Файл: Закона рк О науке Айсин С. Б. Кокшетауский университет им. А. Мырзахметова, г. Кокшетау, Казахстан.docx

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Добавлен: 10.04.2024

Просмотров: 16

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Keywords: science, foreign publications, commercialization of science, scientist.



1. National Science Report. - Astana; Almaty, 2018.-- 118 p.

2. The media calculated the number of police in Kazakhstan https://factum.kz/2019/80554/

3. What does the army of Kazakhstan look like against the armed forces of other countries http://today.kz/news/kazahstan/2018-11-13/771965-kak-vyiglyadit-armiya-kazahstana-na-fone-vooruzhennyih-sil-drugih-stran/

4. Modernization and development of agricultural science

5. «State and problems of Kazakhstani science: an inside look» report of the results of a sociological study commissioned by the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan http://www.bisam.kz/ru/reports-and-publications/otcheti/

6. A science that is not in Kazakhstan: who will answer if Nurlyzhol fails https://aqparat. info/news/ 2018/03 /03/8760232 -nauka_kotoroi_ net_v_kazahstane _kto_otvet.html March 03, 2018

7. Ibraev A. Direct speech on the collapse of the science of Kazakhstan nomad.su https://vrk.news/news/i458 10/21/2016

8. Urkumbaev M.F. from the book «Science and Education of Kazakhstan in the XXI Century» http://fund.tarsu.kz/mysli/knigi/76-problemy-nauki-kazakhstana

9. Aliyarov E. Problems and prospects of political science in Kazakhstan http://sarap.kz/ken.php?query=kz

10. Ignatova І. Priorities and prospects of science https://kazpravda.kz/articles/view/prioriteti-і-perspektivi-nauki January 30, 2018

11. Kazakhstan Science: pending a breakthrough https://forbes.kz/process/science/nauka_kazahstana_v_ojidanii_proryiva/ August 10, 2018

12. Amanov S. «Curiosity in Kazakhstani science has faded into the background» https://yorick.kz/serzhan-amanov-nauka-kazahstana-pochemu-po-moemu-mneniyu-ne-vse-horosho/15.09.2016

13. Ibraev A. About corruption in the scientific community and about the work of scientific councils https://www.ncste.kz/ru/nauka-na-poroge-novyix-vyizovov.-chem-otvechat-budem

14. Nurligenova Z.N. The development of the system of research institutions of central Kazakhstan in the 50s of the twentieth century https://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=1214

15. Who is engaged in the commercialization of science in Kazakhstan? Https: //the-steppe.com/razvitie/bolevaya-tochka-kto-zanimaetsya-kommercializaciey-nauki-v-kazahstane May 30, 2019

16. Syzdykova M. Actual problems of science will be considered during a practical Internet conference at the international level http://bilimdinews.kz/?p=17558

17. Kazakhstan's anti-record science: why are scientists published in fake magazines? Source: www.kt.kz https://www.kt.kz/eng/society/ antirekord _nauki_ kazahstana_pochemu_uchenie_ publikujutsja_v_fejkovih_zhurnalah_1153662797.html.


Сведения об авторах:

На каз.:

С.Б. Айсин - заң ғылымдарының кандидаты, заңтану кафедрасының доценті, А.Мырзахметов атындағы Кокшетау университеті, М.Әуезов көш. 189А. Кокшетау қ., Қазақстан. Тел.: 8-747-111-38-10. E-mail: saiken2009@mail.ru


На рус.:

Айсин С.Б. - кандидат юридических наук, доцент кафедры юриспруденция, Кокшетауский университет им. А. Мырзахметова, ул. М.Ауэзова, 189А, г. Кокшетау, Казахстан. Тел.: 8-747-111-38-10. E-mail: saiken2009@mail.ru


На англ.:

Aisin S.B. - candidate of law sciences, associate professor of the law department, Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, M.Auezov str. 189A, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan. Tel.: 8-747-111-38-10. E-mail: saiken2009@mail.ru