Файл: Практикум для курсантов, обучающихся на многоуровневой основе в 2 частях Часть 1 3е издание, переработанное.doc

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Ex. 9. Use the words from the box and the expressions below to make sentences real for your daily routine.

always every day usually often sometimes not often never

have a shower, do the morning exercises, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, make the bed, read an interesting book, work hard, listen to music, do (my) homework, do housework, go shopping, watch TV, do sport, go for a walk, surf the Internet, go to bed late.

E.g. I have a shower every day. I don’t often go to bed late.
Ex. 10. Match the words with their definitions.

  1. routine

  1. a day of the week other than Sunday or Saturday

  1. planning

  1. time when one is not working / studying or occupied

  1. chore

  1. to succeed in doing or dealing with

  1. timetable

  1. able to plan one’s activities efficiently

  1. weekend

  1. a sequence of actions regularly followed

  1. weekday

  1. Saturday and Sunday, especially regarded as a time for leisure

  1. leisure

  1. the act of deciding how to do something

  1. organized

  1. a routine task or job

  1. to manage

  1. a list that shows the times in the week at which particular subjects are taught

10. to stay up late

  1. to remain awake past one’s usual or required time

Ex. 11. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions from the box.

for (3) of (2) without to (3) about

We all have habits. Big or small, healthy or unhealthy, our habits combine to form routines that play out every day 1) … us. Most 2) … this is done 3) ... us even having to think. That’s why even though we understand the importance 4) ... having good habits, sometimes it’s tough to stick 5) ... a healthy daily routine.

Today, you’ll learn more 6) ... why setting a routine can be a challenge. By understanding the root causes 7) ... your behaviors, you’ll learn how to make changes and stick 8) ... them. You’ll also discover some positive daily routines that can lead you 9) ... a healthier and happier life.

Finding and adopting the right daily routine will re-energize you and help you regain wasted time. Your mind and body will thank you 10) ... the decreased anxiety and extra care you’ve given it.
Ex. 12. Ask the corresponding questions to get the missing information. Note that where there is a blank before a verb, a frequency adverb must be placed.

Student A

Every weekday, Mark gets up at … and then takes a shower. He normally doesn’t have breakfast at home because he … . He goes to the office by car and gets there at …, then he has breakfast at the office at about 7.30. Mark is an … in a very important exportation company. In the morning he works from 7.00 to 1.00, he usually has a break at … and then has lunch at 1.00. At … he starts work again and leaves the office at 5.00. He goes … at about 6.00 pm three times a week and during these days he gets home at 8.00. When he doesn’t go to the gym, he … : he watches TV, goes to the movies or goes out with friends. Mark … makes dinner; he always eats at a local restaurant. … is his favourite food. He reads a few pages from a book before going to bed. He falls asleep at 11.00.

On Saturdays Mark always has lunch with … , his girlfriend. They spend all the day together and they sometimes do extreme sports, they love to go … . On Sundays Mark and Kate always get up very late and she … makes breakfast. In the afternoon, they normally chill out at … and at night they always order food online. When it’s very late at night, Mark … drives Kate home, comes back and goes to bed at about 10.30 pm.

Student B

Every weekday, Mark gets up at 6.45 and then … . He normally doesn’t have breakfast at home because he doesn’t have enough time. He goes to the office by … and gets there at 7.15, then he has breakfast at the office at about … . Mark is an accountant in … . In the morning he works from … to …, he usually has a break at 10.30 and then has lunch at … . At 2.00 he starts work again and leaves the office at … . He goes to the gym at about 6.00 pm … times a week and during these days he gets home at … . When he doesn’t go to the gym, he relaxes at home: he watches TV, goes to the movies or goes out with friends. Mark never makes dinner; he always eats at a local restaurant. Italian is his favourite food. He reads a few pages from a book before going to bed. He falls asleep at … .

On Saturdays Mike always has lunch with Kate, his girlfriend. They spend all the day together and they sometimes do …, they love to go climbing. On Sundays Mark and Kate … get up late and she usually makes breakfast. In the afternoon, they normally chill out at Mark’s house and at night they always … . When it’s very late at night, Mark always drives Kate home, comes back and goes to bed at about … .

Track 3. Ex. 13. People are talking about their daily routines. Listen and say what things each person (Peter, Amelia, Charlie) does.

b. Listen again. Identify the following statements as T (true) or F (false) and correct the false ones. Prove your ideas.

1. a. Peter has a big breakfast.

b. Peter gets to work at 7.00 in the morning.

c. Peter reads the newspaper on the subway

2. a. Amelia drinks tea with her breakfast

b. While Amelia is on the bus, she texts her family

c. Amelia plays video games for half an hour every day

3. a. Charlie has a job

b. Charlie eats a big lunch

c. Charlie looks for a job on line
Ex. 14. a. Match the expressions given in the boxes with the ones given in bold in the text.


a. go to bed very late b. sleep too long c. get out of bed

d. stay in bed e. stay in bed until later f. sleep for a short period

During the week I usually wake up at 6.30 am. I sometimes lie in bed for 5 – 10 minutes but then I have to get up and put on clothes. Most evenings I go to bed at about 11.30 pm, and usually go to sleep/fall asleep very quickly. If I have a late night (opposite an early night), it’s easy to oversleep the next morning, then I may be late for work. If I can, I have a sleep in the afternoon. At weekends I often have a lie-in, for example till 9.30.


  1. without other people b. give food to c. food eaten between meals

d. prepare meals for oneself e. do not make an effort

In the week I have breakfast at 7.00 am, lunch at 1.00, and dinner around 7.00 am. I also have one or two snacks, e.g. a cake or biscuits during the day. As I live alone/on my own, I have to make my own breakfast and dinner, but during the week I don’t bother to cook very much. I also have to feed my cats twice a day.


  1. period to relax b. period for stopping work for a meal c. arrive at work

In the morning I leave home about 8.15 am and
get to work by 9 am. I have a lunch break from 1 – 2 pm, and usually a couple of short breaks during a day. I leave work at about 5.30 and get home at about 6.15.

Spare time

  1. invite friends to one’s house and cook dinner for them b. stay at home

c. visit someone at the house d. leave the house for social reasons

In the week I usually stay in and watch TV or read in the evening. At the weekend I go out, e.g. go to the cinema or disco, but I also have friends for dinner, or friends come around to play cards, e.g. poker or bridge.


  1. smoothing clothes with an iron f. wash the dishes e. was one’s clothes

c. a person who cleans d. buy the food and household goods b. luckily

I do the shopping on Saturday. Fortunately, I have a cleaner and she does most of the housework: she does my washing, she does the washing-up and most of the ironing.

b. How many expressions with «have + noun» can you remember?

c. Match the verbs in a) with the correct word in b) to form common partnerships.

a) do, fall, have, play, go, clean, feed, get up

b) rest, my teeth, the dog, asleep, cards, the ironing, early, to bed

d. Complete the dialogue with a suitable word or phrase from a.

A: Don’t 1) … to cook a meal this evening.

B: Why not?

A: We could 2) … instead.

B: Yeah. Where?

A: I’d like to go to that Korean restaurant. We could ask Karen and Mike to come.

B: That’s miles away. No, I think I’d rather 3) … and have an 4) … night.

A: But it’s Friday. You can have a 5) … tomorrow if we have a late night.

B: Yes, I know, but I’m tired. Look, why don’t you ask Karen and Mike to 6) … for a meal? I can order some pizzas from the takeaway and we’ll have a nice evening here. We can 7) … cards or watch a few videos.

A: Sorry, but if you don’t want to come with me, I’ll go 8) … .

e. Correct the mistakes.

  1. What time do you have the breakfast?

  2. In the morning I always let home at 8 o’clock.

  3. I live by my own.

  4. I went to bed and slept very quickly.

f. Complete the phrasal verb.

  1. I usually wake … around 7.30, and then get … at about 8.

  2. During the week I usually stay … , but at the weekend I always go … .

  3. Sometimes friends come … to the house to play cards.

Ex. 15. Describe the given situation:

Describe the daily routine of a cadet. You should say:

  • what things are important for you while going into higher education;

  • how you spend your free time and the weekends;

  • why or why not it is important for a cadet to plan daily routine.

Explain how your life has changed this year.


Ex. 1. a. Read the text.


  Many people have hobbies. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Hobbies differ like tastes. People usually choose hobbies according to their character and taste.

Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things, and learning things. The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.

  Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It's a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.

Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments.

Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries.

  No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

I think that everybody needs a hobby. Hobbies make our everyday life more bright and diverse. Moreover, most of them develop our skills and broaden our minds. They say that switching to another activity is the most effective way to rest. Hobbies are just perfect for that!

b. Identify the following statements as T (true) or F (false) and correct the false ones. Prove your ideas.

1. Hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time.

2. While taking up a hobby a person depends on his or her own preferences.

3. Doing sport belongs to making things hobby group.

4. The 2 main aspects of having a hobby are firstly that it brings us pleasure during the process and secondly satisfaction with the results.

5. In spite of the fact that people love different things, hobbies make their life interesting and colorful.

c. Answer the questions.

1. What is a hobby?

2. According what principle are hobbies divided to?

3. What are the main hobby groups?

4. What activities does making things hobby group include?

5. How do most Englishmen prefer to spend their free time?

6. What can be collected? Have you ever collected anything? If yes, what?

7. What are the benefits of having a hobby?

8. What do you know about famous people’s favourite pastime?

9. Why do people have hobbies?

10. Is it possible, in your opinion, to turn a hobby into a successful business? Why? / Why not?
Ex. 2. a. Read the title and the introduction to the article. What does Nick’s hobby involve?

UFO Hunter!

A strange shape is moving across the sky. Is it a bird? Is it an airplane? Or is it a UFO*? Nick Porter is fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, so in his free time he tries to find out what these objects are. We asked him some questions about his unusual hobby.

  • So, Nick, why are you so interested in UFOs?

  • Well, thousands of people see strange objects in the sky all over the world. Most of these are planets, meteors, or military planes – but what about the rest? I’m a very curious person, so I want to find an explanation!

  • And what exactly does your hobby involve?

  • Well, I started a UFO club and we mostly investigate sightings. We interview witnesses and analyze videos and photos. Sometimes we go out to a UFO “hotspot” too. In fact, we’re going out tonight. We usually go high up on a rooftop or a hillside. If we see something strange, we record as much information as we can! We use camcorders, cameras, telescopes, and other devices. Then we analyze the information on our laptops.

  • Maybe some of our readers are thinking about taking up UFO hunting now! What advice do you have for them?

  • Well, anyone can become a UFO hunter. You just need to be enthusiastic and patient. You also need to join a local club. This way, you find out where the UFO hotspots are, and you have witnesses if you spot something.

So, what are you waiting for? UFO hunting is a lot of fun, and you never know – you might just turn science fiction into science fact!

*UFO = unidentified flying object

b. Use the words in bold from the text to talk about Nick’s hobby to your group mates / teacher. You may use the following plan:

1. Nick Porter likes UFO hunting because …

2. His UFO club members mainly …

3. When they go out, they have …

4. If you want to take up UFO hunting, you need …

c. Complete the sentences.

1. I find UFO hunting … because … .

2. I … ghost hunting because … .

3. My hobby is … because … .
Ex. 3. Choose the correct words in each sentence.

  1. Are you interested for / in photography?

  2. This is my best / favourite book.

  3. I’ve decided to make / join the local swimming club.

  4. Kate usually passes / spends most of her time reading.

  5. Tim has a very interesting fun / hobby.

  6. What do you like doing in your empty / spare time?

  7. Wendy is a member / team of the drama club.

  8. Sue likes going to the cinema / cinema.

Ex. 4. Choose the most suitable word for each space from the box below the text.

What do you like doing best 1) … your spare time? My cousin Paul likes doing 2) … in the country and 3) ... photos. Sometimes he 4) … with his friends, and they 5) … at the park or at the beach. They always 6) ... a good time. His brother Chris isn’t 7) … on walking. He spends most of the 8) … at home.


A for

B when

C in

D at


A for walks

B walks

C a walk

D to walk


A making

B having

C taking

D doing


A travels

B gets up

C sees

D goes out


A enjoy

B hobby

C go

D have fun


A have

B make

C do

D like


A interested

B out

C decided

D keen


A other

B time

C people

D money