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What type of title is the following one: Born Again? The Ethics and Efficacy of the Conversion Experience in Contemporary Management Development

  1. Titles consisting of two parts (of different syntactic types) separated by a punctuation mark other than the colon.

  2. "Colon"-titles consisting of two parts separated by a colon

  3. Nominative constructions, that is titles with one or more nouns as principal elements

  4. Verbal constructions, that is titles containing a non-finite form of a verb as a principal element

  5. Titles in the form of complete sentences


What type of title is the following one: Analyzing and Teaching Research Genres

  1. Verbal constructions, that is titles containing a non-finite form of a verb as a principal element

  2. Titles consisting of two parts (of different syntactic types) separated by a punctuation mark other than the colon

  3. "Colon"-titles consisting of two parts separated by a colon

  4. Nominative constructions, that is titles with one or more nouns as principal elements

  5. Titles in the form of complete sentences


What type of title is the following one: Learner Autonomy is more than a Cultural Construct

  1. Titles in the form of complete sentences

  2. Verbal constructions, that is titles containing a non-finite form of a verb as a principal element

  3. Titles consisting of two parts (of different syntactic types) separated by a punctuation mark other than the colon

  4. "Colon"-titles consisting of two parts separated by a colon

  5. Nominative constructions, that is titles with one or more nouns as principal elements


It is a short account of a research paper placed before it.

  1. Abstract

  2. Article

  3. Paragraph

  4. Essay

  5. Synopsis


The purpose of this section is to acquaint the reader with the topic of the paper and to attract interest in it. It is an important section of the paper insofar as it is responsible for the first impression the paper produces.

  1. Introduction

  2. Methods

  3. Results

  4. Discussion

  5. Conclusion


This section reports data or information obtained in the course of a study. In this part of the research paper, writers put forward their new knowledge claims through the demonstration, explanation, and interpretation of the findings.

  1. Results

  2. Methods

  3. Discussion

  4. Conclusion

  5. Introduction


This section provides description of methods, procedures, materials, and subjects (if applicable) used in a study.

  1. Methods

  2. Results

  3. Discussion

  4. Conclusion

  5. Introduction


These ones are the expressions of gratitude to colleagues, sponsors, supervisors, etc., have become a standard part of English academic papers and research publications. They are usually placed at the end of the paper, or, in case of books, at the beginning before the main text.

  1. Acknowledgements

  2. Bibliographies

  3. Citations

  4. Titles

  5. Footnotes and notes


These ones are placed at the end of a paper or a book (usually entitled "references" or "works cited") is in most cases arranged in alphabetical order.

  1. Bibliographies

  2. Citations

  3. Titles

  4. Acknowledgements

  5. Footnotes and notes


These ones are put at the bottom of the page in a book or a journal. They are used to explain a word or other item, or to add some special information or a reference.

  1. Footnotes and notes

  2. Citations

  3. Titles

  4. Acknowledgements

  5. List of references


These ones are used to demonstrate the familiarity of the citing author with the field of investigation, to provide support for his/her research claims or criticism.

  1. Citations

  2. Titles

  3. Acknowledgements

  4. List of references

  5. Footnotes and notes


These ones indicate the topic of the study, the scope of the study as well as they are self-explanatory to readers in the chosen area.

  1. Titles

  2. Acknowledgements

  3. List of references

  4. Footnotes and notes

  5. Citations


These ones are compilations added to the report, paper, or book. They usually include important data, explanatory and illustrative materials.

  1. Appendices

  2. Acknowledgements

  3. List of references

  4. Footnotes and notes

  5. Citations


This section interprets the results and their relationship to the research problem and hypotheses

  1. Discussion

  2. Acknowledgements

  3. Results

  4. Footnotes and notes

  5. Citations


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: The investigation deals with…

  1. Presenting the topic of your research

  2. Defining the purpose of the research

  3. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  4. Describing methods applied

  5. Describing your findings


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: The investigation is designed to simplify the procedure of…

  1. Defining the purpose of the research

  2. Presenting the topic of your research

  3. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  4. Describing methods applied

  5. Describing your findings


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: Since previous works suffered from considerable limitations …

  1. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  2. Defining the purpose of the research

  3. Presenting the topic of your research

  4. Describing methods applied

  5. Describing your findings


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: Comparison is made of the method generally adopted with that used in the investigation.

  1. Describing methods applied

  2. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  3. Defining the purpose of the research

  4. Presenting the topic of your research

  5. Describing your findings


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: From the analysis of the data it was determined that …

  1. Describing your findings

  2. Describing methods applied

  3. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  4. Defining the purpose of the research

  5. Presenting the topic of your research


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: The findings may find practical application in …

  1. Recommendations for further application and research

  2. Describing methods applied

  3. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  4. Defining the purpose of the research

  5. Presenting the topic of your research


Which part of the defense procedure is the following statement used: As a result of the study some practical recommendations can be given.

  1. Reporting on the results of your research, drawing conclusions

  2. Describing methods applied

  3. Explaining the topicality and novelty of the research

  4. Defining the purpose of the research

  5. Presenting the topic of your research

@@@ Summary and annotation

It is a shortened version of a text aimed at giving the most important information or ideas of the text.

  1. A summary

  2. An article

  3. A report

  4. An essay

  5. A paragraph


Find the right definition of the word “investigate”:

  1. to search or examine in particulars, in details, try to get detailed facts and information

  2. to study something in detail in order to understand or explain it, to find out what it contains; to separate into constituent parts or elements

  3. to study a subject or to consider an idea or plan carefully

  4. to learn about a problem or subject using scientific methods

  5. to think carefully about esp. in order to make a decision


Find the right definition of the word “obtain”:

  1. to get something you want or need by going through the process that is difficult

  2. to calculate something, or to discover it by examining evidence

  3. to discover, prove, or decide that something is true

  4. to discover (by searching); make formal decision

  5. to give the main ideas of a plan or a piece of writing without giving all the details


Find the right Russian equivalent of the word “provide”:

  1. обеспечивать, снабжать, давать

  2. сооружать, конструировать

  3. давать (результаты, информацию, доказательства)

  4. собирать из готовых частей, выделывать, изготовлять

  5. приблизительно подсчитывать, сделать приблизительную оценку


Find the right Russian equivalent of the word “develop”:

  1. разрабатывать, создавать

  2. производить менее сложный процесс подсчета, часто в уме

  3. оценивать что-то в цифрах

  4. проектировать, конструировать

  5. произвести что-то новое, оригинальное, ранее неизвестное

@@@ Presentation of the research

Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? In my paper I want to highlight…

  1. Beginning of a lecture, speech

  2. Underlining the importance, attracting attention of the audience

  3. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above

  4. Achieving feedback from the audience

  5. The transition from one thought to another


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? I want to reinforce the following.

  1. Underlining the importance, attracting attention of the audience

  2. Clarification and addition to the above said

  3. How to avoid being categorical in your statements

  4. The transition from one thought to another

  5. The expression of personal opinion about the uttering


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? I'm coming on now to speak about…

  1. The transition from one thought to another

  2. Beginning of a lecture, speech

  3. Underlining the importance, attracting attention of the audience

  4. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above

  5. Achieving feedback from the audience


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? It's no exaggeration to say that…

  1. The expression of personal opinion about the uttering

  2. Statements of known truths and facts

  3. Achieving feedback from the audience

  4. How to avoid being categorical in your statements

  5. Clarification and addition to the above said


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? It goes without saying that…

  1. Statements of known truths and facts

  2. How to avoid being categorical in your statements

  3. Clarification and addition to the above said

  4. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above

  5. Beginning of a lecture, speech


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? Have I made my point clear?

  1. Achieving feedback from the audience

  2. Statements of known truths and facts

  3. How to avoid being categorical in your statements

  4. Clarification and addition to the above said

  5. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? If my memory serves me well (doesn't fail me).

  1. How to avoid being categorical in your statements

  2. Beginning of a lecture, speech

  3. Underlining the importance, attracting attention of the audience

  4. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above

  5. Achieving feedback from the audience


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? The following (fact) speaks for itself.

  1. Clarification and addition to the above said

  2. Beginning of a lecture, speech

  3. Underlining the importance, attracting attention of the audience

  4. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above

  5. Achieving feedback from the audience


Which part of a public speech is this expression used in? Now I'm going to sum up what has been said.

  1. The speech end and the conclusions from the said above

  2. Underlining the importance, attracting attention of the audience

  3. Clarification and addition to the above said

  4. Achieving feedback from the audience

  5. The transition from one thought to another


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Этопозволяетнамсделатьвыводотом, что ...

  1. This brings us to the conclusion that ...

  2. The last part of my talk will be devoted to ...

  3. Now I'm going to sum up what has been said.

  4. Summing up all that has been said...

  5. Hence, it follows that ...


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Какяужеупомянул ...

  1. As I have already mentioned

  2. I mean to say that ...

  3. To all this must be added that ...

  4. I have forgotten to say that

  5. The following (fact) speaks for itself.


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Еслиянеошибаюсь ...

  1. If I am not mistaken ...

  2. As far as I know ...

  3. If my memory serves me well (doesn't fail me).

  4. As far as I remember ...

  5. In other words ...


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Ясобираюсьрассказать (поговорить) о ...

  1. I'm going to be talking about...

  2. The subject of my lecture (talk) is...

  3. Let me begin with ...

  4. My introduction is going to be verylittle.

  5. I’ll give you one or two sentences.


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Хочупривлечь (обратить / направить) вашевниманиек (на) ...

  1. I want to call (to draw / to invite) your attention to...

  2. It is interesting (= of interest) to note that ...

  3. That's one thing I'd like to stress very heavily.

  4. I want to reinforce the following.

  5. It should be kept in mind that ...


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Теперь мы можем перейти к следующему пункту (в повестке дня).

  1. Now we may pass to the next item (on the agenda).

  2. Now I come to ...

  3. I'm coming on now to speak about ...

  4. Here we can say ...

  5. We may pass these details.


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Какясчитаю (по-моему) ...

  1. What I say (am saying) is that ...

  2. In my view ...

  3. I dare say ...

  4. I am far from thinking (asserting) that ...

  5. It's no exaggeration to say that ...


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Врядлинужноупоминатьотом, что ...

  1. We need hardly mention that ...

  2. They say that / It's said that ...

  3. It is generally said that ...

  4. It goes without saying that ...

  5. I'm sorry to say that ...


Find the right English equivalent of the sentence: Явыразился (достаточно) ясно?

  1. Have I made my point clear?

  2. Any other points?

  3. Is that clear?

  4. If there's anything you don't understand, please ask me.

  5. I (don't) believe ...