Файл: Практикум для курсантов, обучающихся на многоуровневой основе в 2 частях Часть 1 3е издание, переработанное.doc

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The drink: Served in a glass container with a plunger for filtering out the solids. Judi’s verdict: It’s all to do with the gadget rather than the coffee. This is a person obsessed with appearances.

They’re also someone who likes to see themselves on the way up - an aspirational person, but one who likes etiquette and rules. The cafetiere drinker likes to be thought of as stylish and a bit continental. When it comes to relationships, they will choose a partner to enhance their status.


The drink: Made with heated milk with froth on the top and often a sprinkling of chocolate.

Judi’s verdict: A lively extrovert with an optimistic outlook on life. Like the coffee they are bubbly but not shallow. Cappuccino drinkers aren’t unduly worried about being at the cutting edge of fashion but they do like having nice objects and attractive people around them. They are sexy and tactile - especially if they’re the type to sprinkle their own chocolate on top. They have a balanced approach to life.


The drink: A large cup of coffee - taken without milk.

Judi’s verdict: This is a no-nonsense drink that reflects the people who drink it. Black coffee drinkers are likely to be practical, decisive and business-like. Some people might find them a little dull, but, in fact they are individuals with some sophistication and probably focused on their career rather than leisure and home life. In relationships this is a person who is confident and happy to take the lead.


The drink: Any variation on iced coffee.

Judi’s verdict: A bit of a poser. They like to stay at the cutting edge of the coffee market as in the rest of life. When new trends appear they are likely to follow and see themselves as trend-setters. There’s a chance people will see them as a bit style over substance. At home they favour modern decor over antiques. They’re also a bit flighty - friendships and relationships tend to come and go. Frappuccino drinkers are social butterflies who shy away from long-term relationships - they want to keep moving.


The drink: Just add water and/or milk to the granules.

Judi’s verdict: This is a no-frills type of person, somebody who takes life as it comes or wants to appear that way. They like a laugh. They tend to get a lift easily and are honest and open. Instant drinkers like the simple pleasures of life, like going to the pub, but they aren’t that adventurous in their career. In relationships they are likely to be loyal but may not provide a huge amount of excitement.


The drink: Made by slowly pouring hot water through crushed coffee beans in a coffee filter.

Judi’s verdict: An individualist who doesn’t worry about kudos or what others think. They are single-minded and know what they want from life. But they like time to think things over. They don’t enjoy being put in high-pressure situations but are thorough in their work and will see a job through. Filter drinkers have a strong personality and as far as relationships go, if someone doesn’t click straight away they aren’t going to be bothered.

d. Which coffee drinker …

  1. has a bubbly personality?

  2. is frightened of commitment but believes in true love?

  3. doesn't care what others think?

  4. is practical, honest, open and loyal?

  5. is a home-loving person who speaks their mind?

  6. is easily bored?

  7. is unreliable and always on the move?

  8. hates confrontation and goes with the flow?

  9. likes time to think things through?

  10. believes in politeness and social rules?

  11. puts their career ahead of home life and may seem a little dull?

  12. has a balanced approach to life?

e. Now discuss the following.

  1. How true is this survey for you and your class?

  2. Do you usually read surveys like this? Are they revealing or rubbish?

  3. Do you believe in horoscopes? Is a Gemini (born between 21 May and 20 June) really different from a Capricorn (22 December-19 January)?

  4. Chinese Astrology suggests that your character comes from the year of your birth. For example, a Goat (born in 1979 or 1991) is friendly but easily led, a Monkey (1980 or 1992) is intelligent but untidy and a Buffalo (1985 or 1997) is reliable but stubborn. Is this true?

Ex. 27. Describe any member of your family. You should say:

  • who and what this person is;

  • what his/her appearance is like;

  • what positive/negative traits of character he/she has.

Comment on the saying “Like father, like son.”


Home, Sweet Home

Ex. 1. a. Read the text paying attention to the words and phrases in bold.

It does not matter what your home is like – a country mansion, a more modest detached or semi-detached house, a flat in a block of flats or even a room in a hostel. Anyway, it is the place where you once move and start to furnish and decorate it to your own taste. It becomes your second ‘ego’.

Your second ‘ego’ is very big and disquieting if you have a house. There is enough room for everything: a hall, a kitchen with a dining room, a living room or a lounge, a couple of bedrooms and storerooms, a toilet and a bathroom. You can walk slowly around the house thinking what else you can do to renovate it.

You come to the kitchen: kitchen furniture, kitchen utensils, a refrigerator (fridge) with a freezer, a dishwasher, an electric or gas cooker with an oven. Probably nothing needs to be changed here.

The dining room is lovely. A big dining table with chairs in the centre, a cupboard with tea sets and dinner sets. There is enough place to keep all cutlery in.

The spacious living room is the heart of the house. It is the place where you can have a chance to see the rest of the family. They come in the evening to sit around the coffee table in soft armchairs and on the sofa. A fireplace and houseplants make the living room really cosy.

Your bedroom is your private area though most bedrooms are alike: a single or a double bed, a wardrobe, one or two bedside tables and a dressing table.

You look inside the bathroom: a sink, hot and cold taps and a bath.

You are quite satisfied with what you have seen, but still doubt disturbs you: ‘Is there anything to change?’ Yes! The walls of the rooms should be papered, and in the bathroom and toilet – tiled! Instead of linoleum there should be a parquet floor. You do it all, but doubt does not leave you. You start moving the furniture around the bedroom, because the dressing table blocks out the light.

Those who live in a one-room or two-room flat may feel pity for those who live in houses. They do not have such problems. At the same time they have a lot of privileges: central heating, running water, a refuse-chute and … nice neighbours who like to play music at midnight. Owners of small flats are happy to have small problems and they love their homes no less than those who live in three-storeyed palaces. Home, sweet home.
b. Say whether these sentences are true or false.

  1. It does not matter what your home is like, it is the place where you like to spend your free time.

  2. Your home is your second ‘ego’, which depends on the type of accommodation.

  3. You can walk around the house thinking of some changes in it.

  4. Each room needs to be repaired.

  5. The private area in the house is your living room.

  6. A fireplace and houseplants are in the spacious living room which make it really cosy.

  7. After renovation you are quite satisfied with what you have seen, and nothing disturbs you.

  8. Those who live in a flat have the same problems as those who live in a house.

  9. Owners of small flats love their homes no less than those who live in mansions.

  10. There’s no place like home.

c. Retell the text using the words and phrases in bold.

Ex. 2. Match the words with their definitions.

Types of house / places people live

  1. detached house

  1. bedroom and living room all in one

  1. semi-detached house

  1. not joined to any other house

  1. terraced house

  1. small house in the country or in a village

  1. cottage

  1. holiday flat or house where you have the right to live one or two weeks a year

  1. bungalow

  1. large house with big gardens or a rented house in a holiday resort / tourist area

  1. bedsit

  1. joint to one other house

  1. villa

  1. joined to several houses to form a row

  1. time-share

  1. house with only one storey (no upstairs)
Places in the home

  1. utility room

a. covered area before an entrance-door

  1. shed

b. a room for reading / writing / studying in

  1. attic

c. room in the roof space of a house (could be lived in)

  1. loft

d. paved area between house and garden for sitting and eating

  1. cellar

e. flat area at the top of a staircase

  1. basement

f. small building separated from the house usually for storing garden tools

  1. landing

g. usually just for washing machine, freezer, etc.

  1. hall

h. space in the roof of a house usually used only for storage

  1. porch

i. room below ground level, no windows, used for storage

  1. pantry or larder

j. room below ground level, windows, for living / working

  1. terrace or patio

k. open area as you come into a house

  1. study

l. large cupboard (usually big enough to walk into) for storing food

Ex. 3. Match the words and phrase in column A with those in column B.


1. a flower bed

2. to go upstairs

3. to overlook the sea

4. a basement

5. to live next door to sb

6. at the rear of the house

7. a housewarming party

8. central heating

9. upholstered furniture

10. to take a shower

11. a tap

12. to cross the threshold

13. to paper walls

14. a cabinet

15. a study


a) выходить на море

b) позади дома

c) подниматься по лестнице

d) жить по соседству с кем-л.

e) клумба

f) фундамент, цокольный этаж

g) оклеивать стены обоями

h) новоселье

i) перешагнуть через порог

j) центральное отопление

k) мягкая мебель

l) принимать душ

m) кран

n) кабинет

o) шкаф со стеклянными дверцами

Ex. 4. Choose adjectives from the list which could describe:

bare quiet convenient spacious sunny untidy noisy dark

1. a house near an airport …

2. a house on a hillside facing south …

3. a room with a lot of things lying on the floor …

4. a house with shops and schools nearby …

5. a house with very small windows …

6. a room with very little furniture …

7. a house in a street with very little traffic …

8. a house with large rooms …
Ex. 5. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words.

1. The bench is very (удобная). 2. My kitchen is very (просторная). 3. There is no booking office (поблизости). 4. There is (тропинка) to the back door. 5. The attic window (выходит на) an orchard. 6. This door (ведет) to a wooden staircase. 7. We have no (места) for this wardrobe. 8. He has a (c двумя спальнями) apartment. 9. She lives on the second (этаже) of a (многоэтажного дома). 10. I’m afraid we’ll have to whitewash (потолки). 11. Come to my place. You should see my new (мебельный гарнитур). 12. What brand of (стиральной машины) and (посудомоечной машины) could you recommend? 13. The house has all modern (удобства), such as (горячее водоснабжение, электричество, центральное отопление). 14. I don’t think these (занавески) match the colour of (обои).

Ex. 6. Underline the most suitable word or phrase.

1. All the cupboards / wardrobes in the kitchen and the bookshelves / library in the living room are included in the price.

2. There is a beautiful stone chimney / fireplace in the living room, and there are sinks / washbasins in all the bedrooms.

3. At the top of the house there is a/an attic / cellar and the garden contains a glasshouse / greenhouse and a garden hut / shed.

4. The bathroom has a shower / washer and modern mixer pipes / taps.

5. This is a fine single / detached house in a quiet neighbourhood / suburbs.

6. As you can see, the garden has two ornamental iron doors / gates and there is a stone path / pavement leading to the house.

7. This is the front entry / entrance, but there is another door at the edge / side of the house.

8. There is a wooden fence / wall
on one side of the garden, and a bush / hedge on the other.

9. Put the meat in the cooker / oven for two hours.

10. Lora was sitting beside the fire in a comfortable armchair / sofa.

11. Steve redecorated his room with flowery posters / wallpaper.

12. Put your wet socks on the central heating / radiator to dry.

13. Mary has a lot of small ornaments on her window shelf / sill.

14. There is someone at /on the door

Ex. 7. Match the words in the box with a suitable explanation. Not all words given are possible.

curtains shelf central heating dishwasher furniture radiator

stool cook doormat urban landing rural rug door knocker

settee / sofa ceiling chimney pillow cushion roof rubbish

1. Wipe your feet on this before you enter the house.

2. Small seat without back or arms.

3. Pull these to cover the windows.

4. An area at the top of some stairs.

5. More than one person can sit on this.

6. A small carpet.

7. This system makes the house warm.

8. Put the dirty dishes in this.

9. Use this if you want someone to open the front door.

10. Put this behind your back if you are sitting uncomfortably.

11. This is the top of the room.

12. This is the top of the house.

13. This describes country places.

14. Put this under your head when you go to sleep.

15. This is anything you throw away in the dustbin.

16. The smoke goes up this from the fireplace.

Ex. 8. Complete each sentence with the words HOME, HOUSE or a word formed from one of these words.

1. Graham bought a terraced … in a quiet city street.

2. I come from Newcastle. It’s my … town, you could say.

3. Pour yourself a drink and make yourself at … .

4. Jane can’t stand washing and ironing and other … .

5. Many … people sleep on the streets of London.

6. Jack was unable to look after his children so he employed a … .

7. The old couple decided to live in an old people’s … .

8. When I went to boarding school, I felt very … sick at first.
Ex. 9. Answer these questions about yourself.

  1. Are time-shares common in any part of your country?

  2. Do houses still have pantries in your country?

  3. What type of accommodation can people rent in your country and what for?

  4. What type of accommodation do you live in?

  5. How does your accommodation reflect your personality?

Ex. 10. a. Decide which answer (a, b, c, or d) best fits each space.

Moving in

The entrance to the flat was at the (1) … of the house. Jane had to walk along a (2) … across the lawn and past a (3) … full of gardening equipment. Inside the back door there was a flight of (4) … and then another door on the (5) … . It was a (6) … flat with a bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. There was not a lot of (7) … but certainly enough for a student like Jane. There was a / an (8) … in the living room with an electric fire, and the kitchen had a small (9) … and a fridge. The bathroom did not have a bath, only a (10) … and a basin, but Jane didn’t mind. She was thinking about other problems. There wasn’t a washing (11) …, and there was no (12) … heating. It was raining outside, and the flat felt damp and chilly. On the bed there were some (13) … and a duvet, but no (14) … . It was lucky that Jane had brought a sleeping bag. As she was wondering what to do next, there was a knock (15) … the door.






a) side

a) road

a) room

a) ladder

a) roof

b) inside

b) way

b) shed

b) upstairs

b) landing

c) beginning

c) path

c) cellar

c) rooms

c) balcony

d) garden

d) stairs

d) floor

d) stairs

d) bottom




a) multi-storey

a) furniture

a) oven

b) semi-detached

b) rent

b) fireplace

c) furnished

c) neighbours

c) cooker

d) cottage

d) housing

d) cooking








a) cook

a) waterfall

a) machine

a) central

a) wrappings

a) whites

a) for

b) cookery

b) shower

b) up

b) much

b) rugs

b) sheets

b) behind

c) cooker

c) splash

c) room

c) radiator

c) carpets

c) spreads

c) to

d) cooking

d) sink

d) powder

d) good

d) blankets

d) cloths

d) at