Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 03 Педагогика дополнительного образования (изобразительная деятельность и декоративноприкладное искусство) Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 12.doc

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The perseverance of Maria Montessori paid off - she became the first woman doctor in Italy.

In 1896 she began work at the university clinic, where she received private practice. Here her first meeting with children with disabilities took place.
Watching them, Maria strengthened her mind, which became the main point of her pedagogical system - for children, both sick and healthy, a special developing environment is needed!
Immersed in the problems of treating and educating children with developmental disabilities, Montessori studied the works of French psychiatrists - Edouard Seguin and Gaspard Itard. She translates their work herself, transcribing 600 pages by hand into thick notebooks.
Montessori concludes that dementia is more a pedagogical problem than a medical one. It should be solved not in hospitals and clinics, but in kindergartens and schools.
Montessori students took exams together with the children of the municipal council of primary school in Rome and passed them better than ordinary children, an Orthophrenic Institute was created to train staff for mentally retarded children. Montessori took over in 1898 and managed it until 1900.
In 1904, she worked a lot with Seguin's didactic materials, improving and supplementing them, trying to develop her own methodology for teaching children to write and read.

January 6, 1907 in San Lorenzo M. Montessori opens the first "Children's Home" - a school for normal, albeit neglected children. From then until the end of her life, Montessori was engaged in the problems of upbringing and education of healthy children.
The work in the "Children's Home" was built on the principles of Montessori. She equipped it so that it was cozy and comfortable for children of different ages. The first set of sensory, mathematical and language materials was made. Montessori watched the children with pleasure and great concentration engaged.
The popularity of the method in Europe is growing. Montessori are invited to Spain, then to England. It is there that she meets Gandhi, who attended the course in 1932. Among the followers of Montessori are well–known psychologists. Her student was Eric Erickson, she was friends with Jean Pianse, and Freud said: "Where Montessori is, I'm not needed".
Maria Montessori died in 1952 a few months before her 82nd birthday. She is buried in the small town of Nordvig in the Catholic cemetery. There is an inscription on the grave of Maria Montessori: "I ask my dear children, who are in control of everything, to work together with me to achieve peace between people and around the world."

Пермь - 2023