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is the amount it earns by selling goods or services in a given period such as a year. The firm’s costs are the expenses incurred in producing goods or services during the period. Profits are the excess of revenues over costs.


Thus we can write


Profits = revenues  costs



Although these ideas are simple, in practice the calculation of revenues, costs, and profits for a large business is complicated. Otherwise we would not need so many accountants. We begin with a simple example.

Rent-a-Person is a firm that hires people whom it then rents out to other firms that need temporary workers. Rent-a-Person charges £10 per hour per worker but pays its workers only £7 per hour. During 1987 it rented 100 000 hours of labour. Business expenses, including leasing an office,  buying  advertising  space,  and  paying  telephone  bills,  came  to  £200 000. Figure 5 shows the income statement or profit-and-loss account for 1987. Profits or net income before taxes were £100 000. Taxes to central government (corporation tax) plus taxes to local government (rates assessed on some of the property the firm owned) came to £25 000. Rent-a-Person’s after-tax profits in 1987 were £75 000.

Now we can discuss some of the complications in calculating profits.




People do not always pay their bills immediately. At the end of 1987, Rent-a-Person has not been paid for all the workers it hired out during the year. On the other hand, it hasn’t paid its telephone bill for December. From an economic viewpoint, the right definition of revenues and costs relates to the activities carried out during the year whether or not payments have yet been made.





This distinction between economic revenues and costs and actual receipts and payments raises the important concept of cash flow.

A firm’s cash flow is the net amount of money actually received during the period.

Profitable firms may still have a poor cash flow, for example when customers are slow to pay their bills.

Part of the problem of running a business is that cash flow at the beginning is bound to be slow. Set up costs must be incurred before revenues start to flow in. That is why firms need financial capital to start the business. If the business prospers, revenues will build up and eventually there will be a healthy cash inflow.




Physical capital is the machinery, equipment, and buildings used in production.

Rent-a-Person owns little physical capital. Instead, it rents office space, typewriters, and desks. In practice, businesses frequently buy physical capital. Economists use ‘capital’ to denote goods not entirely used up in the production process during the period. Buildings and lorries are capital because they can be used again in the next year. Electricity is not a capital good because it is used up entirely during the period. Economists also use the terms ‘durable goods’ or ‘physical assets’ to describe capital goods.

How should the cost of a capital good such as typewriters be treated in calculating profits and costs? The essential idea is that it is the cost of using rather than buying a piece of capital equipment that should be treated as part of the firm’s costs within the year. If Rent-a-Person leases all its capital equipment, its costs include merely the rentals paid in leasing capital goods.

Suppose however that Rent-a-Person buys eight typewriters at the beginning of the year for £1000 each. It should not count £8000 as the cost of typewriters in calculating costs and profits for that year. Rather the cost should be calculated as the reduction in the value of the typewriters over the year. Suppose the wear-and-tear on the typewriters over the year has reduced their value from £1000 to £700 each. The economic cost of the use of eight typewriters over the year is £2400 (8  £300). This amount of depreciation is the cost during the year.


Depreciation is the loss in value resulting from the use of machinery during the period.

The cost during the period of using a capital good is the depreciation or loss of value of that good, not its purchase price.

The existence of depreciation again leads to a difference between economic profits and cash flow. When a capital good is first purchased there is a large cash outflow, much larger than the depreciation cost of using the good during the first year. Profits can be high but cash flow low. However, in subsequent years the firm makes no further cash outlay, having already paid for the capital goods, but must still calculate depreciation as an economic cost since the resale value of goods is reduced still further. Cash flow will now be higher than economic profit.

The consequence of treating depreciation rather than purchase price as the true economic cost is thus to spread the initial cost over the life of the capital good; but that is not the reason for undertaking the calculation in this way. Rent-a-Person could always have sold its typewriters for £5600 after one year, restricting its costs to £2400. The fact that the firm chose to keep them for reuse in the next year indicates that the latter strategy is even more profitable. Hence the true economic cost of using the typewriters in the first year can be at most £2400.


II. Exercises


1. Переведите текст на русский язык, используя словарь в конце урока.

2. Найдите в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы и запишите их.

1)  What is a firm’s revenue?

2)  What are the firm’s costs?

3)  What are the firm’s profits?

4)  How can you calculate profits?

5)  What is the difference between economic revenues and costs and actual receipts and payments?

6)  When may profitable firms have a poor cash flow?

7)  Why do firms need financial capital to start a business?

8)  What goods are included into physical capital?

9)  How should the cost of a capital good be treated in calculating profits and costs?

10)What is depreciation?

11)When is the firm’s cash flow higher than economic profit?

12)What is the best way of calculating the true economic cost of a capital good?

3. К выделенным жирным шрифтом словам в тексте подберите слова, противоположные по значению, из следующего списка:

revenue, receipt, to hire, constant, outlay, consequence, previous, to incur expenses, to extend.

4. Найдите в тексте предложения, соответствующие по смыслу данным ниже, и запишите их в тетрадь.

1)  Износ  это снижение стоимости основного фонда в результате его использования в данный период времени.

2)  Основной капитал  это оборудование, не полностью использованное в производственном процессе за данный период времени.

3)  При закупке основного капитала требуется большой расход наличности.

4)  При подсчете прибылей и убытков учитывается фактическая деятельность фирмы в течение целого года, а не выплата и поступление наличных денег.

5)  При ведении дела поток наличности вначале бывает незначительным.

6)  Для того, чтобы начать дело, фирме нужен финансовый капитал, так как предстоят учредительские расходы.

7)  После подсчета чистого дохода необходимо вычесть налоги, которые фирма платит государству.

8)  Расходы предпринимателей включают арендную плату за помещение, покупку места для рекламы, оплату счетов за телефонные переговоры и зарплату служащих.

5. Образуйте существительные от данных глаголов. Проверьте их по тексту. Переведите их.

to exist, to complicate, to pay, to rent, to restrict, to equip, to advertise, to depreciate, to indicate, to treat.

6. Образуйте наречия от данных прилагательных. Переведите их:

simple, entire, temporary, immediate, actual, slow, financial, healthy, eventual, initial, subsequent.

7. Изложите краткое содержание текста А на английском языке в письменном виде.

8. Прочтите список ключевых слов к тексту В:

income statement  баланс, балансовый отчет

proceed  продолжать

flow of money  денежный поток

trading operations  коммерческие операции

balance sheet  баланс, балансовый отчет

to list  перечислять

assets  активы

liabilities  пассивы, обязательства

to go through  тщательно разобрать

on the left слева

cash  наличность

to owe  быть должным

customer  клиент

accounts receivable  счета дебиторов, дебиторская задолженность

inventories  товарные запасы

warehouse  склад

originally  первоначально

to be worth  стоить

to add up  складывать

on the right  справа

accounts payable  счета кредиторов, кредиторская задолженность

salary  заработная плата

mortgage  закладная

to negotiate  совершать сделку

insurance company  страховая компания

bank loan  банковская ссуда

shorter-term  краткосрочный

cash needs  потребность в наличных деньгах

debt  долг

net worth  собственный капитал (предприятия)

excess  избыток

to wonder  интересоваться

shareholder  акционер

take-over bid   предложение о покупке контрольного пакета акций компании

prospects  перспективы

growth  рост

proven record  проверенная репутация

to bid  предлагать цену

going concern  функционирующее предприятие

customer loyalty  приверженность клиентуры

intangibles  нематериальные активы

goodwill  “цена” нематериальных активов фирмы, репутация фирмы


9. Прослушайте и постарайтесь понять текст В.

10. Напишите краткое изложение текста на русском языке.

11. Прочтите утверждения и выберите те, которые соответствуют содержанию текста Вх):

1)  The income statement shows the flow of money during a given year.

2)  The balance sheet lists the assets the firm owns and its liabilities.

3)  The balance sheet gives us a picture of the firm during the whole time of its existence.

4)  ‘Net worth’ of the firm is the excess of its assets over its liabilities.

5)  Assets are what the firm owes and liabilities are what the firm owns.

6)  Making a take-over bid you are buying not only the firm’s assets but also its goodwill.


III. Vocabulary to Text A














advertising space


место для рекламы

after-tax profit


прибыль за вычетом налогов

to assess


облагать налогом




to build up



business expenses


расходы предпринимателей

capital goods


недвижимое имущество компании,

товары длительного пользования

cash flow


приток наличности

cash inflow


поступление наличности

cash outflow


расход наличности

to come (to)


составлять, равняться



осложнение, затруднение




corporation tax


налог на прибыль компании

to denote






durable goods


товары длительного пользования













to flow in


поступать (о наличности)

to hire






income statement


балансовый отчет

to incur


нести расходы

initial cost


начальная стоимость

to lease


сдавать или брать в аренду




loss of value


снижение стоимости




net amount


сумма нетто

net income


чистый доход

output supply


предложение продукции

outstanding bills


неоплаченные счета




physical assets


основные фонды, недвижимое имущество компании

physical capital


основной капитал, недвижимое имущество компании

production process


производственный процесс

profit-and-loss account


балансовый отчет

to prosper



purchase price


покупная цена



местные налоги







to rent



to rent out


сдавать в аренду



арендная плата




set-up costs


учредительские расходы

to spread









to undertake








точка зрения





IV. Test


1. Выберите из колонки справа по смыслу слова, пропущенные в предложениях.

1)  The firm’s costs are the ... incurred in producing goods or services.

2)  Set up costs must be ... before revenues start to flow in.

3)  The ... shows a flow of money during a given year.

4)  Profitable firms have a poor ... when customers do not pay their bills immediately.

5)  If the business ... revenues will eventually build up.

6)  The net worth is a ... of firm to its shareholders.

7)  The word ‘capital’ denotes goods not entirely ... in the production process during the period.

8)  The cost during the period of using a capital good is the ... or loss of value of that good.

a)   cash flow

b)  liability

c)  depreciation

d)  expenses

e)   assets

f)    income statement

g)  equipment

h)  incurred

i)     prospers

j)     used up


2. Выберите существительные, которые по смыслу могут следовать за данными глаголами:

1) to incur             a) incomes;

                            b) assets;

                            c) expenses.

2) to hire               a) workers;

                            b) payments;


3) to assess           a) bills;

                            b) rates;

                            c) nets.

4) to restrict          a) costs;

                            b) effects;

                            c) reasons.

5) to build up        a) activities;

                            b) flows;

                            c) revenues.



3. Выберите из приведенного списка термины, соответствующие данным определениям.

a)   excess of revenues over costs;

b)  the amount a firm earns by selling goods or services in a given period;

c)  the expenses incurred in producing goods or services during a period;

d)  the net amount of money actually received during the period;

e)   goods not entirely used up in the production process;

f)    the loss in value resulting from the use of a capital good during the period;

payment for hiring a good or service.

1.   rental;

2.   profits;

3.   revenue;

4.   cash flow;

5.   costs;

6.   physical capital;

7.   depreciation.


Unit 10


I. Information for study.


Text A


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Businesses are DECISION MAKING units. The decisions that they make might include: