокое давление и пластики (выдерживают) тоже.