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Academic degrees and postgraduate studies



Research report



Research paper and thesis



Summary and annotation



Presentation of the research




Во всех тестовых заданиях - правильный ответ «А»

@@@ Academic degrees and postgraduate studies

It is an academic qualification awarded on completion of a higher education course or a piece of research.

  1. Degree

  2. Certificate

  3. Diploma

  4. Honours

  5. Attestation


This degree is awarded for in-depth original research in a specific field that makes a real contribution to knowledge.

  1. Doctor’s degree

  2. Master’s degree

  3. Bachelor’s degree

  4. Assistant professor

  5. Associate professor


This degree is usually awarded on the basis of answers to several three-hour examinations together with practical work or dissertations written in conjunction with class work.

  1. Bachelor’s degree

  2. Doctor’s degree

  3. Master’s degree

  4. Assistant professor

  5. Associate professor


This degree in general requires one or two further years of study, with examination papers and substantial dissertation.

  1. Master’s degree

  2. Bachelor’s degree

  3. Doctor’s degree

  4. Assistant professor

  5. Associate professor


PhD means:

  1. Doctor of Philosophy

  2. Doctor of Science

  3. Doctor of Pharmacy

  4. Doctor of Jurisprudence

  5. Doctor of Sc. Medicine


Find a correct English equivalent of the word «лектор»:

  1. reader

  2. intending teacher

  3. tutor

  4. supervisor

  5. postgraduate


Find a correct English equivalent of the phrase «магистр гуманитарных наук»:

  1. Master of Arts

  2. Master of Science

  3. Master of Medicine

  4. Master of Engineering

  5. Master of Business Administration


Find a correct English equivalent of the word «степень»:

  1. degree

  2. subject

  3. major

  4. practice

  5. apprenticeship


Find a correct English equivalent of the word «выпускник»:

  1. graduate

  2. undergraduate

  3. post-graduate

  4. senior student

  5. junior student


Find a correct English equivalent of the phrase «студент очного (дневного) отделения»:

  1. full-time student

  2. part-time student

  3. senior student

  4. junior student

  5. undergraduate


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions: __________ our Department examinations are held ___________ the end ___________ each term.

  1. At, at, of

  2. On, at, of

  3. In, at, of

  4. At, at, for

  5. At, for, of


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions: _________ each examination students are given several days which they spend ___________ revising the material.

  1. Before, on

  2. On, before

  3. At, on

  4. During, at

  5. Before, at


Find a correct English equivalent of the phrase «педагогическое образование»:

  1. teacher training

  2. compulsory education

  3. further education

  4. education system

  5. higher education


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition: My research practice began when I was _________ the first year.

  1. in

  2. on

  3. at

  4. under

  5. by


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition: Are the lectures supplemented ________seminars?

  1. with

  2. on

  3. of

  4. off

  5. to


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions: Do you enjoy your lectures __________ Theory _________ Education?

  1. on, of

  2. on, off

  3. in, of

  4. on, in

  5. in, on


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition: The Programme usually consists __________ three core components.

  1. of

  2. with

  3. from

  4. by

  5. off


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition: Are you going to specialize _________ Education?

  1. in

  2. on

  3. with

  4. to

  5. by


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions: __________ Great Britain the course __________ study __________ intending teachers is based __________ compulsory and optional subjects.

  1. In, of, for, on

  2. In, for, of, on

  3. On, of, for, on

  4. On, for, of, in

  5. In, on, for, on


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions: It is important __________ a student to learn the use __________ different visual aids.

  1. for, of

  2. of, for

  3. for, off

  4. off, for

  5. for, in

@@@ Research report

When a report circulates new ideas and/or provides update on the progress of the project, the purpose it serves is:

  1. to inform

  2. to instruct

  3. to influence

  4. to interpret

  5. to interest


When a report tells others how to put new ideas into practice and/or explains how a new system will operate, the purpose it serves is:

  1. to instruct

  2. to inform

  3. to influence

  4. to interpret

  5. to interest


When a report sells one’s ideas and persuades the reader or the audience to make a decision, recommends a course of action, and/or reveals the benefits of the startup of a new project, the purpose it serves is:

  1. to influence

  2. to interpret

  3. to instruct

  4. to inform

  5. to interest


When a report assesses a situation, draws up conclusions, and/or analyzes the performance of the company, the purpose it serves is:

  1. to interpret

  2. to influence

  3. to instruct

  4. to inform

  5. to interest


When reporting one uses the presentation to appeal to a wide audience, the purpose a report serves is:

  1. to interest

  2. to interpret

  3. to influence

  4. to instruct

  5. to inform


Which of the following parts is not included in the preliminary sections?

  1. Introduction

  2. Preface of foreword

  3. Acknowledgements

  4. Table of contents

  5. Summary


Which of the following sections is not included in the main part of the report?

  1. Bibliography

  2. Introduction

  3. Body of the report

  4. Conclusions

  5. Recommendations


Which of the following sections is not included in the supplementing material?

  1. Recommendations

  2. Appendices

  3. Bibliography

  4. Glossary

  5. Indices


Which of the following sections is a part of the preliminary sections?

  1. Summary

  2. Conclusions

  3. Glossary

  4. Body of the report

  5. Appendices


Which of the following sections is a part of the preliminary sections?

  1. Table of contents

  2. Recommendations

  3. Indices

  4. Introduction

  5. Bibliography


Which of the following sections is a part of the preliminary sections?

  1. Acknowledgements

  2. Body of the report

  3. Conclusions

  4. Bibliography

  5. Glossary


Which of the following sections is a part of the preliminary sections?

  1. Preface or foreword

  2. Conclusions

  3. Recommendations

  4. Appendices

  5. Bibliography


Which of the following sections is a part of the main part of the report?

  1. Conclusions

  2. Preface of foreword

  3. Acknowledgements

  4. Glossary

  5. Indices


Which of the following sections is a part of the main part of the report?

  1. Introduction

  2. Appendices

  3. Bibliography

  4. Acknowledgements

  5. Table of contents


Which of the following sections is a part of the main part of the report?

  1. Recommendations

  2. Preface of foreword

  3. Acknowledgements

  4. Bibliography

  5. Glossary


Which of the following sections is a part of the main part of the report?

  1. Body of the report

  2. Appendices

  3. Acknowledgements

  4. Table of contents

  5. Bibliography


Which of the following sections is a part of the supplementing material?

  1. Bibliography

  2. Preface of foreword

  3. Acknowledgements

  4. Conclusions

  5. Recommendations


Which of the following sections is a part of the supplementing material?

  1. Glossary

  2. Introduction

  3. Body of the report

  4. Preface of foreword

  5. Acknowledgements


Which of the following sections is a part of the supplementing material?

  1. Indices

  2. Conclusions

  3. Recommendations

  4. Table of contents

  5. Summary


Which of the following sections is a part of the supplementing material?

  1. Appendices

  2. Introduction

  3. Body of the report

  4. Acknowledgements

  5. Table of contents


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence:Внастоящем

  1. This paper reports on

  2. This paper presents

  3. This paper examines

  4. This paper describes

  5. This paper aims at


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence:Внастоящемдокладепредставлен

  1. This paper presents

  2. This paper examines

  3. This paper describes

  4. This paper aims at

  5. This paper reports on


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence:Внастоящемдокладеисследуется

  1. This paper examines

  2. This paper describes

  3. This paper aims at

  4. This paper presents

  5. This paper reports on


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence:Внастоящемдокладеделаетсяописание

  1. This paper describes

  2. This paper aims at

  3. This paper examines

  4. This paper presents

  5. This paper reports on


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence:Внастоящемдокладерассматриваются

  1. This paper deals with

  2. This paper describes

  3. This paper examines

  4. This paper presents

  5. This paper reports on


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Настоящийдокладимеетсвоейцелью

  1. This paper aims at

  2. This paper describes

  3. This paper examines

  4. This paper presents

  5. This paper reports on


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Предлагаетсяметод

  1. A method of …is proposed

  2. Present data encompass a period of …

  3. The design of the experiments was to reveal…

  4. The effect of… on… is discussed

  5. The methods used for … are discussed


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Обсуждаютсяданныепо

  1. Data on… are discussed

  2. Present data encompass a period of …

  3. The design of the experiments was to reveal…

  4. The effect of… on… is discussed

  5. The methods used for … are discussed


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Настоящиеданныеохватываютпериодв

  1. Present data encompass a period of …

  2. A method of …is proposed

  3. The design of the experiments was to reveal…

  4. The effect of… on… is discussed

  5. The methods used for … are discussed


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Экспериментыбылинаправленынавыявление

  1. The design of the experiments was to reveal…

  2. A method of …is proposed

  3. Present data encompass a period of …

  4. The effect of… on… is discussed

  5. The methods used for … are discussed


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Обсуждаетсявлияниена

  1. The effect of… on… is discussed

  2. A method of …is proposed

  3. Present data encompass a period of …

  4. The design of the experiments was to reveal…

  5. The methods used for … are discussed


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Описываютсяметоды, используемыедля

  1. The methods used for … are discussed

  2. A method of …is proposed

  3. Present data encompass a period of …

  4. The design of the experiments was to reveal…

  5. The effect of… on… is discussed


Find the right Russian equivalent of the sentence: The most important results are as follows

  1. Самые важные результаты имеют следующий вид…

  2. Результаты наблюдений дополняются

  3. Обсуждаются результаты …

  4. Результаты указывают на доминирующую роль…

  5. Обсуждаются данные по …


Find the right Russian equivalent of the sentence: The results indicate the dominant role of…

  1. Результаты указывают на доминирующую роль…

  2. Результаты наблюдений дополняются

  3. Обсуждаются результаты …

  4. Самые важные результаты имеют следующий вид…

  5. Обсуждаются данные по …


Find the right Russian equivalent of the sentence: The results of … are discussed

  1. Обсуждаются результаты …

  2. Результаты наблюдений дополняются

  3. Самые важные результаты имеют следующий вид…

  4. Результаты указывают на доминирующую роль…

  5. Обсуждаются данные по …


Find the right Russian equivalent of the sentence: The results of observations are supported by…

  1. Результаты наблюдений дополняются

  2. Обсуждаются результаты …

  3. Самые важные результаты имеют следующий вид…

  4. Результаты указывают на доминирующую роль…

  5. Обсуждаются данные по …

@@@ Research paper and thesis

It is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings:

  1. Thesis

  2. Hypothesis

  3. Article

  4. Essay

  5. Report


It may be defined as a relatively short piece of research usually published in a journal or a volume.

  1. Article

  2. Summary

  3. Abstract

  4. Essay

  5. Annotation


It may be defined as a textual unit usually consisting of a number of sentences which deal with one main idea. In writing, it is defined by indentation and sometimes by extra lines/blank spaces before and after it.

  1. Paragraph

  2. Summary

  3. Abstract

  4. Essay

  5. Annotation


What type of title is the following one: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Serum Lipid Levels in Twins

  1. Nominative constructions, that is titles with one or more nouns as principal elements

  2. "Colon"-titles consisting of two parts separated by a colon

  3. Titles consisting of two parts (of different syntactic types) separated by a punctuation mark other than the colon

  4. Verbal constructions, that is titles containing a non-finite form of a verb as a principal element.

  5. Titles in the form of complete sentences.


What type of title is the following one: The Immigration History Research Center's Ukrainian Collection: Study in Bibliographic Access through Computer Systems

  1. "Colon"-titles consisting of two parts separated by a colon

  2. Nominative constructions, that is titles with one or more nouns as principal elements

  3. Titles consisting of two parts (of different syntactic types) separated by a punctuation mark other than the colon

  4. Verbal constructions, that is titles containing a non-finite form of a verb as a principal element

  5. Titles in the form of complete sentences