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Ex. 5. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

  1. You need a pencil if you want to make a … .

a. painting b. planning c. drawing

  1. Kate’s mother thinks that skateboarding is … .

a. danger b. dangerous c. in danger

  1. Sarah has a wonderful … collection.

a. stamping b. stamp c. stamps

  1. Does your sister play …?

a. the piano b. pianos c. a piano

  1. Carol writes pop … in her spare time.

a. songs b. sings c. singing

  1. Harry spends a lot of time playing … .

a. computer’s games b. games of computer c. computer games
Ex. 6. a. Match the phrases with their opposites.

  1. I spend a lot of time a. I’m not interested in

  2. I really love b. I don’t have enough time for

  3. I spend too much time c. I’m not very good at

  4. I’m quite good at d. I absolutely hate

  5. I’m really into e. I don’t spend much time

b. Use the phrases above to make eight true sentences about the activities given below.

chatting on the phone listening to music doing exercise

hanging out with your friends doing your homework doing housework

shopping playing computer games reading

relaxing and doing nothing texting your friends walking

watching TV on / using the Internet cooking

E.g.: I’m not very good at cooking. I spend a lot of time chatting on the phone.
Ex. 7. Complete the sentences below with the words from the box.

camping sightseeing snorkeling swimming

shopping skiing surfing trekking

  1. I really like going … . I went right across the Gobi Desert on my own last winter.

  2. I really like going … . You can find some real bargains when you’re abroad.

  3. I really like going … . I always try and book a hotel with good pool.

  4. I really like going … . You can see some amazing fish sometimes when you’re in tropics.

  5. I don’t really like going … very much. Everywhere is so crowded and touristy.

  6. I don’t really like going … very much. I’d much rather stay in a hotel. I miss my home comforts very much.

  7. I don’t really like going … very much. I nearly drowned once doing it in Indonesia, and it really put me off.

  8. I don’t really like going … very much. I fractured one of my legs doing it once, and it really put me off.

Ex. 8. a. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

every used quite all hardly ’d that

A: So do you read much?

B: Yeah, … the time. I read at least a book a week.

  1. A: Do you go swimming a lot?

B: Yeah, nearly … day, unless I’m really busy.

  1. A: Do you go to the cinema much?

B: Yeah, … a lot. I probably go once every two weeks.

  1. A: How often do you play games on the computer?

B: Not … , actually, it’s not really my kind of thing.

  1. A: So how often do you go to the gym?

B: … ever now, to be honest. Today was the first time in ages. I used to go more often.

  1. A: Do you ever watch your favourite team play?

B: Yeah, but not as much as I … like to.

  1. A: Do you eat out a lot?

B: Not as much as we … to. Before we were married, we went out all the time.
b. Work in groups of three or four. Ask each other about habits using the questions and expressions in a.
Ex. 9. Match the sentences 1 – 10 to the follow-up comments a – j.

  1. I go riding once or twice a month.

  2. I’m learning tae-kwondo at the moment.

  3. I go to yoga classes twice a week.

  4. I go snow-boarding whenever I get the chance.

  5. I sing in a choir every Friday.

  6. I go roller-blading every Saturday with some friends.

  7. I play in a band with some friends of mine.

  8. I’m going to do my first bungee jump this Sunday.

  9. I’m learning to scuba dive at the moment.

  10. I’ve got my aerobics class tonight.

  1. I go to the stables just outside of town.

  2. We rehearse in a studio under the railway bridge.

  3. They do classes in the swimming pool near my house.

  4. It’s a kind of martial art, a bit like judo.

  5. We practice in the local church.

  6. It’s really fun doing it to dance music, and we’ve got a great instructor too.

  7. The snow was fantastic the last time I went.

  8. We usually just go through the park, but sometimes we go further.

  9. I really enjoy them. They help me really keep supple and fit.

  10. There’s a crane you can jump from down by the river.

Ex. 10. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

A: Steve, you’ve got an unusual hobby, what exactly 1) … (be) it?

B: Well, it 2) … (be) so unusual, you know. There are millions of people out there who do it every day. We just 3) … (hear) about it that much.

A: So, how 4) … (get) you started? 5) … (do / you) it as a child? I mean, who 6) … (give) you your first Lego set?

B: I was eight years old when I built my first personalized model. I mean, I 7) … (follow) any instructions or anything, I just made it up myself.

A: And what 8) … (be) it a model of? 9) … (get / you) any help to make it?

B: My dad didn’t actually help me, but he did give me a lot of encouragement. It was a very ambitious model – a copy of a bridge over the river in own town. I 10) … (know) at the time, but my dad entered it into a competition. I 11) … (find) out about it till a few weeks later, when a letter came through the post telling me I’d won!

A: And that was just the beginning! What 12) … (work / you) at the moment?

B: A ten-foot replica of the Eiffel Tower.
Ex. 11. Match the beginnings 1 – 6 to the endings a – f to make answers to the question “How did you get into that?”

  1. When I was at school, I was in the handball team

  2. My auntie gave me a set of stamps when I was thirteen, and I really loved them,

  3. When I was living in Madrid, no longer after I graduated, there were some courts near my house,

  4. I used to play quite a lot when I was younger, but I stopped.

  5. When I was at school, it was the “in” thing to collect them,

  6. A friend of mine used to do climbing when I was at university, and he really loved it,

  1. so a friend and I just went down there one day and had a game and I loved it.

  2. and I just carried on playing after I left.

  3. but then when it went out of fashion, I just carried on. I’m glad I did!

  4. so I just started like that and I’ve been collecting them ever since.

  5. Then no longer I started this job, I met this guy who played a lot, and so I took it up again.

  6. and so I just went with him one day and I’ve been doing it ever since.

Ex. 12. Complete the text with the words from the box.

aficionado crazy get got give into keen obsessed passion take

How to have a hobby in 10 easy ways.

  1. You want to do something in your spare time.

  2. So you decide to … up a hobby.

  3. You’ll probably be introduced to it by a friend who’s really … on it.

  4. You … it a try, and immediately … a taste of it.

  5. Next thing you know you’ve … the bug and you’re buying all the equipment.

  6. Gradually your hobby turns into a … .

  7. You read magazines and books about it, you can’t talk about anything else and your friends accuse you of being … .

  8. You’re so … it that you take time off work to dedicate to it.

  9. Soon you’ve become a complete … , an expert in your field.

  10. It’s not just something you do in your spare time anymore. You’re … about it. It’s a way of life.

Ex. 13. Identify what hobbies people in 1 – 4 have.

  1. swap them with people / go to fairs / buy them in auctions / buy them in special shops

  2. do lengths / dive from the ten-metre board / the crawl / the breast stroke / have a sauna

  3. go on the running machine / go on the rowing machine / do weights / do an aerobics class

  4. be in a club / play against a computer / play in tournaments / study the latest moves

Ex. 14. a) Work in groups. How do you think people in the UK spend their free time?

b) Read the first paragraph of the article. Were you correct?

c) Read the rest of the article. Guess the correct answers a) – p).

d) Listen and check. Which answers do you think are surprising?

The British Way of Life?

A new survey on the free time habits of the British is published this week – and it shows that we still love football, shopping, going to pubs, watching TV, gardening and, of course, fish and chips! Here are some of the more surprising results from the survey.

  • a) 53% / 83% of British families have a garden and b) 15% / 35% normally do some gardening every weekend.

  • c) 17% / 27% of British people go swimming every week and d) 26% / 16% play football, but e) 22% / 32% watch football on TV at least once a week.

  • 35% of adults go to the f) the theatre / a rock concert at least once a year.

  • British people watch TV for about g) two / four hours every day – and h) 27% / 47% of men have dinner and watch TV at the same time.

  • The British are always happy when they’re socializing. 46% of i) men / women and 23% of j) men / women go to a bar or pub every week.

  • British people usually go on holiday once a year and 27% of these holidays are in k) Spain / France.

  • l) 30% / 46% of adults go to McDonald’s restaurant every three months, but m) 30% / 46% go to a traditional fish and chips shop.

  • The British spend 726 million euro on n) tea / coffee and 900 million on o) tea / coffee every year.

  • And every British person eats p) 9 / 16 kg of chocolates and sweets every year – more than any other country in the world!

Track 1. Ex. 15. “Eye on the world”. Listen to the details how people in Japan like to spend their free time.

a. Answer the questions.

  1. Where does the recording take place?

  2. Who are the people?

  3. What’s the name of the programme?

  4. What’s the name of this section of the programme?

b. Listen again. Write each free-time activity you hear in the correct place on the table.

Top ten free-time activities in Japan

1. … 2. … 3. … 4. … 5. … 6. … 7. … 8. … 9. … 10. …

c. Make a list of your own top ten free-time activities, tell about them to your group mates / teacher.
Ex. 16. Describe the given situation:

Describe your hobby. You should say:

  • what your hobby is and why you like it;

  • when you like doing your hobby and how much time it takes you;

  • how it helps you in your life.

Explain why people have hobbies.


Ex. 1. a. Read and translate the text.

My Family

Family is very important for every person. Family is a special unit of society when two young people meet, fall in love and get married. Husband and wife can create their happiness together. Often they decide to have children. It isn’t surprising that every achievement, good or bad mood, happiness, it all depends on family relations.

I am Steve Jones. I am a student. I am seventeen years old. My family is large. We are five in our family: a father, a mother, a sister, a brother and me.

My parents are fine people. My mother’s name is Emma. She is forty-two. She’s a flight attendant. My father’s name is Ben. He’s forty-five. He is an engineer. He’s often very busy. My sister’s name is Dolly. She is twenty-three. She is married. Her husband’s name is Ted. Dolly and Ted’s son Den is my nephew. Their daughter Ann is my niece. My father is Ted’s father-in-law. My mother is Ted’s mother-in-law. Ted is my parents’ son-in-law. And I am Ted’s brother-in-law. We are close friends. My little brother’s name is John. Johnny is only six. He’s very noisy. My grandparents, my parents’ parents are not very old. My two grandfathers are about seventy. My two grandmothers are sixty-five.

As for close relatives, I have an uncle on my father’s side and an aunt on my mother’s side. My aunt’s and uncle’s children are my cousins, so I have one he-cousin and one she-cousin. My cousins’ names are Mike and Jane. Unfortunately, I don’t often see them because they live far from us. And it’s a great pleasure when they come to visit us or we go to see them.

Our family tradition is to celebrate birthdays and holidays together. In our family we all respect and trust each other. I love all members of my family, but the closest person for me is my dad. I can always rely on him and even share my secrets with him, because he is ready to support and help me all the time.

So, my family is the best for me and we are all very happy together!

b. Identify the following statements as T (true) or F (false) and correct the false ones. Prove your ideas.

1. Good family relationships are important for success and happiness.

2. Steve has one he-cousin Den and one she-cousin Ann.

3. Steve’s got grandparents both on his father’s and mother’s side.

4. Steve’s relatives live far from him and he has no opportunity to see them.

5. Steve celebrates his birthday in a family circle.

c. Answer the questions.

1. What is family?

2. What depends on family relations?

3. How many people are there in Steve’s family and who are they?

4. How old are Steve’s parents? What do they do?

5. Is Steve an only child in his family? If no, how many sisters, brothers does he have?

6. How many grandparents does Steve have? Are they on his father’s or mother’s side?

7. What close relatives does Steve have?

8. Why can’t Steve often see his cousins?

9. Who is Steve the closest to in his family?

10. Are there any family traditions in Steve’s family? If yes, what are they?

d. Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about families. Tell about your partner’s family to the teacher / your group mates.

Track 1. Ex. 2. a. Listen to two people talking about their families and write the name and the age of each person in the picture.

b. Tell each other about the people in your family.
Ex. 3. a. Read the text and complete it with the words in the box.

half-brothers great-great-grandparents only child couples single-parent families stepmother cousins in-laws extended family grandparents