Файл: British traditions and customs.docx

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We also change some time and place expressions if the context has changed:

Original statement

Reported statement



at the moment

at that moment


on that day


the day before

last week/month/year

The week/month/year before, the previous week/month/year


the next day, the following day

next week

The next week/ month/year, the following week/month /year



9.Change the following sentences into indirect speech

1. Jack said: " I am working hard."2. I told her: " You can join us." 3. " Explain to me how to solve this problem," said my friend to me. 4. The doctor said to Nick, "Open your mouth and show me your tongue." 5. " Don't be afraid of my dog," said the man to Kate. 6. " Take this book and read it ," said the librarian to the boy. 7.Fred said: " I have invented a new computer program." 8. The doctor said: " Please take a deep breath, Ann." 9. Sara: " Don't forget to buy some juice."

10. Change questionsinto indirect speech

1. " Where does your niece live?" - He wanted to know.......

2. " Can you type?" - The manager asked.......

3. " Where has Jim gone ?"- Maria wanted to know..........

4. " What did the workers eat ?"- They asked ........

5. " Are you French or Italian?" - She wanted to know ..........

6. " Do you grow flowers in your garden, Mrs. Smith?"- She wondered.........

11.Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the Past Simple

add, admit, announce, claim, reply, think

1. Ms Jackson said she loved being a dancer and added that she had always danced.

2. The rock musician Gary Munt __________ that he was writing songs for a new CD.

3. The novelist Jeffrey Bowman __________ that he had written the best novel of the year.

4. When the interviewer asked him if he was going to make his famous snacks on the programme, TV chef Arthur Dumpling _____________ that he was going to make party food.

5. The astronaut ___________ that if things went well we would soon have cities on the moon.

6. The TV presenter __________ that she had been dancing at a night club an hour before her programme.

12. Comment on the text using the following introductory phrases:

The text deals with...

I'd like said that...

i'd like to note/to point out that...

It may be concluded that...

In conclusion I'd like to say that...