Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (изобразительная деятельность и декоративноприкладное искусство) Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12.doc

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Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

Программа среднего профессионального образования

44.02.03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (изобразительная деятельность и декоративно-прикладное искусство)

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Практическое занятие 12




Гоголева Елена Александровна

Задание 1

Прочитайте и переведите текст (оригинал текста взят из учебника для Оксфорда Fountain/Coursebook/Intermediate). Перевод выполняется в письменном виде и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun. I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.
A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.
Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for students. They spend endless days and nights on studying and cramming. Although some of them use cheating, copying someone’s essays or course works. And you are lucky if you are not caught by the teacher because he can punish you by a poor mark or even by excluding from the college.
Most of the student’s time is devoted to reading and learning. It’s unbelievable but some students manage to deal with part-time jobs because they need a lot of money to study at college or university. Tuition fees and books are very costly nowadays, and if you rent an apartment it’s even more expensive. So students have busy schedules including studies, work and going out to socialize.
A good student never wastes his spare time uselessly. He should also go in for sports to stay in good health and mood. They say: “A sound mind lives in a sound body.” Students love participating in both academic and extra-curricular activities at college: different festivals, intellectual quizzes and summer camps. This social life broadens the mind, develops your talents and communication skills. And this is a wonderful time when you find real friends among your classmates at college.
Finally I’d like to say that it is absolutely great to be a student!

Студенты – это будущее любой страны. Они являются юными гражданами нашего общества, полными безграничной энергии и прогрессивных идей, фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь – самый яркий период в нашей жизни. Это смешение учебы и веселья. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем старым добрым временам своей студенческой жизни.
У студента имеются определенные обязанности
, которые следует выполнять. Разумеется, что первостепенной задачей студента является усердная учеба и приобретение необходимых знаний для будущей карьеры. Он обязан посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять все задания в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это поможет студенту в достижении своих целей и в становлении старательным и настойчивым человеком. Если он не будет пренебрегать своей учебой, он получит богатые дивиденды в будущей работе.
Экзаменационная пора в конце каждого семестра – довольно сложное время для студентов. Они проводят бесконечные дни и ночи за учебой и зубрежкой. Хотя некоторые практикуют списывание, копирование чужих эссе или курсовых работ. И вам повезет, если вас не подловит на этом преподаватель, поскольку наказанием может быть как плохая отметка, так и даже исключение из колледжа.
Большая часть студенческого времени посвящена учебе и чтению. Невероятно, но некоторым студентам удается справляться и с работой на неполный день, потому что им нужно много денег на обучение в колледже или университете. Плата за обучение и учебники очень дороги в наше время, а если вы снимаете жилье, то это еще более накладно. Поэтому у студентов насыщенный график, включающий учебу, работу и выходы в свет для общения.
Хороший студент никогда не потратит свободное время впустую. Ему следует заниматься спортом для того, чтобы иметь хорошее здоровье и настроение. Ведь говорят: «В здоровом теле здоровый дух.» Студенты любят участвовать как в академической, так и во внеучебной жизни колледжа: в различных фестивалях, интеллектуальных викторинах и летних лагерях. Эта общественная жизнь расширяет кругозор, раскрывает таланты и навыки общения. И это отличное время для встречи настоящих друзей среди своих однокашников в колледже.
В завершение я бы хотел сказать, что это просто здорово – быть студентом!
Задание 2

Сделайте пересказ текста из первого упражнения (не менее 10 предложений). Пересказ выполняется в письменной форме на английском языке и оформляется в печатном текстовом документе или пишется от руки и прикрепляется с помощью фото.
Student life is the brightest period of our life. Students are full of boundless energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. The student has certain responsibilities. The primary task of a student is to study hard. The student must be disciplined and punctual. It must accommodate all classes in the college. Examination time is the hardest time in student life. Students spend their days and nights diligently studying. Some students practice cheating and copying work. Punishment can be a poor mark or even by excluding from the college. To pay for education and housing, many students get a job. Their schedule consists of study, work and meetings with friends. A good student does not waste time. They participate in the extracurricular life of the college. Many go in for sports, participate in festivals, quizzes, go to summer camps. Great to be a student!

Задание 3

Вам дали поручение организовать праздник в детской организации. Придумайте название для праздника. Составьте план мероприятия на английском языке (не менее 10 пунктов). Какие игры для детей будут использоваться для этого мероприятия? Помимо плана мероприятия опишите, как Вы будете соблюдать меры безопасности жизнедеятельности и охраны детского здоровья на празднике (не менее 5 предложений).
"The Magic Hat". Summer entertainment dedicated to Children's Day:

1. Goal.

To evoke joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new bright impressions.

2. Objectives.

Creating a festive atmosphere, goodwill, a favorable mood, strengthening the mental and physical health of the children.

Development of musical and artistic activity, creative initiative, emotional responsiveness to music, musical and rhythmic skills.

Development of free communication with adults and children;

3. Props (in a large gift box of 6 different hats, decorated according to their purpose, the voices of the hats are recorded).

4. The course of the lesson, the introduction of the leader.

5. The song: "Morning Begins».

6. The game "Flying - not flying":

Airplane, helicopter, cachalot, hippo.

Fly, rocket, crocodile, comet.

Magpie, donkey, cow, eagle.

Nightingale, marmalade, pot, chocolate.

Presenter: How well done! You all answered correctly! Our hat is happy! Let's see what else is in our box?

Takes out the hat.

Hat: Whoever is the most attentive,

He's gonna be a big success,

Hey, guys, wake up,

Turn into insects!

7. The game on development of musical reaction

"Grasshopper, Butterfly and Beetle"

(Children react to music and act out insects,

according to what music is playing)

Facilitator: How quick and attentive the kids are! Let's see what's next!

Takes out a hat.

Hat: I am a sports hat,

I am the most active of all!

Host: Let's play a sports game! I've got hoops for that!

8. The game "Gate" (with hoops)

Host: You guys are such nimble real athletes!

Pulls out a hat.

Hat: I'm beautiful, brilliant,

Very bright, dancing!

You're not sitting still,

Better dance for me!

Leading the way: Guys, let's dance!

9. Dance - flash mob.

Host: Here's the last hat left, let's hear it!

Takes out a hat.

Hat: I'm nimble, perky,

Cheerful, nimble!

I'm the fastest in the world

And with me the children are friends!

Host: Guys... we need to do something quick, quick... Oh, I got it! Repeat after me!

10. Acceleration Game

Host: Guys, we did all the tasks, we made friends with all the hats, but where's the secret? I don't see any surprise...

Picks up an empty box, shakes it, shows the children. Notes another box under the box, pulls out a hat with presents. Gives presents to each group.

Guys, congratulations on the holiday! I wish you a cheerful, bright summer and good mood!

Safety measures and protection of children's health at the party:

1. You can't make any noise or talk to each other, otherwise you won't hear the artists (animators) speak.

2. Do not push each other, step on each other's feet.

3. Not to block the view of other children.

4. When children are sitting, they should not rock on their chairs.

5. Do not jump forward without being invited by the performers.

6. No tripping.

7. Do not grab or tug on performers' clothes. 8.

8. Do not bump into each other when playing with the animators.

9. During moving game, run only in one direction.

10. At the end of mass events (holidays), children leave the hall without creating panic, do not push, try to let the children from the younger groups go first.

Задание 4

Вы запланировали первое родительское собрание, на котором, в том числе, будет присутствовать руководство образовательной организации. Составьте рассказ о себе, причинах выбора профессии, Вашего видения профессиональной деятельности. В ходе родительского собрания также должны быть освещены основные правовые нормы в рамках Вашей педагогической деятельности (например, как будут соблюдаться нормы СанПиН в учебном процессе). Рассказ должен быть на английском языке (не менее 10 предложений).

Hello, I am glad to welcome you to our parents' meeting. My name is Platonova Ksenia Vyacheslavovna. I am a novice teacher of additional education. I will teach children fine and decorative and applied arts.

One of the reasons I chose this profession is that I have loved to draw since childhood. I thought for a long time about where I could direct my talent. The second reason is that I love children very much and want to bring new knowledge into their lives, fill them with new ideas and aesthetic views of life. As we all know, the educator plays a very important role in the early stages of a child's personality development. That is why an educator must be full of love for children and a desire to make their lives better.

For younger students the teacher is the most significant person. The success of children's learning and their psychological well-being largely depends on the communication style of the teacher.

Let's talk about the qualities of a professional educator. First of all, the teacher must be a person of good soul. He must love children and accept them as they are. It is necessary to be able to love equally the naughty, the obedient, the quick-witted, the slow-witted, the lazy, and the diligent. After all, each of them - a person, with its own flaws and virtues. Kindness and love for children should be not only an internally experienced state, but also the main motive and incentive for pedagogical activity.

An equally important quality for teachers is the ability to understand children. Understanding means not subjecting them to our authority, but building on their lives today to nurture their positive qualities.

An equally important pedagogical quality is optimism. Only faith in pedagogy, in the transformative power of education, can give strength at a critical moment.

Everything must captivate a teacher: restraint, austerity, modesty, sensitivity, and sincerity. He must have all the best that we like in a person.

The teacher must choose great goals for himself, disproportionate to his efforts, because only in this way can he elevate his students and elevate himself.

Sanitary and hygienic standards that will be observed in the room in which the children will study:

1. Natural and artificial lighting in classrooms must comply with standards and regulations SanPiN.

2. Pupils' desks should be placed so that the light falls on the left side and the shadows falling from the hands do not interfere with writing and drawing.

3. Light openings (inside and outside) may not be obstructed by equipment or other objects. Light openings of the room must be equipped with adjustable sun protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains of light colors, combined with the color of the walls and furniture.

4. The teacher's workplace in the fine arts classroom should be located in the front of the classroom and should consist of a teacher's table with a chair, a stand for equipment, a whiteboard, and a projection screen.

5. The fine arts room should be equipped with projection, video and audio equipment:

- overhead projector;

- overhead projector;

- graphing projector;

- other projectors;

- a color TV set with a screen size diagonal of at least 61 cm with a VCR;

- computers.

Задание 5

Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его. Составьте план для пересказа (не менее 5 пунктов) на английском языке.
The life of Anna German.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Anna German. I was born in Novokuznetsk, on the 1st of October 1986. It was very nasty weather this day, cold and rainy. I could say that I had quite a happy and exciting childhood. I hated wearing dresses and behaved like a tomboy. Thanks to my elder brother. At the age of 8, my family moved to another country. I love my new homeland, but I still miss Russia.
I studied foreign languages at university and graduated in 2009. I can’t say that I was a bookworm, but I really enjoyed studying. I didn’t finish university with flying colors, but according to my teachers, I was good.

Now I’m almost 30. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a young woman with short wavy hair, grey–green eyes and a slender figure. As to my appearance, I think I’m short. I’ve never considered myself a beauty. I don’t like wearing high–heeled shoes, but I can’t imagine my life without trousers or jeans. I think that I'm pretty calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my temper and become really angry. I like staying alone and spend my free time reading books in my cozy flat. I have a few friends and I think they are the best. I love good jokes and I think I've got a nice sense of humour. It means I understand and appreciate it.
Nowadays I live alone in a city far from my parents' place. I terribly miss my mom, dad and my brother. I try to visit them once or twice a month. When we are together, we drive to our country house in the village. My mom cooks something delicious and dad goes fishing with my brother. I prefer spending time with the male half of our family. Just to let you know that I’m terrible at cooking.
I admit that I’m a lazy person, so, my hobby is not riding a bike, skating or skiing. I collect photos and souvenirs from all the countries I have visited. I’ve been to Egypt, Greece, Poland, Sweden and Germany. And my dream is to visit Great Britain, walk around London and visit my friend in Glasgow, Scotland.

1. My birth and childhood Homeland and relocation.

2. Studying at the University.

3. My appearance and character.

4. My family and loved ones.

5. My favorite hobbies and interests.

Задание 6

Составьте письменное высказывание на тему «Выдающиеся педагоги».

Высказывание — это не цитата. Высказывание — это как тема на английском языке, то есть развёрнутое, повествовательное.

В содержании Вы должны рассказать о жизни и педагогической деятельности одного из великих педагогов (на выбор).

Объём высказывания не менее 10 предложений.
Maria Montessori. Biography.

Maria Montessori created a special pedagogical system based on the idea of ​​humanism, respect for the individual and free education. She is an Italian doctor, teacher, scientist, by the decision of UNESCO, her name is included in the list of four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking of the 20th century.
Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870 in Italy, in the small provincial town of Chiaravalle, she was the only child of Alessandro and Reinilde Montessori. Her father was a high-ranking government official, and her mother came from the oldest Italian family, Stopani, which was dominated by scientists.
At the age of 12, she dreams of studying at a gymnasium, which was forbidden for females, but her perseverance overcame all obstacles and she was accepted into a technical school for boys. Already here, Maria thought about how to prevent the suppression of the student's personality. She became more and more interested in natural science and finally made the choice of her profession - she decided to become a children's doctor.

But in those days in Italy it was impossible, medicine was the privilege of men.
She nevertheless entered the university, with one condition - she was forbidden to attend lectures without being accompanied by her father and even enter the audience until all the men had taken their places. Indignant fellow students did not talk to Maria, often did not leave her a place, they could "accidentally" kick her chair. As you can see, studying at the university was incredibly difficult for her.