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BRS Physiology

(D)  patient who hyperventilates on a commuter flight

(E)  patient who is taking a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor for glaucoma

(F)  patient with a pyloric obstruction who vomits for 5 days

(G)  healthy person

63.  Somatostatin inhibits the secretion of which of the following hormones?

(A)  Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

(B)  Insulin

(C)  Oxytocin

(D)  Prolactin

(E)  Thyroid hormone

64.  Which of the following substances is converted to a more active form after its secretion?

(A)  Testosterone

(B)  Triiodothyronine (T3)

(C)  Reverse triiodothyronine (rT3)

(D)  Angiotensin II

(E)  Aldosterone

65.  Levels of which of the following hormones are high during the first trimester of pregnancy and decline during the second and third trimesters?

(A)  Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

(B)  Estradiol

(C)  Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

(D)  Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

(E)  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

(F)  Oxytocin

(G)  Prolactin

(H)  Testosterone

The following diagram applies to Questions 66 and 67.





66.  During which labeled wave or segment of the electrocardiogram (ECG) are both the atria and the ventricles completely repolarized?

(A)  A

(B)  B

(C)  C

(D)  D

(E)  E

67.  During which labeled wave or segment of the electrocardiogram (ECG) is aortic pressure at its lowest value?

(A)  A

(B)  B

(C)  C

(D)  D

(E)  E

The following diagram applies to Questions 68 to 74.






68.  At which site is the amount of paraaminohippuric acid (PAH) in tubular fluid lowest?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

69.  At which site is the creatinine concentration highest in a person who is deprived of water?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

70.  At which site is the tubular fluid [HCO3] highest?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

71.  At which site is the amount of K+ in tubular fluid lowest in a person who is on a very low-K+ diet?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

72.  At which site is the composition of tubular fluid closest to that of plasma?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

73.  At which site is about one-third of the filtered water remaining in the tubular fluid?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

74.  At which site is the tubular fluid osmolarity lower than the plasma osmolarity in a person who is deprived of water?

(A)  Site A

(B)  Site B

(C)  Site C

(D)  Site D

(E)  Site E

75.  A patient’s electrocardiogram (ECG) shows periodic QRS complexes that are not preceded by P waves and that have a bizarre shape. These QRS complexes originated in the

(A)  sinoatrial (SA) node

(B)  atrioventricular (AV) node

(C)  His–Purkinje system

(D)  ventricular muscle

Comprehensive Examination


76.  Which of the following substances would be expected to cause an increase in arterial blood pressure?

(A)  Saralasin

(B)  V1 agonist

(C)  Acetylcholine (ACh)

(D)  Spironolactone

(E)  Phenoxybenzamine

77.  A decrease in which of the following parameters in an artery will produce an increase in pulse pressure?

(A)  Blood flow

(B)  Resistance

(C)  Pressure gradient

(D)  Capacitance

78.  Which of the following changes occurs during moderate exercise?

(A)  Increased total peripheral resistance (TPR)

(B)  Increased stroke volume

(C)  Decreased pulse pressure

(D)  Decreased venous return

(E)  Decreased arterial PO2

79.  Plasma renin activity is lower than normal in patients with

(A)  hemorrhagic shock

(B)  essential hypertension

(C)  congestive heart failure

(D)  hypertension caused by aortic constriction above the renal arteries

80.  Inhibition of which enzyme in the steroid hormone synthetic pathway reduces the size of the prostate?

(A)  Aldosterone synthase

(B)  Aromatase

(C)  Cholesterol desmolase

(D)  17,20-Lyase

(E)  5α-Reductase

81.  During which phase of the cardiac cycle does ventricular pressure rise but ventricular volume remain constant?

(A)  Atrial systole

(B)  Isovolumetric ventricular contraction

(C)  Rapid ventricular ejection

(D)  Reduced ventricular ejection

(E)  Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation

(F)  Rapid ventricular filling

(G)  Reduced ventricular filling


BRS Physiology

82.  Which of the following lung volumes or capacities includes the residual volume?

(A)  Tidal volume (TV)

(B)  Vital capacity (VC)

(C)  Inspiratory capacity (IC)

(D)  Functional residual capacity (FRC)

(E)  Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)

83.  Arterial [HCO3] of 18 mEq/L, Pco2 of 34 mm Hg, and increased urinary HCO3excretion would be observed in a

(A)  patient with chronic diabetic ketoacidosis

(B)  patient with chronic renal failure

(C)  patient with chronic emphysema and bronchitis

(D)  patient who hyperventilates on a commuter flight

(E)  patient who is taking a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor for glaucoma

(F)  patient with a pyloric obstruction who vomits for 5 days

(G)  healthy person

84.  A 36-old-woman with galactorrhea is treated with bromocriptine. The basis for bromocriptine’s action is by acting as an agonist for

(A)  dopamine

(B)  estradiol

(C)  follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

(D)  gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

(E)  human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

(F)  oxytocin

(G)  prolactin

85.  A 32-year-old woman who is thirsty has a urine osmolarity of 950 mOsm/L and a serum osmolarity of 297 mOsm/L. Which diagnosis is correct?

(A)  Primary polydipsia

(B)  Central diabetes insipidus

(C)  Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

(D)  Water deprivation

(E)  Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)

86.  Hypoxia causes vasoconstriction in which of the following vascular beds?

(A)  Cerebral

(B)  Coronary

(C)  Muscle

(D)  Pulmonary

(E)  Skin

87.  Which diuretic is administered for the treatment of acute mountain sickness and causes an increase in the pH of urine?

(A)  Acetazolamide

(B)  Chlorothiazide

(C)  Furosemide

(D)  Spironolactone

88.  Arterial pH of 7.25, arterial Pco2 of

30 mm Hg, and decreased urinary excretion of NH4+ would be observed in a

(A)  patient with chronic diabetic ketoacidosis

(B)  patient with chronic renal failure

(C)  patient with chronic emphysema and bronchitis

(D)  patient who hyperventilates on a commuter flight

(E)  patient who is taking a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor for glaucoma

(F)  patient with a pyloric obstruction who vomits for 5 days

(G)  healthy person

89.  In which of the following situations will arterial PO2 be closest to 100 mm Hg?

(A)  A person who is having a severe asthmatic attack

(B)  A person who lives at high altitude

(C)  A person who has a right-to-left cardiac shunt

(D)  A person who has a left-to-right cardiac shunt

(E)  A person who has pulmonary fibrosis

90.  Which of the following is an example of a primary active transport process?

(A)  Na+–glucose transport in small intestinal epithelial cells

(B)  Na+–alanine transport in renal proximal tubular cells

(C)  Insulin-dependent glucose transport in muscle cells

(D)  H+–K+ transport in gastric parietal cells

(E)  Na+–Ca2+ exchange in nerve cells

91.  Which gastrointestinal secretion is inhibited when the pH of the stomach contents is 1.0?

(A)  Saliva

(B)  Gastric secretion

(C)  Pancreatic secretion

(D)  Bile

92.  Which of the following would be expected to increase after surgical removal of the duodenum?

(A)  Gastric emptying

(B)  Secretion of cholecystokinin (CCK)

(C)  Secretion of secretin

(D)  Contraction of the gallbladder

(E)  Absorption of lipids

93.  Which of the following hormones causes contraction of vascular smooth muscle?

(A)  Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

(B)  Aldosterone

(C)  Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

(D)  1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol

(E)  Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

94.  Which of the following is absorbed by facilitated diffusion?

(A)  Glucose in duodenal cells

(B)  Fructose in duodenal cells

(C)  Dipeptides in duodenal cells

(D)  Vitamin B1 in duodenal cells

(E)  Cholesterol in duodenal cells

(F)  Bile acids in ileal cells

95.  Which of the following hormones acts on the anterior lobe of the pituitary to inhibit secretion of growth hormone?

(A)  Dopamine

(B)  Gonadotropin-releasing hormone


(C)  Insulin

(D)  Prolactin

(E)  Somatostatin

96.  Which step in the steroid hormone synthetic pathway is required for the development of female secondary sex

Comprehensive Examination


characteristics, but not male secondary sex characteristics?

(A)  Aldosterone synthase

(B)  Aromatase

(C)  Cholesterol desmolase

(D)  17,20-Lyase

(E)  5α-Reductase

97.  At the beginning of which phase of the cardiac cycle does the second heart sound occur?

(A)  Atrial systole

(B)  Isovolumetric ventricular contraction

(C)  Rapid ventricular ejection

(D)  Reduced ventricular ejection

(E)  Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation

(F)  Rapid ventricular filling

(G)  Reduced ventricular filling

98.  Which of the following actions occurs when light strikes a photoreceptor cell of the retina?

(A)  Transducin is inhibited

(B)  The photoreceptor depolarizes

(C)  Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels in the cell decrease

(D)  All-trans retinal is converted to 11-cis retinal

(E)  Increased release of an excitatory neurotransmitter

99.  Which step in the biosynthetic pathway for thyroid hormones produces thyroxine (T4)?

(A)  Iodide (I) pump

(B)  I+I2

(C)  I2 tyrosine

(D)  Diiodotyrosine (DIT) + DIT

(E)  DIT + monoiodotyrosine (MIT)